® ~ PAGE TWENTY-TWO Presents That anyone will appreciate. This is the Electric Age. Batteries #nd Bulbs for All Sizes. DON'T GROPE IN THE DARK 85 Cents $1.10 90 Cents sia These are a few of the most satisfactory Lines. TREADGOLD Sporting Goods Co, 88 Princess St. 5c. Poet Cigar 5c. Look for Silk Thread on Tip of Hach Cigar, S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston, _ 897 Princess Street. ry MONUMENTS Importers A on, Ne eT The M Calum Granite Company, Ltd. | OVERCOATS $15 to to $28 as -------- IN TW] TWEDDELL Below Randolph. ban] . : 7 twipartant Sint Jou Sug 1988 but EDDY'S : SELE EXTINGUISHING T 500s" intimated his services player, has volunteer y Sam jenny Lednard, hampion, knocked out ont, of Memphis, Tenn. {at St, Paul, in the eighth round of |a sohieduled ten-round bout. It was first time Delmont was eve: | knocked out lightweight Jimmy Shelvin, club. promoter, of Cincinnati, a bout between Freddie Welsh and | Benny Leonard. i Charley White, the Chicago light weight, has been ordered to Camp | | Custer at Battle Creek, { become boxing Hstrictor, Coroner P. J. Byrne' a8 inquest in- {to the death of "El Paso" Jimmy { Wilson, who died at Cleveland f1 : ured skull , owing to a i Wenzel, of } Porter, only lower percentage prefer it to the old brands for 79 Princess St. National Breweries Manufacturers of the Famous Dow's and Dawes LIGHT ALE & | PORTER Order a Case from The Thompson Bot- tling Co. Sole Agents For Kingston District. 304 202 P tl One liver disorders, peritonitis, kid- Gene Del-| last night! has offered $20,000 for | Mich., to| LABATT IS MAKING A SPECIAL Ale and Porter FOR FAMILY USE Made from Malt and Hops, exactly like the Old Reliable Ale & and superior to anything made in that line in Ontario, many TRY IT. JAMES McPARLAND 1 door above Elliott Bros. Phone 274. | Appendicitis }{ ful bowel cleanser which thoroughly eve lope d that all tions against accident had hee aken, and that Wenzel was in no way to blame. Meredith, the Olympic 800 meter champion, and record holder for the quarter and half mile dis- aviator in France. ny Lennon, University of Pastorivanin sprinter, is also with him. Charles Weeghman, presidefit of the Chicago Cubs, is of the same opinion as Garry Herrman that the player limit in the National League should be reduced to eighteen men | next season. Barney Dreyfuss has a new form {of world's series. He would have { the Natiomal and American League {teams play a series of home and ome games. The plan is identical with that as was arranged 'between the International and the American | Association last season. | vidence last night. { Frank Donubue, that splendid hur- 1 |Ner who won fame while with the i | Philadelphia Nationals and the Cleve- | land and Detroit Americans several gu BENEEM=:-757 of spirit. It is absolutely pure summer and social drinking. - Marlatt' 3 Specific Gall Stones Removes Gall Stones Without Pain, Danger or Loss of Time Mayrlatt's Specific is a most power- li purifies the system and is a great suc-| in the treatment of appendicitis. | Unexcelled ' for intestinal, stomach | IT NEVER FAILS T. H. SARGENT, Druggist Kingston, Ont. J. W. MARLATT & CO. aq It's s a Wizard "or DAD and iis LAD : ¢ SOLE AT ALL GUOD SHOPS + An: exclusive inside. band ~ to be 4found only - A 581 Ontario Street. - | Toronto, Ont. in a Blizzard Ne. 3 ; Intermediate and years ago, {framed up a record which was unique. In twenty games in which he hurled against "Rube" Waddell the sensational Waddell failed to win a game from the com- monplace ' Donubue. "Red" had something on that southpaw the lat- ter could not shake off. Red and white vertical stripes will distinguish the Hamilton O. H. A. team on the ice this season. Hockey clubs throughout the Prov- ince are organizing junior leagues in their respective cities to develop players for the days when peace shall have been concluded. Northern League senior hockey players, even though rejected for ac- tive service, will be idle this winter, owing to the fact that the league de- cided not to have a senior series. There is nothing new under the sun. Carl Mays is using a delivery in movement and curve the exact counterpart of the famous Jim Me- Cormack of thirty-five years ago. It is a rare treat to watch Mays pitch. One day back in 1899 Jack Powell, then with Cleveland, was