Stns rp re pram sacs THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1917. TIDINGS FROM STELLA. ! ------ 3 : Union Meeting Held--Rey. J. C. News from Eastern Gntario |" >= asc Stella, Dec. 3.--The steamer Ri- | | . ; H deau Queen made her last trip of the re-------------------------- "ea J | Beason to the city on November 24th. * lay has a position on Parliament Hill,| The Steamer Wolfe Islander, it is \ | We are pleased to hear that Mrs, | expected, will make one trip before i | GANANOQUE | Sonn Lats ear Bead Chri frome aon bo a as ov er I t ill- 3 { has resorted from her reden Joseph Bray made a trp to Plo i ton in his motor boat on Friday. (From Our Own Correspondent) WESTPORT CASUALTIES. A political meeting was held in Two Agricultural instruction cars the township hall on Tuesday even- ! for the practical demonstration of 45 Ry Cas T » 9 , methods for increased production and Pres. hihi PN Ty Guaner ne me aaa on on. oni ht % / i 3 i ived here Saturday 4 . y ETT WIHIINES zornins snd were visited by quite al Dec. 3M. and Mrs. 8. Charbon- Nie Ii a Ino evanin \ large number throughout the day. In neau Feeetvad a telegram; ou Tuesday Christ's church, Emerald, held their the High School assembly room on conveying the s information that| ganna) bazaar, supper and dance in Saturday evening a public meeting their son, Pte. Theodore Charbon- Bpe : @ . y Victoria hall on Wednesday after- with addresses: ang illustrated wich|Leau, had succwmmbed in Wounds on noon and evening. The attendance views and moving 'pictures drew a 4 : aa pita on . ee. was large. The proceeds amounted : goodly number who listened to the €56 consis of wounds } A . ; ! to over $100. 5 5 Wi tention. (bead, arm and hand. He enlisted in iy aan a voi priv Kingston. in September, 1915, going ae ember ut the abqve named hy de at the marke, here on Sat. | Overseas soon afterwards, Those left ches and the residents in gen- was made a ~a1|to mourn his loss are his parents,| ©ral will be pleased to learn that the urday, a Yu al faken bY Josal three brothers, Pte. Arthur Charbon-|Tector, Rev. J. C. Dixon, is improv. buyers, the prevailing price still hold- |, 00 11, "France, Fred and Oliver at| ing rapidly, and expects to be well in ing at 17c. Ro | home, and two sisters, Mrs. Thomas|@& short time. Mr. Dixon has been At Christ church last evening, Rev. undergoing treatment for some time ..1/of Timmins, and Mrs. Charles Cap- Walter Cox condugted a memorial per of Brockville. past in Montreal, | service for the late Corp'l. W. H. Gib- | A telegram was received by Mr. L. R. Neilson, has canvassed | bins, a former member of the Angli-' ; "kb McCann on Tuesday morning| the island in the interests of the Vie- can choir, who was recently killed | stating that his son, Corp. Dening|tory Loan, has secured over $50,000. in action. McCann, had been admitted to Coun- Hugh Filson has moved into his At their regular meeting held last ty London War Hospital, Epsom, on| new house on the north shore. week Gananoque Lodge No. 201, A.| Nov. Sth as dangerously ill, suffering Visitors: Pte' S. Cochrane of the d F. and A. M,, elected these officers| from gunshot wounds in the left|c, A. 8. C., Kingston, at William . . for the ensuing year: W. M., Rev.|shoulder. Cochrane's; E. Findlay, Collins Bay, Walter Cox; senior warden, W. V.