GRAND rouse Production TONIGHT || | um Increased effort and eff!- | AND WEDNESDAY. cleney 2 Ee ptot- | DASLY AT 2.30, 7 AND 9, omy and less waste in lv i building a capital by un - | A Gripping, Sensational Photoplay of er ork aid greater Javings, Alaskan Life. will enrich you an our country. The men and Yur WILLIAM FARNUM men at home must produce ~~ AND more to cover war's waste. VERTISING RATES : SALE Kathlyn WILLIAMS - EE a word. Each con- WANTED GENHRAL_ 3 oR It is easier to make money than to save it. A wr N- secutive insertion th f) bait- - Bavings Account at The Bank of Toronto will heip SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, Ruy cose 4 EFFECTIVE ADVTS. cent a word. Minimum charge for fur cash or In part payment of new PAIR OF RIMLESS EYE-GLASS. little. Once, 250; three times S0e; save What your Increased effort provides. one Imnersion Hits three taordoas Jar cash of han SC We Lind: es in case, on Princess street one week, $1.0%, i nn oy asp » Cana S0e; six $1; ome month, $32. Say, Limited, 121 Princess street. ing at Whig 'Office. : ¢ : KINGSTON WINDOW CLEANING COM. ROSARY, ON EARL STREEGT, A SQUARE PIANG IN GOOD CONDI- \ ; rders 3 y e 3 ton. Apply 159 Nalso BSTAPLISHED 18585. HELP WANTED Jany Sk hab IE leave ll agers olHlling at Whig Office. Aman PD 1 153 Nelson street, city, With George 1 HiT erst tn Hosa N_ THURSDAY EVENING ON DRIVER WANTED. APPLY PRIOE'S Stuart Street, near General ; BW MOEA AN Dairy, Princess street. Post Office. Jlosphal, a pair of rosary A NEW MCLAUGHLIN AND CHRVRO- *1HE ~ N= MER. 8. Owner may have same lw oy Be. R. A. Buyel, 33 We 3 < a CAN - | TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON - A F ¥ A gon St NINE ACTS A 40D GENERAL SERVANT. ar chants and business men in East- DY APplving to 161 Division Rly h * . ern Ontario can connect with a ie ' Also the Pathe News Ave, side line by applying to Box FAIR OF GOLD RIMMED SPEC. HOOP NETS IN FIRST CLASS CONDI + - acles, in front of Wool- ' ' wo PRICES :-- Ee - 5 W.. Whig Ofce. Suricily cou tacles, i 0 tion. "Apply to Andrew Howard, sh CONDUCTORS WANTED; STEADY worth's store on Princess St. Nollin's ; BANK OF [ORON O MAT. at 2.80 | EVE. at 7 and 9. employment. Apply Street Railway fidential Can at Whig Office, i Jullin's hay, . 10c and 15¢ | 10e, 15¢, 25¢ Office. A GAUNTLET ON BROCK ST. sorge B. McKay, Manager I WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF on PF - . ? . n Friday evening. Owner may FARM CONTAINING ON 3 Shhh tioiibiet tt toa second-hand furniture Stoves, have same by applying to and eighiy-three ae nny y OB Thurs, Nov. Sth ais mie mess 3 See pcb] oe RL, Sh * ° - : mailing Department. Good cess street. Puone 1 FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. wages and steady employment. TISED FuBER, A ONE-TON ANFORD MOTOR % Apply British Whig WANTED----OLD PALSE TEETH; Truck in first ¢ condition. Ap- F 0 R S A L E 2 bb d bbb thi adass ss don't matter if broken. 1 pay $2 Anyone finding anything and Ply to W. G. Craig & Co., or Boyd's THE SEASON'S BIGGEST HIT dr dolededrob i dod db ddd ddd to $15 per set. Send by parcel post Yisting to reach the owner may Garage. HE ES IE ST ee and receive check by return mall do so by reporting the facts to A GOOD SMART ROY, ONE WITH F. Teri, 403 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, The British Whig. The edver- c . wheel preferred. Good salary, Ap- Md. tisement will be printed in this NEW HOUSE ON PRINCESS STREET, For a cash payment of $725, balance on easy terms, » ply College Book Store. 