PAGEEIGHT . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1917. EOE T) OVE NO INFORMATION, scsi ine Bawara Thee Usual admission . E.. TRIBUNALS WORK AS! CLOSE CORPORATIONS. | 1 Military News The Ruling of the Military Service Council Is Not Being Followed in vings on % £ Kingston. The N.C.O's class of the Depot : The citizens have been asking the Battalion which has been undergo- Whig to give through its columns the | ing & course at the Armouries under workings of the exemption tribunals | Lieut. J. G. Bews, in Physical and of the city. To clearly ascertain the | Bayonet Training will give a public position of the tribunals on this mat- | exhibition of their work on Friday ter a Whig repesentative interviewed | evening at 8 pm., at the Armouries. * . : - W. T. Minnes and James Bews, the | The R.C.HAA. Band will furnish You will help your Country and do well =| members of No. 142 at the Court|music for the occasion and there . - =| House. Mr. Minnes stated quite |should be a large attendance. for yourself m buying a =| clearly that the information could not \ -- . e--=| be secured from there. The other Lectures on current events by men tribunals have also refused to give out | of high standing are to be part of information on this matter. the winter evening programmes for This trouble was experienced in Ot. | the soldiers in Kingston Military tawa and the Citizen interviewed the | convalescent Hospitals at their own Military Service Council. = The inter- | roquest. view reads in part as follows: a "Some tribunals do not apped® to Parties wishing to put on any realize that they are public courts of | (shar form of entertainment for the justice, and imagine that they are en- benefit of the Mowat Hospital boys titled to exercise a discretion uncon- a trolled by publicity or the influence ure x Somme with Capt. J. K. & of public opinion. This is altogether gah ie ~ =| erroneous. \ E "The conditions under which tribu- rders have been issued that all =| nals are authorized to sit in private | ™ ical students of military age are laid down in paragraph 22 of the | Must enroll in the Queen's University &= | regulations, and the power of hearing C.0.T.C., for military training. == | applications in private should be exer- ~- B| cised in strict accordance with the Sergt. C. Jarvis and C. S. Vanal- terms of that paragraph ,and which | styne are leaving for Ottawa to go should not bé-unduly strained to keep | overseas with the first Forestry draft, from the public information which it ne ®» -- is not necessary in the public interest Four- N.C,0's under Sergt-major y to keep confidential. Brown, W.0., of the P.A.M.C., have 5 "Tribunals should afford to repre-| reported here to go overseas under : == | sentatives of the newspapers every |['Capt. Hooper, : | =| reasonable facility to report and as- -- } =| certain the facts with regard to .the Capts. Bissell, Mackie and Stauffer, : 3 ) mode in which claims are disposed of, | A.M.C., will accompany the trains Because the Kingston Boys and the members of tribunals will find | arryis the men and equipment of . 1 en an 1 - Heat a Feasonable attitude in this re-| the Hh Flying on Deser- who went to Fr ce did not =| gard will, speaking generally, render f ; ¢ eir 1 =| their work less onerous and less sub- suio 4% Me -- in Delius: offer a tenth of th lives. eject to criticism of a kind ~wiich ing Corps at Toronto will come to =| would be gravely against the public| peceronto for the winter. These | interest. men will be trained by lectures and -- . El» in other ways to fit them for ad- vanced work during the summer, Yr The Theatres DR. A, W. RICHARDSON . : : Asked to Be Liberal Candidate in " an : Kingston. a Only Sel Toma § At a largely attended and enthus- The Government needs the money to £ Girl," counted as one of | jastic convention of Liberals, held the greatest musical comedy, successes . . . c AT: at the Liberal Club Rooms, King maintain Our Army in France ES | of many years, and the work of Victor : y : | Herbert, who composed the music, street, last evening, Dr. A. W. Rich- and Henry Blossom, who wrote the | 8rdson was unanimously tendered And they offer all when they book, will be seen at the Grand Opera the nomination for Kingston and . " " House to-night. This delightful mu- Portsmouth as a straight win-the-war go over the top. sical work is recalled as among the | Liberal candidate. : finest examples of musical comedy ex- Dr. Richardson, as President of cellence produced in many years, and | the Liberal Association, presided And they do it for your se- is a most welcome addition to these | during the earlier pant of the meet- g 5 ' : . ® * =| other writings of its brilliant authors, {ing, and