Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Nov 1917, p. 3

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Pm NEELEY JR, M.0.D.0. Those people (and they are many) who dread the ordeal of an eye examin- ation are agreeably aston- ished to find that, as made by us, it causes no pain, diseomfort, or inconven- ience. And We Use No : Drugs. | In a Short Time the Cabinet of Rodger's Silver will be given to the lucky key holder. A few keys still re- malin, and when you consider all things----value, service, etc., you always receive at this drug store, these few keys should quickly 'be taken up and then we can have them tried and the cabinet awarded to the holder of the lucky key, Remember always that your dollar brings one hundred cents real value always. It pays you to shop ° At Bests Popular Drug Stores. Neen J) Keeley Jr, ML0D.0. 226 Princess Street AT DAVIES CHEAPER FRESH PORK LIVER .. .. HEARTS .. .. .. .. KIDNEYS .. .. .. Home Made . . SAUSAGE Cook's Cotton Koot Compound .......8cLB. .. ....14c LB. .. . 18¢c LB. New England . ve a Little Pig . The Wm. Davies' Co., Limited Phone 8597. PARLOR FURNITURE New suites for the parlor and living room. Up- holstered in a very attractive line of tapestries and silks, Brighten up your home at little cost. We have the best values to be found anywhere. CARPETS, RUGS and LINOLUEUMS We are able to supply you with carpets at less than the wholesale price today. This is due to the large stock we have carried for the past three years. "His 229.237 Princess Street. Christmas Will Still Visit Our Victrola De- partment--a complete stock of records on : ot hand. I. F. HARRISON C0. LIMITED Phone 90 be Christmas in '17 is Tk Ea HEART Moh's 'Model Watches in Waltham, Hamilton, Howard and iy EE maroon Washes in Walthas "ve wos $15.00 and up, Military Wrist Watches, with or without luminous dials, from Shopping 'and Gift Giving will be More Subdued, with a view to the Permanent, "a oran !| the headquarters staff and of his fli try Training Brigade from March, i| the rank of honorary captain. {| entirely to military work, receiving the rank of leutent-colonel in No- i | tember, 1906, until May, 1911, when i pointed assistant adjutant-general li this district, as district officer com- ll manding, || of years, 1S GIVEN GENERAL RANK y COL. L. W. SHANNON IS MADE| X A BRIGADIER-GENERAL. He is the Popular Officer Command- . ing the London District--He Has | Been Forty Years in the Service. | i London Advertiser.' Col. L. W. Shannon, officer com-| 'manding Mikitary Distriet No, 1, with! headquarters at Wolseley Barracks, | | has been gazetted a brigadier-gener- | jal, the announcement to this effect! being made in the Canada Gazette! | Monday | The promotion which is to date {from October 15th, comes to Gen.| {Bhannon as a result of the excellent | work he has done since tne beginning | of the war in directing the work of | kecruiting, equipment and training! the men who have been leaving this district almost continually for the| past three years. General Shannon was receiving the congratulations of the members of many friends throughout the city and distriet to-day. Brigadier-General Shannon has| had a long military experience, and | has been connected with various phases of military work in Canada or nearly forty years. He received | fan appointment as second lieutenamt in the 14th Regiment, Kingston, in July, 1882, becoming a lieutenant in 'August of that year, and a captgin on June 27th, 1884, , Six years later he was raised to his majority, and served as a bridgade-major of the 5th Infantry Training Brigade from 1902 to 1906, and of the 7th Infan- 1906, until July of the same year, when he joined the militia staff with Since then he had devoted his time the rank of major in September, 1906, followed by his promotion to vember, 1914. He served as D.S.A of Military District No. 1 from Sep- he became D.A.A.G. and QM.G., a post which he held until he was ap- of this district in October, 1913. In November, 1914 shortly after war broke out he took command of General Shannon is a former news- paperman, having been publisher of ithe Kingston News for a number C.P.R. Brakeman Injured. __M. T. Milne, of West Torongo, had the ligaments of his right ankle badly wrenched Sunday night while going out on his run between Taron. to and Peterboro. He will be con- fined to his home for a few days. OUK BOYS IN EUROPE AND HOME PROTECTION The men on the firing line represent the pick of our country's youth. Many were rejected because of ysical de- ficiency. Many times the kidneys were to blame. If we wish to prevent old age coming on too soon, or if we want to inerease our chances for a long life, Dr. Pierce of the Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., says that you should drink plenty of water daily between meals. Phen pro- cure at a drug store, Anurie (double strength), = This "An-u-ric" drives the grie acid .out and cures backashe and rheumatism. If we wish to keep our kidneys in the best condition a diet of milk and vege tables, with only little meat once a day, is the most suitable. Drink plenty of uré water, take Anurie three times a ay for a month. * 'Bend Dr. Pierce 10¢ for trial pkg. An. uric--many times more potent than lithia, eliminates urie acid as hot water melts Ho A short trial will convinee you. Preston, Ont.