2 5 column tree of arge. . hear cor. of Frontenac AU nod we will sell a seven room dwelling situated in one of the - PURCHASE SEVERAL Ww "Found articles" does not in- Nn convenleaces. App! , Harrie FE) s : y best locations in the west end of the city. Good lot with y NS MA Plain Cook: no whSBING of ironing; priced houses, $500 to $1,500; also a elude lost dogs, cattle, horses, son, Builder, or Phone 1880. plain cook; no washing or ironing; 0 barn for removal; must eto. These, if lost, may be ad- laneway at rear. War Loan Bonds accepted at thelr face references required. Apply Mrs hpige. Geo. A. Bateman's, Real vertised for in the "Lost" column. es value on the purchase of this property. Besit, 144 Albert street, or Best's Estate and Insurance Agency, 67 GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN Drug Store Clarende street, Kingston, Phone i selections, your own cholce, $30.65, 396. Terma: $5 cash, §1 per week. A A SMART MAN OR BOY TO DELIVER Lindsay, Limited, 131 Princess St. light parcels with a quiet horse, LOST The J. K. CARROLL AGENCY. one who is well acquainted with SITUATIONS VACANT. Phones: Office 68; Residence 874. 56 Brock Street. the city. . Steady work and good BY A SOLDIER'S WIFE, A PURSE COLUMBIA GRAMOPHONE, WITH pay. Apply at Anderson Bros. WE WILL PAY YOU % TO DISTRI- containing a sum of money. Finder stand, recorder, and 149 recards, Open Every Saturday Evening. a AY Sy, Jaan 1 al kindly return £5 Whig Office. all in first class condition; also cality. Splendid opportunity for sewfing machine. Apply No. § Mack SALESLADY WANTED patristic man or woman, At least | A LADY'S GOLD WRESTLET WATCH, street. 90 days' work. 'Internation! Bible with engraving on back, on Prin- cess street Thursday afternoon, | AUTOMOBILE TOPS, ENGINE ROOD \ At once, an experienced sales Press. Toronto. i - covers make your car start easy in Timely THOMAS COPLEY MM i omen, am mpetenses ste Fir Cd ian SS] ENE cold weather, your top re. A NEW COMEDY DRAMA Steaey's Ltd. THRILLING STORIES OF THE GREAT fle and receive reward covered and curtains repaired. Jud- Telephone 987 HEAR ALL THE NEW SONG HITS wari profusely illustrated. "Every | oir a --trer--ems | fOVETed ANd curthing repained. mother wants it as well as every - > Lh eh Sg ord ~anting anything done in the carpen- red blooded Canadian, Easy seller: purse, containing sum of money tery line Estimates given on al] kinds | Specinl 25 35 50 7 Nothing Oy + (EIRRY : and bank book, on Saturday morn- y » ' 1 ad" rn Ail ew Work: B80 hard. | Pricey Higher| | LADY TO MAKE A THOROUGH a ahiay® Dhol: frelaht: pala: BE. Kinder. kindly return to [A MARGE NUMBER OF BIOYOLNS, IN ugges 1011S ood Joorg cat all kinds. All rv SEATS NOW ON SALE. canvass of the city of Kingston on ston Co., Toronto. Whig Office and receive reward. Sluding the famous Athlete. Over- A receive prompt atteation salary. Must know the city well and bicycle accessories. George ueen street. ¥ SUM OF MONEY, ON SATURDAY, BE. n ffi? Bl, i, Se, to TE ering | A | ot Le bate | __ Muir, $1 em St Phone 101 For "The Boys" At The Front. vook's Cotton Koot Compound, George Hotel, Toronto, out