Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Nov 1917, p. 3

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FAMILY DOCTOR'S 4000 ADIGE To 80 On Taking "Frult-a-tives" Because They Did Her Sood Rocmox, P. Q., Jax. 14th, 1915. "I suffered for many years with ter. rible Indigestion and Constipation. I had frequent dizzy spells and became greatly run down, A neighbor advised me to try "'Fruit-a-tives", Ididsoand to the surprise of my doctor, I began to improve, and he advised me to go on with "Fruit-a-tives". . 1 consider that owe my life to "Fruit. a-tives" and I want £6 say to those who suffer from Indigestion, Constipation or Headaches--'try Fruit-a-tives' and you willgetwell". CORINE GAUDREAU. £0c. a box, 6 for $2.5, trial size, 25¢. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa. SALTS IF KIDNEYS OR BLADDER BOTHER Harmless to Flush Kidneys Neutralize Irritating Acids, and Kidney and bladder weakness re- sult from uric acid, says a noted authority, The kidneys filter this acid from the blood and pass it on to the bladder, where it often remains to irritate and inflame, causing a burning, scalding sensation, or setting up an irritation at the neck of the bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. The sufferer is in constant dread, the water passes sometimes with a scalding sensation and is very profuse; again, there is difficulty in avoiding it. Bladder weaknes, most folks call it, because they can't control urin- ation. While it is extremely annoy- ing and sometimes very painful, this ia really one of the most simple ail- ments to overcome. Get about four ounces of Jad Salts from your phar- macist and take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast, con- tinue this for two or three days. This will neutralize the acids in the urine Ld 80 it no longer is a source of rp" tion to the bladder and urinagf or- gans which then act normally again. Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless, and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with vithia, and is used by thousands of folks who are subject to urinary dis- orders caused by uric acid irritation. Jad Salts is splendid for kidneys and causes no bad effects whatever. Here you have a pleasant, effer- vescent lithla-water drink, which quickly relieves bladder trouble. a What Are You-- Each of Us. Doing to Prove Our Worth ? WE SHOULD BUY VICTORY BONDS ; nev. ON 28 S00 $4040 Told In Twilight * - » The following guests for the dance at the Royal Military College on Friday evening will be at "The Bel- videre" while in town : Mrs. and the Misses Davies, Mrs. Watson, Miss Hewitt, Miss Macpherson and Miss Lilian Wright of Toronto; Mrs. Act- land, Miss Julla Parker, Miss Mary Chapleau, Miss Frances Owen, Miss Maude Macpherson, Miss Dorothy Sinclair of Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. George Cook and the Misses Marion and Dogothy Cook, Miss Langman, Miss Mackenzie, Miss Kennedy, Mrs. Skelton, Miss Bernice Skelton, Miss Jean Ruthdrford, Miss C. McGill, Mrs. Robertson, Miss Baily, Miss Mol- son, Miss Hanson, Miss Hodgson, Miss Patterson, Miss Jefferson, Miss Lafleur of Montreal, and Miss Doris Macdonald of Hamilton. . » . . Mrs. George 8. Otto, 35 Aberdeen street, received on Friday afternoon last. Her mother, Mrs. Toole of Gan- anoque, received with her and the tea table was in charge of Mrs. W. M. Shurtleff and Mrs, W. G. Anderson, who were dusisted by Mise Marjorie Hopkirk, Miss Flora Fair, Miss Laura Wright and Miss Dora Stock.. Mrs. Otto will be at home.on the second Monday of each month, . - » Mrs. Herbert Ryan, "The Welling- ton," entertained informally on Mon- day evening when her guests were Major and Mrs. R. T, M. Scott, Major and Mrs. F. B. Eaton, Miss Mildred 'Jones, Miss Beth Small, Miss Mar- garet Cunningham, Major Goodwin, Major Bruce Hopkins, Captain Frank Ryan, James Swift and F. Brown of New York, . Mrs. 'Charles 8S. Kirkpatrick, Vic- toria street, was at home on Tues- day afternoon when many friends 'called and had the pleasure of meet- iig Mrs. Worrell of Halifax, who was receiving with Mrs. Kirkpatrick. . The Bridge Club, which was to have met at Mrs, Arthur Craig's on Tuesday evening was postponed, . - * Many guests from Toronto, Otta- wa and Montreal are expected in town for the dance at the Royal Mili- tary College on Friday evening Miss May Chown is returning to Montreal this week. Mrs, W, Balfour Mudie and her two daughters, who have been visit- ing Mrs, Walker in Buffalo have re- turned tq Gananoque. Mrs. C. J. Mitchell, who has been 'visiting Mrs. Frank Phillips, John- son street, is leaving to-morrow for her home in Toronto. Mrs. Frank Dobbs came down from ~ to this week and is the guest of Mra: V. Rogers, Barrie 'street. ay. . R. 8. Waldron, King street, have returned from Mont- real. Miss Mildred Horsey is expected from Picton to-morrow and will be the guest of hér grandmother, Mrs. 