Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Dec 1917, p. 7

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Em m------ Production Increased effort 'and eff.- clency in labor, mure econ. omy 'and 'less waste In ving building up capital by hard- e€r work and greater savings, will enrich you and your country. The men and wo- n at homie must produce Lo cuver war's waste. 4 «7 - { f= filth finiiiLs TE li . mao It 1s eas Bavings Acc save what ler to make money than to save It A unt at The Bank of Torento will help Your Increased effort provides 11 Branches in Toreate. 119 Branches in Canada ESTABLISHED 1888. THE BANK or TORONT clay, er. LL EER LN FOR SALE : The farm owned and occupied by DennisSheehan at Westhrooke, consisting of 150 acrés good land, with a heick house. and bank barn; stlosulso other outbuildings in gooil repair. On terms to suit purchaser. Apply to J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock St. Order Early. . THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 ything done in the CArpen- stimates given on all kinds and new work; also hard- wood floors of all kinds All orders { ®1IL receive prompt attention. Shop ; $0 Queen street. The Promoters of St. Mary's Rink Will Give a Progressive Euchre Party in the Y.I.C.B.A, Hall Wellington' Street Thursday Evening, 27th, 8/0'clock. Refreshments We are offering the balance of our stock of Christmas Choe- olates, Perfumes and Cigars at cost. Your inspection invited. Hoag's Brows Fost oc. We Sell Goods for |i What They Really [|| pe rclock, Are. | va rari New woods coming 1m any. || KINGSTON CITY ann. New Daten, ew ium ew [| HOCKEY LEAGUE Ppelw, Purkink Delight, Velvet . I Meeting Friday, Decem- ber 28th. at 7.30 p.m. Y.L.C.B.A. Hall Wellington street. Election of offi- cers, Everybody invited. "Joseph P. O'Brien, President. INSECTS, LIKE BIRDS, CALL. t rm Baker's Grocery Phone 1016. Princess and Frontenac Sts. --_-- [2] | Friendship's ! "PLANTS FOR XMAS. English Primroses, Primula nts, Jerusalem Cherry Plants. Nem------ CLOTHING ON EASY TERMS Ladies' Suits, Dresses and Furs, Gentlemen's Sults and Overconts. {Bees Mean Something When They | Hum Louder and L-uder, 1 Insects, like birds and animals, | have their calls. But the sounds | Choice stock of Christmas groceries and vegetables. they produce include the rubbing | together of their limbs or wing cov- | ers and the vibration of their wings, 180 they cannot always be spoken of | 8 voices. Flies and bees undoubt- | edly mean something when they hum i louder and louder, Landoise, the famous naturalist, | has calculated that to produce the jsound of F by vibrating its wing, they vibrate 352 times a second, and [the bee to create ' A vibrates 440 times a second. A tired bee hums on, E sharp. This change is, perhaps, in- voluntary, -but undoubtedly at the {command of the will, and is similar to the voice. When seeking honey a bee hums | to F sharp. Landoise noticed three | different tones emitted by insects-- |a low one during flight, a higher one {'when the wings are held so that they cannot vibrate, and a higher one yet when the insect is held so that none of his limbs can be moved. No music is as familiar as that | produced by the locust, grasshopper, {nd crickets, and, although they Aare not produced by the mouth, they an- wer as calls, and are undoubtedly a language to a certain extent; in- deed, their calls have been reduced to written music. . The music of grasshoppers is produced in four dif- ferent ways, according to Scudder. First, by rubbing the base of one wing upon the other, using for that purpose veins running through the middle portion of the wing; second, by a similar method, by using the | veins of the inner part of the wing; | third, by rubbing the inner surface jot the hind legs against the outer 374 King Street. TAXI'SERVICE RING 960. All Limousine Cars Used. Kingston Taxi Cab - Co. n---- F. J.JOHNSON *® +The Leading Florist After pairing, the ostrich begins to make his nest. It is the male ;alone that performs this duty. To 'do it, he squats upon the ground, -- Nearly Married THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1917. GRAND ™ | HOUSE [At 2.30 PM.. *1.. CONTINUOUS £130 P.M. Daily Performance | Polite Vaudeville 7-Reel Metro Wonder- ---- play | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATERS | HAROLD LOCKWOOD -- IN First tusertion, lea word. Bach secutive insertion thereafter, ord. inimum cha: ene insertion. 