Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Dec 1917, p. 9

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orem oes THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1917. | King Edward Theatre the very maxi- | mum of mystery, the ghostly dismem- Theatr f bered hand and the wi The es P ver the phone. To-nig ] vy we will show the ! "The Spider's Web." PAGE EIGHT SO Merry Christmas (Continued from page 3.) oe At the Grand. | strated that he i eve > v "| tary EWS I» rae ite | capacity : vent (« {approval s a] times by Le ntane- aor |, Th, soldiers of he garrison seal FOR WOMEN WHO WANT SOMETHING DISTINC- s,s latest... cent accident at Halifax caused. TIVE IN THEIR NEW WINTER COATS arene ov oi Phey are now attempting to raise i the young law- 4, ,000 towards the city's relief, and he. dvertirows | OF Friday evening in the armouries aristocrat of p2re putting on a bayonet and phyei- bat only - by nis | cal training exhibition. The men to ~ or and after OVE give the exhibition will be the ereat odds, His leading lady | E¥aduates of the recent course, 'con- great charming Veta Sian | | ducted by Lieut. James Bews, as- very winsome little lady she | sisted by Sergt.-Major Rainbow. Ye | 3 M€! There will be demonstrations to ; 0. Fenty RS + "John Mii show the wonderful system of train- ' ¥ g ing a civilian into a soldier. Then >Car, R ow nd the Pathe with imitations of a raid carried NO a \ Norma Tebgmaan ren |porer (he, top" 'games. boxing elootions on a violin | se ART Thi "entire | bout, and as a finale a camp scene g me € S ro me will be repeated for the | Tiiges to bo an excellent one. The second an a last time to-morrow mati- | R. C/H.A. band will be in attend- nee and night. ance. At Griffin's. It was announced on Wednesday In spite of the cold weather last } morning that so far in Military Dis- | evening an other good audience at-{trict No. 3 there had been 23.476 ap- | tendec I Popular playhouse, and] f pe als allowed and 3,727 disallowed. {left fee unusually impressed af- -- {ter viewing that super- dr amatic pho-| Election day is the main interest in i to-play 'he Manxman.' This pic- [ the military world. The ballot boxes ture contains a truly great story of | i ave been distributed in several places {love anc d acrifice, -and marks an era | and the returning officers sworn in. ~ ~ 3 . - tm the pre yt ctio n of the screen drama. -- All of the elements that make for Twenty-three military polling =| thrith ing interest as well as thos ¢| hooths have been established in the . . i which rouse the deeper feelings--thé| city. == | sympathy for humanity, the lure of | ---- =! beauty, the impulse toward sincere{ Capt. D. D. Wilson, A.D.D.S;, has 1 1 . =| artistry, are evoked by "The Manx-| been detailed for duty at Brockville. Our showing of Christmas Haberdash =| man." This wonderful pre duction | Lieut. B ro, who has been on duty ery is a grand display of exclusive styles. E Eg E £2 Eg g --_-- Es E Now is the time Yo make a selection for £ "His" Christmas gift, and this is the store £ where you'll be most apt to find it. We've 2 the things suitable for his Christmas. | A WISE CHOICE _ What could be a wiser selection than one of our suits or ove.coats. Bring in his old coat to show us his size and we'll make any alterations you desire after Christmas. = will be given a final exhibition this| there, has returned to the city, | evening, as will also the remainder of our interesting programme, nadine A masquerade dance held by Ptes. { Jack Pickford and Louise Huff's mo st | Antell and Franklin in the City j recent succe "The Ghost House, ii Fail on Tuesday evening was a -suc- which pro oh such a pronounced win- joss \ large crowd enjoyed the Our elegant neckwear, choice gloves, shirts, umbrellas, suspenders, smoking jac- kets, dressing gowns, sweaters, underwear, hosiery, caps and many other things in tog- gery a man is always wanting. WILL FIND HERE A VERY TEMPTING AND EXQUISITE COLLECTION OF 150 WO- MEN'S AND MISSES' WINTER COATS Fashioned according to the highest standards of custom tailoring, in Bolivia broadcloth, seal- ette, and a host of other modish materials. Some luxurously trimmed with the wanted furs or strict- ly tailored in all the popular shades. Prices: $20, {ner with the audience last night. len Hd music, and the costumes S---- were fantastic and beautiful. At the Strand. Frederick Warde 'in "The" Vicar of Evidently the falling off of volun- Wakefield" 'delighted a large and ap-| teer recruiting has not hit the Dental preciative audience at this popular| Corps. Two recruits for this branch playhouse last evening Lovers of; were signed up on Tuesday. Goldsmith's' classic novel should see al . : this magmificent production this even. Brig.