Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Nov 1917, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1917. . PAGE SEVEN BR | GR AN D OPER Canada Calls moves | { The People's Forum THE MOST POPULAR MUSICAL] =~ COMEDY EVER WRITTEN bn v ar FT -- CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES POSITION WANTED. FI FOR SALE 5 / , \ First insertion, 1¢ & word. Esch con- | POSITION AS COMPANION TO AN FOUND THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. OUST secutive insertion thereafter, half- elderly lady, or elderly couple; best little. Once, 3bc; three Limes 600; | cent a word. Minimum charge for of references. Apply Box 118, sia one week, $1.0, And Asks Only Your Money for the Whig Office, A SMALL KEY ATTACHED TO one insertion, 25¢; three ingertions, red tape, on streep last night. A NEW MCLAUGHLIN AND CHEVRO. 50c; six $1; one month, $2. Apply at Whig Office let, Apply Dr. H. A. Boyce, 93 Wel You can help make Canada's dollars give a cheer- WANTED GENERAL A FRIENDSHIP LINK BRACE- Hagten =, ing message to the Front 4 HELP WANTED THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS OR A let, on Princess street last GROCERY BUSINESS IN GOOD LO. small house located near Queen's week. Owner may have same catty First class trade. Apply University. Apply Box 350, Whig. by calling at 24 York street. Box 2168, Whig 'Office MAIDS FOR KINGSTON GENERAL : HE : Hospital. Apply to the Matron SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS. |H| SMALL PURSE, CONTAINING A ROYAL STANDARD TYPEWRITER, _- small amount of change and modern and ood A Ww Ap- SLY, T LE for cash or in part payment of new mall nt as Rood as Ne Al a DIATE YL ve EXTRA MBLy planos ahd grafanolas. C. W, Lind- a key, on King sireet on ply Box 98, Whig Office King street. say, limited, 121 Princess street. Monday evening. Owner may = Bave Same by caldng at 52 ARM CONT. ALNING ONE HUNDRED FOU BE 3 | 2 0 DO ORDERLY WORK AT |KINGSTON WINDOW CLEANING COM. " street. and eighty-three acres, pply to yo wie BY HET BE} ORE : My Diospital. iY erat pany ask that you leave ill orders George Gibson, R, 1, Cataraqui LL LOVE HER AGAIN. to dont 3 or work 'at 316 Princess street, or FOUND, ARTICLES ADVER. " SHE WINS YOUR APPLAUSE - with George L. Hiller, i'ath vad TISED FREE. SMALL BUILDING, 7 x 10, IN GOOD r a a A . -- Post Office. condidon. Suitable for powitry rr EY Drv AKER on Anyone finding anything and house. Apply 475 Princess streel. MELODY, CO} AND DANCE OER " I 5 SE poner | EE mayen, Guano cox won| ibis ACRES [| Tene Sra sow Seats Now on Sale, 3 , MAID, NO WASHING OR ern Ontario can connect with a tisement will be printed in this ply to W, G. Craig & Co, or Boyd's ire Ling Apply en aye on good side line by applying to Box column free of charge. Garage. ™ a ~ - T : < streat . W. Whig Office. Strictly cou- Found articles" does not In- hur., Fri., Nov. 15, 16. RE | fidential clude lost dogs. cattle. hares, "EW HOUSE ON PRINCESS STREET, , : nr @ FY edad dh ete. These, if lost, may be ad- near cor. of Frontenac, on mods COME ACROSS ---- DAILY AT 2.30 AND 7.30 PM. FPP EEE EEERR PREP MP | WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF vertised for in the "Lost? column, ern convenieaces. Apply C. Harri F " A xood active boy for the 4 second-hand furniture, stoves, J, son, Builder, or Phone 1960. Polite Vaudeville maine Uepartment. Good 4 heaters, clothes, etc. We also have ] 4 OR THE GERMANS WILL ~ A Five-Act Photoplay « Siues nd ane SNlorment. everything in the second-hand GENUINE GRAFPHONOLA AND TeN ce. Mne for sale. 8S. naplre, 4 46 Prin- selections, Jour own choice, $30.65, cess street. Phone 1 LOST Terms: $5 © $1 per week. C. W. PEPSI FERRETS Lindsay, sang 121 Princess St. * TEPPER TTeSTY - Buy a Victory Bond Today. Madame Petrova, in WANTED--OLD FALSE TEETH]| WILL THE PERSON WHO HAS ROBT.