| On Saturday night Mrs. Eugene spent a few days with his father, Battams; junior warden, John McCaffery was officially notified that James Findlay, last week. (Bell; secretary, A. E. Munro; treas-| her son, Gunner T. J. McCaffery was | urer, Robert Tulloch; tyler, George killed in action on Nov. 3rd. He STOOK MARKETS. . Toner. * was 27 years of age and previous to Quotations Furnished by RNongard. W. D. Pennell has sold his prop-|enlisting was & conductor in the ser- bridge, to Samuel Cochrane of Maple| Reeve C.J. Speagle and G. D. Dun- Ryerson & Co., 44 Clarence St., Grove, who purposes moving into|can are attending Country Council Howard 8. Folger, Manager. or or Vote For RICHARDSON ! LIBERAL CANDIDATE for KINGSTON AND PORTSMOUTH "A Liberal by inheritance and a Liberal by Conviction." My policy is a Government for the people, the common people, to defend them erty, just north of the Fly Creek Vice of the Ottawa Electric railway. town. meeting in Brockville this week. Under the auspites of the Red |Mrs. A. H. Tett of Kingston, = the New York Stocks. Cross workers of that secti6n a fine Shoat of Mri 00d, Mpa Pais {hi Sujerainment was held a Britas- wore Brockville visitors on Tuesday.| Am. Smelters .. Bia Hall, South Lake, on Friday | fore ro rt Mohn fichicon . evening. ' iad . 0. i Mr. and Mrs. David Thompson, Iiomas ig to Wa CPR....... Brook street, have received word Queen, Perth, spent a fow days with | Brie . ..... that their son, Pte. George Thomp-|friondl in Sydenham. Pte. Sidney| Marine .. ... son, was wounded recently in action, deter, formerly of Westport, was kill- Marine pfd. ... Sir Thomas White has issued an| eq in action on Nov. 26th. N.Y. 0. .. invitation to the ladies of Ganan- vir -- Reading age oque to attend a meeting for ladies DELTA POLITICAL MEETING Southern Pac ., only in the Oddfellow's Hall on Union Pacific . Wednesday evening next. Pte. Leonard Judge, of the 156th,| Alcohol .. against organized privilege. The Victory Loan team for Gana- Am. Loco . : Killed in Action. Anaconda noque brought their campaign to a . 8 i 3 a| Delta, Dec. 1.--A political meeting| Beth. Steal "bh AAMAS lose, nt miomignt on Saturday in a rucivie .. Open---2.45 p.m. EL UIINIIHTNNE | real whirlwind finish. On Friday in the interests of A. C. Hardy, Lib-| Crucible .. : eral candidate, for the Brockville] Inter. Nickel RRR ang Lhe oupscrytions alouited riding, was held in Town Hall here|Kennicott ,. t 1 . Rev. F, C ] midnight on Saturday netted $312.- Saturday afternoon ev his-| Mexican Pet .. " ° : ' holm. The principal speakers were|Rep. Steel . ve a . . 000, ap hich is considered a veryl, "Hardy, Allan Donaldson, a life-| U. '5. Stedl .. | 0 0 nn S en! We have a fine line of Portable Lamps creditable showing for the town. Theli ne' Conservative, and J. H Me. Utah .. ... .... * at reasonable prices. Call and look them [|| subscrived." ©" "¢4##160.000 Glade, Brockville and C. E. Britton, Midvais |..." stk . cribed. : Atlantic G 3 3 pric Ded, inaty 'work in commes.| G41810GU antic Gui ., | The Historic Buildings of the Independent ) . The Methodist Mission Band held over and don t forget to buy a tion" with the organization of a local|g social evening at the home of their ~ Jil branch of the G. W. Vv. A. was ar- 8 Costin Order of Foresters, Foresters Island, President, Miss Laura Howard, on . . Tafged gL 4 mecobile held on, Satur-|Saturday evening. Brazilian _ Deseronto, Ont. ay evening. The meeting was Pte Leonard Judge, a well-known| Can. Cement .. .. { } Halliday Electric Co. quite largely attended. A public] young man who enlisted in Sia. 13 Dom. Steel ,. . . Will be demolished hy Tha Dominion Salvage and Wrecking Co., . . meeting will be called at an early reported killed in action. cea. Stee! of Canada 4 : . Cor. Princess and King Streets. date, when the organizer will be pres-| went overseas with 166th Battalion.|War Loan, 1937 . 