J STORE OPEN TONIGHT McKAY'S CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS McKAY FURS, $45 and up. Mink stoles and muffs, priced from $25 up. muffs, $8.00 up. Muskrat coats for children, up to 8 years, $25.00. Muskrat coats for ladies, $75, 50 inches long. Coats for men, black dog, $25; serviceable and warm. hn McKay, Kingston's Reliable Fur House, 149-157 Brock St. Wolf stoles, $8.00 up; Jo like diamonds, are always appreciated. You will find many beautiful and rare furs here at popular prices. Foxes in black, white, taupe, golden, etc. i IH | i Hh | i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1917. CHURCH n's, Convocation Hall--Ser. | vice Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, | Monday, will be conducted by Right Rev. li Bishop Bidwell, D.D. -- St. Paul's--Canon FitzGerald, M. rector. Morning prayer, 11 o'- Preacher, the rector. Sunday school, 7 O'clock. Preacher, Arch- deacon Dobbs, M.A, Chalmer"s Church--11 a.m., Rev, W. G. Jordan, D.D., Sacrament of the Lord's Supper; 7 p.m., Rev. A. Mac- Millan, Toronto, secretary of the Hymnal Committee. Princess Street Methodist Church --Rev. H. E. Curry, pastor. League, Monday, 8 p.m.; i! prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. {| Stephen, minister. i! Toronto; Prices range ® rooms, electricity and Bas. Owner leaving city. Will sell for $3700 McCann's Real Estate and Insurance Removed to 88 Brock St, Two Doors Up. THATS ALL WE DO TEST EYES AND FIT GLASSES But We Do It Right. Consult Faricy Clover HONEY | In one nd sections, 25 cents each. Frosh Gallois add sets on ioy J... Loe 10a 1946, Joo Ih Evaporated Peaches, or Evaporated coe sos 1Bc Ib, Sweet Cider ... «es 400 gal, W. R. McRea & Co. | Johnson and Sydenham }| Prof. fll and soldiers cordially invited || Savary, B.A., rector. A cordial invitation to all. First Baptist Church, corner streets-- University, will preach at 11 aim. and 7 p.m Bible school and adult Bible class at 2.45 pom Strangers, students Mather, Queen's St. Andrew's Church--Rev, J. W. Morning service, 11 am. Rev. Alex. MacMillan, of evening service, 7 p.m. Sunday school and at 3 p.m. Strangers, the minister; Bible class ll! students and soldiers cordially in ll! vited St. James' Church--Rev. T. W. 8 a.m., Holy Communion; 11 a.m., morning pray- ll er and Litany; sermon subject, 'The fl| Lord's Coming--Warning"; | Sunday school; 7 p.m. evening pray- 3 pm, er and sermon; subject, "A Coven- ant---A Plece of Paper?" Queen Street Methodist Church-- Rev. J. D. Ellis, pastor. Public ll| worship, 11 am. and 7 p.m.; Sun- day school, 2.45 pm. Rev. Capt. W. H., Burnett, two years on the firing line, will preach in the morn- ing 'The pastor will preach in the evening. Subject, "World Con. quest." Seats free. Everybody welcome. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Johnson street, between Bagot and Wellington streets -- Sunday school 9.45 am.; service 11 a.m., subject 'God the Only Cause and Creator." Wednesday, 8 p.m., testimonial meet- ing; public reading room same ad- dress, open every afternoon, except Sunday, 3 to 5 o'clock. All are cor- dially invited to the services and the reading room. Brock Street Methodist Church, Rev. George 8. Clendinnen, pastor-- 11 a.m. "The Living God." Series of sermons. 3 p.m., Sunday school; 7 p.m., Capt, H. W. Burnett, return- ed Chaplain, "Tidings From France." Epworth League, Monday; Ladies' Aid Society, Tuesday; Prayer Ser- Wice, Wednesday; W.M.S. Auxiliary, Thursday, 3 p.m., at parsonage. Sydenham Street Methodist ev. W. T, G. Brown, min- ister. Rev. P. L. Richardson, D.D., will preach at both services. 