said a well edueat as asked this vou have a cold ugh or bron » you will note, of t 0 vou persist In po tonics and th stomach, which is hroat lung perfectly } Ever think of it? The stomach and the lungs are not connect fo , otherwise vallowed would chok you Lung and at troubles were never yet cured by dosing the stomach : colds and bron hitis, the cure To cure coughs, you must breathe Peps provide the rational treat- rent for these ailments. Peps are tablets made up of pine extracts a 1 medicinal essences, which when put into the mouth turn'. into healing vapors. These are breathed down direct to the lungs, throat and bronchial tubes--not swallowed down 10 the stomach, which is not ai ing, Try a S0e. box of Peps for your cold, your cough, bronchitis or asthma All drug- £1sts and stores or Peps: Co, Toronto, will supply Peps | { COAL CUSTOMERS | Please Notice ! On and after first of May | Coal Sales will be for | Cash Only. BOOTH & CO. | - Phone 133. | PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Tells How To Open Clogged Nos-< trils and End Head-Colds. = You feel fine in a few moments. Your cold in head or catarrh will be gone. Your clogged nostrils will open. The air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more dullness, headache; no hawking, snuffling, mucous dis- charges or dryness; no struggling for breath at night. Tell 'your druggist vou want a small bottle of Kly's Cream Balm. Apply a little of this fragrant, an- tiseptic cream in your nostrils, let it penetrate through every air passage of the head; soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane, and relief comes instantly. It is just what every cold and. ca- tarrh sufferer needs, Don't stay stuffed-up and miserable. NOW ON SALE Snow Apples, St. Law- rence, Me¢intosh Reds, Wolf Rivers, Tolman Sweets WINTER APPLES Northern Spies, Greenings, Cran. berry Pippin, Pewahkee and Talman. | Special for Sale This Week. DUSTLESS CLOTHES LINE Regular price 50c, sale price .. ~60 FOOT CLOTHES LINE lar price 385¢, e price .. 25¢ Fresh Eggs ... ... ... ... BS¢ Eastern Dairy Schodl Batter ... 50c¢ UNITED GROCERY 188 Princess Street. BEN LEE & CO. RAILWAY GRAND TRUNK SVsem LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In effect Sept. 30th, 1917. Tralas will leave and arrive at Oity Depot, Fool of duknsan Street, oat. Got, ng Lve. City Arr. City No.13 Mail a aw 4-13.16 am. 13.57am 0. ress . .. 2.58 am. No. 27 Looe 40c | | 335am 10.17 a.m. 3 3 p.m. © B | 2 q § Mall .. .. ..12.20 p.m. No. 14 Intern'l Ltd. 1.08 p.m. No. 28 Local .. . .. 6.48 p.m, A Y Nos, 1, & 7, 18, 14, 16, 18, 19 run dai | Other trains dally excep: Sunday. | Direct ronto, Peterboro, | , _ Detroit, | Saginaw, Montreal, | St. John, | York, For | , tickets and | POLITIC ~10008 Ta" 3 3. 13. 1 7 TEER <ggagg Agent. Hanley, steamship es. Agency or all pen day and night | - ! So -------------- rs v-- oi. sooner, RY CUNARD LINE § of sailings and rates fice tne or The Rohert "Toronto. Che y {visit at H. J. {of Harrowsmith | Br er information, apply to, J. P. Mair. Lv. TORONTO 9.00 P.M. ee a -------- NEWS FROM CATARAQUIL Late J. Hunter, Killed $n Tracks, a Well-known Resident, ( 30.--F. Lether J. Sprott are canvass. g tion in the interest of Victory The children of the Anglican school are practising for a tmas entertainment. Mrs, C. Gillespie and little son, Gordon, of Wolfe Island, have been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Weson Miss Gertrude Northmore, New JNork, made a short 1pson's this week. She expects ver con 10 go overseas as a nursing sister Miss Geraldine Purdy, Kingston, was a recent visitor in the village. Miss Bessie Blair is remaining in Kingston for a time W, J. Cooke has again joined the Government exhibition car, "Better Cat: his sec | Farming Special," as a demonsira- tor. He left for Cornwall on Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fairbanks at- tended the funeral of the former's aunt at Napanee on Sunday. Erwin Jackson is home from Kingston af- ter being in hospital with an injured foot. Fred Denyes dis recovering in Kingston General Hospital from a threatened attack of typhoid fever. The late J, Hunter, section boss on the G.T.R., who was killed by an en. gine while working on the track, leaves a widow, five sons, Herbert, in Toronto; Erwin, at Ernesttown; John in Hamilton; Peter, in Water- town, N.Y., and George at*home; also one daughter, Mrs. S. Herring ton, of Trenton. Mr. Hunter was a good citizen of a quiet, kindly nat- ure, Died at Harrowsmith, Harrowsmith, Dec, 3.--A widely known and greatly beloved resident passed away on 30th in the person of Charlotte wife of John Hughes. The d was born at Petworth fifty. years ago,-and lived in this vicin- ity all her life. All her friends and weighbors found in her a true friend and ready sympathizer in all their troubles. She was a loving wife and devoted mother, and. bore 'her long sufferings with Christian fortitude and patience. She suffered a num- ber of years from a complication of diseases. Surviving are her hus. band, three sons and five daughters, viz., Earl, of Ottawa; Roy and Rus- sell at home; Mrs.