Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Nov 1917, p. 6

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CE I | GR AND OPERA - fo HOUSE : i i Production Bo i» | The People' s Forum | | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1917. PAGE SEVEN TIE Intreased effort and eff - Presents 1 X . y in labor, more econ- 3 - HB id less waste In living, dlill Hi i 53 L € up capital by hard- I nN lita} 5 oe 7 g 3 k and greater savings, you and your men and wo A Comedy In Three Acts must produce | Hy A. E. W. Mason. CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES AGENTS WANTED. a FOR SALE. mite CO War's waste Part of Proceeds for War Relief. T° Prices -- 50¢, The, $1.00, $1.50. 3 1 t lc a word. Esch com-| DO YOU WANT TO EST ABL SH A HESK EFFECTIVE ADVTS. OOS? It is easier to make money than to save it. A Seats Now on Sale. FI her insertion thereafter vr permanent business f | FOUND little. Once, 2e three times S08; y gp Jopey BAS ! ' 3 I o this b ' one wee 1.00 Savings Account at The Bar t Toronto will help | --------- sent 4 wore. Slanmum hurge er genoy fo r. Bov Home - A CRANK. BELONGING TO A save what your locreased effurt provides one ertion, i three ingertions, + : | [79 ¢ and « iol | Car, cked u n * \ . -- 3 uit 3 one mu ith, 82. calit t you ure Ww ington street. Owner may NEW EMPRESS STEEL RANGE, - i ense al rrant vou the e sive | avy ne by calling at 114 nearly new Apply 48 Frontenac Teronto, 119 Branches In Capada | d ur d eC ) , ' e 8 r bu the Xck 8 ¥e he y a i ¥ i J . HELP WANTED Hight ou erritory writ i ' t street FREE goods "-- ESTABLISHED 1588, errr A a val 'Manufac- A PIN WITH THE SOUTH AF- | Matinee 2. 30; Evg. 8.15|% NIGHT PORTER. APPL) ' t r Cofhpany, Dept Mon- an colors. Om pér v A NEW MCLAUGHLIN AND CHEVRO. BANK JK or TORONTO A WONDE RPTL SUCCESS dolph Bote { pa ie same by ling at i156 Ride let. Apply Dr. H. A. Boyce, $3 Wels AN SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS ers and' ogpboard, cheap. -86 Brock xt for cash or In part payment of new TISED FREE. Street. Phone 326 | . planos and grafanolas. C. W. Lind- " ang hiog. aad " Limitea, 121 incess street. Anyone nding any a a . | AID FOR GENER AL HOUSE. say, Limitea, 121 Prince wishing to reach the owner MAY GARDEN LAND -- 13 ACRES TWO * aps ¥ hh, 22 ' "BICYCLE RIDERS TO BRING THEIR do so by reporting the facts to miles from Kingston. Apply to R. am : bicycles to Geo. Muller, ! King The British Whig. The adver- A. Marrison, Cataraqui, Ontario, en COtity REPRRENCES. due] HSL 10 be Clianed and scaredill Lemont witl be prinied'in this 1 } ac Hotel y 4 y - yw NV. and 2 Bie Wetk in 'Tore a WANTED GENERAL RK PAT EOF. FEE ! a SE UE EXPERIENCED GENERAL FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- OAK DESK, FLAT TOP, FIVE DRAW- | i | im N.Y, and a Big Week in Toronto. w---------- | \ | 3 il | lington St Coming Here After 200 Crowded Nights Goon Kr FC HE N WOMAN. APPLY | for winter; aiso skates hallow column free of charge. Mrs. Hemming, ground and sharpened. Phone 1032, | 3 PENS PARTRIDGE WYANDOTTES, -.-T YY ry yr | Brilliant Broadway Cast Ht = "Found articles" does not ine bition stock: all laying. Apply : : a | TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER- clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, o I. Shuter, Royal Military Cols includin ROVE, Ie ont oar ape Gon chants and business men in East- ete. These, If lost, may be ad- g Apply Box R. M. Whig Office . ern Ontario can connect with a Deen for in the "Lost" column. . good side line by applying to Box CR i -- HELP WIN THE WAR -- | REA MARTIN A WOMAN TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE- | Ndeniiar Mg Office. Strictly cou | Ns =e A oP In Brat Sime candice A work; r aundry. Apply pl ply to W. G. Cralg & Co. or Boyd's "A remarkably clever actress." Davis, n Syder pam and W st | A " : Garage, BUY VICTORY BONDS --Toronte Mall & Empire street ) WE WARE TO Bey ALL kiaos op LOST a