--"I am pleased to ex- Jites my experiénce with Anuric. I have n troubled with Fhwiagiang in right limb and hand for severdl years, and lately in left shoulder. The only wa; I could lie was on my back. had great difficulty to sit down and more to get up. Lately I had & very severe pain in my back. I have taken Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery several times with the most satis factory results, so I concluded to his Anuric Tablets a trial. The pain in limb and shoulder has stopped entirely and in right hand-it is very slight and getting less all the time. can now sit or lie in any position I wish without distom- fort or pain. I recommended the Anurie Tablets to two parties and they both claim decided improvement. I certainly will recommend them to any one troubled with the kidneys; there is nothing nearly 80 good; I tried them all."--Guozes Boos. cor. Duke and Waterloo, NOSE CLOGGED FR A COLD OR CATARRH Cream in Nostrils To AIL Dh I Notrile Ah, What relief! Your clogged nostrils open right up, the air pas- sages of your head are clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawk- ing, snuffling, mucous discharge, headache, dryness--no more strug- gling for breath at night, your cold or catarrh is gone. Don't stay stuffed up! Get » small battle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nostrils, let it penetrate through every air passage of the head; soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed mu- cous membrane, giving you instant; relief Ely's Cream Balm is just| what every cold and catarrh sufferer | has been seeking: It's just splendid. DEAF PEOPLE Deafness and nolses in the head can mow be mast certainly cured by the newly discovered "French Orlene." This new remedy goes right to the ac- tual seat of the trouble, snd effects a complete and lasting cure in a few days, One box is ample to cure any ordinary case, and has given almost immediate rellet in hundreds of cases which had been considered "hopeless." Mr. D. Borthwick, of Dalbeattte, N.B., writes: "Your new remedy, which I re- ceived from you some time ago, has completely cured my hearing, after more than twenty years' deafness. 1 will be pleased to recommend it to all my friends." Scores of other equally good reports. Try one box today, which can be for- warded a ely packed and post paid to any a eS3 upon the receipt of postal or y order for $1. There is nothing bed at any price, Address: "Oriene" Co, H. T. Richards, Watling Street, Dartford, Kent, Eng. Please mention this paper. BUSY TIME YET TO COME FOR JUDGE LAVELL, T. M. ASSHI~ STINE AND OTHER OFFICIALS, Exemption Appeals, County Court and Voters List Appeals Will All [ Come Together. In a few days a proclamation is to be issued announcing the date of the sittings of the Court of Appeal on the lists of voters compiled by the enumeriitors. Reports are to the ef- fect that some of the enumerators have left off names to such an ex- tent that the work of the Court will be very heavy. The Court will sit from December 7th to December 12th. Probably next week, if the exemp- tion appeal claims are all ready, Judge Lavell and the Exemption Ap- peal Board under the Military Service Act will commence its sittings. They will continue, as lpng as necessary. As this Board will have to be in ses- sion at the same time as the Elec- tions Court of Appeal, the sittings for voters lists' questions will be in the morning and evening and the exemp- tion questions in the afternoons. On December 11th, the ®©Gaunty Court will sit. The jury cases will come on first according to the pres- ent arrangements by Judge Lavell. The non-jury cases will come up la- ter, but when the jury is here the judge will if necessary postpone the work on the exemption appeals for a short time. LAURIER'S DEFENCE. Champions Free Speech -- Speaks of Kitchener Incident. Ottawa, Nov. 29.--Voluntaryism as opposed to compulsion was the text of Sir Wilfrid Laurier's address in Russell Theatre. "He took the first opportunity to refer to the affair at Kitchener, where the Prime Minister was refused a hearing, and at St. Anselme, where Hon. Albert Sevigny could not speak. "Mr. Fripp," he said, "has put the question: 'What does Sir Wilfrid Laurier say to such affairs?' 