11 a.m., "God's Will on Earth"; 7 pan., "Christ's Question to the Im- potent Man"; Young Men's Clubs at 2 pm.; Bible school at 2.45 p.m.; Epworth League, Monday, at 8 p.m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday, ICDENTS OF THE DAY LOOAL NOTES AND ITHMS OF GENERAL INTEREST, Happenings In the City and Vicinity «What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Ring np 645 for sweet cider. Ask to see our Personal Greeting Cards. Made in Canada, Pianos to rent. C. W. Lindsay, There was no session of the police court on Saturday morning. David MdDermott, Prescott, Ser. | ll| vices, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., conductted | 11 a.m., Psalm 23,\"Led Home by| ji by the pastor; Sunday school, 2.45 suddenly on Thursday last. She was born in Kingston, Golden Lion Grocery Do You Realize That CHRISTMAS, the season of good cheer is not far away? When giving, why not give something worth while. The day of useless foolish gifts is past. To conserve the nation's energies we must spend our money to the best advantage. e mer- chandise that we carry is one of the most useful things in the world, for it makes for home and all that implies. To enumer- ate a few articles that will make acceptable gifts: . . Kiddie Kars for the children, $1.50, 200 D. $250; mirrors for the hath room, the drawing room; rugs for every pur. quilt. Italian Method. Voice Production and Singing--C. Willoughby, 150 Sydenham street. An automobile and coal cart had a smash near the Albion Hotel on Friday, and the car was damaged. W. Swain, piano wuner, 100 Clergy street west. Ours left at McAu- ley's, or phone 564. Word was Jacaived today thie Trooper Joseph , Portsmouth, with the 13th C.M.R's., is in hospi- tal with gunshot wound in the arm. Now is In the last few days trips by the steamer very Ltd ice was SERVICES | iat 8 p.m.; Woman's at 3.30 p.m. Association, Cooke's Presbyterian--2inister, |Rev. E. R. McLean, M.A., B.D. The | minister will preach morning and The December Red Book The Red Book for December contains the three best serial novels The Unpardonable Sin Ras we vie The Valley of the Giants . .. . Peter Kyne. of the year: . By Rupert Hughes. | evening. 11 a.m. subject, '"The | Barren Fig Tree"; 11 a.m., begin- | ners and primary classes: 3 pm, | main schocl and Bible classes; 4 | |p-m., mass meeting for 'teen age | girls; 7 p.m., subject, "Some Elec-| {tion Principles"; Monday, 8 p.m.,| Young People's Society; Wednes- | day, 8 p.m., prayer meeting; Thurs. | day, 7 p.m., Boys" Club. Strangers welcome at all servicees. Calvary Congre nal Church-- | Goodness and Mercy"; 8 p.m. Sun-| day school Bible class; 7 p.m., "The | Two Debtors"; Monday," 8 p.m.,| { Christian Endeavor; Wednesday, 8 {p-m., address by Mrs. Dr. F. Me- { Allum, Turkey on "Work in Tur- | key." All are heartily welcomed to { these services. Rev. J. Lyall, 266 | Rideau street. | First and Bethel Cc tional-- | Pastor, Rev. T. De Courcy Raynor. | Residence, 220 Johnston street. | Phone 2116. United services in | First Church. The pastor will preach at both services. 11 a.m., "Are You a Good Investment?" 3 p.m., Sunday schools in each church; 7 p.m. '"The Papist Menace." A warning to Protestants. You should hear thése messages. They are im- portant. We invite you to come and worship God in 'the church with a welcome." « LB.S.A. Class--Meets for Bible study in I.B.S.A. Hall (over Sar- gent's, entrance 'Montreal street); Sunday, 3 p.m. topic, "What is Evi- dently the Sole Object of the Gospel Age"; 7 pm. topic, "Conflicting Doctrines of Calvinism and Armin. lanism", Tuesday, 7.45 p.m. topic, "What is Meant by the Expression, First Begotten of God?" Friday, 7.45 p.m. topic, "What Shall be the Sign of Thy Presence." All wel- come. St. Luke's Church, corner of Prin- cess and Nelson streets--Rev. J. de Pencier Wright, M.A., B.D., rector, 311 AHred street Phone 871. Se. cond Sunday in Advent. 11 a.m. morning prayer and intercession on behalf of the war; 2.36 p.m. Sun- day school and men's confirmation class; 4 p.m., holy baptism; 7 p.m., evening prayer. The . rector will preach both morning and evening. Music--Anthem, 'How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me, O Lord?" Seats free. Strangers and visitors cordi- ally invited to attend. Wednesday, 8 p.m., advisory board meeting, Fri- day, 7 p.m., ladies' confirmation class; Friday, 8 p.m., choir practice. St. George's Cathedral --The Very Rev. G. Lothrop Starr, M.A., D.D., dean and rector, 78 Wellington street Telephone 2156-2159. Rev. Cecil Whalley, M.A., B.D., priest yicar, 138 Bagot street. Telephone 1444. Second Sunday in Advent. 