N THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1917. Sm A Sd GR AND ot " HOUSE Production TONIGHT Increased effort ana eff. | ciency et a emor and eo. Polite Vaudeville. omy and less waste In livin, Five-Reel Photoplay building up capital by hard- er work ana grea savings, Emmy Wehlen, in will enric you your . . country The m and wo- a vy XLT COR eT MOM ee Miss Robinson Crusoe CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATERS REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE more to cover wars waste. | The Pathe News, Comedy and Other = REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE . Features. First 'nsertion, 1¢ 8 word: Each con- FOUND It is easier to make money than to save It. A | ee . A 2 . Savings Account at The Bank of Toronto will help | M da d Wednesd ee Nur. Shibrie, for BA ANT ME, $17 save wh po increased effort provides. { on y an esday Mbit big Re Tol Be ay MONTREAL ST, FRAME, $1700 ; ! - LADY'S CLOTH BELT BELONG. a he a 11 Branches in Teorente, 119 Branches in Canada Dec. 24 and 26 | ing to swt. Cal at 174 Priv BARRIE ST, BRICK, $1500. 1 : HELP WANTED Cems Street GARRETT ST. FRAME ESTABLISHED 1585. : : Polite Vaudeville PAIR OF BOYS GREY M SARRETT ST FRAME, $390, : five Ree rr > >! PPL tens. un Princess street. Own- 2C 8° «, a % A ol Ree Petre Wonderplay LC HANMERNALS, APPLY AT hE | Ns oT Erintens pire ior at QUEBEC ST, "BRICK, $2250 ga Petrova, in 29 Mack St. VICTORIA ST. BRICK, $3200. M Truth Than Poe EE de worn. Ticady vost [Il A DRIVER'S GLOVE, ON BROCK VICTORIA ST. BRICK, $3000. ore ru oetry N *. Polson & Co street. Owner can ged same at -- tion « The Pathe News, Comedy and Other Whig Office VICTORIA ST. BRICK, $4000. Features. GOOD PLAIN COOK. APPLY TO a i . 'D -- " Matron, Home for Aged and Friend- NEAR CORNER ALFRED AN MACK ST. BRICK, $4100. Matinee 10¢ Evening 10¢; less, 362 Montreal St. Princess streets; package con- ne Any Seat Reserved, Je Extra - taining leather mitts, Apply UNIVERSITY AVE, BRICK, $4130, A CAPABLE AND EXPERIENCED this office. ATS ---- | 3 4 : clerd Jed keeper; ete Apply MACK ST, BRIC POSSESSION Christmas Attraction Fut a gl Doli FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- RST RR, PACKER. PERMANENT POSIT ! TISED FRER. J. K. CARROLL, 36 BROCK ST. for a good man Apply "t N. C 'olson & Co. 265 itario 8 one finding anything and ues Dec 25th Poisons CongW pulaite x wishin to reach the owner may . * EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER- y reporting the facts to vant, Apply in the evenings, to The "British Whig. The adye y 2 S85 TWEET oo BUFeET tisement -will.-be printed in this F Fo) R S A L E Mat. 3 p.m.; evening 8.15 Miss Dwyer, $4 Barrie street column tree or enarge. dil TH "Fouftd articles" does no - BOY WANTED TO GO MESSAGES AND clude. lost "oF cattle, hor: lost, may be ed- Lost" Fhe farm ow and occupied by DennisSheehan at Westbrooke, sisting America's Favorite Comedian make himself generally useful] round off Apply A. Davis & etc. These, , of 150 acres good land, with a brick house and bank bar n, silo, also other Son. Limitea, arply 4 vis Vertised: tor 1n Solus, IO RANE, ROYMS; CENTRAL ' oation outbuildings in good repair. On terms to suit purchaser. > EE are] ¥ WHY NOT LET THE READERS OF . at I hi er do busi vith you? |= TR $1,400--BRICK FRONT, DOWN TOWN, Apply to J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock St. ™ MURPH \ {iis vapor do busiasss with yeu FOR SALE. oy: ; would give them the opportunity to | $1,400- FRAME, TW 0 To CHOOSE LRT Sa s do so. For particulars, phone or r = VB ADV ool rom; one with stable, " In the Season's Most Diverting write Britisn® Whig Pub. Co. isttle. Omce, 35¢; three times $06; | §1,800--SEVERAL BRICKS; 6 ROOMS) Comedy, Classic EERE RY, one week, $1.00. improvements. SECOND HAND AUTOS BOUGHT AND sold. Apply to Bert Stansbury, 169] $4,500--BRICK: AL 1 MODERN; GAR- ® @ b ) Raglan Road. . Phone 