Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Dec 1917, p. 12

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a a he rE _PAGETWELVE Frontenac GLENDOWER. Dec, 18.--Farmers are drawing wood. They are driving the lakes now. The school will soon close for the holidays. The feldspar teams are drawing rock to Godfrey to be loaded on the cars for shipment. Biram Hopping and wife are at Richard Wilson's. ECHO LAKE. Dec. 13.--The men are getting up wood. The Free Methodist revivals services are still being held in the school house. John Ruttan is visit- ing the neighborhood after an ab- sence of two years - or more. Miss Ella McCleod is home from Toronto for Christmas; also Miss Orphia Wa- gar and Mary Ann Buckley. Mrs, Allen Wagar at J. Cronke's; Mrs. H. Hicks and Mrs. M. Cronk at L. Switzer's; Mrs, Vanderwater at D, McCleod's; Mrs, Charles, Cox and Mrs. M. Wagar at J. Babcock's; Har- vey Babcock has rented Mr. McCum- ber's house for the winter. GLENVALR, Dec. 17.--The Whig's Christmas number is certainly a hummer. The Methodists and Presbyterians are practising for a "union" service to be held in the afternoon of Dee. 30th. . Rev. Mr. Charlesworth was able to take charge of his service on Sunday after his recent automobile acoldent. Miss Mildred Orier, who was ill during the past week, was able to take charge of her school at Murvale to-day. Mr. and Mrs. John McKeever, Godfrey, visited at J. Butterill"s on Saturday. Victor Swain is in Kingston, where he se- cured work in the locomotive works. LAKE OPINIOON, Dec. 11.--The recent storms have left the roads in bad condition, and the skating on the lake which the young people enjoyed so immensely has been spoiled. There was no ser- vice here on Sunday morning ow- ing to the absence of the minister. W. Darling and Miss M. Darling, Sydenham, spend the week-end at the latter's home here. Miss Ethyle Best is spending a few weeks with her brother, F. Best. Mrs. F, Smith has returned home from Leland. The Red Cross Tea held at Mrs. C. Ennis' on Tuesday last was well attended and a nice little' sum was realized, PERTH ROAD, Dec. 11.--The roads have FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE, %.| future for one of Clarendon's young ladi-s. LELAND, Dec, 18.--There was no service in either chureh here on Sunday on account of the very cold weather and bad roads. Some from here at- tended the funeral of the late Bury Smith, Wilmur, on the 16th. "Elec- tion day passed off very quietly, but all polled their votes. 'W. H. Ken- nedy has purchased a house in Sydenham, and will soon take up residence there. Mr. and Mrs. John- son "are guests at William Koen's. John Koen has returned from West- port. Walter Kellar has come from Cobalt to spend the holidays at his hame here. The Christmas tree on Thursday evening promises to be the event of the season, - WESTBROOK, Dec. 17.--The weather for the past week has been bitterly cold, but milder conditions are anticipated af- ter the close of the polls on Monday. The Bell Telephone Co. has placed a 'phone in J. Marley's residence. Mrs. D. Ames hag returnéd from the General Hospital somewhat improv- ed in health. Miss Edith Saunder- cook left on Monday to spend some time with friends at Brockville. D. Sheehan and George Gates spent Saturday last at S: Allpart's, Syden- ham. W. Shane has secured a posi- tion in Locomotive Works, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. George Gates spent Monday at D. Sheehan's. Miss Mar- garet Grass spent last week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sproule. L. Hyland's granary was entered on the night of Dec. 5th and & quantity of grain stolen, OAINTOWN. Dec. 18.--The pupils of the school enjoyed a holiday on Monday last. Clifford Morris, of Charleston, spent the week-end here. Mr. and Mrs, S. Dowsley and Miss Nora 'were Sun- day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Graham, Purvis street. James (Craig, of Lansdowne is spend- ing a few days with Thomas Mills of Caintown. Miss Gladys Brown, Poole's Resort, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. R. J. Brown. WESTPORT, Dec. 17.--It was the heaviest snowfall in six years and the worst storm for many at this time of the season, James McCann was offici- quite passable again after the 1ateNally notified on Monday that his son, heavy snowstorm. Wiliam and Wellington Green are<haduling pulp- wood. Robert Green, who has been #ll, is comvalescent. Last Tuesday evening a merry group dove to Miss Winnifred Wallace's for Christmas practice. Carl Shales Is engaged 'with his sawing outfit for the farm- ers. Death claimed on Dec. 14th a most respected resident in the per- n of Henry Smith ,of the General lectric Mines. The funeral was held at the iouse on Sunday after- noon, and the n ns were placed dn Wilmur vault. NEWBURGH. Dec. 12.--A meeting was held on Monday night in the interests of Mr. Grange in the Standard Bank Hall. There was & good crowd in attend- ance. Miss Vanluven, of Kingston, and Miss McClachie, of Belleville, atttended the fumeral of their aunt, Mrs. J. Shorey. Miss Gladys Gehan is spending a week with her aunt, Mrs. Charles Ingoldsby, Centreville. Mrs. H, L. Sexsmith spent a couple of days with her sister in Napanee. There has béen two deaths from scarlet fever and diphtheria in the village lately, and another. child is dangerousiy ill with the same dis- aise, CLARENDON. Dee. 17.