PAGE FOURTEEN THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDA Y, = = TREADGOLD Sporting Goods Co, 88 PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON. PHONE 520, take this opportunity of call- ASSISTING AMERICAN RED CROSS NEW YORK THE IN Lady Beck, Her Daughter, and Miss { Leonard Taking Great Interest in Horse Show. ing the attention of the Cana- dian Public to the Dominion of Canada Victory ) now being offered by the Government at a high rate of interest. In buying Victory Bonds you support Canada in the war, . you prove your right to citi- zenship in the great Empire of 'which Canada is a part, and you buy a share in the victory of civilization over barbarism, freedom over tyranny. Let us make the Victory Loan a success that all Cana- dians may be proud of, and in which all our Allies may rejoice. A New York despatch says: Society and sport will clasp hands | this week for a 100 per cent. bene fit} to sick and wounded soldiek boys | through the medium of the National | Horse Show at Madison Squarg Gar- | den. Directors of the horse how | are paying every expense of or ex- | hibiticn, estimated at $60,000{ and | are turning over to the Ametican| Red Crosse as an unreserved gift the entire gross receipts, without any! deductions whatever, so tliat money | paid for tickets, catalogues, entrance | fees, etc., may be as much a contri-| bution to the War Relief Fund as if| made in the form of direct dona-| tions, | All told, there are no less than] of these being scheduled afternoon and.evening. Most tion for teams of hunters to be rid-| den by women in hunt club uniforms, which is directly due to the zeal of the participants to help the Red Cross. This motive has induced Lady Adam Beck to lead a Canadian team, despite the fact that her bro- ther was killed in France a short time ago. With her will be Miss Alice Leon- ard, of Toronto, who comes in the same spirit, Her eldest brother, Lt.- Col. Wood Leonard, commanding the Third Canadian Artillery Brigade, was killed at Vimy Ridge. Another brother, Lt.-Col. Ibbetson Leonard, is mow in command of a unit of Can- adian Mounted Rifles in France. The third of the Canadian team will be young Miss Marian Beck, whose bril- liant riding over the jumps in the Garden was a notable feature of last year's horse show. Nine teams have been entered for this spectacular contest on Thursday evening, which will bring into the ring twenty-seven high-mettied thoroughbreds ridden by women, O.H.A. ANNUAL MEETING Amateur Hockeyists To Meet At Temple Building Dec. 1st. Hockey siubs ail over the providce are organizing for the coming sea- son, and making ready for the 28th annual meeting of the O.H.A., which will be held in the Temple Building, Toronto, on Saturday, December lst, at 10 alm. Each club is entitled to one. abo must be in the hands of the secretary by Saturday of this week; nominations for office by the following Saturday. Certifi- cates are issued to all players. Ju- nibor players must be under 20 years of age January lst, 1918. Official birth certificates are required. Un- der the required O.H.A. residence "rule a player must be a bona fide and continuous resident of the town to which. hig club belongs since August Ist, 1917. The exceptions are en- listed soldiers, students, teachers, and sallors. . The last named must Dlay where they were living last Jan- uary. Soldiers enlisted for overseas service, like students and teachers, may. play in their home togms, with {shadow of his former self. [les will likely be arganged this win- NOVEMBER 14, 1917. rd Of EX-CHAMPION AD WOLGAST. Weighs Only Eighty-six Pounds and His Hair is Grey. * Ad Wolgast, once champion of all the lightweights, and once one of the sturdiést fighters to ever step in- side the roped arena, is nearing the end in Milwaukee sanitarium. Ac-| cording to Ad's brother, Louis, the! former title-holder is, in truth, but a| "Ad only weighs eighty-six pounds and his hair is rapidly turning gray," | states Louis Wolgast in a letter to! a friend. "The chances are he will never leave the sanitarium. Ad wants to become an instructor in box- ing in the United States army, but, of course, he could not do that. His physical condition woul: not permit, | Decline to Meet Giauis, | President Comiskey of the world's champion White Sox hs declined an | invitation from Manager McGraw of | the Giants to play a series of exhi- bition games in the south next ' spring. | The Detroit Tigers also have re. refused to take part in the remain. | ing games. A fistic duel was the outeome, the men meeting in private after an exchange of challenges. | Cobb was declared the victor. Plays Football Barefooted. London Sportsman: Although col- onial teams occasionally contain a player who discards boots, it is a rare spectacle on an English ground. At Norbury, Pte. Blackshaw, Aus- trallan Machine Gun Depot. played forward in his bare feet. He hails from Cairns, Queensland, and has been accustomed to play football without boots since his boyhood. Moran Refuses Match. Frank Moran won't be in the ring with Jim Coffey for a farewell bout Wednesday night in New York; when the Frawley boxing law expires. Al- though he was assured such a match would draw a $20,000 house Moran declined, saying he was out of con- dition. - % i Sporting Notes Toronto, Hockey Club owners say that the Eastern Clubs should adopt a. double-cross as the official crest for their new circuit. John MeGraw, ofthe Giants, em- phatically denies e report that Heinle Zimmerma $40 have been sold to the Kankakelh + He states the Marathon Than will@gain<giard the red-light cornef for $e Polo Grounds next summer; : Home and home bowling games between Ottawa and Montreal lad- ter. Twelve thousand nnrialiy is