93% 94 | FOR SALE --lall lumber, doors, windows, radiators, steam ent to explain the aims and objects| Mise Laura Howard has gone in-| All other Canadian stocks selling Ripa, Jollows, iy + Sumshiinedy pumping 'outfit, plumbing, of the organization. to the Marchants Bank as junior. A|at minimum prices, on Mr O, a Or, ue. Hd further particulars, see our A A Reeve W. J. Wilson and Deputy|play, "Captain Jack," is being pre- Pt, Mr. O. Lurie, at the job, a Reeve T. I. Ellis were in Brockville | pared by the Dramatic Club for New CHICAGO GRAIN, for a few days this week in attend-| Year's Eve. The upper lake is splen- ! | ance at the sessions of the Counties|did for skating and the young peo- Corn, Council. . ple are all taking advantage of it. Open High Low Close, | » Pte. Spencer Cummings, who has| The Victory Loan campaign was af guy . 121 1213 120% 120% been In Toronto for the past few Ereat success in this vicinity, The|j,y 119% 119% 118% 1187 RECRIVE CAREFUL ATTENTION WHEN EXAMINED RY US. months reeciving brie returned | E'gin Dramatic Club presented "Alpe, = a4 1245 123 1 WE ARE EYE SPECIALISTS. OUR EXAMINING home the latter part of the week. of a Sudden Peggy," on Tuesday ROOM IS MODERN IN EVERY PARTICULAR AND OUR Dr. J. J. Davis was in Kingston in| 8Vening. Master Arnold Kelly is Oats. EXPHRT WORKMANSHIP WILL SATISFY THE MOST still unable to walk owing to an at- . Fa RAE a m------ a Open High Low Clos EXACTING. TRY OUR SERVICE. Dec. 4th.--Word was received by |tack of Theumatist. May .. 71% 15% 170% rm ve 3Y relatives that Pte. Russell Walker is Dec 74 72%° 138 R. J. RODGER in hospital seriously ill. He went to NEWS FROM THE DISTRIOY * % the front with one of the batteries Cotto | Opticians and Optometrists. recruited in Kingston. Clipped From Se Whigs Many Op'n Hgh Low 2.45pm,' 132 Princess Street. Word has been received here by right Jan .. ..28.75 28.77 28.16 28.16 friends that Pte. William Chidley,| 'George E. Clark, grocer, and Misa Meh. .. ..28.45 28.556 27.90 27.90 -- ~~~ |invalided home some time ago, and Mary Rosemond Burleigh, Tweed, ny' " "'9%'33 2g 99 27.62 27.65 --------m----===ay | who has been ill in Kingston for Were Jnana, Inst Weadseeasy. farm | D0. ..29042 20042 29.25 29.25 rg a professional capacity on Saturday. |, Robert Blair has bought the farm | ur, © "3657 36°98 36.40 20.49 : some time past, is making fair pro-|° Paraiin : : EN For the Boys at the Front. HOCOLATTA hich contains 100 acres. This pro- y i gress towards recovery. » Canadian Casualties. { Maple Leaf Grocery | _/The Skinner Co., Lid., during the|P®R" a "Rone is the Hughes farm | od in Action McCormick, Cooked Meats of All Kins [| PHSt Week installed an up-to-date! gweiling house in Lanark to James |ATnprior; C, J. Doughty, Madoc: F. Baked Ment Loaf with Cheese electric enamelling outfit. E. Closs, Dalhousie, who will take | Generaux, Queensboro: H, Kennedy, Ro canustge; Cogked Shoulder) { The Skinner Co., Ltd., during the possession shortly. Mr, Robertson | Lancaster; E. M. Warner, Newing-| Jellied Tongue; Cooked Ham, || Past week installed an up-to-date is going to Perth to reside. ton; T. G. Weese, Havelock; A. Daw, ! Ham Hologun; Jellled Hoek. | electric enamelling outfit. Jesse W. Harns, a prosperous far-| Inkermann. | A | Mrs. Willlam Davidson, Brock mer of Prince Edward county, died Wounded---H. C. Blackley, Cam-| Sy Sasortment always om street, is spending, some time in|on Saturday at his home in Hillier| beliford; J, Routledge, M. J. Hallj-! * Oshawa with her daughter, Mrs. A. township. He was sixty-two years of .h an, Peterboro; R. Laqu , Pem-' Al P tt C. Hart, being summoned there on|age. i broke; R. G. Hodge, Cornwdll; E. E.| €X otter. J} 2ocount of her little grandson having| Major Behan, Pembroke, retires | Strathy, Port Hope; J. V. Merch-| Phone 752. 12 Rideau St. || the misfortune to break his arm. at close of the year. The names of more, Gananogue. Timothy Daly, Water street, isi Reeve W. R. Beatty and Deputy-| Missing--A, M. 