until called, away by pro- curity. e IVI 1) on hb) Which includes successes" as Fhe] fessional duties.. He gave an inter. =| Red Mill" arid "Mlle. Modiste." esting resume of the political situa- - = rie tion to the present hour. He pointed YOU are not asked to give At the Grand. out that the Liberals were just as : A most commendable programme | anxious to win the war as the Con- ; a tenth you are simply asked E|of first-class picture attractions has |servatives, that they were - giving oney the been secured for the Grand to-mor-| their services just as freely, but to lend your m to JARMAN | ve Ser ermecionat scree. of che | about. his. busines were. diferent ~~ Government at § per cent, screen, Mme. Petrova, will be featured | He believed in: consorjpting not only in the five-act Metro Wonderplay, | thy manhood of the country, but the interest and on the best "Tos the Death." a- gripping photo- | wealth of the countrysand in making ul . . drama of the better class, in which | war profiteers disclose. their unearn- ' security on thjs continent. laughter and pathos are intermingled | oq profits. o > irons in agrecable quantities. ~ The action] Other speakers followed and the 2 of the story takes place on the Is-|qonong for a Liberal 'win-the-war . land of Corsica, famous as the home candidate was unanimous. It 'was of Napoleon in exile, The action is decided, therefore, to tender Dr 1 fast and vivid and reaches a strong le : th somination and 10 } climax and an ending full of surprise rdson the 2 of all Li ® and sunshine follaws the rain: There {0all-another meeting berals will also be a laugh-provoking com- | for Friday next to ratify this nomin- edy, the Pathe News and othe fea- ation. dr tures. The Tianita Midgets will pre- sent a novelty vaudeville act in which Dance Postponed Even if you have to borrow t ly clev ing is in- e do RR a iemeY Slevel boXing. 1s 0 The Social Five dance, City Hall, to it. PRE er RR has been postponed until Tuesday, "The Bird of Paradise." Nov. 20th. $50.00 BOND Miss Helen Carew brings an inti- mate acquaintance with native life in Dr. Hall's Cough Balsam. Fully guaranteed by the - - Hawaii to Richard = Walton Tully's great play of island existence, "The Cures coughs and colds, 25¢ a bot- Canadian Government, 18- ird of Paradise." Miss Carew has tle. Prouse's Drug Store. » . studied the beachcomber in his na- Now. is the time to bave your sued in your own name will tive habitat, and brings a world_of plano tuned, we carry two expert cost you only $5.00 down, sympathy to the role of Diana. at the time she spent six glorious tuners and will assure entire sat- months in the islands, she little reck. | isfaction. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd And the balance spread over oned that later on Oliver Morosco : vas to capitalize the fnowledge thus DAILY MEMORANDUM : a long time to pay. ained. This isthe second role Miss| The Only Girl" Grand, 8.15. arew has played in .dramas by the| iFrontenac Liberals, 1.30 Thursday. HH successinl Hichard Walton Tulfy, ast, Ses top af age 3, right band corner, : <R : Hil! last season she created the part of he rises Thursday at 6.55 a.m.' Il the school teacher in "The Flame." ' ,na sets at 4.34 'pm. ' : "The Bird of Paradise" is known as. Rummage sale, Friday, 10 o'clock, in "the Perennial Success," for the sim- 1 Pearsail's store, Pringess street. . Bl! ple reason that it is now in its seventh | season, and is the most popular play BORN. 3 on the stage, having played to more | DELINE--On Nov. 8th, 1917, to Mr. than 3,000,000 persons who paid ad- and Mrs. R, E. Deline' Harrow- s missions. It will be seen at the} .Smith a son. Grand Opera House next Saturday, MeGARVEY Al Moun nt Ds. Ba. November 17th, matinee and night. oGarvey, twin sons. ne Kingston, on Nov. 12th, At the Strand. A 5 air, am, oncession » . Patrons of the Strand will have their last chance this evening of see- DIED. | i a mga Sr, Soke Sig contig po, mr, production has been playing to crowd-| [Patrick Chrisley, aged 79 years and l| ed houses for the two May Po her 1ate residence, Thurs. Bl McAlister in * ount? ay morning at 10 o'clock to Sand and comedy reels will also be shown Hill cemetery. i! Bain Loan Rot Lhe Tast Hires PMT Sharia Deas, ad 3 ll favorite: maken mer heat cinema ap. (© "Division sercet, Barsiay atieruon fl vescancs, ander Golder, 3s hes | woe Sad" Seduainianess S| | obb photodrama, "Fighting Odds." | Please omit flowers. ~~ | . At Griffin's. Another large audience gathered at Griffin's last evening, and were high- ly pleased with : : Be- " is a second | best this noted has § ; The decper you "dig" into your purse the less "our boys" will have 7 w'digin" atthe Front.