THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, DECE ' = | CHURCH SERVICES Store Open Tonight and Monday Till 9.30. McKay Furs at Special Prices For You in Search of a Really Desirable Christmas Gift, Among the Exceptional ~ Values Offered Are: | will preach. Fur Hudson Seal Coats Nataral Muskrat Coats Children's Muskrat Coats Persian Lamb Coats | Raccoon Coats Fur Lined Coats Natural Raccoon Red Fox Grey Fox Black Fox Black Wolf . Skunk ... ... Hudson Seal . Persian Lamb ... Everything Good In Furs You Can Depend on at McKAY'S Kingston's Reliable Fur House, 149-151 to 157 Brock Street. Your Windows and Doors » Are drafty and cold. Our metal weather strips put on by will make them wind and storm proof. Give us the chance to prove this to you. Ring 819. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street Kingston, Ont. Garments FOR MEN %00k's Cotton Koot Compound 4 'e. reliable regulating medicine. Boldin Wires der of strength--No. 1, $1 fe: 2.83: No 3. $5 per roca " Sold by all droga, or send on Jecol Tif pamphlet. addict THE COOX MEDICINE C6. TORONTO. ON". (varmarty Windes' = " - = | ikl | Home Bargains ! I $1600--Charles St., 6 rooms; electricity ; deep lot. $2250-----Quebee St., new brick, | 4 rooms, furnace, B. and C. | $1400---Alfred St., Barn, large lot. $2200--Alma St., 6 rooms, fur nace, electricity. | McCann's 86 Brock St. "hones 326 or 021. 6 rooms, up 5 up Mufl's $11.00 $22.50 816.30 £30.00 8 8.00 $15.00 £17.00 818.00 Neck Pieces $ 7.50 £20.00 $16.50 $30.00 $ 5.00 $15.00 £17.00 £20.00 Achievement Through { Wednesday, 8 p A | vitation to all. Chalmers Church--11 a.m, and 7 Both services will be cormducted tev. J. W. H. Milne, B.A,, D.D., aeipal of Ottawa Ladies' Colege st. Amdrew's Church--Rev, J. W St , mix Services at Sunday s at 3 p.m » at both len and ister 7 p.m; se 28 soldiers. cordiaily Paul's--Canon FitzGerald, M r Morning prayer, 11 o'- Preacher, the reetof. Sunday pan.; Evening prayer, 7 Special Christmas music by Christmas Day there will be Holy Communion at 8 and 11 a.m. Brock Street Methodist Church-- Rev. George 8S. Clendinnen, ps 11 a.m., "The Wa 7 p.m. "Has Christ ; hiehem?"" Ct v Choir will (be ass s. H. Van Luven, vi 0, in evening. choir God Sunday school, 3 p. prayer service, Wednesday, & p.m. Welcome. Calvary Church; corner Bag "harl 11 a.m., "The Signific of the Name';; 7 p.m. "Christ's Message Making Its Appeal to All Kinds of Men"3; p.m., Sunday school and Bible class; Wednesday, 8 rles- { prayer meeting and busine Christmas music at both s Sunday. Rev, J. Lyall, pastor, Rideau. a a Princess Street Methodist Church "Rev. H. E. Curry, pastor. Special Christmas services, 11 a.m. and 7, anthem, "Arise and Shine," "Christians Awake, "We Have Seen His Star in the t"'; chant, "Holy Night"; Sunday hool, 2.45 -p.nm.; league withdrawn; prayer meeting, cordial in Cooke's Presbyterian Crabb Rev. E. R. McLean, M.A., B.D., mini- ster, will preach ati11 am. and 7 | p.m. Christmas message and Christ- | mas music. ~ 11 a.m., beginners' and primary classes; 3 p.m., main sehool and Bible class; 8.15 p.m., social hour; Wednesday, §& p.m. prayer meeting; Thursday, 7 p.m., Boys' Club; Friday, 8 p.m., Christmas tree. St. James' Church, cor. Union and Arch streets--Rev, T. W. Savary. 