Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Dec 1917, p. 5

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t t THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1917. © PAGENINE The "Wilhelmina," HANDLING CHRISTMAS: NALA PRISONER THREE FY Jewaomnin sssnsnianeans nissan RS arrose == | TAXi SERVICE RING 960. 242 Mountain St. Montreal. A BIG RUSH OF PARCELS AT oe, BUT HAS BEEN DOING WELL Warm, comfortable rooms, 'rea- POST OFFICE, THROUGH THE RED CROSS sonable rates. A home for tran. . stents. -T95, Vytonn F848, The "Posties" and the Office Clerks| pre, George Newman Writes About J. RE i | . . oe : : % All Limousine Cars - me | Have Their Work Cut Out For| pio Experiences Since He Ponned - x - Used. | THOMAS COPLEY | Them the Next Few Days, the Kfhki--wW as Fellow Prisoner | FCT hese are the hard working days ~ Ki T . C b Telephone 987 { for the postmen and the staff at ihe o he * Re Reval I St i > 1 8. cFarlane, Lavant Sta- ston axi al wanting anything done in the carpem- | post office. Al 'roads lead to thej Mrs. KE mgston, tery. line. Estim En given on sll kinds | post office around Christmas time. .|tion, received a letter a few days Co. of repairs and new or alse Jar. A Whig representative had a view|ago, from Pte. George Newman, a Wine Loos wi iF, duds al "anos behind the scenes at the post office] fellow. prisoner of her brother, Pte. Esmee fl 50 Queen street on Friday afterfioon and found every-| R. R. Pav], before the latter's 'escape ------------ rr A, | A A kr PA one very busy. Parcels and letters| from Germany, of whiéh the follow- r rr of all sizes were being dumped in the ing is an extract Carpenter and Builder | Stop Look Listen! office all afternoon. There apnéared "1 am in receipt of your walcome o y 9 * to be a regular stream of parcels WwW. R. BILLENNESS letter, which I was pleased to get. - The post office lobby was filled with Specializing Store. Fronts and Fit- . people and it was stated that the Bob and myself, I am pleased to say, tags. Remodelling Buildings of ali ASD BUY place had been besieged: with peo-| are fairly well under the circum: 'ESTIMATES 1 EXPERIENCE || Our Christmas Goods Are Here. ple all day. aH Address 272 University Ave. : Parcels and letters have been sentj@nd also the many friends who had MM wl Wa i Ww | 5 = po Come and buy early and often ta-all parts ofthe. world: Owing to| sent the parcels, but, as you say, we = ; wm "n = | 1 = mn "- "» the war there has been a very large| did not receive some of them, owing consignment of parcels for overseas.|to the new resuiations. Hut I ua MERS | Bo These parcels were sent some time| glad to say that' we are doing we COAL CUSTO The n Marche ago 50 as to be sure and reach the|through the Red Cross. The new sys- Please Notice ! | boys in time for Christmas. tem is satisfactory, and we all get Phone 1844. Cor. King & Earl *_In addition to the large amount of| thec same. By the way, Jou were} On and after first of May mail being received, the mail com-| asking' what I was. Well, will be f rr ---- ing in is also very large. To-morrow porn in Wales and enlisted in an fen : Coal Sales or " {and Monday will be the biggest days.| jen Regiment, and have been a sol-| Cash Only. f After Monday the rusi will be off tof 410 for about thirteen years. . a p g L great extent although there is have been to Malta, Egypt, Aden, and BOOTH 4 IC Merriman a vain the wonton wi|10dia. The last named 1 was {here "Ve be furnished with a horse and sleigh. ind ae ever ij t three years in Ger- It would be impossible for the "pos-|in captivity for "to get the parcels and letters de-| many. The next coumtry I am long- The best gifts are the useful kind -- the kind that add comfort. Come to our store and see the hundreds of good things we offer. Evening pumps for young ladies -- skating boots and bedroom slippers. Moccasins and hockey boots for-beys~ Slippers, gaiters, leggings or street shoes for mother. Slippers and overshoes for dad. OUR STORE OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL XMAS. Trunks Bags Suit Cases Rh Aste ties Successor livered if they did not have a horse|ing to see is what Bob calls the Lady J. A. Boyd and sleigh. Under ordinary circum-|of the Snows, Canada. It may be of = stances the letter carrier's load is no| interest to you to know that I have ~ PLANTS FOR : } , Dealer in easy one. To-day nearly every house-|2 sister Mving in Victoria, B.C., Can- | .