%G. W. Bishop, of Sunbury; Maybelle, Jennie and Edy- the, of Toronto; and Alberta at home. The funeral sermon was preached at Petworth om" Sunday at one o'clock and the remains were taken to Harrowsmith cemetery, Nov. Knitted 400 Pairs of Socks. Perth, Dec. 3.--A card of honor for having knitted and turned in 100 pairs of socks has been received by Mrs. John A. Hart, Winnipeg, from Captain Mary Plummer, of the Cana- dian Field Comforts Commission, at Shorncliffe. The card is tastily de- signed, showing the Union Jack in colors and the Maple Leaf in gold, while in the centre appear the words, "Loyalty, Love, Sacrifice." Mrs. Hart is the first Winnipeg woman who is known to have received this recognition. Mrs. Hart is knitting her ninety-third pair this year, and has a record of 400 pairs to her cred- it. Mrs. Hart is a sister of Mrs, T. B. Caldwell and Mrs, W, C. Caldwell, Lanark, and Mrs. A. Sheehan, Kings- ton. Ransom-Fluker. Pembroke, Nov. 29.--An event of more than ordinary interest in Pem- broke social circles took place on the 21st inst, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. R, Fluker, Pembroke, when their only daughter, Miss Queenie, one of Pembroke's most popular GIRLS! BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR AND STOP DANDRUFF Hair Becomes Charming, Wavy, Lus- trous and Thick in Few Moments, Every Bit of Dandruff Disappears and Hair Stops Com- ing Out. For a few cents you can save your 'hair. In less than ten minutes you can double its beauty. Your hair be- comes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and appears, as soft, lustrous and charming as a young girl's after ap- plying some Danderine. Also try this--moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt of excessive oil, and in just a few moments you Jave doubled the beauty of your A delightful surprise awaits those whose hair has been neglected or is scraggy, faded, dry, brittle or thin. Besides beautifying the hair, Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and in- vigorates the scalp, forever stoppi itching and falling hair, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair-- fine and downy at first--yes--but really new hair growing all over the scalp. If you care for pretty, soft hair, and lots of it, surely gst a Small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter and just try it. AND SATURDAY Ar. WINNIPEG 6.00 P.M. ™t%smmow Connecting at Winnipeg for all Western Canada snd Padlfic Coast Points Time Table and ail information from any Grand Trunk, Canadian Government Raitways, or T. & N. O, Railway Agent, NE| Loan slogan THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1917. {FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE young ladies, and Captain (Rey.) A. B. Ransom, who in 1915 supplied the pulpit of Pembroke Methodist Church, after the departure of Rev. Mr. Emsley for overseas, and who went overseas himself after leaving here, engaging in Y.M.C.A. near the front lines; with rank of captain, were united in marriage. Fire at Brockville Station, Brockville, Dec. 4.--Several bags of mail awaiting transfer from the Grand Trunk to the C. P. R. nar- rowly escaped destruction on Sun- day when a small frame structure at the Union station caught fire. The building was also used by the Do- minion and Canadian Express Com- panies and a quantity of goods which came off the eight and early morning traing awaiting local deliveries was ruined by fire, water and smoke, The fire is supposed to have started from 4 stove in the éxpress department. The damage to the building and con. tents will be about $6,000, Eaten by a Bear. Havelock, Dec. 3--A gruesome tale comes from Loon Lake in Chandos. to the effect that Alva Lawrencey who was trapping in that section, has been apparently eaten by a bear or some other wild animal. The story has it that Lawrence's boot and part of his leg were found by some of the residents o fthe township, and that the scenc bore every evidence of the awful tragedy. Lawrence was well known in Havelock and this section of the country West Hasings Strong For Union. Belleville, Dec. 4.--The election An West Hastings is warming up as the day approaches for the deposit- ing of the ballots. The prospects for E. G. Porter, the Unionist candidate, are exceptionally bright. The wo- men's vote will be a factor in 'the election as about 2,000 have been pfaced on the list hy the ennmerators, A great majority are in favor of the election of the Union Government candidate, Guilty of Careless Driving. Cornwall, Nov, 30.--Dan McDon- old appeared before the assize court on a charge of manslaughter and also of causing bodily harm, the case being the result of the death of Mrs. Capt. J. P. Shephenson, Avonmore, who was struck by an auto driven by McDonald on Sept. 19th last. The accused pleaded guilty to the second charge on condition that the man- slaughter, charge 'would be dropped. This was agreed to, and he was fin- ed $200. Pembroke School Levy. Pembroke, Dec. 3.--The Pembroke Board of Education this year asks the Town Council for $16,894 for High School purposes, against $10,- 383 last year, and for Public school purposes a total of $28,868, as against $22,526 for last year. The High School rate recommended is 3.3 mille eompared with 2.7 mills last year, and 10 mills for Public school as against 8 mills last year ,a total increase of three mills, Probably Heart Failure, Belleville, Nov. 29.