8 Glasses. Ex-President Roosevelt was awkward and stupid as | a.m., Holy Communion; 11 @.m., morning prayer and Litany. Sermon subject, "The Lord's Coming Bless- ing." 3 p.m. "Sunday school; 7 p.m., evening prayer and lantern service, with illustrated ad- dress. Christmas Day: 8 a.m., Holy a boy until he suddenly dis- covered that he could not see as much as other boys. He tells us that glasses changed his career. Yours may be such a case. Come in and get our spec. ialist's advice. Consultation free, J.S.Asselstine D.0.S | Registered Optometrist. 842 King Street THE BUSY OPTICAL STORE. ' At the Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clover HONEY In one pound sections, 25 cents each, Frésh California Prunes, nice and Juicy ... ... 10e, 123¢, 15¢ Ib. Evaporated Peaches; 2 Ibs for 25¢. Evaporated Apricots ... 15¢ Ib. Sweet Cider ... «ss 40c Ly W. R. McRea & Co. Golden Lion Grocery We are offering a great many - Attractive and Useful Articles " that will be sure to please. f* Satin Eiderdown Quilts . . . $12, $15, $20 Sateen Eiderdo Quilts, $7.50, $9, $12. Bath Room Mirrors oh Ah $3.50, $4. French Gilt Mantel Mirrors Ca Say .. .. $1510 $35. . $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 - $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 The home is doubly precious thy of war--let us give gifts that will inc its charm and comfort. { 'Communion; 11 a.m., morning pray- | er and Holy Communion, Sermon { subject, "God's Gift." i First Church of Christ, Scientist, | Johnson street, between Bagot and | Wellington streets Sunday school 9.45 a.m.--service 11 a.m., subject "Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?" Wednes- | day, 8 p.m., testimonjal meeting; publi¢ reading room same address, open every afternoon, except Sunday, 3 to 5 o'clock. All are cordially in- vited to the services and the reading room. First and Bethel Congregational --TPastor, Rev. T. De Courcy Ray- ner. Residence, 220 Johnson street. Phone 2116. Special united Christ- mas services in First Church. The pastor will preach. 11 a.m., "Is This a Dark Christmas?" 3 p.m., Sunday | schools in each church; 7 p.m., "The | Mistletoe of Bethlehem." Special Christmas music at each service. 8.30 p.m., Christmas ' cantata en- titled, "The Nativity of Christ." (See other notice.) You are invited to come and worship in "the church | with a welcome." | I. B. 8S. A-Class meets for Bible] study in L.LB.S.A. Hall (over Sargent's| entrance Montreal street) Sunday, 3| p.m., topic: "The Necessity of Abid- ing In Christ'; 7 p.m. topic: "Why | Might Not Adam Have Known Good! and Evil by Intuition Instead of Ex-| perience." Tuesday, 7.45 p.m, topic: | | "The Explanation of the Voice of] { Many Waters." Friday, 7.456 p.m.| topic: "How Will They See The Son jof Man Coming in The Clouds of] { Heaven." All welcome. ! a St, George's Cathedral---Very Rev. G, Lothrop Starr, M.A, D.D., Dean and Rector. 78 Wellington St. Tele-| phones 2156-2159. Rev. Cecil Whal- ley, M.A:, B.D., Priest Vicar. 138 Bagot St. . Telephone 144. Fourth Sunday in Advent. 