Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Nov 1917, p. 15

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ec -- FRG THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1917. : PAGE FIFTEEN ---------- ---- ---------- 4 I I I I III m-------- % firm Wethers, $8.70 to $12.85; Ontario wheat--No. 2 winter, new, |steady; spring patents, $10.80 to $1.33. Timothy--4$6.00 to $7.50.) 1, 25¢ to 28e: spring chickens 30e; fambs, native, $12 to $16.65 $2.22, basis in store Montreal. $11.25; winter patents, $10.65 Clover--$13.00 to $24.00 sprivg 1b 0c; geese, 1b H4¢ e test et eports Peas--No. 2, $3.80 to $8.90, aec- {$10.90; winter straights, $10.36 See to STc: beets. bkt S0¢: do. beg 90¢: . utside. . t nis ' Ve; 00. hep J0e; cording to freights out $10.60; Kansas straights, Winnipeg. 'aul a Ti a . t Montreal, Nov, 13.--Receipts, cat- Buckwheat--Nominal. $11.40. Rye flour steady; Winnipeg, Nov. 13.--~Barley-- Lan ash 19) Ra $ |tle, 1,700; sheep and lambs, 1,300; Rye--No. 2, $1.75. good, $9.65 to $9.80; je to {| No. 3, $1.20%; November, §1.14%; ay Se o i) cabbnges shoh bt to EB K MARKETS t 13; butchers, $9.5 , hogs, 700; calves, 350. Quotations: Manitoba flour--First patents, in |fancy, $9.85 to $10, jute, spot and to | rejected and feed,. $1.07. Flax-- at vebeiabl IAINOW. . cach: He AVE STOCK 9 $1 i na i + $9 Lg to $11.75; Choice steers, $10.50 .t6 $10.75, good | jute bags, $11.50; second patents, jarrive. Hay strong; Ne. 1, § \O. No. 2 CW, A egetable maifow, pet Se 39 yearlings, $11.50 to $13; heifers, $7 34 s "a Nn} 210 8 a NaH 5 £0. N : lo 3 OW a gc; onions, 7611b Lag $2.60 to $2.- ¢ steers $9.90 to $10.00 medium $11; strong ba s, $10.60, $1.60; No. 2.31.45 to $1.60; No. 3.1% ] 3 W.. 1.09 Buy a aa 4 § Toronto 5 to $11; cows $4 to $10; bulls $16.75 steers. $8.00 to $9 00: butchers, Ontario f Winter, according $1.30 to 31.35: §31.9 rictory Bond > 3 £50: do. email bkt 48¢; do. pickling, Toronto, Nov. 13.--Heavy steers) vo $9.75; stockers and feeders, $6.50 bulls, hoice, $8.00 to $8.50: butch-lto sample, in bags, prompt shipment, | Hops quiet; state "mod to choice. 1 % a r kt. ; do. ellver skiws, bkt $1.- $10.00 to $11.00; choice butcher) to $10.50; fresh cows and springers, bi bulls, medium, $6.50 to $7.00;]$8.90 PS a, Sage. $9.70, - Toronto. 1007 o io oe. T4916. -m al: ENERAL TRADE 00; potatoes, bag $2.60 to $2.15; Qo, $10.25 0 $19.50; do medium 33 25; firm, $50 to $140 ord. butchers cows, medium, $6.50 to| $9.70, bulk, seaboard. " Pacific coast, 1917, 6 ' 0 peck 40c; Pumpkins, each 10c¢ to do common $8.50 to 79.00; be ors. Veals--Receipts 900; active and $700; canners, $5.25 to $5.50; Millteed--Car lots, delivered, |20 to 24c. Montreal 25¢; parsley, bunch 10c; peppers, #00d to cloics Jhb 3 S50: ut easier, $7 to $14 2. | sheep, $11.00 to $12.00; lambs, $14.-| Montreal; shorts, $42; bran, $35 - Montreal, Nov. 13-Cheese--Fin-| red, doz, 25¢; do., green, de. 15¢; her bulls, €hoice Niel Duivher Hogs -Receipts 11,200; active de-100 to $14.50; grass calves, $6.00 to|feed flour, per bag, $3.25; mid Montreal. | est westerns, 21% ¢; fine:t easterns, | SA&S bunch Se to 10c; sp.nach, peck medium 3 ' 0 1.50; mand; heavy, $18 to $18.15; mixed, $7.00; hogs, cholce select, $17.00 to] dlings, $45 to $46 Montreal, Nov, 13.--Corn--Ameri-| 21% e¢. Butiei--Choicest creamery, | 30¢; squash, each 10c to 35e; savory buis, choice $7.75 to $8.50; do med-} $17.90 to $17; Yorkers, $17.76 t0|$17.50; roughs, $16.00 to $16.50; Hay--Baled, track, Toronto, car |can No. 2 yellow, 2.16 1 30.