§| hold takes some outside paper or{ada. Bob has told me quite a bit XMAS. magazine, and this makes an extrajabout your district and I can quite Engiish Primroses, Primula load for the carriers. The postmas-|realize that while your country may Plants, Jerusalem Cherry ter has some extra clerks to help out}jack the beauties which mortal man ' Abernethy's Shoe Store Plants. at the office during the rush. has ichly bequeathed England, 8 ot Chriss Bl] m-- Fo Wing the ros has so richly beaveathed England, gy ANNE NENA EEE SAN RENE groceries and vegetables. i Hay and Straw, Choice Stock of , you most generously with forest, Christmas Groceries and Vege- A i Th mountain, and stream. His account tables. t eaires of the process the maple sap goes through before it reaches its sugar X IN THE THE ? Phone 847. ' state is most interesting. 1 assure 3 h1Ih n quite ta TT 1 0 Division St. P: 545 611 Princess Street Tw you that, althoyg B76 Jeans 3 i LE ER TO Se ---- Tim Murphy in "Pals First," a few countries in my time, yet Can- o Straight to the heart will go the|®da I know would interest me im- , SANTA CLAUS appeal of Tim Murphy's art in 'Pals | mensely. Bob is quite cheerful, and ' First," when that actually deligkt- |is always looking on the bright side. ful comedian appears in the leading |I am sure you are proud to have such * There's sure to be character in an unusually pictur- {a brother. He is always so cheerful. : Eh) . . CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATES ,| esque and human comedy which will| = ---------- me . APR a kiddie car. be made known locally at the Grand THE VOTES RECORDED A RS * NEW ARRIVALS on Christmas Day, Tuesday, Dec. ! 3% Three-piece toy . 25th, matinee and night. The press » i s of 1 x and Prince CAMERON'S BEAUMONT'S bp In the Ridings of Lennox a of the metropolis is authority for Rdward 1 } sett. PATTERSON'S LOWNEY'S the statement that exquisite acting ' y s . and GANONG'S permeates the entire work. That it Lennox and Addington. \4 Doll white enam- From 25c to $00. throbs and vibrates with intense in- | 1Dhe Vote by districts: : | AT forest aM Jooniedy, [while the por- Adolphustown Grange Paul Ea el dressers. | trayal of the several different cha- | a Prt ms . ( SARGENT'S DRUG STORE racters throughout is so compelling | Amherst Island ... ... J w Doll rattan car- that it would make worth while a Bath ... ... ... 27 p 3 Corner of Princess and Montreal sts Phone 41 far less attractive play. Ernesttown . .. 7 x \ rage. It should prove a source of grati- North Fredericksburg vv. 88 i 1.39 a fication to theatregoers that the |Napanee ... . 297 Child writing stage offerings of a wholesome nat- Richmond cee eee eel. 220 desk and chair. ure and clean interest is winning a Kaladar . .. : boom for itself. Such a play is [®heflield .. .. .. .. .. 222 25 Fancy rocker or "Pals First," with its wonderfully | Camden ... original atmosphere. The lines and | Newburgh ... ... .... high chair. PATENTS PENOING the scenes are reported to be sug- | Denbigh ... .... 3 " fii tire A wOllT are ettiuE: | Paul's WAlOTitY «ot Lu. 1266 Gifts That make Christmas morn brighter. ave cid ] LE is superior, and where money does donee ; dl i is superior, and where mohey does Prince Swat Masority : At the busy store with the large Christmas than the usual interest has been Hepburn Horsey $ Stock It ts nov sayeasy to REGAIN good eyesight as it is to RETAIN '| aroused in this latest bidder for: Picton ces aaa. 364 it while it is good. At the first sign of eye trouble, consult us. popular approval, "Pals First," | Wellington 9 "We are eyesight specialists," which is an adaptation by Lee Wil- | Bloomfield ... ... .... 84 JAMES REID S son Dodd, of Francis Elliott's novel | Ameliasburg ... ... .. 288 J. J. STEWART, Opt.D, Optician and of the same title. Athol 41 Optometrist. (Continued on page 12.) Hillier . . . is Phone 147 for Prompt Services Opposite Post Office, Kingston. ET ---- Sophiasburg ) BIG SALE CHRISTMAS TREES, [North Marysburgh .. GIFTS LIKE THESE mn South Marysburgh ... . 6¢ " : The Best of the Trees Brought Fifty yb Make the Spirit of Cents and Higher. - i Cl . plete (FF This has been the week for Christ- me 29 tmas Com mas 'trees. (Christmas in the home, | Togpl majority for Hepburn, 1053. where there are children, is a very btw Sete et Nation Our furs are developed from MAYBE BUYING MATCHES tame affair without the Christmas IN WINTERS QUARTERS. the finest skins, endowed with tree. The stores and other dealers the charm of perfect taste and Never Struck You As Being An Important .. have disposed of hundreds of fine | Quite a Large Fleet of Boats Laid exclusive style. WwW. . . . trees, both big and small, this week. | Up in Kingston. Fine, stylish setts and sin- be Job. But It Is. e have just received a few currants in This year one had 0 pay MI(tY | aariners have been very busy the ||| 'Ele pieces in all the popular ' | | cents for a good tree. Before the| p,q ten days