759 age; 3 to choose from. irst With or without experience, on b 3 ACRES TWO 5.000. BRICK: 13 ROOMS; MODERN machines. GARDEN LAN -- 13 Vi mprovements. sewing and knitting miles from Kingston. Apply to R. -- * 25 We 'ew York Light work; highest wages paid A. Marrison, Cataraqui, Ontario. | $5,500--~BRICK; 8 ROOMS; ALL MO- 25 Weeks in New York. while learning. Apply «darn. 133 Performances in Chicago : Hosi ONE PAIR TUBE SPEED SKATES, |SEVERAL VERY LOW PRICED ton ery, and very fine boots, size 7, used hauses to quick buyers on easy - -= . * very little. Apply Box 2112, Whig terms. G. A. Bateman, 67 Clarence. May include a fancy box of chocolates, a fine bottle of perfume. Prices -- Mat. 25¢, 50¢, 73¢, $1. Limited. Office. : ' a box of choice cigars, a box of Christmas stationery; a kodak Evening, 23¢, 50¢, 75c, $1, $1.50 J) TON SANFORD or camera. Our stock is varied and well assorted. A deposit * Yack. » ; p Truck in first class al enor) A means we will set aside your choice until wanted, - Seats now on sale. A to w. G. Craig & Co, or Boyd' he FINANCIAL Vv y s o » y or DOMINION ~~ EXPRESS ~~ FOREIGN ' TWO GOOD LIGHT HORSES FOR |, gp ONE LEFT--THOROUGHBRED Shenles gre Rooepted hy Field oa $ Sg ore delivery purposes. Apply at An- white Toy Poodle, male; would France for their full face value. arson Bros. make a nice Xmas or New Year's There is no better way to send a S ' gift. 290 Ontario street. o! he boys in the trenches. Branch Post Office. THUR. FRI, SAT. [Ar ovce Goon aAvesmme cow, money to the boy e trenches Kingston, due to freshen next spring. Apply | GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND gstos Ontario Box 21, Whig Office. peieotiont, your own choice, xs PRO ENA AN AND av _-- " Terms: $5 cash, §1 per week. , Oolonel H. R. Smi . EAD GT ot ot To | __ Lindsay, Limited. 131 Princess Bt MG; resident, 'W. F. Nie: Douglas Fairbanks pianos and grafanalas. C..W. Lind- Mo Re Hone mun bd, ety ~ NOMINATION In Er mo errr Tao | A J Cee hve | Shunl, Spunuies; MOLEAESS DYE; » > 3 oo co . FURNISHED Hor es OR FLAT, FROM cold Weather. Have your top re- Shas ; plivestment bonds 2! Ver in { Seip--y Wild and Woolly b aa pril, by a Profopeer of covered and curtains repaired. Jud- terest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, | TOWNSHIP OF PITTSBURGH, ce wife and one child Ap- son's Auto Tops, Brockville, manager, 87 Clarence St., Kingston, | oties Is hereb$ given that a mee ly to J. 8. R. McCann, 86 Brock Artcraft Presents i ng pv the electors of the municipality Also St. DOMINION EXPRESS FOREIGN Hall, Joyceville, on Monday, France for their full face value. assets $61,187,215. In addition to day 'of 'December: 1917; betye street, to be cleaned and stored) There 3 ' n 3 A Metro Feature, with : . a is no, better way to send which the polleyholders have for k, noon. for the puri - A Metr . i uen; Sau Shines SONY money to the boys in the trenches. security the unlimited Bability of ing a Reeve and 'ouncillors ' _~ . . " city property, insured at lowest In the Munteinal Counchl of the Emily Stevens TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER. (SOME OF THE BIGGEST ADVERTS Possible tates. Before renewin SEASON TICKET RATES skid township for the Fear. 19) AY chants and business men in East. ad Mie this. A phone call or 8 a singe Gentlemen, yingle . . a Clenk : ern Ontario can ont: with a postal will bring you full Agents. Phone 32 TALES, Shdien single . {1 t Juycevile, this 20th day of | The Fatal Ring. good hie 0! fy oP dricuy 3 Box tioulars about this department. on : Sldren, susle od Anieen ce 1917 Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew fidential British 'Whig _Publistiing Co. D ae Family of two ... , eee oD wT in a Light Comedy. LARGE STOCK OF EXTENSION TA. RESSMAXKIN Family of Three ... ... M and Family of four ar X NO INATION Prices--Mat. 13¢; Evening 25¢. |WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF Dlea a ad dining of i , MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER, Family of five or six... : 2.00 | ri v yA second-hand furniture, stoves, s and mattresses. We buy having resumed business, solicits With the R.CR.A, hand in attendance, | weather and ice permitting. lof the wnship of Pitaburgh, county 3 ---- cheques are accepted by Field | LIvERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE fil be he oye BICYCLE RIDERS TO BRING THEIR Meque ms ! 