35¢; three asrtons, BOARD son, « D ROOM; ire to room city three months. care Whig Office. FATHER AND together; stay - Address, oon AN half. 8 M ing "W.G.G." 50; six $1; one month, ~ SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in part yment of new HELP WANTED Bhan ar In pare payment of hew A CHAMBERMAID, say, Limitea, 121 Princess street: Randeiph, APPLY AT THE : Paradise Garden The Pathe "News, Comedy amd Other Features, TWO GOOD SOUND CLEAN HORSES ROOM AND BOARD WANTED BY A returned soldier, who is starting to work 1 want to give violin lessons in evenings. Address Box for delivery purp Andersor ISEE Apply at | Matinee | Any Seat | 10¢ Evening 10; Reserved, Se Extra EXPERIENCED MAV TO RUN BOILER 25, Whig office, vity. and & tion. le work Steady posi- Polson N. © & Co. BICYCLE RIDERS TO BRING THEIR ' Four Days Commencing i PACKER. bicycles to Geo. Muller, 373 Kin Street, to be cleaned and stor for winter: miso skates hollow ground and sharpened. Phone 1032, PERMANENT POSITION Apply wo N, C. 265 Ontario St * for a good man, Polsori & Co, Monday, Dec. 31 AN EXPE INCED GENERAL vant 1 in the evenings, Miss Dwyer, 64 Barrie stréet. SER- WI FURNISHED ROOMS WITH HOUSE. keeping privileges for couple with Daily at 2.30; Nights 8.13 The William Fox Wonder Film boy gwin years oll. State terms and location. Would consdder fur- nished tlat or house. Apply Box 72, Whig Office. AT ONCE TO LEARN 1-88 Apply to A. J ir od r's Bakery, Princess WHY NOT LET THE READERS OF TRAVRLLERS CALLING UPON MER- " chants and business men in East- ern Oniana oan Sonnac wl Rs 90d e line i plying to § Whig op Berinls cou. fidential. {Hig paper do business with you? Your advertisement in these pages would give them the opportunity to do so. For particulars, phone or write British Whig Pub, C Jack and the Beanstalk FOR OLD AND YOUNG Direct from Its Big New York Run at the Globe Theatre 1300 Children --, 815 Foot Giant BIGGER AND BETTER THAN A CIRC Matinees--13¢, 25¢, 35¢. Nights--25¢, 35¢, Soc. | Children Will Be Admitted to Any Part of the House at Matinces for 25c. Seats on Sale Friday. Pathe News at Every Performance | WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF hand furniture, st ete. We also in_ the second- LS. Sha Phone 133 ov have 0, 46 Prin- cess gtreet. 7. WANTED -- OLD don't matter FALSE if. broken, TEETH; : to $15 t. Send by pan ol 0 $15 r set. Sen y parece With or without experience, on and Oe check by return a Sewjng and knitting machines. I. Terl, 402 N. Wolfe St, Balti. Light work; highest wages paid more, Md. while learning. Apply Kingston Hosiery, Limited. MANY NIG. ADVERTISERS FIRST started with a little ad this size. The cost is so lble and the re. sults s0 big. We will gladly give you full particulars. Call at the office or drop us a postal today. British Whig Publishing Co. | FOUND SOLDIER'S PAY name, J. J. McCarthy, up on G.T.R. train. Owner can secure same at W Paul's cigar store. - BOOK WITH picked ON BROCK ST. SMALL SCREW diver. * Owner can have same by calling at 229 Brock street and proviug property. ROSARY, ON WELLINGTON ST. Owner may have the same by applying at Whig Office. A PAIR OF HOCKEY SKATES and boots at the Wolfe Island dock. , Ownep may have same by calling at Whig Office. GENTLEMEN'S BROWN RUR. ber on Market Square. Owner can have same by calling at Whig Office A HAND SATCHEL WITH SUM of money, Owner can have same at 131 Colborne street, FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. | COMFORTABLE CUTTER SECOND HAND AUTOS ROU LARGE STOCK FOR SALE. = TARS BE EFFECTIVE ADVTS, « little. Once, 26v; three ate one week, JON. . IN GOOD Apply ta J, Mullen, 185 streef, conditbon, Fronteaace GHT AND sold. Apply to Bert Stansbury, 188%: Raglan Road. Phone 769, \ GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND Selegtions, your own chelce, 5d erms: cash, $1 week. C. W. Lindsay, Limited 131 Princess [3 SOME OF THE BIGGEST AD ers today sometimes use a Mttle &d Mke this. A phone call or a win ring you full pare tioulars about this department. - British Whig Publishing Co, OF EXTENSION TA. bles and dining chairs, ute china cabinets, also sprin end ° TISED FREE, Anyone finding anything and Sianing to reach the owner may do so by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. "Found articles" does