said to be the salary fdr which Mile: Huggins signed on. as manager cf the New York Yangees, Instead of remaining in the 1In- ternational Baseball League, Sam Lichtenhein should buy Victory | number of former h seventeen classes exclusively for wo-|fused to play the Giants in March. | camps in this vicinity, il men on this year's programme, three |It Will be recalled that during the 'there will be little difficulty in get- for this|Pattles last spring between MoGraw ting a strong team together. But if not-| and Jennings there was a rumpus, in This should prove practicable I will table of all, perhaps, is the competi-| Which Cobb spiked Herzog and then | gladly Jarmange to bring down 'tacks of Gall Stone Colic appear. Ninety BUILDING RINKS FOR U.S. SOLDIERS Hockey to be Played Between Teams for Entertainment of "S8ammies." An extensive plan for building ice rinks at military training camps and for staging hockey matches between strong amateur teams for the amuse- ment of the soldiers has been sub- mitted by Cornelius Fellowes, pro- prietor of the St. Nicholas ice rink, New York to the Commission on Training Camp activities. Mr. Fel- lowes has offered his services to su- pervise the building of rinks at each camp, and has also agreed range for matches between the teams which play at St. Nicholas or i between local teams and teams made IH up of drafted soldiers. In a letter to Dr. Joseph E. Ray- [i croft of Princeton, N.J., a member of [i the War Department's Mr. Fellowes,says: Commission, "There are a and 1 know two teams to play for the boys. We will have at least one fast team in this city this winter, Dr, Raycroft in reply states that | at least two camp rinks will be built, | and negotiations are now under way, with the athletic directors of Camp Upton for a third. RTT { | \ A NEW FULL WEIGHT TOOKE COLLAR 20¢ eich, 8 for Boe. 'O0KE BROS. LIMITED Makers B Montreal Gall Stones REMOVED IN 24 HOURS WITHOUT ANY PAIN WHATEPER indigestion, Stomach and Liver Disor: ders, Appendicitis, Peritonitis, and Kid- ney Stones are. often caused by Gall Stones, which is a dangerous complaint and misleading until those bad at- TEAR out of every hundred persons who have Gall Stones don't know it. Gat : MARLATT'S SPECIFIC AS CHARLIE SAYS : Smoking some cigars is almost a pleasure. There is no "almost" about the new ARABELA. 4-for-25c¢. Scales & Roberts Limited, Toronto. to ar- ji ey players at | We can always ar- it range to have a visiting teams stay [|i over a day to play for the soldiers." |} Kingston's Electric Store! STOP! THINK OVER S39." - All Canada is Your Security. {BUY VICTORY BONDS. H.W. Newman Electric Co., 167 Princess Street. Phone 441 & ATT TT for appendicitis or gall stones today and avoid an operation. N T. H. SARGENT, Druggist. Buy a Victory Bond FOR YOUR OWN SAKE FOR CANADA'S SAKE FOR FREEDOM'S SAKE It is a small thing to do individually, but of vital conse- quence collectively. J.H Sutherland & Bro. The Home of Good Shoes. HEE EREE A AE RT bonds. He could invest $25,000 Kingston, Ont. quite satisfactorily in this way. * J. W. MARLATT & CO, 581 Omtario Street, Toronto. 4 soldier's team in the town or regi- mental district in which they are located, or with any team in the town in which they are lotated. In the tase of a retumed soldier from 2 One of the most enthusiastic members of the Ottawa Y.M.C.A Business Men's Class is Mr. Hal B SO AAA 3 HAAR MAKE YOUR DOLLARS FIGHT It is the duty of every loyal Canadian, who is able to stay at home in comfort, and en- joy his 5¢ "Poet" Cigar as usual, to put ° every dollar he can spare into the purchase of Victory Bonds. S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston. 3 TOY WG 1981, 897 Princess Street. 111 oVerseas he may play wherever he desires to locate, and in the case of an honorably discharge soldier the may play in his homg town. Players Mving in rural districts, villages or police villages must' play in. their nearest O.H.A. town. Hendricks May Mannge St. Louis. Jack Hendricks, manager of the Indianapolis Club, of the American Assoclatiom has been offered the position of manager of the St. Louis Ngtionals, to succeed Miller Huggins, who recently went to the New York Americans, acconding to a stony primted here to-day. Hendricks is expected to give his final answer to- day after a conference with James MeGill, owner of the Indianapolis Club. " According to latest reports from John McGraw's sanctum, he will Stand pat on the New York'Giants for next year. Even Heinie Zim- McGiverin. "Hall" played football and cricket for many years and is getting in the pink of condition fo: the coming political struggle. Pete Scott, Hamilton redskin, who trimmed" George Rivet and Frankie Nelson last week, may be matched for a scrap against Pal Moore, They say Scott is a real fighter. Are American golfers patriotic? Well, rather. In the Independence Day tonmrnaments across the line they raised $72,000 for patriotic pur- poses. Whichever way 'the pendulum swings Ottawa may benefit by the proposed big baseball merger. Mon- treal's fight to remain in Class A.A will likely prove futile. Lieut. Sims, a well known Hamil- ton bootball player, who figured on the 227th team last winter, has been killed in action in France. He was merman is said to have been pardon- ed. NINN tpn, HH 8 only at the front a few weeks when he met death bravely. When you smoke a "Bachelor" for the first time, you realize all that clear Havana filler and choice Sumatra w per, hand roiied, can do for a cigar. "The National Smoke" Eighteen million "Bachelors" sold annually in Canada. | HAVEN'T gor ACENT (EFT. | JUST PAID YOUR CHAUFFEUR: VALET AND BUTLER- THANKS FOR THE MFORM A - : non: | WELL: I'LL San. MASE PAID THEM HIGHER : SALARIES!