-Gen. T. D. R. Hemming is ing, when it will be exhibited for the|arrang ging for the installation of | last time. For the last three days of | stoves in' the Armouries to keep it this week Mae Marsh will be 'seén in| warm when: the children's Christmas her latest Goldwyn vehicle, "Sunshine | tree event will be held. Alley." This production is all that : . hr vial the name implies, being radiant with Capt. G. B. Carling, C.AS.C., has Come here for "his" Christmas gift and you'll find just the thing. c di a TET OO EEE OREO RRL HHI Livingston's, BROCK STREET. If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk. zt EEO AAA Fam s-- optimism and is itself a welcome re- lief from the long series of sex plays that have heen presented on the screen, "Sunshine Alley" is ac- claimed by the critics of the silent drama as Mae Marsh's best effort. "The Voice of the Wire." The magic power of mystery has engulfed the Canadian-public. They love mystery stories, mystery. pic- tures and thrills that hold them spell- bound, On that exact theme, "The * Voice of the Wire," brings to the been relieved of -his appointment, Lieut. G. E. Wood, 21st, has been appointed to the Depot Battalion. Lieut. H. C. Wright, Corps of Guides, has been transferred to the Royal Flying Corps as a cadet offi- cer. Lieut. W. H. Hogg will be conduct- ing officer for the next draft of the R. C. H. A. did Capt. J. H. Moxley has returned | from duty at Smith' s Falls and Perth, | $25, $29, $35 to $75.00. David J. will Says: "To go through the Canadian win- ter without an ulster is a hardship. | I have the woolliest, warmest ulst-| ers in weaves that are as downy as | an eiderdown quilt. The ones at $25 are superlative values, and they have the shoulder hand and drape of true artist's genuis. The Semi-ready tailoring is the supreme. ward in men's garments." i --- USEFUL GIFTS THAT ARE ALWAYS APPRECIATED Railway Men Up. » The tribunal sitting at Th City! ® % Council chamber to-day is City charming sweaters at very reasonable prices. , withsix hundred applications from Smart brushed wool sweaters in Russian back railway employees. Repre sentatives of the railway companies are present. effect, with Byron collar, and large pockets; col- The tribunal realizes that the rail bl A ways must be kept up, and a large ors, rose, pink, blue, corn, brown, grey. Prices:. number of exemptions are looked for, | $6. 50, $8. 50, $9. 00, $10. 00, $12. 00. White and black silk hose, with deep garter tops, and reinforced ll an entertaizment at Convocation A GOOD, WARM SWEATER MAKES A VERY ACCEPTABLE GIFT. For skating, for general wear, for every oc- casion, this Dept. offers a variety of new and very CALL TO-MORROW FOR YOUR JANUARY DELIN- EATOR. THIS NUMBER HAS SOME VERY INTERESTING READING. John Laidlaw & } réturn to England there will not be Leaving Home. heels and toes, at 50c, 59¢ and 75c per pair. Hall on Friday, Dec, 14th. A good many of the citizens of Kingston and vicinity are leaving their homes every day on their way to the Lion Clothing House to pur- chase Christmas gifts. Why not youn? 247 King street. rae innmea S Black and white and eelored silk hosey extra fine quality. Special hive oes oo oti oF THE OES values at 89c¢ and $1 00 per pair. H Court oni Wednesday morning. DAILY MEMORANDUM Band at Palace Rink to- =night, "The 13th Chair." Grand, Sir Thomas White, City HE 8 p.m. Talk Called Off. As Alexander Watson has had to See top of page 3, right band curuer, for Protabiiities Black and White silk hose, in the very finest makes at $1 25, $1.- « 90, $1.75 and $2.00 per pair. Men's Silk socks in black, while and colors, at 50¢, 75¢ per pair. The sun rises Thursday at 7.25 a.m. |} and sets at 4.2 p.m. D 11th HYLAND---In Kingston, on Dec. th, '} 1917, William Hylaud, in his 92nd i A pair of blankets or a warm bed comforter would make a splen- [ill ar Funeral (private), from his jJaughter's ei gio AL University did gift. We have some special values. i Tirade, 3 pm to Coma White wool blankets, unshrinkable makes with pink and blue bor HE Soece in "loving methory of sur B ders, at $4. 25, $6.00, $7.00, $8.50 and $10.00. ; daar 'son "Jack." who dle Decent t gone from memory, 'Not gone from love, PER Warm hed comforters, well filled with sanitary cotton and cover- with art chintz and sateen in pretty erns, at $2.00, $2.- 15, $3.00 and $4. 00. pas Real eiderdown quilts in t variety of d designs. Special value at $6.50, $9.00, gr ari hy : | White satin Marsille quits for single and double beds, the boots 3 Makes, for Jess than Ss Says mill price.' Speci] value | at 2.75, 75,50, $4.00 ad $4.75, mm. Me ge | meee mee re ' : oy It 0 ; 'R' : . : i WINTER FOOTWEAR With the coming of the snow warm footwear will be required for winter pastimes and general purposes. 'We carry a full range of felt boots, overshoes, moccusing and rub for men, women and children.

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