THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1917. PAGE FIVE "Out of the High Rent District." OComor's LADES bluse | VICTORY BONDS AND MAKE VICTORY CERTAIN The Victory Loan must not fail. Fail- ure means that we resign from the war; ,that we confess we are not even willing to "put up money to back the men who are risk- ing their lives. We are on the Verge of Vic- tory. \ A little nerve, patience, and money, and we will win. DO YOUR BIT. Buy a tory Bond T.J.O'Connor 260 Princess St. Telephone 800 Kingston's Leading Ready-to-wear Store. Higher up street but lower in price always. 1 1 - BUY | airy VICTORY BONDS %4 JOHNSON STRER? FOR THE GOOD OF YOUR COUNTRY Buy..Victory Bonds For the Good of Your Eyes, See STEWART OPTICAL PARLOR J. J. STEWART, Opt.D, Optician ssa Cor; Wellington and Clarence Sts. Opp. Post Office. Phone 600 Frammeoe EE = BUY ALL THE VICTORY WAR LOAN BONDS YOU CAN Every bord bought counts in maintain- ing Canada's fighting forces at the front and a guaranteed investment -to the pur chaser. SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Stop ! Think ! Over 524% All Canada is Your Security Crawford's Grosery,. ; Phone 26. _ "Headquarters For Soldier Boxes." ES ---- MACGILLIVRAY HONORED: t (By THE CONGREGATION OF | CHALMERS CHURCH | On the Occasion of His Retiring. -- | dle also |. *" $4,500, and Three Months' Salary-- | y;. Presented With Annuity, Gifts From the Choir. ' congregation f terian Church d ght to Rev honor Dr. Malcolm y., who has been its minis- e past thirty years, and who reti ired. Various gifts were presented to the venerable minister and his od wife, and many and ear- nest were the tributes o both of them. There was a large Chalmers people in the church at eight o'clock. Pref. W. G. Jordan, moderator of the session; presided and conducted the opening exercises, as- sisted by Rev. J. Macalister, Rev. Principal Gordon spoke on be- hali of Queen's College, and told of {the splendid service Dr. Macgillivray {had rendered to Queen's and its stu- dents Rev. Douglas Laing ok hali of the city congreg stated that he had been S the Baptist Church in Perth thirty- {two years ago when Dr. Macgillivray was Presb yteri an pastor in the t tow. | Dr. Macgillivray was looked up-to a: d sheld in the greatest esteem by his 'br » i ther clergymen. Rev. T bore testimony on be half { Kingston Ministerial Associatio the good work Dr. Macg sillivra) done in Kingston Rev. John D. Boyd, of Zion Pres- | byterian Church paid a nd trib- \ ute to the retired Chalmers munister, whose influence for good had been very great. His culture and his hos- | pitality were outstan ling features of | his make-up | On hehali « paid t of gathering on be- and , and q had f the people of the | gregation Rev. Principal Ross, s member of the session, read an ad- dress to Dr. Macgillivray expressing { the love of Chalmers people for him | and their sorrow at the severing of | the ministerial tie Principal Ross {said he first met Dr. Macgillivray forty-two years ago when he was ap plying for license as a minister of the gospel. Twelve years later he had { recommended him to Chalmers as a { preacher peculiarly fitted to that con- | gregation, and his induction followe ed. ! HH. Macnee, for the Board of Managers, then presented Dr Mae gillivray with an annuity of $600, t« Suffered Suffered Terribly With 'Her Heart WOULD WAKE UP SMOTHERING ~ ing-up sensations and sinking spells, the feelings of dizziness and faint- {ness that come over = those whose heart and nervés are deranged causes the greatest distress of both wih and body. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills give prompt relief and effect a ¢om- plete cure in cases of such severity. Mrs. A. M. Powell, Norval Sta- tion, Ont., writes: I eannot speak too highly of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. [I suffered five years with my heart andl nerves; but the last two years I have éuffered ter- ribly. If I went to bed I would wake up as if 1 were smothering. I did not get one night's-sleep out of seven. 1 got so very weak that the doctor was called in, and he said it was my heart, and that I must take great care of myself. I saw your adver- tisement in your almanac for Mil- burn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and said. I would try them. I have only taken two boxes of them and I feel a new woman. 1 will recommend them to anyone afflicted with heart trouble." Milburn's Heart. and Nerve Pills are 50c a box at all dealers, or mail- ed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, | Ont. | The hi smothering and chok- Chalmers | ing, on {of years, to * | needed in to y thought and ideas "I Canada [the past hs al a century. nonths' salary, wdditional w \g the hig and ould be hest rate of i Mrs. J. R, C. Dobbs. oir, presented the clam p an f of the la irs. S. WW. presented Dic. Mrs, a beautiful bouquet zillivray, in respond- ad always thought s the dearest congre- » world, and she would tinue to think so. Farrell read a telegram he had received during the day from a man prominent in the financial world who lives "down by the sea, and who wished te be considered as one of the congregation on this aus- picious occasion, Mr. Farrell said the party in question had never wor- shipped in Chalmers, but he still con- sidered Dr. Macgillivray