8 a.m., Holy Com- munion; 11 a.m., Matins. Preacher, the Lord Bishop of Ontario; 3 p.m., Children's Gift Service; 7 p.m., Even- song. Preacher, Rev. Cecil Whalley. Christmas carols. Christmas Day. Holy Communion, 6.45, 8 and 11 a.m. Matius (plain), 10.15 a.m. Preacher at the midday service, the Very Rev. the Dean. First Baptist Church, corner John at 11 a.m and 7 p.m. Queen's University, will preach at both services. Morning anthem, 'Let Us Now Go, Even Unto Bethle- hem" (Nevin); solo, "Star of Peace" (Parker), Miss Edna Singleton; eveni anthem, 'So Silently the Stars k Down" (Spencer); solo, "Bethlehem," Mrs. Mather; solo, '*There's a Song in the Air" (Speak), Miss Muriel Braithwaite. Bible school and adult Bible class, 2.45 pm. Strangers, students and sol- diers cordially invited. St. Luke's Church, corner of Prin- Ses and Nelson streets--Rev. J. de and intercession on Sermon subject, Ministry™; 2.30 p.m., $ - and men's confirma- sermon; ! son and Sydenham streets--Services i Prof. Mataer, |, evempsong. Ser- "Christmas Compton, e and choir; solo. F Morn," D. Couper Street W.T.G Istmas servis Sydenham Church--Rev Methodist 3rown, mini- I es and 1 a » "A Standard for Many"; 7 m.,~n'The Fuline Time"; g Men's Clu Bible 2.45 League and prayer 3 awn Special Chris Christmas Day this week > at 11 aa care invited 14s music on Sunday, Dec 23rd Organ, *"'Christ- mas Pastorale,"" Handel; "There Were Shepherds," solo, "The First Xnias in, W. Mack; ant! Peace," Parker; lujah Chorus," to 'which Morn," Nev- postlude, "Halle- Handel, solo, 'The Neidlenger, Birthday of a King Miss Woodman; "Hark, the Angels Schnecker; solo, "Night of Ni Vandewater, Capt. H. Angrove; them is est -Madrand: -- Miss Shaw; erganist and conductor. Queen Street Met Rev. J. D. Ellis, pasto ship, 11 am. and 7 p Sunday school, '2.45 p.m.; Specia\Christmas Services. Morning topic, "Christ For Children." Evening topie, "Christmas in Song." Seats free Evedybody welcome Morning ser- vice: Jaritone solo, "The Star of Peace," Parker; anthem, "The First Christmas Morn," Newton: soprano sole, "The Birthday of a King," Neid- A in 7 vc -- dist Church-- Public wot- Christmas Shoppers LAST CALL --Then Christmas Those who have left a share of their shopping until the last day, and who, perhaps, are pressed for time, may come to this store and buy with confidence. This is a good place to shop when You're in | ahurry, for you must get satisfaction here -----we guarantee it. Everything we sell is exactly as represent- usic. | 1s service on | anthem, | Barnby; | The Star of | Evening: | organ, "Holy Night," Dudley Buck; | post- | lude, "Hero March," Lemmens, Ern- | i | A BLOUSE Tonight and Monday I Ih MBER 22, 1917. \ I Shop in comfort. ~The From the Store of a Thousand Gifts. Last Moment Suggestions Wide aisles. MARQUISETTE .. Silk . . CREPE DE CHENE {| A BLOUSE Make Your Lady Happy With a Dainty Blouse Such As We Sell. Popular Shades in All Sizes. FANCY NECKWEAR .. .. .. .. 25¢UP Newman & Shaw, THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE .. $1.00 UP .. .. .: $1.95 UP J... . $3.50 UP linger; Bass Solo, "Nazareth," Gou-} nod. Evening service: Tenor solo, "The Infant Redeemer," Neidlinger; {Christmas Carol, _"Once "Hely Night" ; soprano solo, Recita- tive, "Comfort Ye, My People, and Air, Every Valley Shall be Exalted" { Messiah), Handel; carol, "Softly the {Night is Sleeping," Gilbert; tenor | solo, "The Star of Bethlehem," | Adams; Violin solo, Largo, Handel; contralto solo, "Rest, Holy Child," Lambert; anthem, "It. Came ed--our name pro- tects you." Here are a few last day sug- gestions: For Ladies. Fur Muffs, $3 up. Fur Scarfs, $2.30 up. Fur coats, $50 up. Fur trimmed coats, $28 up. Fur lined mitts, $3 up. Indian House Shoes, $1.25 up. Sweet Grass baskets, 25¢ up. Umbrellas, $1.50 up. For Men Fur caps, $2.50 up. Fur gauntlets, $6 up. Far collars, $2.50 up. Fur and fur lined coats, $35 up. Gloves and mitts, $2 up. Umbrellas, $1.50 up. , Canes, 73¢ up. Indian House Shoes, $1.30 ap, Indian head hangers, $2 up. Soft and stiff felt hats, $2 up. 