pitching the game of his life. The eleventh inning was reached without a score by either team. In that round Jack came up to bat and lammed out a clean home run, thus winning the game in true dime novel fashion. Ted Meredith, the Olympic 800- metre champion and world's record holder for the quarter and half mile runs, is now in France with Uncle Sam's army. Walter Eckersall, of the Chicago Tribune, and former star of the University of football team, is slowly dying from cancer of the stomach. of the American Baseball League, and later comnected with the Boston Red Sox, died several days ago in Milwaukee. An effort is being made to have Hamilton enter a team in the senior series of the O. H. A There will be plenty of hockey in London this winter, the various mil- itia units-stationed there having or- ganized leagues. TWO BELLEVILLE O, H. A. TEAMS Junior -- Ernie Lang to Coach Them. The Belleville Hockey Club has or- ganized for the coming season. Pros- pects were never brighter than this year. - It has been decided to enter two teams in the O. H. A., intermedi- ate and junior. Officers were elected as follows: Honorary president, William Car- new; honorary vice-president, Col. H. Wilson; president, 'W. J. Thomson; first vice-president, Robert E. Coll- ing; second vice-president, E. A. Thomas; secretary-treasurer, Lieut. E. J. Elliott; manager, Col. E. D. O'Flynn; coach, Erie Lang; trainer, Oscar Simpson, formerly of the K. €. I, Kingston. Committee, T. Whe- lan, 8. Symonds, I. Arnoll, E. Box, W. Green, A city league was organized for boys 18 years and under. It is ex- pected that about five teams will be in the league. "Australia Loses Another. Another famous Australian ath- lete has made the great sacrifice, for, according to late reports from the European front, Cecil Healy was killed in a-recent charge. At the time of his death, Healy was an adjutant, having achieved an excellent record for bravery and ve- sourcefulness under stress of -severe fighting. Healy was one of the best of the Australian -middle distance swim- mers, and at the time of his death held several Antipodean records at distances ranging from 150 to 400 yards. At one time he possessed the world's record for 150 yards in open water, but his time was bettered by Duke Kahanamoku, the Hawaii ex- pert. Hockey in Saskatchewan. Regina Leader: There is going to be a military hockey league in Sas- katchewan this winter, and the win- ner of that league should be fast enough to bring back the old Allan Cup to Regina, despite the tales of the prowess of the military players in Winnipeg. There will be one team from the 77th Battery and another from the Saskatchewan Depot Bat- talion in this city. An invitation is everything in a businesslike way. A Staut in Right Direction. ern Canada Amateur Hockey Asso- hie cae it known at Saturday's AS CHARLIE SAYS: An enjoyable dinner should start off with an appetite- It should grad- nally lead up to a demi-tasse and an ARABELA cigar. 10c¢: Scales & Roberts Limited, Toronto. Kingston's Electric Store! Hydro Electric Power Is At Hand. We have a full line of both gas and electric table lamps. Come in now and buy for Christmas, and get your choice at prices from $3.75 up. H.W.Newman Electric Co., 167 Princess Street. Phone 441 sporting writer) Chicago! A Few Suggestions for Xmas Presents Children's High Chairs,"Low Chairs, Rockers, Cradles, Cribs, Bassinetts, Shaving Cabinets, Chiffonieres, Smoker Stands; Music Chests; Music Benches; Nut Crackers and Bowl; Case seroles, Pie Plates, Doll Carriages, Children's Table and Ohairs, The Largest and Best Stock in the City to Choose From. Robt. J. Reid The Leading Undertaker and Furniture Dealer, 230 Princess St, Motor and Horse Ambulances. Phone 577. "F. 7. DALLEY CO. OF CANADA LTD, HAMILTON, CAN. Standpoint of Duty every person with respon- sibilities ought to carry Life Insurance. Do you realize that your liabilities do not stop with what you owe, but that they also include what you are responsible for? If the responsibility is yours to maintain a home and educate a family, why not Bok put oupself in 'a posi your obli- i 10 discharge You ul grin to you? The only way to adequately do so is means of Life Insurance. 'e have a policy suited to your needs. Let us tell 5 about it. Motes Life HEAD OFFICE, . TORONTO, CANADA