rubbing, Promise to solicit or- shops, Montreal hha a nd > or y ders with ten cents will bring sam- Montres return ine Tall bee ROOMED COTTAGE, WELL-BUILT, © mAs veliabis1 MECHANICS WANTED TO LEARN ples for four washings. Make dol- handed for returning same to central locality, on car lime; mo- of strength--No. 1 secrets of tempering cast steel and lar an hour. Bradley's Co, Brant- g Office, dern improvements; at a bargain. Roa $3; Ns, $5 per box. Mon Tues and Wed high speed tools, Modern meth-' ford, Ont. 2 a PTT Terms easy. Apply F. W, Meagher, Sold all of soni yg . a ods never hefiore published, $1.50 TTT, 99 Lower Albert street. Phone post free, J. White( 25b McDon- 1406, Pompilon pT id The Famous Beauty of the Stage nel Street, Peterboro, Ont. . T0 LET Mra. Whelan, recently - " i. - from Eagiand on the Justicia, THE COOK MEDICINE C6 communicate with Mrs, Smith, LARGE TORONTO. ON" /Farmecte Winton . TWO NICE FURNISHED ROOMS AND \ od z h STOCK OF EXTENSION TA. Elsie F @TGUSON|| remorse | Shi oro Wo Sae|y BuPltrtere To 3) HE TE SR hE * II STENOGRAPHER WANTED streey. PITTI springs and mattresses. We b A lady stenographer and FURNISHED ROOMS; ALSO Rooms | reese all kinds of second hand furniture. FOR SALE By. one who is guali- for lignt housekeeping. Apply 28% : Thombs, 333 Princess street. i FORD CAR in her initial photoplay de luxe fied for matriculation gcertifi- Queen street. LOST OR STOLEN cate; good wagés and chances OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM-| ov HE PERSO " In A-1 Condition: el for advancement. Must be good bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, [ WHE, THE PERS Nioao 2K .A FOR SALE OR TO LET. Branch Post Office. 3 Ay writer. Apply to Box 1008, 78 -Miarence street. Street Railway Company from the 2 Xinguion. ont ectric starter, lights, dal ee Whig Office. Soren Cf Barrie and Stuart streets | HOUSE NO. 160 COLLINGWOOD 9 ; 3 oe J) | FRONT BED ROOMS; ALSO ROOMS further trouble, n_same 'and save Street. All modern conveniences. S tc. -- alse for Mght housekeeping: no child-j__ TUTTHEr trou Apply C. Harrison, Builder, or tele atts i 9 Florist ren. Apply 396 Princess sireet. phone 1960, LATSTER PURE FOOD ©0 LT, | rms" ee The Russian Revolution, with "71207. Queen. Street West, Toronto, BUSINESS CHANCES 3 Ia ard p require a representative for terri- | TWO DOUBLE FURNISHED ROOMS IN DENTAL ' tory east of Toronto to Cornwall; good locality. Gentlemen prefer-|INVESTORS WARNING DONS INVEST algo Otitawa Valley. One 'with a red. Apply Box §, Whig Office. one cent until you read Successful A LDS, DDS, K. KNAPP, RBA, hn connection amongst grocers and Finance, and jearn bow fortunes Ofc 58 Princess street Phone " Phone 2185. Kerensky residing in the territory preferred. are made and lost by investors. wr 253 i" Fresh Cut Flowers Dall FIVE-ROOMED APARTMENT, FUR. Free trial subscription. ' Success- | nr wetas e DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES nished, west end. Possession Im- ny Finance, 608 Dearborn Bt, | nu 5 LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, wanted at once for Kingston and mediate. Apply to J. O. Hutton, Chicago. corner Princess and Bagot strests. The Man of the Hour, the Distriet. Gopd opportunity for 18 Market street. - - - Phone 626. Big Assortm f Can-| Pr : 25 RAR a eg IR Tonaer Tor LoRDGE AG ron | ob eee -- hs : he necessary. rospects for e e g OROL CAN Fie ie Yar 155: Rratig TREE, funeth RO stunt | sromaas wou unsreome on wan | ud Eroniime ¥ deve sold he | PRS PARKS, Le, SPACE, REY; * * COMING ---- CIVILIZATION. Wirite for further particulars. Stone andise, clean and dry. n's ' W900, Dewar, ~D.D.S, LDS. assistant, & Welll , "The OM Reliable Real Estate Agency, $2 Brock St. of farm stock and implements, ned Fish on Display Fonthill Nurseries. Toronto, Ont Phones 826 or 621, household furniture and, store Phone 344. goods. none or Mrrite for SORIMS | -------------------------------- o EB. mey, the leading auc- ' UNFURNIS ROOMS, SUITABLE tioneer, Verona, or T. J. Lockhart, STRAND 8 for Tight ek aomns ino. two Clarence street, Kingston. Dr. Ernest B. Sparks, . pori ced lady 1 bed parior. Fy M i T & WwW. 1 An ex en 4 Fering Teasonatie 27 Nelson Rtreet CE ce DENTIST. DUSTIN FARNUM in [| "C\eoPer with a know- a i m STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN Nerve Specialist. To No. 7 General Hospital, Queen's orthand and dry, airy rooms; your own lock and Years of exper enabl University, in England, Egypt and "Durand of the Badl|| '®%® of *h Ker, Brute "chy dioress 38) me to treat Wihicuit cases sac ||| France, after two and a half years "» typewriting. Good salary. : | Call, or state case by overseds has " § I " TWO STORES ON hy DO CHILDREN COUNTY Apply Electric Rallway low Clergy, PRINCESS ST. BE. his prac tice at Sparks el 150 Wel lington Bt., city. (Over Carnove rs; "Musty Suffer" oth 3: 0.00 per month, Apply : sky's). Phone 346. Tr. 18 Onriton St1set, Toronto, at $18.00 and the we Comedy. MATINEE, 100; © Evewives, 1se||| Company or phone 107, || Brock street. +N "Agency, "8 I ANN Nl tt PN lA tii ' : FINANCIAL DR, H. 8. ANGROVE, PHYSICILN AND the Infants' Home pom : Sureech, 8 Clergy" wrest» : ek), ours 2 to 4; 7 to 8, Will be held Tuesday afternoon, Ne- FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. fice phone 2163; residence 1782. B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER Rooma 15 Dnton Bireet™ All iterate president, Colonel 3 Fo Sah: "dn trent Kinmmton + mi nion reet, res! re nt, 3 - Raa inion AUTOMOBILE WANTED Baas Frinton we Nie DRESSMAKING ence "street. Kingston ' a ' hy .C, one; Ssu on t A FORD, IF IN GOOD CONDITION, IN and farm properties, municipal and | MISS RICH N, p DBESSMAICHR, FURNITURE FINISHING ed ens, PUBLIC NOTICE on new Soild brick bunghtow, Just| Chased: FL orders for ta and winter work ' nn nter ork. completed. This is a good invest- it ¢ Address 202 A is : J - § - ment. Apply Box §00, Whig Of: terest al LR. C. Cartwright, Tea irest * DE pURNITINS Je n fice, won +» 87 Clarence Bt, Kingston. BO. MS street, * Owing to the October PERSONAL YE ee LONDON AND GLONE OARD To hota ARCHITECT 8 th City t $61,187,215. Apply, Mra. Tierney, 151 Bar] St, torms 4] wa HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS which the poll an 0 fis supply has become con- 4 ail gr sgourity the u abit (| FIRST CLASS BOARD Sal Toe | "On ON AO dora taminated, MEDICAL LEGAL Fg y every convenience, cent: cha possible po tion. Apply 343 Brock street, Brock and Wenington or n, rates from an : . Phone 325. i a __.-n - - Sealed tenders will be received by Say, dh, 'TonT, or the par: chake of ofie 350 bbl. Roifer lous' Mill, Flour Ware! Cereal and a