Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Nov 1917, p. 11

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LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In effect Sept. 30th, 1917. Trains will leave and mrrive at City vepot, Foot, of Johnson Street, Golag West. Lve., Cit y Arr Gor . > City Arr. City Mall ..... .. 0am 217am i Express , Mail 1 N 1 0% 7, 13, 14, Other tralng dally Direct route to 7 Hamilton Buffalo, Chicago, y City, Hanley, Agent, Agen for ali ocean steamship lines. Open day and night IE Passenger : Service Halifax and Bristol For particulnrs of wallings nnd rates apply to Loeal Agents, or The Robert Reford Co, Limited, General Agus, 3 King Street East, Toroente, eet pi rr sas If a man js satisfied 40 make both ends meet he is sure to have a wife | who thinks he ought to make them lap over. | Sawing wood and carr ying coal are | home industries, l apply J.P. ¢ IT GROWS Zam-Buk is applied to a se it soothes pain, ends n and draws out the inflam- At the same time it destroys and thoroughly ¢leanses part. Then the herbal t in such a way upon the hat they actually grow new skin, which replaces the worn-out t e and a complete cure is the result. Mrs. Minnie Carmichael, of 72 6th Ave, Maisonneuve, Montreal, writes: "'I' had suffered with wet eczema for so long and tried so many treatments that I had begun to think that my case 'was incur- eble. I even took treatment in a hospital, but got no benefit from anything until I used Zam-Buk. This wonderful balm ended the dis- charge, soothed the sores and drew, out the inflammation, and in 2 com- paratively short time completely cured the disease, so that there has not been the slightest trace of eczema since" For ulcers, abscesses, chronle gores, ringworm, scalp sores, salt rheum, boils, pimples, blood-poison- ing, running sores, bad legs, piles, chapped hands, sore lips, chilblains, cuts, burns, scalds and all skin in- juries Zam-Buk fis always reliable. 60c. box, 3 for $1.25. All dealers or Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. --Send lc. stamp. (for postage) and free trial box will be sent you. NEW SKIN ! SPECIAL DECEMBER SERVICE Toronto and Winnipeg | DAILY Westbound, Dec. 3rd to Jan. 2ad. Note--Tri-weekly service REGULAR Eastbound, Dec. 1st to Jan. Sth will be resumed thereafter. SERVICE BETWEEN Winnipeg and Edmonton DAILY For Tickets, Reservations, Lite B® Jd EVIVEY, STATION AGT. Edmonton and Vancouver TRI-WEEKLY ragure and Information; apply to - or M. C. DUNN, CITY AGT. Or write R. L. Fairbairn, G.P.A., 68 King St. ., Toronto. CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY - > A. She TRANSCONTINENTAL if Lv. TORONTO 9.00 P.M. Ar. WINNIPEG 6.00 P.M. TUESDAY, THumspay E3 AND SATURDAY THURSDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY at Winnipeg for all Western Canada and Pacific Coast Points Time Table and all inforraation from any Grand Trunk, Canadian Government Railways, oT. & Agent. N. O. Rail EB A A pt Pi Pr itoni ilway ===} A ro VV 286 Princess Street. The Home of ( FN YY NINN ppg -- HELP WIN THE WAR _- BUY VICTORY BONDS CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE WN Phone 2168 iood Candies be Choad CREAN Andria GASTORIA For Infants and Children, Mothers Know That For Over Thirty Years Te Canvauh SOMRANY. New ven eivy. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1917. | From The Countryside 3 Frontenac ALLEN, WOLFE ISLAND. : 24 Farmers are ploughing sing hay H. Esford has *d from his farm here to King- on, where he will reside in future The party at Mr. C. Henderson's on Friday evening was much enjoyed. Mrs. James Hogan, 8r., is visiting her daughter at Larkin's Station. - Ira Payne, Marysville, has rented J. Me- Donald's farm for the coming year. Mrs. P. Hogan is visiting friends in Cape Vincent, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs Frank Tracey, Larkin's _ Station, spent a few days with Mrs. Jas. Ho- gan. A number from here attended a euchre party held in the C. M. B. A, hall, Marysville, on Friday evening. ELGINBURG. Nov. 24--A successful concert was held in the school house on Friday night. S, Truscott, School Inspector, occupied the chair. Credit is due Miss Hull, the teacher, for the way the children were trained. The. sum of $13.50 was realized. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Silver are visiting their daugh- ter, Mrs. John McBridé, Sunbury, The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. C. Hughson this week. Red Cross. work is being done. Elgin Stover is attending County Council, Kingston. Miss Mildred Orser was a recent visitor at her sister's, Mrs. W. Irwin's. J. W. Kiell is attending Kingston Business College. The young ladies' patriotic club is to meet at' Miss KEisie Bearance's on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Craig Glenburnie, spent Sunday at John Silver's, KEPLER. Nov. 22.--Farmers have taken ad- vantage of the fine weather of the vast few days and most of them have completed their plowing. The Belt Telephone Company have nearly fin- ished building their line to Kepler East. The W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. W. Orser, Tuesday. The La- dies" Aid met at Mrs. H. Johnston's, Wednesday. Mrs, McRory is seri- ously ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. Buck. T. Garrett is recover- ing from his recent illness. DP. Ryan is finishing threshing here. Fire Suns day school has commenced practising for a Christmas tree. Edwin Lawson attended the Basil-Spratt case in Kingston last week as a member of the jury. Newton Orser and daugh- ters have returned from visiting friends at Warkworth. Mrs. Belle Sharpe has gone to Ottawa to spend the winter. W. Orser and family spent Sunday with Miss Elsie Law- son, Sydenham. Dr. and Mrs. Gib- son, Iowa, are at H, Buck's. A Smith and family visited at A. Townsend's this week. Miss Stella Johnston spent Wednesday the gust of Miss Lena Orser, SWITZERVILLE. Nov. 23.--R. Longmore is canvas- sing here for subscribers for the Vic- tory Loan. J. Craig and L. Peters were each successful in shooting a deer in the north country. Mr. and Mrs. J. Frink and Mr. and Mrs. F. Wales motored to Brodkville last week, The Misses Spafford entertain- ed a few friends on Tuesday evening. Miss M. Wilson, Marlbank, spent a week recently with the Misses Wil- son. Several from here have at- tended the evangelistic services at Yarker, also the prayer meetings at Newburgh. Mrs. M, Wilson is visit- ing friends at Marlbank. E. Wales and family of Morven «spent Sunday here. C. A. Miller, C. W. Vandevoort, and J. M. Spafford are installing new Milking machines. C. C. McKim, J. Wilson and C. M. Spafford attended the Swine Breeders' meeting at Od- essa on Wednesday evening. The Red Cross meeting was held at the home of L. Peters on Tuesday even- ing. ST. JOHN'S, PITTSBURG, EVENT Bazaar Held By The Clover Club at The Manse, St. John's, Pittsburg, Nov. 23. -- The members of the Clover Club, and the very capable committees may congratulate themselves on the suc- cess of their bazaar held on Novem- ber 21st, in St. John's manse, through the kind permission of Rev. and Mrs. Morrison. The scene was extremely attractive, shaded lights, flags, and brocaded curtains were the chief decorations which made a back- ground for the tables laden with use- Yul or artistic wares, and tended by very smart and charming stall-hold- ers. Quite a number of visitors thronged the hospitable doors during the afternoon, and evening. Miss Blanche Stratton and Miss Mamye McFaddin were attendants at the door, while just to the right of the hall was placed the candy table over Lilly MoClement presided. In the living room was placed a line of ta- bles. The first bore delightful sam- ples of ingenious work on linen and an infinite variety of fancy work. The dainty articles were brought al- most immediately. The centre of at- traction was a large linen centerpiece worked in rose shades in a conven- tional design with a sachet edge in ecra, which was pure by the members of the club and presented to Mrs. Morrison. Miss Eva Atkinson and Miss Jennie McClement managed this department. Across the room managed by the Ladies' Ald of the church, on which was an assortment of aprons which sold Ta- pidly, and other useful articles as well as a pieced guilt done by mem- bers of the Aid. Mrs. Charles Gates 'which Mrs. John MeClement and Miss | RE my Arr PAGE ELEVEN A ih Sh gm i : To 2 :¥ 4 f if Hi for &F Pol

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