0 en ight [or Foi ih be held 'in' Jove s Sleeping Memory YCLE RIDERS To BRING THER SSC "un Paymasters | in| VEREOOL, LOYDON AND , GLOBE i : | rin, Students' thekets ... 0 gars heaters, clothes, etc. We also have ok Mind d orders for fall and winter work. RM.C, tickets... ... . % Notice is hereby given that a meet- the second-hand 4 nas 31 Second hand tu street. Address 202 Alfred street. Hand Heketn ... ce +... 2be|ing of the electors of 'the Township hoe for 3ile. oo. napiro. 45 Pria-| Phone 1600. * iemerpl skating tiekeds "er a . | of Kingston, county of Frontenac, will - : OW a 'N b be held in the Township Hef, Catar- ' MISS PILLEY WISHES TO ANNOUNCE RULES OF THE RINK ql, on the 318 ace ' TO LET oH de Ig Fl BB ie Positively ne smoking will be al. 197 -- the. hour BY eek en T WANTED -- OLD FALSE TEETH; Moved rez, business from 211 Queen Norred on he re for the purpose of nominating Reeves | Mon, Tues., Wednesday | dont matter it broken. 1 pay 8 | emer AT. GRAM | oo SiIost 0 100 Division 5: #ouNe tng playing Asn be allowed [and Councillors to serve in the muni. oD a, by Jarce! nom bers. Apply to A h on the ice in skating hours, cipal council of the said t hi or , , - " ne Pg a y h Eo 3--No fant whating Will be allowed | ih. vear 1915. Suid township f Wm. Fox Presents F. Terl, 403 N. Wolfe st, Baltl- 1% Clarence street oe FURNITURE FINISHING when a crowd in on the ice. CHAS. F. ADAIR, more, Md. Jo--haly' tWe will be alowed to nkate eri. | Jane and Katherine L R FURNITURE OR MER- | P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH abreast, ate at 9 € Lee, STORAGE FO! . . Bee boys ander 13 yearn. of ge) Dadied St _cataraqul nis 19m aay ! FARM TO RENT ON SHARES, WITH chandise, clean and dry. McCann's er. Call or drop a card. 23 John 917 «4 . oe will he allowed to smoke in this rink, DA A irri: in "Two Little Imps" about twenty cows, in Storrington Ral Esiate Agency, 83 Brock Bt. street. G.~~No person will he allowed to lend township. Will furnish ail help ones r - thelr season ticket, and If cnught will NOMINATION Comedy Reels: YH zlarantee good satisfaction. LEGAL be suspended from the rink. - 8 a Apply H. R. Barclay, Box 125 Syd- ICK HOUSES, ONE AT $20.00 T~Any one defacing or breaking = TOWNSHIP OF STORRINGTON Matinee 15c. Evening 23¢ enham, Ont. TO at $25.00, immediate pos- B. OUNNINGHAM, locker will have t - Yes A At aati 'vt ~ agen. I have tu phy. for the dam Notice is hereby given that a meet- session. sapbly She 3 K. Carroll and solicitor, Law office, 79 Clar- N=All boots and skates not in lock. | [18 of the electors of the municipality MANY BIG ADVERTISERS FIRST Agency, 36 Brock street. ence street. Kingston. ers will be at your own risk. of the township of Storrington, county started with a lttle ad this size. | * Be=Any one caught serving liquor in Frontenae, wifl be held in #he Town The cost is so little and the re- this rink will be dealt with according unbury, on Monday, the 31st day sults so big. We will gladly give mn RNISHED iN BAYUnOY DENTAL > ith every convenienc to the law, 1917, at the hour of twelve you full pardculars. Call at the w be : - ny ame not obeytug the rules | ©'¢ : , for the purpose-of-tom- NOW THEN Siig or drop us a postal today. light Rousekoeyme; in Sond loeal will he suspended from the riwk. inating a Reeve and Councillors to : British Whig Publishing Co. APPLY A KNAPP, B.A. LDS, DDS. eA menson ticket pid serve in the