| \ THREE-SPEED HARLEY-DAVID- ANTED IMMEDIATELY, A MAID don't matter if broken. 1 pay $2 J. Reid's Umbrella kindly return son motorcycle, 1917 model, "To the Death" w ANTE pd and general house- to $15 per set. Send by parcel post ft? splendid condition. To be ors and receive Nao by return mail cheap. Apply 431 Johnson street, work, family of two. Apply Mrs. I h P. - 2 7 rn, 144 je st F. Terl, 403 N. Wolfe St, Baltimore, J. K. Carroll Agency e Pathe News, Com A, W. Brown Pasrie streal Ma. AN EAGLE LOCK KEY ON TUESDAY. DAMAGED GRAIN FOR SALE--DAM- Finder' Kindly return to 100 Wel- aged wheat at Oommercial eleva- Bode lington street. tor, foot of Princess street. Two edy and Other Features. Se Eat SEVERAL. low === dollars per 120 lbs. In buyers ) . Must tek, ne- price ouses, 0 to §1 also " bags. at ihier, a ----d i Moi horse barn for removal; must be BUSINESS CHANCES h y it rience. cheap. Geo. A. Bateman's, Real PRIVATE SALE OF WALNUT AND Mon., Tues., Nov. 19, 20. erably i nee: Estate and Insupance Agency, 67 oak furniture, carpets, ourtains and tn Aw . . hig. Clarence street, Kingston, Phone | INVESTORS WARN poles, gas range, Pandora' coal Advertisement POLITE VAUDEVILLE handwriting. British Whiz 3 396. TR A ING DO SunyEs®] Tange. fawn mower and retrigera- Five-Reel Photoplay sh 4 Finance, and learn how fortunes tor. Apply 99 Clergy St. West, are made and lost by (investors. -------------------------------------------- . i SITUATIONS VACANT. Free trial subscription. Success- | AUTOMOBILE TOPS, ENGINE HOOD Harold Lockwood, m COMPETENT MAID FOR GENERAL ful Finance, 608 S. Dearborn St. covers make your car stary easy in BUY & . "»" housework, family of two; ne THRILLING STORIES OF THE GREAT Chlcago. cold wenther. Have your top res. Under Handicap laundry; wages $20 per. month. war; profusely illustrated. Every covered and curtains repaired. Jud- / The Path (ow! \ Apply between 7 and 5.15 p.m. to mother wants it as well as every son's Auto Tops, Brockville, VICTORY © Pathe News, Comedy and Other Mrs. William F. Casey, 213 King red blooded Canadian. Easy seller; THE PUBLIC -- LICENSED AUC- : Features, , dor, of Earl. low price; big profit; freight paid; tioneer for Lennox & Addington{A LARGE NU MBER OF BICYCLES, IN- Matinee Evening 10¢; credit given. Sample free. Win- and Frontenac. I have sold In the cluding the famous Athlete, Over- BONDS 1 1 Any Seat 10c Rese ston Co, Toronto. . last two seasons $100,000.00 worth land and Perfect Models; also tires samp tenders for the complete er- rved, Jc Extra . Poe of farm stock and implements, ahd bicycle accessories. George ection of a Vocational Building for ' goods. Phone or write for terms ns the Military Hospitals Commission at Queen's Military Hospital, Kingston, d ur ov Onmt., will be received up to Tuesday 3 ' . noon of November 20th. Matinee at 2.30 An experienced male book- AMAZING SELLER---TABLETS THAT . Phone or write for terms keeper, tor out-of-town machine wash clothes spotlssly clean with- t . L. Amey, the leading auc- |S-ROOMED COTTAGE, WELL-BUILT, shop. For further particulars out rubbing. Promise to solicit or- tioneer, Verona, or T. J. Lockhart, central locality, on car line; mo- as to salary, ete, apply between ders with ten cents will bring sam- Clarence street, Kingston. dern improvements; at & bargain. 