Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Nov 1917, p. 10

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Nothing Like it for Rundown and Nervous People Von Ormy, Texas--"I suffered from a general run-down condition anaemia, loss of appetite and cough, so I was unfit for my work. I tried different medicines without help, and through my druggist learned of Vinok I took it; my appetite increased, my cough disappeared, I gained in weight and I am now well and strong, so I can conscientiously endorse Vinol,"-- Viola Salada, R. N,, Yan Ormy, Tex. We guarantee Vinol to build up run-down, anaemic folks or r your money, We take all the Mahood's Drug Store, Kingston, Also at the best druggist in all On- tario towns, --~ FOR SALE FORD CAR In A-1 Condition; el- ectric starter, lights, Etc. Central Garage, Phone 2185. . Sl) tt Pl Pel A NE 0 rr, IF BACK HURTS US SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Eat Less Meat If Kidneys Feel Like head or Bladder Bothers. Most folks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, get sluggish and clogged and need a flushing occasion- ally, else we have backache, and dull misery in the kidney region, severe headaches, rheumatic twingeés, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder disorders. You simply must keep your kid- neys active and clean, and the mo- ment you feel an ache or pain in the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad "Salts from any good drug store here, take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juicé, combined with lithia, and is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neutralizes the acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent lithia- water drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kid- neys clean, thus avoiding serious complications. A well-known local druggist says he sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe in overcoming kidney trouble while it is only trouble, ------------------------,,_,An _ A AR AAR. We have just received our new goods for your Christmas Cake and New Peel. New Raisins. New Currants, New Walnuts, New Almonds. Choice. Oranges and G HUSBAND OBJECTS T0 OPERATION | | : HE DAILY | THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE (By Frances Walter) J, AUNT TABITHA ARRIVES, (Copyright, 1916, by the McClure Newspaper Syndicate). Aunt Tabitha was just what 1 ex- pected her to be. She was tall and thin, with sandy hair which was turning here and there to an almost imperceptible white; rough, well tanned skin; sharp gray eyes, ner- Yous lips and hands which never iiseemed to he at rest, She nodded to Kenneth and look- ed me over critically before she ac- cepted my greeting. [1 was compell- ed to confess that she conveyed the impression that she was not satisfied with my appearance, but as there twas no help for it I submitted to her rather curt, "Hoydy do," and made the best of it. = "7 i Kenneth, carfying her ancient- looking satchel in one hand and and keven more ancient paper suit case in the other, led the way to the car. "We don't need a taxi," Aunt Ta- bitha declared. '"'Let's walk." Ken- neth started. "Walk? Why it's three miles from here, Aunt Tabitha!" he ex- plained. '!Besides, this isn't a taxi- cab." Aunt Tabitha squared herself and looked threateningly at him. "You don't mean that you own this thing, do you, Kenneth Hol- man?" Kenneth laughed. "Don't be so hard on me, Auntie," he protested. "There are some things that a man has to buy, and a motor car is one of them." "Shucks!" said Aunt Tabitha so seornfully that she sounded as if she was hissing at us. "And as long as I have it and must take it home it may not be improper to ride in it," Kenneth went on. "Well, I'll ride in it," consented Aunt Tabitha, 'but . that doesn't mean that I'm going to run the risk Lof having my. neck broken more than I have to." "We shall punish you only when we are compelled to," Kenneth agreed, as he climbed after her into the back seat. "Roxane is a very careful driven, but I do not rely entirely on her. Now, however, I' shall have to leave you at the offiice s0 she will see that you get home in safety." I smiled at his words, for already 1 had made up my mind to give Aunt Tabitha as swift a passage through the air as it was possible for a six cylinder car on a 'rather rough road to provide. And after Kenneth had left us I proceeded to put my plan into execution. The air was just cold enough to be invigorating, and as it blew in my face 1 felt a tingle go through my body as though I had taken a strong stimulant. Without looking back to see if Aunt Tabitha and her two ancient satchels were still there I gave the car all the gas it could stand and let the engine do the rest. Once I thought I heard a low moan, but it was not repeated and I did not in- vestigate, as the