'Cooke,"st St. Mark's Rectory, Barrie- fleld, ° Mrs. \David Murray, Frontenac street, is' entertaining at a dance on Friday evening for her son John, . - Mrs. Willoughby Cummings, To- ronto, is the guest of the Misses 'Muckleston, Unigh street. Capt. ap@*Mrg. John Aird and lit- tle Miss Helen Qird are leaving Des- eronto to-morrow for Fort Heuston, Texas, where they will spend the winter, Miss Jean McLaughlin and Miss Audrey Young, Toronto, will come to town on Friday for the Royal Mili- tary College dance and will be the guests - of Mrs, L.,T. Best for the week-end. » * A Miss Dorothy Mickle, Harold Hooper and Courtland Elliott mo- tored from Kingston "Sunday and | spent the day with Miss Helen Mec- Lean, who is home from Kingston spending the week-end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. McLean, Front Road west, Brockville, Mrs. M, Rodden and her son, Billie, have returned to Toponto after a len ed visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. H.{ Wormwith. ™ Nursing Sig"er Dorothy Cotton, daughter of the late General Cotton, young Is now on the stat of the Daugh- _ You will help the boys "over there"; you will help keep our country prosperous, you IF YOU CAN'T GO ACROSS and bring victory that much nearer because + -- COME 4 + |MRs. cfs. PEDEN GAINS 27 POUNDS {Twice Examined and Each Time Told Operation Was Only Hope. "1 have just finished my third bot- tle of Tanlac and have gained twenty- seven pounds," was the truly remark- able statement made by Mrs. Chas. Peden, residing at 550 Mill street, { Huntsville, Ala. Mrs. Peden is one | of the best known and highly respect- ed women of that thriving little city, where she has made her home for a number of years. "When I commenced taking the medicine," she continued, "I only Sveighed ninety-eight pounds, now I Weigh 126 pounds and never felt better in my life. For years I have suffered with a bad form of stomach trouble, constipation and pains in my Gide and back, - At times the pains took the form of torture and I was Swice examined and each time I was told that I had appendicitis and that an operation would be my only hope. I had fallen off until I only weighed ninety-eight pounds and was so weak I could hardly get around. "I had no appetite at all scarcely, and what little I did eat would cause gas to form in my stomach, which gave me palpitation of the heart, sick headaches and a dizzy feeling about the head. When the spells came on I would get awfully nervous. I wor- ried about myself until I could rest and sleep but little. "I had fallen off until I was al- most skin and bones and my strength and energy were slowly leaving me. I had a dread of the future and could see nothing but the operating table and the knife. I had a perfect hor- ror of an operation, but I had 'made up my mind that it was either life or death and prepared to submit to it, 1 had made all preparations for the operation and called on my sister to tell her good-bye, as I did not know whether I would live to see her again or not. My sister begged and plead with me not to allow them to cut on me and told me to wait antl tr a good tonic for a while. The next day, as I returned from the consul- tation room I thought of what she sald and as I had heard "so much about Tanlae I decided to try it as a last resort and stopped at Gilbert's Drug Store and bought a bottle. Of course, I had lost heart and had no faith in the medicine, but to please my sister I made up my mind to take it and oh, what a happy day that was for me! "I never returned for the-opera- tion, but just kept taking the Tanlac. Right from the start I began to feel better. The medicine seemed to take hold right at once. It had a soothing effect and in a few days 1 felt no pain at all. I was so happy over the wonderful improvement in my condi- tion that 1 sent for my neighbors to fell them how much better I felt. I sent and got another bottle of Tan- lac and have just finished taking my third bottle and feel like I have been made all over again into a new woman. "As 1 have sald before, I now weigh 125 pounds, and my improve- ment has been so rapid that none of my clothes are big enough for me. I will have to make them all over again, I now have a ravenous ap- petite and my husband says I am simply eating him out of house and home. I have even gone back to my coffee, which I was told not to touch. Those terrible pains in my back and head have all disappeared and I gleep like a child. I am no longer nervous and when I get up mornings I feel refreshed, cheerful and bright. I am now able to attend to my house- hold duties and I feel as if I had started life all over again, My hus- band is highly delighted, and my re- covery is the talk of the neighbor- hood. I do nothing but rejoice all day long over the recovery of my 'health and praise Tanlac to every- body. "1 feel so grateful for my escape from the operating table and the knife that you may publish what I have said; you may, if you will, tell other women suffering as I was, to come and see me and I will be glad to tell them all about my case." Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. P.C n, ters of the Empire Hospital in Lon- don, Eng., after long service in the Anglo-Rusian Hospital at Petro- € Mrs, Edward Ryan is spending a few w with Dr, Ryan in Toronto. Miss Vi Morrison, Toronto, is staying at Rockwood House with Charles Ryan during Mrs. Ryan's absence (Continued on page 12.) NEWS FROM CATARAQUL -- An Exchange of Property--H. Merri- man Leaving the Village. Cataraqui, Nov. 10.