| 44 to 44%c; seconds 43 to 433 c. bunch 5c to 10c; turnips, peck 15¢; jum $7.00 to $7.50; butcher bulls,| $17.90; Nght Yorkers, $17.26 10 sows, $15.00 to $16.00. lots, No. 1, $15 to $16; No. 2, $12 | Oats--Canadian Western, No. 2,| Eggs Fresh, 53 to 55¢c; selected, 46 |40., bag 85¢ to Tle. choice $7.75 to $8.75; do good $7.50 | $17.50; pigs, $17 to $17.25; roughis, rere to $14; mixed, $11 to $13; straw, |82¢; No. 3, 80¢; extra No. 1 feed,| to 47c: No. 1 stock, 42 to 43¢c: No -------- to $7.75; do medium $6.00 to $2.00; $16.50 to $16.75; stags, $14 to $15, GRAIN QUOTATIONS. car lots, per ton, $8 80c; No. 2 local white, 76c. Flour--| 9 stock 39 to 40c. Potatoes --Per John A. Westaway, superintendent Arig Ya90 hs ne Sheep and lambs 9 Receipts 7.900; Minneapolis Manitoba, Spang wheat patente: bag, car lots, $2.20 to $2.26. Dreased i CA Jersies 3t Winauor, lived lo L405 a rt . | lambs easier at $12 to .$17; others Toronto. Minneapolis. : ; firsts, $11.60; seconds, $11.10:}y,05 Abattoir killed $24.50 to [DiS eigh birthday, according $8.00 to $8.50; do med, 650 to 75C | unchanged. Toronto, Nov. 13.--Manitoba Minneapolis, Nov. 13.--Corn--No. | strong bakers, $10.90; straight rol- $25.00; do., country, $33.50 to $24 his strong desire, though he suffered lbs. $7.50 to $7.75; do light, 600 tc wheat--No. 1° northern, $2.23 %; 3 yellow, $2.20 to 32 4 _Oats--No. lers, bags, $5.20 to $5.35. Rolled 00. Pork. -Heavs Canada shoit1® paralytic stroke aight weeks ago. . 650 1bs. $7.00 to $7.25; sheep, light Chicago. i No. 2 northern, $2.20%, store; No.|3 white, 61 3-4 iy 83 3-4c.. Flour-- | oats--Bags, 90 1bs., $4.10 to $4.25.) [000 pie 35 to 45 pieces, $52.00 | Young girls of Alsgee-Lorraie | $11.00 to $12.00; do yearlings $10. Chicago, Nov, 13.--Cattle--Re- 3, $2.17%; No. 4, $2.10%, inciud. Fancy patents, 0.30, wood; first! Bran, $35.00, Shorts, $40.00 to a OD. 2 - . 995-08 | have been, carried away from their 00-10 $11.00; canners $5.00 to $5.50; | seipts, 26,000. Market firm. IDg 2%-cent tax, in store, Fort Wil-| clears, $9.65, jute; other grades un- | $42.00. Midliugs, $48.00 to $50.60 i $5340; iy Canada Fprt ett homes aneforced to labor for the cutters $5.75 to $6.00 cutters $5.7¢ | 3eeves, $6.76 to $16.80; western liam. changed. Bran, $31.50 to $32. Mouillie, $568.00 to $60.00. to $51.00. L aces, Ie | German army. The Germans claim to $6.00 lambs $15.00 to $16.26; dc | steers, $5.85 to $16.40; stockers and} Manitoba ocats--Not quoted. meee ; ar ard--Compound, Wood | (ney are being properly looked alter. heavy $6.00 to $9.00; calves $8.0( | ceders, $5.66 to $11.50; cows and! American corn--Nominal, not Duluth. \ palis, 20 lbs net, 25 to 26¢c; pure, The C.P.R. will subscribe $10, to $15.00; hogs, fed and watered | neifers $4.50 to $11.75; calves, quoted. Duluth, Nov. 13.--Linseed, 33.40 { Chicago. wood pails, 20 its net, 27% to 28¢c. |(00,000 to the Victory Loan if Can- : 3 , : Tht i jean corn--Nominal, nbt[to $3.46; to arrive, $3.39; Novem. Chi Nov. 13. ~--Corn--No. 2 $17.00; do off cars $17.25. $6.75 to $13.25. | Amer ; cago, No .--Cora--No. -- 2 NS ue subscriptions reach $300,000,- Hogs-- Receipts, 46,000. Market quoted: ber, ' $3.37; December, $3.25%; |yekow, $2.25 to $2.25%; No. 3 yel- _ Toronto | 000; otherwise it will givev $5,000. ow." Light, $16.50 to $17.40; mix-/ Ontario oats--No, 3 white, 68c to | May, $3.22. low, $2.22; No. 4 yellow, nominal Toronto, Nov. 13.--Butter, choice | 000 Buffalo. d, $16.60 to $17.56; heavy, $16.60 §9¢, nominal; No. 3 white, 67« to ---- "No. 2 white, 63 to 64%c;| dairy 45¢c to 47¢; eggs, new-laid, doz. It is said that Hon. Siduey Fisher Buffalo, N.Y., Nov. 13.--Cattie-- | 0 $16.80; pigs, $13 to $16.40; bulk | 68¢ nominal. New York. standard, 63% to 64%c. Rye--No.| 70c to 76¢; cheese, 1b. 30¢; do, fancy | will oppose Hon. C. C. Ballantyne dn Receipts 6,300; steady; prime steers | .f sales, $17 to $17.40, | Barléy--New, $1.21 to $1.22. New York, Nov. 13.