ST x : < w™ » | heaters, clothes, etc. We also have oF Y JUST OME WOULD LIKE : sate SMALL SILVER CUFF LINK, INITIAL | GENUINE 6 Prices -- Mautine, 50 } hg ER ountry to) everything in _ the sond-hand Ll, SILVER Minder kindly. ret RAPHONOLA AND TEN ' . t i 35 ; Nn r sale. |S. Shapito, 48 Prin- ) or rleotions, your own. choice, $30.65. CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE PSEA NG Rig Het ities Box "a | Sh deh pes HH? 2 Sale OU viimited 41 Princean Be a 4 A. i | « CYS. IAm rincess servos Sikes | MATRON, Atv 3 GRY. | WASTED | waAbE wwe | OV Mb HL BLIGH, OF 286 Princess Street. Phone 2168 el be fond oF chi | to $15 per wet. Send by parcel post Marchand, J Cet street, and | PRIVATE SALE OF WALNUT AND The Home of Good Candies Apply Ruston, Children's @ eceive. check by return mail. Tous: ve Tews oak furniture, carpets, curtains and Belleville, Ont | ¥ erl, 403 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, poles, gas range, Pandora coal - 1 range, Jawn mower and refrigera- A MARRIED MAN TO DRIVE SAND ly return to the William Davies tor. ADDY 99 Clergy St. Wess M D 3 to city Steady work the year| Company and receive reward on. eC. pound and good wages. Apply R. | yo xy prc ADVERTISERS FIRST H. Fair, RR. No. 5. Kingston tar little ad this size] CRANK FOR CHALMERS CAR, FRI-| \yT0MOBILE TOPS, ENGINE HOOD THE MIRACLE MAN Se ------ A --------------------------t | | 8 : ¥ Wy All Week Commencing A 24-IN. MEAT SAW. FINDER KIND. Wonderful would give them the apportunity to WHILE HUNTING, MT CLYDE LAKE, Om phone call or a Bagot street. INVESTORS WARNING DON'S INVEST china cabinets, also Food der, talcum powder, vanishing and Direct from record breaking TT IE one cent until you read Successful sorings and mattresses. b do so. For particulars, phone or -- : hig Publishing Co near Folger Station, a ho ind. hia K ® [ '" . write British Whig Pub. Co | and Stee] § ray i scar on front SOME OF THE BIGGEST ADVERTIS. Seen Mahalia || "°%:ae 2 i Re " on, § PI postal wil bring you full - ee ® Fowder. | HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS . K Y tioulars abgut this | ene Just Unloaded For ASK HIM -- HE KNOWS and all growths and skin blem- mm - Sz British Whig Publishing Co. . E wis io SLY Ny iy { fishes removed permanently, with- ~ Si very y THE MOST REMARKABLE . | out scar; 30 years' experience. Dr. BUSINESS CHANCES S uy cold cream, toilet water, etc. Our W. G. CRAIG & CO., LIMITED. run at Toronto. Now play- With or without experience, on ||| 1 JAC Finance, and learn how, fortunes all kinds of second hand AAR upper window display is "A Beauty." y La ) SITUATIONS VACANT. are made and lost y Investors. J Thomnsou, 333 Princess street. answers to Ehlner J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, LARGE STOCK OF EXTENSION TA. Wholesale Distributors. ing Grand, Toronto. Here sewing and knitting machines. Free trial subscription. Success- Phone 1600. w . 4 pa covers make your car start ea WHY NOT LET THE READERS or | Phe caf Is so Milly alg the Se { Finder -k 1 ) cold weather. Have your x ay this paper do business with you ES a EA al Transport Garage, Barrack. st covered and curtains repaired. Jude Another Carload of the UNNIN Your advertisement in these pages you i Jurtcgiamg, Cal Liu y son's Auto Tops, Brockville. ) i 2s ou $ ers today somelimes use a PERSONAL a k ok. skin o- ad Mke this. A . SHOW OF THE AGE. . . , « 1 Tar The latest creation in face pow- Uses EGG-O 2) Taroat and skin Specialist, 262 bles and dining chairs, buff next, Light work; highest wages paid i ful Finance, 608 8S. Dearborn St, " 5 MADE L TRO 3 iT Chicago. while learning. Apply [95 MADE DAN bro AT BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE AGe ~ ' THE SUPER-MIND . . | reducing cost of Mving. Send ten ency. Hoa S Drug Store A wn Kingston Hosiery, ||| coo i 'clual good for sening | rrm------------=| Eh ch a 3 .