Municipal Council = the "y carry thelr tickets, obi RAR said township for the year 1% Sines, 258 Princess street Phone HO homo after them, nn the doorkeeper HUGH J. MORE EUAND, WAGSTAFFE'S TEACHERS WANTED. BT rT Di. Tire dry, airy room our own lo Bas instructions to not let you in with- ny. Prosts oy °% 993 | DR J. LEONARD WALSH. ) rag: DENTIST, out them, t at Sunbury, this 20th day of PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS, ALL te n res. 989. corner Princess and Bag roots' ERIE You Janse ony rouiie with k 4 5 Queen stree Pho e 536; ner ot et 3 grades. Male first fourteen hund- Phone 626. sour locker report It to the ote. | arprrremonnnn~~~~ (§ PLUM PUDDINGS red; female, une thousand up. State err . Nomination Meetin qualification, experience, send cop: "TWO WARM AND BRIGHT FURNISH. | DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. . WW. E. BONTER, i g jes of testimonials. Western Teach- ed rooms with board. Central lo- tists, 159 Wellington street, G. C. Phone No. 138, Manager. Lod. si -- A All G ers' Bureau, Winnipeg. Sationi al epBYeniene Ss: Sentiemen . Dewar, 8. D.DS., ~ > preferred. ates reasonable. Ap- o ge . TOWNSHIP OF. LOUGHBORG t rocers. QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR S, 8. NO. ply 282 Queen street. Military Hospitals Com- Notice is hereby given that a meet- 2, township of Clarendon, village ing of the ratepayers of the Township of Plevna, Duties to commence . ion Canada | of Loughboro will be held at the Town Jan. 3rd, 1918. Salary $500 per > DEPARTMENT IS ALWAYS} miss 9 3 5 ; OAK DESK, FLAT TOP, FIVE DRAW. | $2,000---FRAME; 7 ROOMS; IMPROVE- . ® | ers and cupboard, cheap. 86 Brock ments. - Street. Phone 326. -- K - $3,500--BRICK; 10 ROOMS; ALL MO- » dern. jo NOW iS THE TIME TO PLACE YOUR property on our selling let. WE RUY, SELL, RENT, OR EX- change, ALL NEXT WEEK WE ARE READY to buy dwellings from $500 to $2500. Write and give particulars, $3200 WILL BUY A SEMI-BUNGALOW, ideal location, south of Princess St, modern. $300 FOR A BUN DING LOT, 08 x 143, on Montreal St $3000--BRICK, COLBORNE ST, $4000--BRICK, FRONTENAC ST. $3000--DOUBLE BRICK, BARL ST. FULL LIST AT OFFICE. E. W. MULLIN & 'SON; SELLERS OF Real Estate, Cor. Johnson and Div. islon Sts. Phones 53% and 1456 FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST CHEBRSE AND butter factories In Frontenac county, with all modern aquipment, Made over four hundred thousand esheese this season, 1917. Will sell at a sacrifice. \ WE STILL HAVE A LARGE NUMBER of farms for sale and some Joa bargains in city property. . Lockhart, Real Estate, Phone 1035 or 1020. FOR SALE BY J. DRIVER, REAL ESTATE AND Insurance Agency, 352 King St. STEPHEN STREET, FRAME DWEL- ling, 6 rooms, _$1300. DIVISION ST. FRAME DWELLING, 8 rooms, Jot 50 x 165, $1600. MONTREAL ST. FRAME DWELLING, 7 room's, all modern, $2500. NELSON ST. BRICK DWELLING, 7 rooms, all modern, $3400. UNIVERSITY AVE. BRICK DW Mng, 9 rooms, all modern, $4, COLLINGWOOD ST. BRICK DWEL. ling, 9 rooms, all modern, $4,000, ALBERT ST. BRICK DWELLING, 8 rooms, all modern, $4500, YORK ST. DOUBLE FRAME, EACH 7 rooms, B. and C., for $2050. MONTREAL ST, "pov i BRICK, each 7 rooms, B and C., for $3700. PRINCESS ST, DOUBLE BRICK, EACH 7 rooms, B. and C,, for $4100 AT HUTTON REAL ESTATE AGENCY $1000 -- 30 FT. LOTS. KENSINGTON Place #630 TO $730--33 FT. LOTS, VICTORIA St, $002 BRICK HOUSE, MODERN, MACK $4000, BRICK, 206 UNIVERSITY AVE, - . TO RENT -- STORE, PRINCESS ST, near Bagot, OTHER HOUSES AND LOTS SELECT, 18 Market St, Kingston, Svdent annum. Apply, stating experience to hear from any one thinking " | He, Loy deniam, gn ne S15 vay and qualifications, to J. F. Card, Hi using _ olassified Advertising. WANTED gelock. noon. for the purpose of nom-| CARD OF THANKS Sec~-Treas. Plevna, Ont. may be able. to cai WR ¢ * Advertise t nating Reeve and Councillors to 3 men | serve In the municipal council of the Mr. Jehn Mathewson and family dee Qu AED TEACHER FOR UNION 1g Pub. Co. HELPERS, eipal J HANDY during their recent sad bereavement, $500. Duties to commence, Jan. ooms, hardwood floors; choice, MEN AND LABOR- said township for the year 191%, sire to extend thanks to their many i 2 GT IRE 8 Neo. 5. Portland and 34 Cam- : R., G. GUESS, friends for the kindness show em, ary DER to Contractors Fownehip Clark. - Iifieed Shown th den. Protestant ce ary Mio, NEW BRICK: ALL MODERN; 7 ERS, CAULKERS AND CHIPPERS. Lump sum tenders will be received| [Dated at Sydenham, Dec. 22nd, 1917. 