--The bridge gang, with Mr. Nesbit in charge, have the new box car station about completed and the agent is real proud of her new home. A n mber from her are go- ing to Sharbot Lake to vote to-day. Miss Lizzie McCoy spent the week- end at E, Buffam's. Mrs, D. Dodd, Zealand, is visiting Mrs, L. Moss. Mrs. Arthur White made a business trip to Sharbot Lake on Saturday. Rev. Mr, Mills held service here on Friday evening. M. M. Appleby spent the week-end in Kingston' The many friends of Willam Gould are glad to hear he is improving af- ter his recent illness. Miss Edna . Kirkhani has returned home. Wed- ding bells will ring in the very near AWFUL ATTACKS OF . 'heart is the 1 ait throb, _Oftey ng sensation, or sinking feeling, Corpl, Deming McCann, was no longer seriously ill at County Lon- don War Hospital, Epsom. Mrs. Cqra Prevost and Miss. Voight Proud, recent graduates of the Kingston Business College, have both been appointed to positions as stenographers in the office of the Workman's Compensation Board, Toronto. R. G. Liggett, of Newboro, was a' business visitor In town on Wednesday. A. B. Bradley was a business visitor in Brockville this week. MORTON. Dec. Jones' Falls, spent a couple of days last week with her aunt, Mrs. J. F¥ynn. Miss Florence Wiltse spent Sunday the guest of Miss Iva Edy- ers. Guy Dillon, Kefptville, is home for the (Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. Dion. Mrs. A. Dillon has returned home after spending the past couple of weeks the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Sykes, Kemptville. Mr. and Mrs. A. Roantree, Rockport, are spending a few days with friends in the village. Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Roantree and family, of Berryton, have moved back to the viNage. Mrs. J. Flynn spent a couple of days last week with friends at Jones' Falls. Mrs, O. R. Jacob spent Sat- urda; ith friends at Seeley's Bay. The many friends of Mrs. H. G. Dean, Jones' Falls, will be sorry to hear she is on the sick list. Prince Edward | PICTON. Dec. 17.--Owing to the bad snow- storm the mail man has only made one trip since last Saturday. The Women's 'Missionary Society met on Thursday at Cherry Valley. The Sewing SD met on Thursday at Mrs ward MoCaw's. Herbert Johnson, who has undergone nicely. "Jerry" Kenny was a caller at Glembrook Farm on Sunday. Robert Adams was a town visitor on Satarday. Norma Colliver spent Sunday under the parential roof. 17.--Miss Mildred Burtch, | 4 T an operation in 'Peterborough, is doing | BONGARD'S, Dec. -17.--A Christmas tree and Slsciainment was held at Bongard's ure on Friday evewing. Mrs. Harry Storms is visiting friends in New York. Oscar Pierce, of Toron- to, spent a couplé of days at his brother's, C. Peirce. Miss C. Gra- ham left on Tuesday for her home in Bancroft. OMiss Lawton and Miss Kearney, teachers, will spend Christ- | mas holidays at Chatham and Toro! Rev, cent visitors at Thomas Bongard's. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ireland were re-]. __THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1917. TT it ir 1H To insure Vidor ity. always look for the trade : » rade my Hl WE REE ctrola § # Your Family Expects | that Victrola for Christmas Don't disappoint them--buy it now ! There's a Victrola to suit every family. S-- / WN é § ' D Avy Victrolas.from $27.50 to $520 (sold on easy payments, if desired) at any "His Master's Voice" dealers. Write for free copy of our 550-page Musical Encyclopedia, listing over 9000 Victor Records. Berliner Gram-o MONTREAL KEY) Lenoir Street **His Master's Voice" Kingston Dealers F. W. COATES \ MAHOOD BROS. 158 Princess Street 113-115 Princes Street T. F. HARRISON Ca Limited, 229.237 Princess Street Don't Forget There are no othersl You cannot purchase Vidrolas, Vidor Records or any other "His Master's Voice" produc at any but our authorized dealers , e Co... ) LIMITED -phon \ Remcmber--There are no others 'His Mastur's Voice" Records Make Ideal Christmas Gifts for Victrola Owners We are always pleased to demonstrate Victrolas and Victor Records. T. F. Harrison Co. Ltd. 229-231-233-235-237 Princess Street. Phone 90 ents Victor Victrola - JEWELER -\ 7. - oo fwp Phone VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS. Local Agent. - FOR 3 Princess St., Kingston 445 Miss Grace Wood, - Mrs. Nathaniel Wood and Gordon Wood took tea at Miss Preslar's on Wednesday night, Mfs. Perkins has been on the list, but is around again. The wood saw is making fits round agaid. sontie Mills took a load to Flinton Tharsd London's lation. * Writing from ndon, Eng., a Ki officer says: ""The resi- dential population of the City of London is T4000, but it is officially estintated that the day population is 380,000, and that a millon and a quarter other people pass in and ont of the city every day, many of them taking meals there. Sol. A. Thompson, medical super- oy red Lioyd after spending 'a short time with his brosher, Jack --- night. Ex-Pte. Morgan Mrs. Hart Br ra uadntances in North . ; ng seq Sle Honan Miss Presiar brooke. British chsuaities reported in Del neon, medica) ending ursday tota +! intendient of the | tary Hospitals : : ! Comuilssion, 76 officers and men, and ex-M.P, for ihe Yukon, leaves in the course of a few days to conduct an election fight in Lhe northern coast constiin- ency. Ha will be opposed by W. F. Congdon. = The municipality of Buda Pest has unanimous;y adopted for complete separation of J Gy Austria. i in" Abe : uberculosis mortality 3 Central Empires a a ter Hn- crease during the War, a Rs CM :

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