--~The Red Cross workers have filled a dozen Christmas stockings for the boys overseas. Rev. A. Smit and family are getting well settled in their new home. . Miss A. ark has a new motor car, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harpell have the sympa- thy of the community in the loss of their month-old baby. H. Merriman, Cataraqui, and J. | Boyd, storekeeper, Kingston, made an lage. Capt. C. L. wards and Mrs. Edwards are expect- | ing to take up housekeeping on Col- was one of the on Tuesday fries i aT; HIE Ef : i § ¥ g 15 = THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER " Probs: Fine on Thursday, stationary temperature. / NURSES REALIZED $140 /At Their Red Cross Tea and Sale on Tuesday Afternoon, The Nurses' Alumnae Association of the Kingston General Hospital held a tea and sale at the residence of Mrs. Howard Marshall, Colborne street, on Tuesday aftesnoen, and realized $140 for Red Cross purposes. Mrs. 5S. Crawford and Mrs. S, Campbell had charge of the food table; Mrs, G. H. Williamson and = Miss - Florence Hiscock the work table; Miss C. Fair. lie and Miss Jean McCallum the candy table, and Miss Brown and Nursing Sister Gussie Wright the tea table, the latter being assisted 'by four nurses from the hospital training school. Miss Lovick took the fee at the door. Dur- ing the afternoon Mrs. W. F. Nickle and Mrs. John Wright addressed the people with regard to the Victory Loan. Miss Jessie Nicol, of Cata- raqui, won the electric stove, and T. A. Lapier, 269 Montreal street, the electric-iron, which were raffled. The J. M. Greene Company kindly loaned an Edison gramophone, which dis- coursed music. i ---------------------- f IN MARINE CIRCLES. "Vessels Along the Harbor. The schooners Julia B. Merrill and St. Louis have been taken below Ca- taraqui bridge to be stripped and laid up_for the season. . The steamer Jex cleared to-day for Sodus. The steamer Jeska is in Davis dry dock for repairs. . Jd. Cos Bulletin: The steamer Advance is discharging grain from Port . Colborne; the steamer Weste- rian cleared with the barge Quebec for Port Colborne; the tug Smith ar- rived from Montreal with two light barges, and cleared for Montreal with two grain-laden barges; the steamer India is due to arrive to-night to dis- charge grain from Port Colborne. Canada Steamship Lines: The steamer lonic cleared for Port Col- Face Nothing But Running S FROM ECZEMA Movements . of Reported No rest day or night for those af- flicted with that terrible skin disease, Sttema, or, as it is often called, salt am. With its unbearable ing, torturing is gladly welcomes, There is no remedy like Burdock Blood Bitters for giving to other has Do ---- Your Bit ~ Buy a Victory Bond Everyone who has the winning of the war at heart will want to share in the Victory loan. When you lend money to the government -- at better than 519, interest -- you help feed, clothe, equip and maintain our brave boys overseas -- they help Great Britain, who has so far * borne the heavy burden of financing the cause of the allies----the cause of civilization. Ge Money and more money is needed to win the war. BUY - BUY BUY Victory Bonds Steacy's - Limited CHILDREN HATE PILLS, CALOMEL AND CASTOR OIL If Cross, Feverish; Constipated, Give "California Syrup of Figs." Look back at your childhood days, Remember the "dose" mother insist- ed on---castor oil, calomel, cathar- tics. How you hafed them, how you fought against taking them. With our children it's different. Mothers who cling to the old form of physic simply don't realize what they do. The children's revolt is well- founded. Their tender little "insides" are injured by them, If your child's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing, give only deli- cious "California Syrup of Figs." Its action is positive, but gentle. Mil- Hons of mothers keep this harmless "fruit laxative' handy; they know children love to take it; that it never fails to clean the liver and bowels: and sweeten the stomach, and that a teaspponful given today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, child- ren. of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on each hottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. See that it is made by '"'California Fig Syrup Company." Refuse any other kind with contempt. born at 345 p.m. on Tuesday; the steamer Belleville, on her wiy from Montreal to Toronto, passed at 4.30 o'clock on Wednesday morning, News From Odessa. Od 12.--The annual meeting of the Odessa branch of were elected for the coming year. The year's report was very satisfac. tory to al present, and the majority renewed their fees, becoming mem- Sproule, who has visiting friends in Petérboro, returned jast Monday. Mrs. George Bttinger, Kingston, is visiting her , Mr. and Mrs. George Watts, spent the week-end at her home in Portland, near Jones' Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Bell and Miss burning, itch- | spen day and night, relief, A Voice From the Front Says: BUY VICTORY BONDS You do not need to be wealthy to do it --the bonds are from $50 up. You do not need all the money at once --the Bank will advance a part which you can re-pay gradually. LE HARRISON €0,, LIMITED BUY VICTORY WAR . BONDS They are as good as gold and as certain as victory.

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