or so looking after the furs for ladies, girls and child- 1 Ib. packages, 30c a Ib. War the wery pest tres on the market | Past ten dave or so looking ater the [ft Joon (Ur MCCh RIF, Loe 'hem It ts important that you buy none but EDDY'S could be secured for twenty-five | ono ingston has it 'ge popular Christmas gifts. cents. The weather, of course, has 5. Jae Juile late Crawford's Grocery, } been pretty bad for the hauling in flout Of Jansele Suid 4p hee. Pr CHEMICALLY I RHINGUISHING of trees. But however the fond| pag the weather remained open : "" " mothers and fathers were glad to | jonoer. "The steamer Jex, which yen ENT SILENT 500's *", " : ¢ et a°Xrue al JI MWSt why peice. the always been laid up below ICataraqui p i v The matches with "no after cs &" s »" A ] : bridge, got caught in a jam of ice Vs EDDY is the only Canadian maker of these Good Things To Eat. , Phone 26 question of decordtions has to be | ,, her last trip, and for this reason : stick of which has been dipped in a chemical solution Mh; a , . considered, and by the 'time this|y.4 to pe laid up at the foot of West vA positively ensures the match becoming dead wood it has . : part ds looked® after and the tree is | giraet ol lighted out: once Store Open This Evening. A in readiness for the visit of Santa ; - been and blown Claus, a good deal of expense has I, Y . Look for the words "Chemically Self-Extinguishing" on been incurred. But Christmas comes Bringing Up Father, the box, . ill hear tl Every boy and girl and grawn up ; ; = Se nc Te kt of the will want a copy of MacManus's book : % high' cost of things the old-time cus- | Bringing Up Father." Make sure Gloves --_-- 6 CL CR tom of having a tree must be carried | ©f securing a copy by getting it to- ov out. night at the College Book Store. There is no more acceptable , et ------ > " gift than a pair of gloves. We A > rs Books For Christmas. McCormick--McDonald Nuptials. sell Dent's and Fowne's English ke and give a fancy box with : » This will be the biggest book A quiet wedding took place at St. [{}- Mma ® . S| Christmas in the history of the trade,.| Tuke's rectory on December 19th, (fj every pair Sto k $ S estion Nearly all publishers' stocks are ex- Xhen Mary Ellen McDonald, of the | il en. hausted due to the enormous sales. | Kingston General Hospital, was | At the College Book Store you will] Married. to Earl Mills MeCormick, Winter Caps Des iat : for You List find ony the books which have prov.| Centre street. ~The bride was ai- lf A splendid .asortment em- ||Ill. The Historic Buildings of the Independent 2 en the most popular. tended by Miss (Galloway, the bracing many fancy patterns for Christmas. Order of Foresters, Foresters Island, Deseronto, Ont. ' Men's Hats Will be demolished by The Dominion Salvage and Wrecking Co., ne Comers rns ris. sulistous: sigam style centre for men's FOR SALE --- All lumber, ¢ This is the store for useful pipes, bollers, ad rir pumping Julia Plumbing, particulars, groomsman being H, Bird. Rev, J. ~ ~The Bracelet Watch is no longer looked on as a fad, but de Pencier "Wright officiated. Mr. as #' practical and uscful gift -- it doesn't necessarily have to Drunk, Acted (Wildly. and Mrs. McCormick will reside in be Skpeusive, as we have a reliable watch in sterling silver at fo Chasles Shambers. se adie the city. » ra hat they runge to $100.00, night acted in a wild manner alter At $8.00 Sterling Silver Wrist Watch [ll var of sts is ausse io the ot | KINGSTON EVENTS| At $11.00--Gold Filled Wrist Watch iE - 5. YEARS AGO At $14.00--Gold Filled Bracelet Watch ' \ From $15. 00 to $25. 00 G 1 1 Fill i C | as they heard him, but were not in All the hotels are filled to capacity. time to'prevent him from doing the | One proprietor stated today that he vertible and Fancy Shaped Bracelet | damase. had more people in his house. last -------------- night than he had for six months. Watches Bi To Go With the Christmas Turkey.| Public school teachers were paid " Artichokes, liflowers, spin-| today. The secreta id out $3,800, At $23.00--Solid Gold Bracelet Watches. [Wl ach. celery. iubbard squash, rus. | which includes salaries for tw From $25.00 to $100.00--Solid Gold Con- [10.02 Suniier "sie, 'at carmen. | The potatoes, parsley, etc, at Carnov- The dancing of C. Millan at the . vertib/® and Fancy Shaped Bracelet § Lh perk ause. lam sight was greatly , i Christmas gifts. ete. For further Bute Mr. CO. Luricy mi the Job, he Xmas Gifts All Watches c y Our G ie. oc Sd Crom Shel. od 31 es RE Yanicore sets ra Cored bine gen as $1.25 to $10.00 Kinnear & d'Esterre Quality Jewelers Cor. Wellington a and Princess Ste. nbs Mae aay

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