1 am glad to be able to re- ply. Mr. Fripp knows my sentiments well. He knows I am in favor of free speech. Mr. Fripp believes in free speech so far as his friends are concerned, but not so far as his op- ponents are concerned, for Mr. Fripp was one of those who imposed the gag on Parliament last session. I am sorry that the Prime Minister was not allowed to speak at Kitchener, A respectful hearing was due to his rank, to his standing, and to his ef. forts in support of a bad cause. The gag is ghe gag, whether applied by a mob at a public meeting ofr in par- liament." The Liberal Chief occupied con- eiderable time in defending his own record since the war commenced. No man' in his pesition in any belliger- ent country had done so much, he claimed, to help his country win the was as he had done., He expressed surprise that at Sydney the Premier had attempted to belittle his efforts in regard to recruiting. "When," he asked, ""did Sir Robert Borden ap- ply to me to help him in recruiting? I am not conscious that he did." With regard to the Hamilton insti- tution referred to by the Premier, he declared that it was his policy "not || to endorse anything unless We knew (the parties who made the applica- tion." Sir Wilfrid reiterated, amid con- siderable applause, his faith in the voluntary system of recruiting. To back his argument he cited Australia, where conscription had been defeat- ed in spite of the fact that there was "no Quebec" in Australia, and therefore "racialism™ could not be advanced as a cause. On the late Government and the Nationalists' campaign of 1911 he placed the responsibility for the fail- ure of recruiting in Quebec, ARE MARRYING COLLEENS American Sailors Take Irish Girls As Brides In the Neighborhood of an Ameri- can Naval Base, Nov. 29. --Though 1 have not the exact figures, I am told that the number of marriages am- ongst the American sailors since their arrival here is very great, and that in the flotillas stationed in Ireland, marriages now nearly number a hun- dred since they made their headquar- ters here, just over six months ago. Irish girls and men of the Americpn fleet got on very well together and the smiling blue eyes of Irish colleens captivated the strangers. A large percentage of the American sailors are Irishmen and they have married girls whom they knew before they iwent to the United States, AER Dollar Day only! day .. .. . GREY COTTON ment. Friday H.S. ends. Toda lasts. Friday . . Friday WHITE SILK WAISTS 36 only white Jap. wash silk waists, in sizes 36 to 44 -- with the new hemstitched front, A regular $2.25 y§Jue. Friday .. $1.00 WHITE VOILE WAISTS 108 new voile waists, lace and embroidery trimmed, with large novelty collars, in sizes 34 . Regular $1.50 to $2.00. Fri- SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS 10 doz. good quality black sateen underskirts -- splendid quality and well made with deep flounce. Regular $1.75 values. Friday ENVELOPE CHEMISE 72 fine nainsook and muslin chemise, in white and flesh, lace and embroidery trimmed. Reg. $1.50 to $2.00. Friday ... $1.00 BUNGALOW APRONS 300 best quality full sized bungalow print aprons, in assorted patterns, in sizes 36 to 46. Regular 75¢ values. Friday LA PARISIENNE CORSETS 180 pair of this fine French coutil corsets, with four strong gar- ters and aluminum steels, in sizes 19 to 30; a splendid value to- day at $1.50 (including corset laces). Friday . . WHITE BATH TOWELS 180 extra large heavy bath towels; made of fine white Terry-- a special value at 37c each. Friday, 4-for .. HUCK TOWELLING 200 yards pure bleached linen huck -- John Brown quality -- full 18 inches wide; worth $1.00 a yard. Friday 2 yards for $1.00 "OLD BLEACH" TOWELS 25 doz. pure linen sun-bleached huck towels, size 20 x 36, with y's price is. $2.00 a pair. The last and greatest bargain day of our sensational November sale -- this splendid list of Dollar Day Bargains is for tomorrow ee oeooe. $1.00 ..... $100 .. 2 for $1.00 .. . $1.00 600 yards only heavy unbleached cotton, full 34 inches wide: a regular 8c value today. Friday, 8 yards for . . LADIES' UNDERWEAR 224 white and natural vests and drawers -- Regular 45¢ and 50c values. Friday 3 for 108 only white and natural wool vests, lue at 75¢c. Friday 2 for . . ie a ee 48 fine wool vests, Penman and Watson makes -- odd lines -- Regular $1.50 to $2.50: to clean up. Friday .. MEN'S UNDERWEAR 120 men's shirts and drawers "Penman's Preferred" in a full assortment of sizes -- the wholejale price today is $1.15 a gar- . .. $1.00 . $1.00 and drawers; splendid va- .. $1.00 So... $1.00 .....$1.00 eo .. ... $100 While the quantity ce vv... $1.00 pair FRIDAY -- THE LAST DAY. Of our greatest November sale -- don't fail to get your share of the wonderful bargains. Cincinnati authority says corns dry up and 1ift out with fingers, 3 Hospital records show that every time you cut a corn you invite look STEACY'S - Limited | Huriah! How's This |

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