3 velock to Frontenac ples for four washings. Make dol- Terms easy. Apply F. W. Meagher, Investment Ceo. §7 lar an hour. Bradley's Co, Brant- 4 Lower Albert street. Phone Clarence Street, ford, Ont. 408, FRPP L Pad Evening at 8.15 Plans and specifications can be po " STO TEN seen and forms of tender obtained [2 ]ellde Nae Lange a or =x re TA: Hoa ia of FINANCIAL Specialist es and dining - eh rota. g S rg Store i yi t on sion, Randolph BrROE / } OF- f experien nabl china" Cabinets. vies £°%We bu Dy tary Hospitals €ommission, 'Randolph BOY, 15 OR 16 YEARS OLD, FOR OF-| prosaosie LOAN AND INVEST. of experience .e es rings and mattresses, uy BS f g of n oh me to treat difficult casés guc- . Branch Post. Office. Hotel, Kau + hts hd handy wilh typewriter: ApDLY ane A Incorporated gi38d: fully. Call, or state case by 3 Thontos tr arn and handy with typewriter. Apply presigent, olonel H. mith, Phone 1600. Kingston, Ont. ie 3 by --letter---only- to - Chief Govern . THO lowest GF any téhider not nee. ment Examiner, Shell Inspection 7k So ony Tasued x 18 Carlton Str oet, e essarily accepted, Department; LM.M., Canadian Loco- and oC: roperties, municipal and ) 70 LET enders are ressed ) motive Co. country debentures; mortgages pur- A alle b; vogitored -- ut i , oy a a meas rt Ir FURNISHED FRONT BED ROOM. AP ma st to sale; deposits receiv: an n- JR 3 3 . AP. a coh h y ie : ina terest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, ply 229 Brock street. J. H. W. BOWER, Esq. manager, 87 Clarence St, Kingston. ---- - . . TWO NICE FURNISHED ROOMS AND Fresh Cut nF Dall General Supt. of Works, An experienced lady A Ba KNAPP, B.A, LDS, DDS, sitting room, Apply 240 Johnson Funeral Designs and We Woddln Military Hospitals Commission, book=keeper with a know= LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOW Office, 258 Princess street Phone street. ¢ Ottawa, Ont. Fire Insurance Company. AOE BNO ORAM Bouquets to. Order ledge of shorthand and Ee I OMT pr for Orem, Abply to A B. Cunningham, - 3 whic e policyholders have for [DR J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIS 7 Kingston--Cape Vincent security the unifvaited, Hability of corner Princess and Bagot NTI 79 Clarents Strov. Ferry 2 typewriting: Good salary. Se ih, J waa, Phone S26. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS; ALSO . old or giving new business ot one fur she ped sitting room. ; Daily Except Sunda: Apply Electric - Rallway Fates from Hirangs & BLrange | DRS, SPARKS AND. SPARKS, DEN Apply 260 Colborne street. B Ly. HY cep » actin 1 y 4 ; Agents. Phone 328. Jina, 159 Wellington street. | G. C.