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 11 a.m., matins; preacher, the Very Rev. the Dean; 3 p.m., Sunday school and Bible classes; 7 p.m., evensong; preacher, the Lord Bishop of On- tarfo. Services of intercession in the winter chapel daily at 10 a.m. except on Tuesday. After evening service the social hour for the sol- diers will be.held in St. George's Hall. . Entrance from Wellington street. Real Estate Transfers. T. J. Lockhart has made the fol- lowing recent sales; Farm of 50 acres, owned by James Howie, sold to J. P. Daly, Glenburnie; farm of | 85 acres in township of Ernesttown, | owned by James Ackerman, sold to | G. H. Compton; farm of 85 acres in | township of Kingston, owned by A. | G. Atkins, .to C. W. Emmons, of Glenvale; farm of 200 acres in town. ship of Pittsburgh, owned by W. P, Franklin, to 8. R. Knapp, Young, Sask.; brick dwelling, Nelson street, city, owned by H. A. Cook, sold to | S. M. Irish; brick dwelling, Earl street, owned by W. G. Smith, sold to Mrs, Aylesworth, of Brnesttown. Ring up 645 for all kinds unfer- mented wines, BE Shit ie E § thal soleil orl 2 Hy al h £= ef Hi A meer | Who has beep iN, The Hasty Arrow ... ... ... ceiir ie. vi. Anna Katherine Green Also contains ten best short Stories of the Month. Gibson's Christmas Cards. Largest and best stock in this city. Full 1917 and some advance 1918 lines. "If it ism't a Gib« son it isn't a Christmas Card." . Books For Christmas What will People Say, by Rupert Hughes; Empty Pockets, by Rupert Hughes; Polly of Gay Cot. tage; Polly of the Hospital Staff; The Seed of the Righteous, by Juliet Wilbor Tompkins; The Rose Garden Husband; Mother Carey's Chickens, by Kate Douglas Wiggins; Athalie, by R. W. Chambers; Who Goes There by R. W. Chambers; The Code of the Mountains; Somewhere in France by R. H. Davis; Cappy Ricks, by Peter Kyne. LATEST 60 CENTS. . tt tg The College Book Store, 160-162 Princess St. Phone 919 Open Nights Garage! Have opened an office and store corner of Brock and Bagot Sts., Bavage's old stand, carrying a full stock of TIRES Automobile Acces- sories, Gasoline Don't forget we are doing busi- ness as usual in the above lines, Agents for REO CARS, Geo. Boyd, Prop. Phone 201. BUY A VICTORY BOND $20.00 AND $22.50 TWEED COATS, SPECIAL .. .. .. .. ......$1250 LARGE OVERALL APRONS .... 59¢ LADIES' BLACK CASHMERETTE HOSE... .... .. ..'s ce. vs, LADIES' BLACK CASHMERE HOSE, EXTRA SPECIAL .. .. .. .. ..50¢c LADIES' NIGGER BROWN CASHMERE HOSE .. .. . er +... SOc THE BEST DOLLAR CORSET IN THE TRADE, SIZES 19 to 30. UNDERWEAR, GLOVES, HOSIERY FOR ALL THE FAMILY, POPULAR PRICED. 25¢ Orders taken for HUDSON SEAL COATS W. F.Gourdier Phone 700. 78-80 Brock Street, area Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE | Now is the time to pose BUILDERS SUPPLIES . cLosme oF mars === (ll place your property Brithh mail closes irregularly. In posted at P.O. Lobby from time to time. WINTER SASH on our selling list. A ------ a.m, snd 11.30 pm, goirg east, Repaired, reglazed We Buy, Sell, Rent or Exchange, 11.30 Grand Tru Grand Ene and Lh am. Grand Trunk dnd 'ali 'west of City, 3.30 p.m. and 11.30 PR. . am. and §. ANSWERS SCORES OF QUESTIONS Cunni g Demonstrated Remarkable Powers at Grand Opera House. Cunning again mystified a large audience in the Grand Opera House on Friday evening with a remark- wble demonstration of his powers of intuitio The first part of the per- Dae wid taken up with some fl- lustions which proved very entertain- ing and quite original in the majority of cases. The latter part, however, which consisted of his answering questions Written in sealed envelopes, by per- Bons in the audience, proved to be the astonishing event of the evening. Sev- eral score of questions were answer- ed by Cunning and the amazement i, photographer, is now improving. and repainted. Phone the woodworking factory and they will be called for. S ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory, Lam- ber Yards, Bay & Wellington Streets, Ont, Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415. boon Lumber, Csat and Wood saed 7d ve: Te (2 NADAS FAVO ENV i i Week Specials All next week we fre ready to buy dwellings from to Write and give partien. ars, $3200 will buy a semi-bungalow, idea) location, south of Prine CONS street, modern. $500 for a bullding lot, 66 x 145, on Montreal § u , Earl St, FULL LIST AT OFFICE. | E.W.Mullin & Son Sellers of Real Estate. Cor. Johnson and DF Phones 589 xl Stores TE DRUG STORE < 30c Lb. PAGE & SHAW