--An autopsy on the body of Mr. Covell, found in the bay at Presqu'il Point, revealed the fact that death resulted from na- tural causes, and not by drowning. It is presumed that Mr. Covell, while attending his nets, was suddenly stricken with heart failure, and prob- ably falling on the side of the boat, caused it to overturn, precipitating him into the water, Mr. Covell, whose home is in Brighton, leaves a widow and one son. Lost His Life in Fire. Cornwall, Ont., Dec, 1.---~Word has been received that James L. Lauber, aged thirty-five years, whose home is in Moulinette, lost his life in a fire in Fred Fleischaur's hotel at Tona- wanda, N. Y.© The victim was em- ployed on the steamer Bradley, which put into that place with a load of lumber, and he put up at the hotel for the night. Cobourg Calls Minister, Cobourg, Dec, 4 --By a unanimous vote the congregation of St. An. drew's Presbyterian church here de- cided to extend a call to Rev, W, A. Bremner of St. Thomas, to succeed Lieut.-Col. William Beattie, C.M.G., who went overseas as chaplain with the First Canadian Expeditionary Force, and who some months ago re. signed his Cobourg pastorate. Rev. Wm. Johnston Seriously Hurt. Tweed, Dec. 3.--On Thursday Rev. William Johnston was taking a bar- rel of apples down cellar at the home of W. 8. Gordon, his son-in- law, when he slipped and Tell to the cellar floor, the barrel falling upon him. Dr. Kindred found no fractured 'bones, but Mr, Johnston was severely bruised and the shock was severe. $45 a Head Already. Picton, Nov. 30.--The Victory for Prince Edward county is "a million for Prince Ed- ward county." Already over $700. 000 oun subscribed, means for 16,500 people comprising the population of this Island county, $45 a head for every man, woman and child, + Now Captain Fanlds, - Marmora, Dee. Faulds, M.A., Atnprior, at one time pastor of St. Andrew's church here, who went overseas as a private, has! been appointed chaplain, with the rank of captain. He is at present in| France, but has been ordered to re. port in London, England. Died - Brockville, Nov. 28 --William A. Young, native of Galt, Ont., who for many years conducted a barber shop in Brockville, died suddenly on Mon- day after being seized with hemior- rhage. He was forty-four years old aud womarried. f ---- service | which | 4.--Rev. James | PAGE ELEVEN to the Navy and Mercantile Marine. for the Great Cause. { with British traffic--carrying food, munitions, aeroplanes, artillery and the thousand things our boys need at the front to fight the barbarous Hun. What bappens--think you--to those poor fellows, maimed at their calling, or to their humble loved ones when the breadwinner is killed or drowned? No pensions--no "allowances" --cold and little of that. Is this fair--is it just--is it RIGHT ? ! Let your answer be expressed in a gen- erous contribution on SAILORS' DAY, DECEMBER 8th, through the Daughters of the Empire who are seeking to increase Can- ada's contribution last year of $700,000 "for the dependents, for Sailors' Homes, Institutes and Hospitals in Canada and throughout the . Empire" and for the full work of the Navy League. Won't you be generous on + He stands before you and asks your help on Sailors' December 8th. Why does he do this? Because millions have been given to the Army by public and private subscriptions--worthily so--but practically nothing allors! The strong, right arm of human civilization--the unconquers- able sailor of the British Navy and Mercantile Marine-- Day, Think of the superb bravery of the men who defy the perils of mine-sown, submarine infested seas and, with songs on their lips, cheerfully give up their lives So that the great arteries of the Empire--the High Seas--may be kept alive relief of British and Canadian Sailors and their - Objects of the Navy League of Canada ONTARIO BRANCH Affiliated with the Navy League of the British Empire. The Navy League of Canada is the Canadian Branch of the Navy League of the British Empire, and is an association of voluntary members formed to carry out the following objects :-- | A thoroughly organized educations. campaign in ne ghly srimnisee the Navy and Marcher tile Marine. (a) By lectures. (b) By the circulation of of literature. schools. {c) By placing readers in public 2 To raise funds for the relief of British apd Canadian Sailors and the'r dependents for Sailors' Homes, Institutes and Hospitals in Canada and throughout the Empire. 3 To encourage volunteer Naval Brigades for boys and young men in which they can receive ical and theoretical instructions in ses manship to prepare them for service in our Mercantile Marine. It shall be a fundamental principle of the League t objects membership, management and conduct shell be absolute! > d with and free from all party politics and from every orginization connected with party politics. Patrons -- Thei Excallsncion the Duke nd Duchess ou of Devonthiv G., &e. a Col. Sir John Hendrie, KCM.G., CV.O, Ete Joh Hunde. K.C.MC. Hon.Pres.--Sir John C. Eaton,K.B.S.5.D, Pres.-Commodore Aemilius Jarvis, S.8.D.