--Fiour { 2, $1.77 to $1.77%. Barley--$1.00'1b. 35¢; turkeys, 1b 30c¢ to 32¢; fowl, ' St. Lawrence division, Montreal $13 to $15; shipping steers, $11.5( Bite p---REcoipts, 20,000, MAFKEL "eres mena mere rushers A THE SAVING PATRIOT | BUY VICTORY | BONDS MAKE YOUR MONEY FIGHT! SGRUSEBCERRD / FATHER: --Hmph! That old suit's good for still another year, dog-gun it! With the money I save on that--and ginger ale-- I'll buy another of those Victory Bonds--yessir--dog-gun it! . OLD PHRASES WITH NEW MEANINGS. "Do Your Bit." That has been the main appeal of this war. Soldiers have answered it--with their Mves, Munition workers have answered it --with their toil. Women have answered it in a hundred ways--by the sacrifice of their sons; by their ministrations to the wounded and. the dying; by their knitting and their letters and their parcel of good things for the boys at the front. : "Pay Your Bit." That is another appéal. It has been made by the Patriotic Society, by all the various associations which are looking after the welfare of soldiers and soldier-folk. And Can- ada has answered. She has given ungrudgingly, and will give yet again and again. "Lend Your Bit." That is war's latest demand.. Canada needs money; the great conflict has already cost her over $700,000,000; will 1 % é& ® P % yet cost her hundreds of millions more. Of these immense sums, she \ has to borrow the greater part. But borrow where? Not in Loudon, J ) e 1 ts O en S for Britain has a tremendeus burden to carry. Not in New York; the ; - United States is raising its own huge loans. Canada must borrow af home, and the sums she requires are so large that the whole people must Lend Their Bit. ! "Carry On." That is the watchword of this war. It s the watch- VERY man and woman, every word in the trenches; it must be the watchword at home. It is in : order to Carry On that Canada is floating a loan for $150,000,000, boy and girl m Canada 1s eligible It is to be a People's Loan, available in "small portions," so that every citisen may share in it. And the citizen who subscribes, no matter for enlistment mn this fighting line. how much or how little, will be assured of these three great advan- A . $150,000,000 547, Gold Bonds tages: 1. A high rate of interest. 2. Quick sale for his holdings if he There 18 NO bar for age, sex or offered in three maturities later wishes to turn them into cash. 3. Unimpeachable security for his h sical cond ition : 5 year Bonds due December 1st, 1922 money in the shape of the whole wealth and resources of Canada, But, . . > : ! ' best of all, by Lending His Bit he will be Doing His Bit and helping the phy Si 10 year Bonds due December 1st, Ba Dominion to Carry On. If h 1 $50 $100 20 year Bonds due December lst, : ; you ave only or you Interest payable without charge, half yearly, 1st June can buy Vv ictory Bonds. and lst December, at any branch in Canada of any - : If you have $1,000 or $5,000, so Lo Sout gs be alten. | ~ a a much the better, so much greater your minations $50, $190, 1909 w : Buy Canada' ] | opportunity to help Canada win the Issue Price Par Payment to be made as follows: | : war. on December 1st,917 on March 1st, 1018 ) £1 t : | ; : on January 20d, 1918 on April 1st, 1918 1C 0 Buy all the Victory Bonds you can. _20fo on February 1st, 1918 onMay lst, 1918 y y y i ; . : A full half year's interest will be paid on It means continued support for the he Sua, lOpe mae The Bonds theref a 0 e investor nds boys at the front. Fe Bo short: t: ; iB ARE 5.61% on the 20 year Bonds They 'are the most profitable invest- | It means work and wages for those 5.657% on the 10 year Bonds - ment in the world. Fortunate are we that [Il §| ~~ 'who cannot get to the front. ) 5.81% om the § year Bonds the most patriotic thing we can do just now : di oe Aut 'The proceeds of the Loan will be used for War is also the most profitable. Ask about Can- | , Purposes only, and will by spent wholly in Canada. | ada Vi tory is bank. > = : a x -¥ RN Forms of Application may be obtained from any & i Vie Bonds at this : . : : ho : branch 1n Canady of any Chagtered Bank, or from any vk | 3 | ANS *%¢ = | VictoryLoan Committee, or member thereof. Canada's Victory Loan a

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