as his pas- tor, for he had w hen a young man ex- erted a great influence for good upon him. The message spoke of the re~ tiring minister as ome who was the ion of goodness. ilivray was overwhelmed nded to the pulpit which pied for twenty-seven ldress the assemblage. For the od of appreciation and the tangible he gat always con James M when he he had thanked them all from the bottom of his heart. He was mounting into his seventy-third year, and he had retired because he deemed it in the interests -of Chal- mers to do so. Younger blood was the pulpit and younger too. The congre- 1 most kind to him, and in his decliing years--although he had no visible physical ailment--it had provided for him, so that he could look into the future with encourage- nent. His student days and his min- istry had exactly covered the period of Confede n---- fifty years--and he was one of the first to be ordained by the United Presbyterian Church in on the 31st of October, 1875. He reviewed his ministry briefly, and touched upon the develo pment of sci- entific and theological thought during He would continue to reside in Kingston and worship in '( "halmers, and he ho ped the congregation would soon find a essor who would meet with great gifts gation had be stering to them e singing of the hymn, "O God, Our Help Ages Past," and the pre- nouncing of ¢ henediction by Prin- cipal Gordon, closed the service, and then the gathering adjourned into the Sunday school halls where refresh. ments were served by the ladies sin m HAY SITUATION ¥ CAUSING 'ANXIETY Scarcity of Cars For Munitions Makes It Impossibie to Ship Canadian Hay to U. 8 . There seems no hope of any im- mediate or even distant improve- ment of the hay situation for Can- adian farmers and it is freely pre- dicted that hay will strike a record low price this year. At Cape Vincent! N.Y, there are now 6500 cara 'of hay'which cannot be moved becausé'of the United States Government's act ih commandeering cars for munition transportation. The railroads have aléd placed an em- Sargo on the shipment of Canadian For thi§ reason the farmers in this district will not bé able to offer their hay to the American market and thus in competition receive a higher price for this produety Pleaded "Not Guilty." Wednesday morning Andrew Me- Conville was arraigned before Jus- tice Britton in the Supreme Court on a charge of indecent assault on a lit- tle boy and pleaded 'not guilty." Fe will be tried at the next assizes. President Wilson will issue a pro- clamation réquiring every alien to register. This means ridding the United States of spies, BRITISHER WEDS YANKEE GIRL, THEN GOES. OFF TO WAR . 17 : Tay = BO : ja y I Ha % Mas, , Women and Ghd, who bas or wil = 7 it: 1 A Voice From the Front Says: BUY VICTORY BONDS. You do not need to be wealthy to do it --the bonds are from $50 up. You do not need all the money at once --the Bank will ad- vance a part which you can repay grad- ually. CampbellBros Kingston's Oldest Hat and Fur Store. VICTORY BONDS Prouse's Phone 82. ml. cia HET The work of slating the new Cath- olic church at Portsmouth has com- menced. Wild geese are very plentiful this season. Market Clerk McCammon thinks a dog catcher should be appointed in Kingston, IT WAS EXCITING. . but only that, and nothing more. Victory Bond in the safe, and then put the interest on the Bond in the Savings Bank each six months and let this interest accumulate, you will have at the end of fourteen years at least $200. oT N-- Buy Victory Bonds Canada's Victory Bonds are always as good, and at most times But if you -- better than cash. For this reason, if, for example, you put $100 in a safe, at the end of fourteen years you would still have your $100, put a $100 Canada Abernethy's Shoe Store ness prosperity. buys it. ada's promise to repay. Buy Victory Bonds YOUR OWN INTER- EST DEMANDS IT. Your job depends on Canada's prosperity. The prosperity depends on our keeping busy in ev- ery branch of industry. Henderson's Grocery 51.681 Brock St. BUY VICTORY BONDS E. H. BAKER Cor Montreal and Charles Sts. Phone 1268. 'Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh, Sturgeon Falls, while driving a motor car to North wi IF YOU CAN'T GO ACROSS YOU CAN "COME ACROSS" You can--and you should--Buy VICTORY BONDS The backbone of Canada's prosperity in these critical war times is the money spent here for food, |munitions and equipment for the fighting men. Therefore, the man or woman who buys tory Bonds helps to keep the fighting men supplied, and by so doing helps to maintain the general busi- Vie- And a Victory Bond is a fine thing for whoever } per cent. is mighty good interest, and there's no stronger security in the world than Can- Buying Victory Bonds is foresight just as it is foresight when figuring on furniture to the house of long standing and proved reliability. James Reid The Leading Undertaker with Motor Hearse Phone 147 for Motor Ambulance. EA Re go first to BUY CANADA'S VICTORY BONDS. They are the most profitable investment in the world. Fortunate are we that the most patri- otic thing we can do just now is also the most fitable. Ask about ada Victory Bonds. The Sawyer Shoe Store IF YOU CAN'T GO ACROSS YOU CAN "COME ACROSS" You can--and you should=Buy VICTORY BONDS The backbone of C in these critical war times Js da's wperity