'McFarlane, Mer-! n, "The Ready-to-use Chocolate" Contains the Chocolate, Milk and Sugar, Prepa pg by Addl Boling ay Only: ny No Cooking ik R red, ° ing or a equt confined to his bed very seriously ill. | Reeve T. H. Moffat are mentioned as | pip - : Earl Walker, located for some likely aspirants for the office. me pasta Trenton. spent the! St. Bdmund's chitfch, Bioto, was! w. po, A, L. Metraesor. a pasty) oi 1C (0) ak an 'week-end In town with his parents, | the scene of a pretty wedding on| master of St. Francis Lodge, A. F. wi Mr. and Mrs, James Walker, Charles | Nov. 27th, when Miss Stella Larkin, and A, M., and t first principal street. warkins, and Anthony McKeown, of of St Francis ® (Masons, Smith's Following the soft weather of last i ® united in mintimony Falls, who recently moved to Sud- Victor Records week the Gananoque river froze over ian. died I Waa, N Y. after bury, received, on the eve of his de- again on Saturday night and has two months' iliness. - He was porn in | Parture, from his Masonic brethren . » % sines furnished excellent skating. 11371" In Noreh Frederichshars town. of Smith's Falls, a handsome _gold- We have a large stock of Victrolas and r. an rs, P n, el- cane approp y inse ' Lington 'street, 'have gone up to|SMIP. MPs Erwin Joyes, Daseronto, | Le Ne ARECIPHALEL Inscribed, Records as low as $7 per month. Why not Kingston to spend the month with The death took , lace on Thursday | With a pretty gold chain and pend- : . ot . the former's parents, ° i Ty ook fiace on Thursday | He. equip your home with music for Christmas? : et ----" ----------. linson 3 former wel} kuiown Fesiden: Un sekiug Remon Hotkers at » . 2 | of Seeley's Bay, at the age of sev-|UD 8 | . a2 ay re year Oy Ee ey | Thuy or 7 > tion A Hear these Harry Lauder records: | DARLINGSIDE illness. Mrs. Collison was a sister | ianos to rent. C. W. Lindsay, I Love a Lassie (60001) res my 90c¢ o jf & , AVIDL. of William Richardson, Counties' | Ltd. | : Clerk. Brockville. - Several hali-bro-| Robert Stott, C. P. R. conductor, "Queen Among the Heather" (60010) 90c ivi terribly injured Saturday | ' . o > Our dadeats thers Fin fees -- while "opersing the C. PUR mixed . He Was Very K d to Me (7000 nN $1 50 edding rain at Jasper, di n | I + ye Plevna, Dee. 3 The marriage Friday TAO me. in Smith's gon | Trixie From Dixie (70095) aie $1! .50 it. church, 5 1 1 3 ; ; li Darlingside, Dee, 4.--Mr. and Mrs. | took place at the eral Hospital. The deceased was 00 sample dresses just arrived, in John Patterson were recent visitors| Plevna, on Nov. 21st of Miss Amelia | bout ofrty years of age. : dsilk.. | ena, 4 Also hear Tetrazzini sing: serge a : | Cornelius ¥ at ir and rs: Gustave Lomb: ana | "Bonnie Sweet Bessie." To be sold at regular wholesale prices, [lout tgs Tooley: Rov. | "Lakme" (Bell Song). ranging from $9.95 to $19.95. «5 sow "threshiz ET iin we y Blue 3 -- We also have a good selection of Alma Sie : | . oy : » : | Gluck, Louise Homer and John McCor- * "Don't fail to see them -- they are the | Sup ; rr. of Ary , poy . ccords. : last word in Fashion's demand. iy aha : 1 mack Victor R _--_ = mh meri op | Ere od sed by ore (| C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED 1 ¥ Se is pushing the buildin as fast' Herringt x | | 22 posit It is Mr rds in- 121 tention to occupy his island in May, : . tention to occupy ind 1 May : Open Every E Till Christmas. Selton cheese factory closed opera- . A ! . ' ; tions for this' season about Nov. - '1 bt his home of John Ha urlow township, aged elghty-twol Napanee, is a daughter. George W. Card. died on Fridas|years . 0 , Richard, resides fr s in 2nd Concession mca i in