car was doing a little better than fifty miles an hour, But if the groan came from my new- ly found aunt it was merely a groan and nothing more, for when we stopped she stil was alive and lost no time in scrambling from the ton- neau, "8o your husband says you are a very careful driver, does he?" she re- marked bitingly. "I would like to know just what he considers reck- less." "I have never had an accident," I protested. "And you never will have but one," she returned frigidly. "After that it will be simply a question of where they will bury you dnd the un- foftunate persons you happen to have with you at the time." "Oh, it is not so serious as all that, A | Aunt Tabitha," I assured her. "If one's tires are firmly on there is noj danger." Tillie had appeared and before my relation-in-law eould reply had seiz- ed the luggage and started for the house "Come, Aunt Tabitha," I said, "you must be tired. ' Yet me show you to your room." "Thank you, but I am not tired at all," the old woman replied. «1 slept very well last night, consider- ing that the place I occupied resem- bled a dog kennel shore than it did anything else. The only real incon- venience 1 suffered was caused by the porter mistaking me for about half a dozen men who were to get off at small towns; he kept waking me at intervals of half an hour by pok- ing 'his head into the berth and call- ing me Mr. Jones or Mr. Smith op whoever happened to be the one who had to get off there. There ought to be a law requiring porters to write the name of the occupant on every berth curtain, together with the sex, age and destination. I think I shall suggest it to the manage- ment." We liad reached the front dooy and there Aunt Tabitha paused and look- ed around, "Huh," she grunted "How can Kenneth affard to live in such style as this?" (To be Lese-Majeste. continued). Andre Chevalier writes for the | Paris edition of the New York Herald | an account of the looting of French | chateaux by Prince Eitel Friedrich of | Prussia, " a large red-faced cabbage- eating man with a huge Germans wil} | wu citizen of a 1 paunch," | ook for Gott to strafe public who thus de- | scribes a prince of the blood, and who has the rdihood to question divine righ a Prussian pripee WW Commit { IH ry. roduetion, cies of hirch in nore lumber than nadian hardwood tree. sed for flooring, inter- jor finish, furniture, and for a large number of smd articles, such as spools, clothes pins, and toys. The producion of birch was 81,543,000 feet in 3916, 2nd 85,733,000 feet in The 1916 value was $1,478,- Birch © The various' ¢ Canada produ any other Ci The wood i 1915. 970. The Brawn and Brain of a boy are not made out of books or sermons. They are built out of foods that supply in well-balanced proportion -and in digestible form every needed element. These ele- ments are found in Shredded Wheat Biscuit, a real whole wheat food which contains all the material for building the human body. A perfect food for growing youngsters. Its (crispness encourages thorough chewing, which develops sound teeth and healthy gums. Children like it and thrive on it. It is ready-cooked and ready-to- eat. For breakfast or any meal with milk or cream. Made in Canada. AND -RUNNING SORES WOULD HOLD HEAD DOWN FACE WAS SUCH A SIGHT. Pimples are caused by the blom being out of order. Those festering and running sores appear on ..the forehead, on the nose, on the chin and other parts of the body, and al- though they are not a dangerous trouble they are very unsightly to both you and your friends. There is only one way to get rid of this obnoxious skin trouble and this is by giving the blood a thorough cleansing by the use of Burdock Blood Bitters. This sterling remedy has been on the market for over 40 years, dur- ing which time we have received thousands of testimonials as to its curative powers over all skin dis- eases. Mrs, Victor G. Fry, North Battle- ford, Sask., writes: 'I used Burdock Blood Bitters when I was about eighteen. I was so bad with pimples and runnipg sores, that when I went down town I would hang my head down when I would see anyone com- ing, my face was such a sigf® I got two bottles, and my face began to clear, so I kept on until I had a beautiful complexion. I have re- commended it to everyone who is in a rundown condition, as it builds up the blood, and when the blood is Al the face is clear." Manufactured only by The T. Mil- burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. the incorporation intg our federal Making Pen-Nibs. The steel for pen-nibs is cut into ribbons as wide as the length of one pen, and these are fed to machines which cut out the blanks, thén shape them, split the points, and place the maker's name on the backs. The pens are then complete except for the annealing, which is a process of heat- ing the metal almost to the melting- point and then cooling it suddenly to render it tough. After being an- nealed the pens are counted and placed in boxes. A machine has been invented for performing both the latter operations. 