Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Nov 1917, p. 2

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GREY, CROSS, McKAY FURS are made from prime full furred silky skins. Your inspection invited. JOHN McKAY, 149 to 157 Brock Street. if rendered f God Our Help in Ages ll new organ gave intfre satisfaction. ll! Wycliffe NEW ORGAN IN ST. JAMES lus FOR THE FIRST TIME ON | SUNDAY. i | organ Gave Splendid Service--Can- |" om O'Meara Makes Appeal For | Better Church Attendance. { The new organ, recently | installed in St, James' Church, was used for the first time at the services lon Sunday, and gave splendid ser- | vice, The organ, which cest $2,500, has a beautiful tone, and added much "to the musical programme of the day. Mrs. A. R. B. Williamson pre- sided at the organ and the choir was quite large. In the evening the choir a beautiful anthem, "'O Past." The ll There was a large ®ongregation pres- i! ent at both services and all present ll! were delighted with it. The special preacher of the day was Canon O'Meara, principal of College, Toronto, and he || delivered two forceful sermons. In the morning hé spoke on the words, lll "We Would See Jesus," and in the evening , "TI Am With You Always." In his morning discourse, Canon lll O'Meara referred to the fact that dur- }| ing the week the people came ih con- | tact every day with newspapers and f magazines and on the Sunday they were afforded the opportunity. of {| hearing the gospel preached and l| pointed out how the day of rest could ll be made most beneficial in the Hsten- Hl ing to discourses and {n Bible Study. This was all the more appreciated af- ter the week's Work, | In the evening Canon O'Meata ll made a strong appeal for a larger at- || tendance at church services, pointing {| out "hat at times the attendance at churches wag very small. Some peo- ple were quite luke warm in regard to their worship, and the preach ap- |pealed for more earnestness in their worshiy. Dr. Farmer in First Baptist, Rev. Dr. Farmer, Dean of the Faculty of Theology at McMaster University, was the speaker at the First Baptist Church on Sunday. He gave his congregations two inspir- ing sermons, In the evening the doctor chose; "Being Near the King- dom of God" as his subject. He pointed out that the man described by that passage had apprehended the religious truths of God, had reaMazed that there were two commandments, "Love ito himself and to the other man," and had thus caught the inner spirit of Christianity and become near to the kingdom of God. While the Sunday. school teacher, parent or some one else may bring the child near to the kingdom, it became at that point a matter 'of personal re- sponsibility. The kingdom can only be entered by a person who fore- swears allegiance to self and sacri- fices all to, Christ. At Salvation Army Citadel, name on the voters' list. etme -- NCDENTS OF THE DA LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity ~--What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Ring up 646 for sweet cider Don't forget the meeting at Union- ist 'rooms tonight. (See large adver: tisement). = J. O. Beaudry, of the Ottawa Jour: | nal, is spending a few days in the! city. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell, Lanark, | were visitors in the city over the! week-end. Ring up 645 for all kinds unfer- mented wines. Are you entitled to vote? Come to Unionist meeting tonight and find | out, (See large advertisement). | Justice Britton reserved his deei- | sion in the case of A. B. Cunningham vs, Catherine Kelly, which was con- cluded in the Supreme Court Satur- day. Harry Lauder is to be received by the Kingston troops in front of the City Hall on Tuesday at 2.45 p.m. The veterans will entertain him after his performance at night. W. Swain, piano wuner, 100 Clergy Street west. Orders left at McAu- ley"s, or phone 564. Come to Unionist headquarters to- night and learn how to get your (See large J THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1917. advertisement). Now is the time to have your piano tuned, we carry two expert tuners and will assure entire sat- isfaction. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd Every man exempt from military service should keep fit for 'double duty. at home; the Y.M.C.A. keeps you*fit, join the "Y."" In Kingston on Monday last, Miss Laura May Green, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred R. Green, Ganan- oque, was married to Robert Lorne McAvany, also of Gananoque. Now is the time to have your plano tuned, weé carry two expert tuners and will assure entire sat- 'sfaction. C. W, Lindsay. Lta. Mr. and Mrs, F. A. Abraham, of Montreal, are in the city -visiting their son, who is a cadet at the Royal Military College. They will later go on to Belleville and other western towns. J We will rent you a plano, and at end of. six months if you feel Ike purchasing instrument we wili. ai low the 6 months' rental on pur- on balance. €. W. Lindsay. Ltd, A great patriotic concert. in the 8 p.m. Selections and duet solos by Mr. Haffner and others. Come along and have an enjoyable evening. His 'Worship Mayor Hughes will preside; Prevost, Brock street, has receiv. ed a large shipment of mens' and youths' winter overcoats and suits, which he will sell at very close pri. chase price, and arrange easy terms || Salvation Army Citadel to-night at| so acceptable. We will attend to it for you. Make MACLEAN'S a monthly visitor. the old price. $1.50 per annum. But you must step lively. MAGAZINE will be $2 per year in advance, Canada. at the Front). tributors, this to the fullest possible extent. an admirable section ---- Women and Their Work. 160-162 Princess St. What to Give fr CHRISTMAS You will soon be wondering what to give for Christmas. Give a year's subscription to Maclean's Magazine--no other gift will be half For a few days we can still book your subscription at Drop. in and see us TODAY. Starting with the January issue (out December 15th) the subscription price of MACLEAN'S 20 cents per copy on the News Stands. If you are not reading MACLEAN'S you have no idea such a magazine is being turned out in Hach issue runs well over 100 pages, and is rich with stories by famous international au- thors, and articles by recognized authorities on art, business, finance, politics and the war, The Rhymes of a Red Cross Man--By Robert W. Service. Which are now published in book form, first appeared in MACLEAN'S MAGAINE. of his poems started in the December issue, and will continue throughout the year is he lives (he Best of all, MAOLEAN'S is a truly Canadian Magazine in the character of its contents and cone It has a very fine Review of Reviews Department, and It is big value at $2, but for a few da: obtain M..CLEAN'S, for your own home, or for a friend, for $1.50. Again we SAY -- Drop in and see us about it today. The College Book Store Open Nights A further series is ¥§ you can y - Phone 919 a WARM BEDDING ! CHINTZ COMFORTERS ... $2.95 UP. DOWN COMFORTERS IN A WIDE RANGE OF DAINTY DESIGNS, pads us wn av mar ie «+ $673 UP, +: ------ WHITE WOOL BLANKETS, DOUBLE BED SIZE .. .. .. .. ... $6.50 UP We have an excellent show. ing just mow. of High quality pearls for the neck. The prices vary and many patterns are not at all expene sive. See our newly decorated wine dows for suggestions. Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses, Headquarters for Whitby Jet Necklots Also: WHITE OR GREY FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, MEDIUM, LARGE and EXTRA LARGE SIZES, at WHOLE- Orders taken for Colonel and Mrs. Hargraves, the former being social secretary of the Salvation Army at Toronto, spent the| which he will. make up into suits or week-end in the, city. Col. Har-|gverconts at a ¥ery reasonable price: graves preached on. Saturday nightianq guarantee first class fit. W ces. In his order clothing depart- ment he has a full range of cloth STANDARD PATTERNS Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clover HONEY i | In one pound sections, 25 cents each. || Fresh California Prunes, nice and and at two services on Sunday.' On Sunday svening Mrs. Hargraves took the service. Pvine service at the penitentiary. Recital at St. Luke's. At the close of the service last evening the choir of St. Luke's church gave a recital which was greatly enjoyed by the large congre- gation: ' The singing of the choir as & whole was "par excellence," the parts being exceptionally well-bal- anced. The evenness of tone, and the shading were also particularly fine. The solos sung by Mrs, Turn- er, Mrs, Horton, Miss Spencer, Mr. Graves, Mr. Nicol and D. Couper were, all well received, as were also Lightheart, and a violin selection by Miss Daisy Johnson. Much praise is due the organist and director, B. Couper, and the very efficient choir for the success of the recital. During the afternoon the visitors hand several bandsmen conducted di- a duet by Mrs. Horton and Corpl. |4 Miss Dorothy. R. Wilcox, Ganan- oque, taken suddenly with appendi- citis, was hurried