'For Children, Fur coats, $16 up. Fur caps, $4 up. EEE George Mill & Cn. Tuy Cte he Midnight Clear," Sullivan. loists: VJ. Coleman, Miss Goldie fner, Jos. Hodge, Judge H. A. Lavell. Male quartet: tigrew, Marshal and Hodge. Chase, organist and choirmaster, | Letters to the Editor | 3 Sm Is Proud of the Whig, Bracebridge, Dec 20.----(To the Editor): Just a lines or so to Jet you know that I vety much appreciate the stand you haw taken in regard to the Union, Goérnment. 1 have been a Liberal a! my life, although there have beer a Tew exceptions when 1 have vaed Conservative be- cause I eould sot support the ian the Liberals brought out; but at this time it seemed to me that the issue wad not political at all, but national. Therefore, I could do nothing else but support the Union candidate, and I am peased to say that we elected our man with a good ma- jority. In conclusion I-would say that T am yroud of the British Whig and the stand you take. ~--H. A. ROGERS. Juvenile Books." From the College Book Store. The Bcbbsey. Twins and the Bunny Brown series, by ra Lee Hope. We will rent you a plano, and at end of six mcnths if you feel like instrument will al- Again, O') |' Blessed Time," Dykes; Male quartet, Upon | So-| Mrs. John Evans, Mrs. H, T.! Bartels. | Messrs. Archie Pettigrew, Alan Haf-| Messrs. Haffner, Pet-| R. M.| eee BUILDERS' SUPPLIES tpoiely Sawdust Keep the frost out of cellars, Minna and exposed pipes by mms of a load of good, clean sawdust. Sold by S. ANGLIN & C0. Woodworking Factery, Lum- ber Yards. Bay & Wellington . © Kingston, Ont. Office Phohe 66. Factory Phone 1413. Streets, wl Latest Fiction, Reprints at 60c; Kodak Books: Toilet Setts; Riley Poems at 60c; Boxed Stationery; Standard Music, Boxed; Bibles; Hymn Books; New Year and Christmas Cards; Calendars; Juvenile Books; Gift Books; Subscriptions; Service Poems. Airy ceilings. Prompt service. College Book Store, Have opened an office and store corner of Brock and Bagot Sts., Bavage's old stand, carrying a fall stock of TIRES Automobile Acces- sories, Gasoline Don't forget we are doing busi. ness as usual in the above lines, Agents: for REO CARS, Geo. Boyd, Prop. Phone 201. BUY A VICTORY BOND \ = HUDSON SEAL COATS W. F.Gourdier Phone 700. 78-80 Brock Street. dwelling on Union Street. Hot water heating, all im- provements, with sun. parlor, $1000; immedidte possession. A semi detached dwelling, with im- provements, on Markland St. For $1300; easy" payments, A frame dwelling, with large stable, on Pine street. For $2850. your psoperty selling list. Fire Insurance E. W. Mullin & Son Sellers of Real Estate. Cor. Johnson and Division Sts. Phones 539 and 1456. Place on. our -- A new solid brick i ALL THIS WEEK CANDY SPECIAL 30c Full Pound ll Page & Shaw, Chocolates . . 8 Lowney's Chocolates, Bl Patterson's Chocolates . . i Liggett's Chocolates . .. $1.00 Ib. ... ..60c]Ib. es ete lb, von ates $1.00 1b, MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE + 'Bagot and Princess ss Streets. WE ARE HERE TO SER |