not' In. clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, ete. These, if lost, may be ad- vertised for in the "Lost" colump. #4 A PAIR OF GLASSES ON MONTREAL Street between Charles street and Ndlan's wood yard. Finder kindly leave at Whig Office LADY'S HAND RAG CONTAINING SUM of money and papers, on Savurday night in Grand Opera House, Finder kindly return te Mrs, Metcalfe, 243 Alfred street TEACHERS WANTED. STRAND "The Theatre with the Organ" B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and golicitor. Law office, 79 Clar- 'TEACHER WANTED FOR S, S. NO, 14, ence street, Kingston Kingston; Protestant, 2nd class pro- fessi 1 certificate; salary $600 @ annum. Apply to R. J. Orr, Sec.- reas, Glenburnde, Ont. $ BUSINESS CHANOES Thurs., Friday, Saturday Goldwyn Presents INVESTORS WARNING DON'S INVEST A PRINCIPAL FOR THE SENIOR DE. rartment of the Portsmouth Publie School; jalary 3iee per annum, State qualifications and experience. aubleniption, Success. Protestant only. Applications re. ful Finance, 608 Dearborn St. |. ceived on or before the 27th inst. Chicago. | Thomas F.. Graham, Sec. .19 Al. One cent until you read Successful Finance, and learn how fortunes &re made and lost by investors. Free trial Madge Kennedy The story of an almost bride and .& not-quite bridegroom in a roadhouse where they serve nothing but chicken. Topical and Comedy Reels. Matinee 13c¢. Evening 23¢ NOW THEN WAGSTAFFE'S PLUM PUDDINGS At All Ciocors. well-fed well-kept pair to yield Afty and even sixty eggs. The eggs are placed so as to leave mo space be- tween them. The male and the fe- male brood alternately. At night the male is always on the nest, as it Dossesses greater warmth than the female. | These birds perform their duties with the greatest skill, without apy noise or breakage of the eggs. The incubation lasts forty-five days on an average, sometimes fifty days, never continues beyond that. When the chicklings hatch out they can be heard trying to break the shell of the egg" Sometimes they succeed in do- ing so, but usually the father breaks the egg under his breast-bone, tears the inside skin with his bill, and frees the chickling. Upon first reach- ing the air the chickling remains limp and weak. But the warmth of the parent soon revives it, and a few hours afterwards we posing to run about, exercising its long , top- pling over at each step, and recom- | mencing again its stumbling journey. | Four days after their hatching the chicklings begin to eat. "During the past have fitted eight men with limbs, and we have now seven thousand men wait- ing to fitted. We make t types arms, one for heavy work the wington Avenue, Portsmouth, DR. RERVE, t Nerve Specialist, Years of experience .enables me to treat difficult cases suc- cessfully. Call, or state case by letter. 18 Cariton Street, Teoremte, SITUATIONS VACANT AMAZING SELLER -- TABLETS THAT wash clothes, spotiessly clean with- out rubbing. Promise to solicit orders, with-ten cents will bring samples for four washings. Make dollar an hour. Washing Tablet Distributors, Brantford, Ont. ON WEDNESDAY, AN OLD CHUM TO. $30--FRAME, $2,000---FRAME; 7 'ROOMS SEVERAL 6 ROOMS, CENTRAL location, $1.400--BRICK FRONT, DOWN TOWN, #1400 FRAME, TWO 0 TO CHOOSE with stable, rom; one $1,800--SEVERAL BRICKS; ¢ ROOMS) improvements. 1 IMPROVE. ments. $3,500--~BRICK 10 ROOMS; ALL MO. ern, (500--BRIOK; ALL MODERN; GAR. age; 3 to choose from. $5,000--HRICK: 13 ROOMS; MODERN improvements. #3,300--BRICK 8 ROOMS; ALL MO. darn. VERY LOW PRICED to quick buyers on oasy G. A. Bateman, 67 Clarence, "houses terms, baceo pouch, containing about $32 in bills, on Princess street Win finder kindly return to this ofMce ' FINANCIAL and receive reward. TO LET 3 OFFICRS In CLARENCE ST. 1 SEAM. TS APPlY to A. B. Cunningham, 79 Clarence street. Rag EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, NEAR © ITY Park, vacant at present time, Ap- FRONTENAC "LOAN AND x ment Seclety; Incorporated resident, Colonel .H, R, "M.G.; vice-president, 'W. F. kle, K.C, oney Issued on .and farm properties, municipal entures; mort Investment bon sale; deposits received and terest allowed. R. C, manager, §7 Clarence St, Kin Pp! Ply Box 1226 Whig Office. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE OR MER. chandise, clean and dry. McCann's Real Estate Agency, §3 Brock 8 + Phones 326 or 621. fs -- TWO BRICK the other session. HOUSES, ONE AT $20.00 at $25.00, immediate 8- LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND @ Avalla) ition to aati, os Fire Insurance Company, assets $61,187,215. In which the pol security the u city property, possible rates. old or givin rates from Phone 3 Insured fore new business trange & Strange, Agents, 2 po! ly the 1% Carroll Api Agency, 56 AR street, "nen i '& Practical Dresr Making, Lessons Prepared Specially fo. Vhis Newspaper By Pictorial Review Taupe Cashmere for This Charming Frock, perforations and 2 inches above. Face collar and sew to neck edge of onter waist. Or, ff the draped collar is used, adjust to neck edgs of back and along small "0" perforations in out- er front matching single large "0" perforations in collar amd in front. Leave collar frés forward of single small "0" perforation, stretching col lar to fit neck edge and tie ends in a loose knot. CONSTRUCTION GLIOE $430 OUTWLD Bue Gar Fiome / Arrange outer waist on underbody with center-fromts, center-backs, un- derarm seams and armhole edges even; stitch lower edges t her. To make the siceve, form plait, creasing on slot perforations, lap folded edge to small "0" perforations and stitch to position, leaving free below siugle largd "0" perforation. Finish for closing. Close, seam of sleeve as notched. Sew sleeve in armhole as notched. » Next, take the skirt and join gores as notched, leaving left side seam free above lower large "0" perfora: tion In front gore and finish edges for closing. Adjust skirt to position stitching upper edge, over upper row of gathers in A chic. and inéapensive frock of taupe cashmere with plaited tunic and fancy girdle. A draped collar of ecra chiffon cloth finishes the neck. Easily among the most fashion~ble : col for spring is taupe, and it is ery Can in . cashmere. The frock pictured here developed in taupa, two piece skirt is fitted waist and attached to the raised effect. Box-plaits make tunic a most effective addition skirt, and inch lining for the STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ULEAN dry, ay rooms; Rou", own lock and key. Frost's Clty Storage, 399 Queen street. Phone 526; res. 989 TWO WARM AND BRIGHT FURNISH. ed rooms with board. Central lo- cation; all conveniences; gentiemen preferred. Rates reasonable. Ap. ply 282 Queen street, THIS DEPARTMENT IS ALWAYS glad to hear from any one thinking ui classified" advertisin " Write or Phone us about it, We may be able to hel Whig Pub. ' 2 P You. British P, $40, BRICK; ALL MODERN 7 hardwood floors; choice, central location. Geo. A. Bateman, 67 Clarence St. rooms, DRESSMAKING MISS RICHARDSON, DRES! having resumed '-business, ®o erders for fail sand winter Address 202 Alfred street. MISS PILLEY WISHES TO ANNOUNCE to her patrons that she has re- moved her business from 211 Queen street to 260 Division St FURNITURE FINISHING Cx: DRISCOLL, FURNITURE er. Call or drop a card. street. PERSONAL OFFICE WITH ALL CONVENIENCES, . central, GARAGE ON GARRETT ST, G. A. BATEMAN'S, 67 CLARENCE sT, MARRY pg AT ONCE -- IF LONELY) write me; and I will send you hun= dreds of descriptions; congenial people, worth $1,000 to 3 3 seeking marriage; (Confidential), Ralph Hyde, San Francisco, Cal. DENTAL A. E. KNAPP, 9. OfMce, 258 Britons bd DR J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, Phone HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, and all growths ishes and skin corner Pri : Phone sag noes and Bagot streets' POWER & SON, ARC Breck: and' i BE Rates on Applicat = £ balancing mself oO Boe Mg abhe up oe Git other for clerical work. With the ° his legs and throws it behind former a man can wield a nine- . h ¢ i pound sledge hammer and drive a 1 'turns fifteen-inch stake into the ground. on another With the latter a draughtsman who operation bas lost an arm can return to his hole large Job and produce as good work as be- bly. fore." The art of "educating" a man | nest is finished to the artificial limb enables him to gg on Obiain perfect control over all his or 'movements. Some of the artificial a Arms weigh only 2% pounds. Close 'the underarm and shoulder seams of underbody as notched, turn hem fn front at notches and lower edge of fromt to fit th: Jmeasure. Face the plait waist neck or cut The annual Christmas tree enter- 'taimment in the Malorytown Me- thodist church netted over $30.

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