| FRONT DED ROOMS; ALSO ROOMS > fons Tor i hin, Wak . B.. assistant, f ou ht housekeeping; no child- Clone connections for New York ® Company or phone 107, De ; or Ug ; VICTORY RR en fut oti | (ERO o y ey ' MEDICAL LT Fon. "ADply $98" Princess street. rried. A ig * - ; t n and 7.30 y "RON TR hone FR wee y DR. H. 8, ANGROVE, PHYSICILN AND Dr Ernest B Sparks wo v rn fe I gl psme - = Surgeon; RJ Clergy nen {near * y toestity: Rent reasonable; Apply ours 2 to 4; 7 do); of- | 286 Jdhnson street. r f fice phone 2163; residence 1783, ish TAY A ; DENTIST. £ STORAGE FoR FU RNITURE ons MER- | 4 el L - ' chandise, clean and dry ann's Jervatis gf Stein, make - WOULD YOU LIKE $1 OR $2 DAILY PIANO TUNING. To No. 7 General Hospital, Queen's Real Esiate Agency, §3 Brock St, \ at home, knitting war sox on University, in England, Egypt and Phones 32¢ or 621. {atpita Auto itera", Experience pin Jos, HODGE, CERTIFICATED IANO France, after two and a half years Ee Two PRI necessary. Sen c stamp, Dep uner, eave orders at cAuley's, * T™T™WO RNISHED OMS - 210 Division St. | plAY TIX TITTK SOUL 2c, Auto Knitter Company, Col- or Phone S68, a overseas has resumed his prac- vate bath, steam heated: also Ded ge street, Toromto. tice at Sparks Spar) sitting room Prices reasonable lington St. ity a, APPly 27 Wellington swusl: Prices--Mat: 25¢, 50c, 75¢, $1.00. - PERSONAL sky's) Pho ne 346 Evening, 23c, 50c, 75¢, $1, $1.30. 's). s Sy Anke : : TS, MARK! 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, SUITABLE Seats on Sale Thursday. HAIR, h ROLES, YAR hs Bm a. ARKS ei for light housekeeping also two as emoved permanently, - furnished bed rooms; use of parlor, BUY out Soar; 30 years' experience. Dr. FOR SALE OR TO LET. Tors reasonable. 27 Nelson street, e * 9 Throat 'and Skin Speelaitet, 364 Bago n y th h £ STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, (LEAN VICTORY VICTORY Griffin w = eo. M%n Toaern convemences | Gr. aiey room; your own lock and a LEGAL PZ Coajatiissn, Buller; or thle: Been street' Phone 634: res 'SES. ™™W TORES ON INCESS ST. BE. FURNITURE FINISHING Gon Clergy. one at $15.00 ana the ence street, Kingston i ther at $20.00 per month. - Adolph Zukor. Presents a; , J. K roll Agency, Sowards Keeps Coal a > _ : . PF. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. Breck Bipoths Robinson & Wiltshire Pauline Frederick, in ¥ 1 . ited. ] ARCHITECT or. Call or drop a card. 23 John 10 Clergy Shrest "Double Crossed" Bal en ota. She BOARD AND ROOMS MISS RICHARDSON, me having resumed business, solicits Also LIRR} CLASS BOARD AXD HOOMS, | orders for fall and winter work. Apply Mrs. Tierney, 151 Earl St. | Address 202 Alfred street. BUY George Beban, in were || Stop 1) = | Used Cars uy Victory War Bonds BONDS Prices -- Mat. 13¢; Evening 25c. They Are As Good As Gold and As Certain sreos=] For Sale |[ config co ; PANY, LTD. : * Kingston i ; Ontario ] Monda; One Chevrolet--5 er, with winter fags Tusty Wed. top, 1917-model. "The Jockey of Death" One Chevrolet Roadster, 1917 model, eq- "DO CHILDREN COUNT" uipped with bumper, tire carrier and ; | extra tire; run only 2700 miles. : One Ford Roadster, with Genemotor self- starter. Otié S-paissenger Ford. All the above cars are in good running shape; they may be inspected at any time, An eneof hese cars sa sap i nken, now, as' need-the and solicitor, BONDS : BONDS Mon., Tues., Wed. ht wor age | n. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER Canada's Victory Bonds MEASURE YOUR VICTORY LOAN INVESTMENT BY A SOLDIER'S SACRIFICE. ce -------------------------------------------------------- ----. ---------------------- ee ----

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