« » | sam Garretson Company, $450--LARGE LOT, HARN AND SMALL Branch Post Office. ' Modern Wonder-Workers i Limited | Brantford, Ont DR. REEVE, dwelling Kingston, Ont. 0 a oes. 21% hours of weird, gripping - { | Nerve Specialist, | : and amasing entertainment. ! ARCHITECT Years of experience .enables NS RAME, a -- ---- " ) me to treat difficult cases suc- the bushel or bag; qual- WONDERFUL FLIUSIONS Cessfully. Call, or state case by By -_ ity high and prices low; also a Matinees, Wed., Fri. and Sat] FINANCIAL | POWER & SON, ARCHITEUTS, MER- letter. $1400--FRAME, 6 ROOMS, MONTREAL a choice variety of apples and Prices 25¢, 85¢, 50c & 75¢. ! chants Bank Building, | corner 18 Oariten Street, Toromte. - 9 os vegetables. - Matinees, 25¢, 50c. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST-| Brock and Wellington Sts. --/) | $1400--BRICK FRONT, SEMI DETACH. on 4 y » ment Soclety; incorporated 1863; | ed. Bulbs Bulbs Bulbs : : pesigent, Clloncl HR. Sith | DENTAL Just Arrived Holland vice-president, W. F. Niec- | us vi rom OLANA = 6 ROOMS, DIVISION $1400--FRAME, 6 ROOMS, IMPROVE- a - ' ADI TADC kle, Xe. Money issued ipa ant | ments, large lot and barn, Plant Now. In 0 | | and farm properties, municipal and | A, E. KNAPP, B.A, L.D.S, -- ney deh tiron: Tate abs Par. Once, ARE A 1d I : $1600--ROUGH CAST HOUSE ON PRIN. ° chased; . inves@gment bonds for | 5 Incess street' OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. cess street, 7 rooms, yard and gate- AR terest allowed. R. C, Cantwrigh LE 79 Clarence street. -- Carpenter and Builder 210 Division St. Phone 545 Tn ye pC wrigul, ln 7. LEoNARD NALSL DENTIOL $1500--BHICK, 6 ROOMS, ITMPROVE- W. R. BILLENNESS ||S-------- | Thurs., Friday, Saturday Phone 626. a Eg 'ERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE TWO FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, rr. a A Monster Bill . " LOND) ] iL fo eee eee suitable for Nght. housekeoping. | gs . . Specializing Store -Frouts . and . Pit. A Mops . . Fire Insurance ( ompany, Available | DRS, SPARKS AN L - bana hie, $2000--FRAME, 7 ROOMS, IMPROVE. tings. Hemodelling Buildings of all Lasky Presents assots $61,187,215 addition, to tists, 159 Welinsien sires ney. Tomas reasonable." XPH1y 29% Juha. ments, corner lot. ' which the polic holgers have for son stree reet, ESTIMATES Yejuidu, EXPERIENCE Stop, Look, Listen! Madame Petrova, mn security the unlimited Hability of Pawar, {e™ 1.0%. (assistant, T 4 $3200--BRICK, 7 HOOMS, FURNACE, 1 . , insure righ ; Address 372 University Ave "EXILE" iL nC) nguted BY an STORAGE FOR FURNITURE OR MER- ght of way old or giving new business get | f/ -- chandise, clean and dry. McCann's | ga500--BRICK, 10 ROOMS, ALL IMe -------------------------------------------- AN " A Real Estate Agency, 82 Brock St, )veme ey 7 HNSON AND BUY Alice Joyce and Harry | [iol Phones & Seve Phones 336 or 63k. Pryvements, hot water, H.W. flout, Our Christmas Goods Are Here. . BEE - - So $5000--BRICK--13 ROOMS; CONVEN]. oJe Come and buy early and often Morey, mn w ru or ONE DOUBLE AND ONE SINGLE FUR) ent for roomers. nished rooms, on Frontenac St - at "Richard the Brazen" near Union. 'Apply Box X2, Whig | $4500 TO $3000--A NUMBER TO The Leading Florist ; | : sale; deposits Fish and In- bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, way. select from, Office. yi CHAPLIN Th b , : i ; A . lor CLARE are) Beran, Wostiag Hogue [| The Bon Marche Js. «a Nol RR rout HE | Xmas Cake te a shal Frei! 6" " large bedroom and small. kitche Alled promptly. Phone 230, 113 Hrock mn A Jitney Elopement at the Lodge rooms srrow, Satur- | suitable for Young married izchen: | Final Episode day afternoon at 1 o'clock, to nttend | without children. 304 Earl street BOARD AND ROOMS Phone 1844. Cor. King & Earl a 15y the funeral of our Inte Brother Joseph | " ef. 99 |Eimer. } i The Neglected Wife All Oddfellows respectfully invited ||| Peels, Raisins, Currants, Figs. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN PU RN ISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITH. bam eT pe to attend. | Dates and Nuts, dry, alry room ur ow t ard, A Prices--Mat. 15¢; Evening 235c. Andrew WN hit, RM, Douglas. Y, y rooms; Lo r own lock and ou boat pply Mrs. Beardsell, tow & = & Fro Sowards Keeps Coal [| a= Save Your Coupons le Grand. tee. |||. New Sultana Raisins, 15¢ Ib. rion at ST nm, 3 All pure spices. For the Boys at the Fromt. For the Big Drawing for Victory 3 * Swee wr, 2 25¢. . Loan Bonds, Saturday evening, Dec. west a re 2 quar for 35¢ THIS DEPARTMENT 18 ALWAYS | CH L ran, Do resh Haddies and Oysters. glad to hear from any one thinking | A. B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER st. of using olassified dvertising | > . OCO ATTA { Write or Phone Canada Yistory Loan | 2 gr Chgeotater STD A NI pHANGE OF TIME | may be. abie to help You. British | "hoe Wirenl Kinkwton n s the Chocolate, Milk and Vi - | M3 Dub Bo col ective Monday, Dec i J. RK. D. age, PIANO TUNING, us abou We and solicitor. Law office, 79 Clar- will Help Keep You. Ep -- b Aadiag ember 3rd, 1917. LARGE BEDROOM WITH SITTING room; hot water heating; electric | 408. HODGE, CERTIFICATED PI Leave Kingston ... ca Bud 254 Montreal St. Phone 549 lighted, Use of phe : : FANS oot tuner, Leave orders at McAuley's, No Cooking or Milk R . Arrive Kingston .. 00 warm dnd in good local ply Phone 368, Buy One. Jos of Mik Required. Thurs., Friday, Saturday | 'Gur Kineton coon ---- | © Tiox. Be Whig Ofer ty. Applr| J Phone 3 re ew -- ) D. Couper GOLDWYN a FURNITURE FINISHING DRESSMAKING Phone 76. oper Princess st ' Presents MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER, PY Pr. er Ga Ge Yaron uo RE FINISH. having resumed business, solicits . Joh. ¢ BUY VICTORY ====== JANE COWL, in Stop-- Look--Listen! BE sr] - HID Re LOAN BONDS [i " . re And Help Your The Spreading The Historic Buildings of the Independent \ Order of Foresters, Forest Country and Your- " er of I'ores tens, Yrgtters Island, WwW ANTED self. WHY NOT awl Will be demolished by The. Duityion, Soeugre and Wrecking Co., HELPERS LANDY MEN AND LABOR. . FOF -- umber, windows, radiators, steam Jnoston Qf AL te, [HARE dm oe me te HIGHEST WAGES PAID. Story by B oy ae dynamos and motors, et¢. For further particulars, see our Matinee--Children 10c; Adults 15c. Supt., Mr. C. Lurie, at the job. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE CoM L , Evening--Children 15¢; Adults 25¢ : Ontario You cannot give anythi Gi . me Fs PANY, LTD. and more useful than a wrist FREE PUBLIC LECTURE Kingston HH ® watch for the boy in khaki. | Ask the boy who cdrries one. ee ow? Tad from 90.06 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE We have a fine line of Portable Lamps [f|--* At $12.00 we have a sterling XLUAM W. Forti, fis a ; Cal and lool - sien watch Wi maou et [et Se els heel Ver and don't forget to buy a | Automobile Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, liday EL BOND ! M | | | . - * Mass, in Also at $10.00 a sterling Walch Leith heavy black figures The Cheitian Science When thin of wrist Johnson Street. Between Wellington Bagot Streets. WE HAVE THE BEST DE. BHA SERVICE watches call and us show First Ga a) you our stock, which by the Tuesday Breime Dec. 4. La Ih a is ' tent dei very at ak ---ge one of the best in the | At 8.15 o'clock, 3 Hvery Fe him 8 6 o'clock on All Are Cordially Welcome KINNEAR & d'ESTERRE SPECIAL Sasi 3 rn, : The charge of selling liquor with- S ATURD AY 5 ; .. |jlout a license preferred against Del- , - bert Bickham was dismissed. Choles Creamery Butter, Catherine - Lennox, charged by en ea +x le Bridget Johnston, with theft of cloth- ing, was found guiity. Case remands ed a day. . Menella, an Italian, {| ! charged with vagraicy, was given a | ---------- Week in -- ---------------- NAINA. EE ---------------------------- is going to do|' "The whisky still is responsible for pocket. many a loud drinker,

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