3 Twi. Lord Northcliffe Made Viscount, Says Official Statement, London; Nov. 26.--Viscount Read- ing, Lord Chief Justice, has been created an Earl, and Lord: North- cliffe a Viscount, according to .an official statement just issued. Canadian Honored. Lieut.-Colonel D. S. Maclnnes, Royal Engineers, formerly Canadian Militia, has been gazetted Croix d"Officier Legion of Honor. Lieut.- Colonel MacInnes holds the D.8.0. and C.M.G., and was brought to the notice of the secretary of War for valuable serviee in January. Lieut.-Colonel Duncan Sayre Maec- Innes is a son of the late Hon. D. MacInnes, Senator, and was bora in Hamilton, July 19, 1870. He was at the Royal Military Col- lege, Kingston, and graduated with distinction (sword of honor and Gow- ernor-General's Gold Medal), 1891. He was married in October, 1942, to Millicent, daughter of the Jafe ¥. Wolferstan Thomas, Montreal, was made a second-lieutenant Provinces mand, September, 1907, and acted as such till Mareh 31, 1908, when he was transferred to England. He has been a member of the general staff of the Empire since 1907. . Men who are bald always sneer at the man who parts his hair in the middle. "OVER THERE" The Thrill and-Hell of the Trenches De- scribed by an American Boy 4 We have secured a series of six articles by Sergeant Alexander McClintock of Lexington, Ky., and the Canadian army. He has a gripping tale that every American will read, for he tells the facts, unadorned. . Wounded, a Distinguished Conduct medal man, he was invalided home, but is going "Over There" again to fight for Uncle Sam and his allies. (Signed) Bramshott. NO. I.--ls Traising. Yow the men are finally brought to the firing line. A de- scription of conditions that our own boys and their parents will read eagerly. NO. 2.--The Bomb Raid. The great prep- arations and rehearsing for this attack Volunteers for the job taken behind the line where the German trenches are sxact- reproduced. , The days of preparation. Baretotors unwritten detail of modern trench raids. This article concludes with the men going out to their job. NO. 3--"Over the Top and Give 'Em Hell" The English Tommy's battle ery 'as he breaks from his trench. 'The bomb raid and what happened. Of sixty that started forty-six failed to return because the Germans had Pregared and mined the trench. Graphic 4 ption of Sergeant McClintock's terrible experience. NO. 4.--Shifted to the t McClintock takes part in the greatest of Feb. 14, 1817. Sergeant Alexander McClintock served in the Eighty-seventh Battalion Canadian Grenadier guards from September, 1015, until November, 1916, the last four months of that time at the front in France, where he gained the Distinguished Conduct medal by his devotion to duty 'and bravery under fire. As his former commanding officer I can testify as to his good qualities, and I consider he would make a valuable officer. F. 8. MEIGHEN, Brigadier General, Commanding Canadian Training Division, tensive preparations of the allies for open warfare afterward abandoned becagse of for the first We will print one article each week for six weeks. installmen t. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1ST. BAAR oor Lon Monda scene from Jane Cowl's wonderful «play "Lil at the Grand day evening, Nov. 6th, he "We never have coffee at our house, because I can't make good coffee". Have you ever started right --with Chase & Sanborn's "SEAL BRAND" COFFEE ? In 3%, 1 and 2 pound tins. Whole--ground--pulverized--also fine ground for Percolators. Never sold in bulk. 188 CHASE & SANBORN, MONTREAL. \ A Piano of Merit & Quality This beautiful Williams Master Touch player is very difierent from the Melodian made 68 years ago, but the quality of the Williams product « the durability that has proven Mself by a G8 years' tem,' as still maintained througn the efforts of Canada's brains and expert work. ma Pp. Call and see the many models at our showroom. We will arrange terms to suit your pecketbook. | J.M. Greene Music Co., Ltd. Cor. Princess and Sydenham Streets. Kingston, ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA : IN PACKAGES. Black, Green and Mixed. Packed in King- ston, by GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. Women Entitled To Vote In the forthcoming Dominion Election are requested to visit the new Committee Rooms, at 187 Princess Street Phone No. 2398 on and after Monday next, and see that their names are placed on the Voters' List. YOU WILL HAVE NO VOTE UNLESS YOUR NAME IS ON THE LST! enlistment was to Sept. 20th, 1917, the date of the passing of the war election act.

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