to the General Hospital, Kingston, where an opera~ tion was performed. It is just five months since 'her twin sister under- went an operation for the same trou- ble. Ahhh bib PPE bbe Pb bib bidde + * HARRY LAUDER + > -- + Harry Lauder will speak to # % the public in connection with + # the Victory Loan Campaign in 4 # the City Hall on Tuesday at 3 # 4% pm. The R.C.H.A. band will ¢ + be in attendance. Everybody # + is welcome, a+ + CPRPRRPRRRRREE FRPP She To Cure a Cold in One Day. SALE PRICES. ELEGANT RANGE of LADIES' COATS, SWELL STYLES .. .. .. $13.50 UP. Newman & Shaw, The Always Busy Store. - HUDSON | SEAL COATS W. F.Gourdier 78-80 Brock Street. A DEED TO YOUR Take LAXATIVE BROMO-QUIN- INE Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. gRovESs signature is on each box. ec. { { Juicy ... ... 10e, 12%e¢, 15¢ Ib. || Evaporated 2 lbs for 285c. || Evaporated Apricots ... ... 15¢ Ib. Rev. J. D, Ellis in Queen street Methodist church on Sunday evening } preached on unity in Canada in war times. Party palitics were helpful in i . peace times but in war times divis- . ion was suicidal. He called for loy- Golden Lion Grocery pees BUILDERS SUPPLIES eeey HOME OR A STACK HARDWOOD FLOORINGS oF RENT RECEIPTS M flooring in Birch, Sus how much money oo AA A ; . Red Oar pu ng bute om? 3 not, a us Oak pra! A pid fn em might ut sn. weil bo White Qak. paid on the heuse and in thne you would be sole owner. Every DOL. 13-16 Maple floor- ng. LAR of rent is making that house cost the Landlord that much less. All end matched and bundled. : Does not this sound reasonable to S ANGLIN & CO. you? A small deposit and then whatever you can pay each month, Woodworking Factory, Lum- ber Yards, Call and see us--we have. a proposi- Bay & Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. CLOSING OF MAILS A Strong Sermon, -- Brith mall closes . Information posted at P.O. Lob from time to United States, daily 11.30 a.m. nd 1L30 p.m. Grand 156 On ane ise pm. : McCann, "89 Brock St Phone 830 or 081. cause. He sitid the best men and the best papers stood for union, for co- hesion and in this connection ap: plauded the Whig's stand for a Un- ion Government. It was patriotic and ennobling, The Canadian sol- dlers at the front called for unity snd support from those at home. In this time of stress differences of views and policies made for the benefit of the enemy. A united front was Canada's 'only salvation. alty and devotion to the Empire's} | 3 AAA THE ARCHBISHOP TO SPEAK tion that will interest: you. Selling Real Estate ts our business. Buying should be yours. EW. Mullin & Son Sellers of Real Estate. Houses to Rent -- Insurance. Cor, Johnson and Division Sts, Phones 539 and 1456. At Consecration Anniversary Regard- ing the Basil Case. Announcemént was made in St. Mary's Cathedral "on Sunday morn- ing that next Friday would be the an- consecration of Archbishop Spratt and that the }| priests would present His Grace with, an address, te which the archbishop would reply and make a statement "after a long and painful silence" with regard to the action of Sister Mary Basil heard in the Supreme Court over a week ago, In view of the fact that the archbishop was not called upon to testify at the trial, his statement will be awaited with in- terest. STANDARD AND TRUE Long Semi-ready tailoring will soo round out its first quarter century, For over twenty years the makers of }l Semiready clothes hmve been thelfl foremost wholesale tailors of Ameri- a. Nearly avers clothing manufac- |i urer has paid them the high com-l}i pliment ot Jeving to imitate i : or two features of the-many w appeal to men. in their choice of garment. - : Isa very important thing, and especially : this 'Season when economy is the watch- ---- te t--------ont IN MARINE CIRCLES. Shipments of Grain Practically at an 3 End at This Port, Grain shipments into Kingston are REE Rt 9 rig Riactically at jin_eha for lis sen Eiderdown Quilts are cheaper than som. Tho stawon is Sow fast drasing coal and we have them in many qualities Il one. of she roughest in many years, goat aml ; 00 : Ee fel 1 expression in | pee Shur 4 culngrd. W . We will lay them aside for you until The cold nights are here and you know how you dread to get in between cold sheets. Why not get one of Our Special Water Bottles 5¢ MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE our store you will find a great many articles of real use and value. i | | hp," | gi | : niversary. of the | | | |

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