3 , 3nd. Apply do W. H. Kerr, Sec.- central location. Geo. A. Bateman, Ww. at the office of the undersigned for th : : various works connected w: th hy he rhe} . Sa BE No.1. Harrewami, 53 Claret a AGES PAID. Ont. tions 'and. alterations to the Mowat Notice t Credit ; Sanatariom. Kingston, Ont anti © 13 0 ors | . ox Exoxvaymzcan il CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM. central o'e , Doon, 29th da » December INCIPAL FOR N10 1917. ¥ ember, | A PRI nm SENIOR DE. i : y . Plans and specifications, forms of | IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of School: salary $700 r th Publis SARAGE ON GA -- " ; P. £ LTD. tender and addressed envelopes may | SAMUEL ADSIT, late of the Chty of State qualifications a > 3 rien BATEMANS, CLARENCE ST. 3 be seen at tire office of D. J. Mullarkey, | Kingston, in the' County of Frontena stan Snes, |G. A. ne i Kingston Works Branch of ine Military Ley, Kingate yen e of ntenac Prote: t only. Appl ons Tre- el pitals Commission, Randolph Hotel, NOT is oy given, pursuant to] Tenders will be received up to Wed- gelved on or before the Jh inst. am, Sec, 19 Al- | Kingston, Ont, Revised Statutes of Ontarto, 1914, | Besday neon, Dee, 26th, for the Food wi " . PERSONAL The lowest or any tender not neces- | Chap. 121, Sec. 56, that all creditors and | Neauirements for ae month of Janu- ington Avenue. Portsmouth. sarily accepted. as others having Claims against the estate| ATY, at the follow DOMINION PRESS = FonpicN of Sampel Adsit, who died on or about Quews Military Convalescent Hon: SITUATIONS VACANT e ted bY Tel J. H. W. BOWER, the Thirtieth day of August, AD. 197, vital, 2 Sk {a Barman CE, In General Superintendent of Works, {are required to deliver or send Elmhurst Military Con Hos- France for "these full rae Alllitary Hospitals Commission, | prepaid, on or before the Fifth Ag of AMAZING SELLER -- TABLETS There is no better way me Ottawa, January, 1818, 10 the undersigned soli- Mowat Memorial Sanatorium. wash money to the bova in the trenches. citors for the Execwtors of the Est Estate| Quotation forms specifying quantities bhi Protidss. soltel 3) their names and addresses and & full And qualities may be obtained from the te win bring a " description of all claims and the na- ot four Make! MARRY AT ON LONELY; ture of securities (If any) held by riment reserves the right Washing Tablet ™ them, such claims to be duly verified. | ® TaetPt all or part of any Tender. Distributors, Brantford, Ont. And, further take sotice that im-| lowest ar any Tender not mediately after the th day of Janu- : ary, 1818, the Executors will Proceed Tenders to be Sddnencd to BUSINESS imi to distribute the said estate among the CAPE, W. PETERS, parties entitled thereto, having re.| Deputy Assistent Director, Military INVESTORS WwW. gard only for the clatms of Which ¢h Hospitals Commission, = Armouries, | Fae cen shall then have received moti eo] Ont. tnd a the said Exccutors shall not 1 4 : Fores or Takeru Shickunn Ducks, Scene, have, - iy received hem . "rinse SCE awh nine mas Heef. r " ie inte an Drie: nh the sald Fifth day of Janu- birds -- you will be better satin. ba Sion wn oy ot ATED a Kineuton, this Fitth day me St. : : ~ NICKLE. FARRBLL & DAY. Manny IF LONELY: FoR RESULTS, gs , Ontario. ALBERT DAVY and H DAVY. Solicitors for the pow -