aw THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, NOVEMBER, 5, 1917. "| G R A N D OPER -- Production | Tonight, Tues., Wed. | NOV, 5TH, 6TH, 7TH. Increased Sfore and eff'- DAFLY AT 2.30, 7 AND 9, y in labor, more econ-|j Gripping, Sensational Photoplyy of and less waste In livi : I ny a aire] by ar . Alaskan Life. te Se geies | WILLIAM FARNUM The men and wo- ~~AND--- ™ home must od more 'to cover ware waste. | Kathlyn ~~ WILLIAMS |coxpenser aspvenmmsine mavms AUTOMOBILE WANTED | X - FOR SALE Ne First insertion, 1¢ & word, Each con- -- - m-- 1t 1s easier to make money than to save it. A palt-| A FORD, IF IN GOOD CONDITION, IN FOUND Secutive insertion thtfemtise, 5 ayment THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COST Savings Socount, at The AEA *} Toronty Will help cent a word. charge for hae ee Just ON THURSDAY EVENING ON litle. Once, 26u; three times bla: JOuS Yicieated ofort provicen. ene insertion, 25¢; three imgertions, completed. This is a good invest Stuart Street, near General one week, SIO v . Hospital, a pair of rosary Ora ' Boe; sin one month, $2 ment. Apply Box 500, Whig Of : I 3 %. 11 aches in Teronte, 119 Branches in Canada } 8 fice. beads. Owner may, have same BY » mma by Applying to 161 Division A SQu ARE PIANO IN GOOD CONDI. nl vn eet. kjon. 2 ¥ 159 Nelso treet, city, RSTABLISHED 180%. REX BEACH HELP WANTED PALE CF GOLD RIED SPE JI APY a el tac} i y - Ry | DRIVER WANTED, APPLY PRICE'S worth's LST BL A EW hcLaveniay AND CHEYRO. . Dae dairy, Princess sireei. # Can at Whig Office. et. Apply Dr. H. A. Boyce, 93 Wels 7 PIANOS, a € ) NINE ACTS CONDUCTORS WANTED; STEADY SEC Per casit ot In bart payment of new [|| A GAUNTLET ON BROCK ST. lHugeon St. . W ) , - on Friday evening. Owner maa; Also the Pathe News employment. Apply Street Railway pianos and grafanclas CW. Lind have same by ° *1HE - lyi y ' PRICES: -- Office. say, Idmited. 131 Princess street 32 Earl St. Spprying 0 HOOP NETS IN FIRST CLASS CONDI IVE. v y NING COM- PAIR BOY'S TAN GLOVES tion. Apply to Andrew oward, MAT. at 2.30 | EVE. at 7 and 9.| 77000 onive DELIVERY Rig | KINGSTON WINDOW CEE NN orders found on Thursday on Bagot Collin's Bay. 10c¢ and 15c | 10c, 15¢, 25¢ for meat market. Apply 112 pany Ak At 318 Princess street, of St. Owner may huve same by . McKay, Manager "lergy 8 applying 75 G 2 Sey 2. with George L. Hiller, Bath toad Apiving 75 Gure BL FARM CONTAINING ONE HUNDRED yy IV : SEPP EP IEP PEPE EIPE PRP Post Ofice FOUND ARTICLES. ADVE. and _eighty-thres acres. Apply io mmm Thurs. Nov, Sth ms re, wa §| rss, ms orm | 7 es Sh SPER Ha . y chants and business men in East- #4 mailing Jepartment. ern Ontario can connect with a Anyone finding anything and ¥ L ages and steady Fment ea ine by applying to Box {|| wishing to reach the owner may [[|A LONE-TON = SANE A ion. Ap: Apply British Whig Office. good, Sl vis Office. Strictly cons cig Betis Badong ig Truck in first class condition. Ap- . ao FOR SALE THE SEASON'S BIGGEST HIT |$_ tbs tbddt fdential The British Whig. The adver- iy 30 W. 0. Calg & Co. or Boyd's ti t will be printed in this R PRE 2 --- TTY v Te vw YY YY oe wus +P A A GOOD SMART BOY, ONE WwiTH|WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF column free of charge, s 2 "Found pv tn- ; Wheel preferred. Good salary, Ap- second-hand _ furhiture. etovea li] found articles Goes mot In NEW HOUSE ON PRINCESS > k 3 heaters, clothes, etc, 8, cattle, horses, STREET, For a cash payment of $723, balance on easy terms, ply College Book Store. everything In the second-hand ete. These, it fost, may be ad- Rehr Sof af Frantenne An mos ind in the wort ar ntd Sood lot wih y PIS MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, Hue for sale. 8. Shapiro, 45 Prin. vertised for in the "Lost" column. son, Builder, or Phone 1980, 8 e west end of the city. : 1 x he 3 ot od ot Yin plain cook; no washing or ironing: cess street. Phone 1237. aneway at rear. far Loan nds accept at their face references required. Apply 8] rr = . | WANTED-OLD FALSE TEETH; | ees PEN value on the purchase of this property. Best, 144 Albert street, or Best's don't matter if broken. I pay $2 GENUVINK GRAPHONOLA AND THY Drug Store to $15 per set. Send by parcel post LOST Terms: $6 cas C h, $1 per week, . Dre ore " - ae and receive check by return mail Lindsay, sash 181 Princess St. A SMART A OR EY a ur: EF. Terl, 403 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, | y GOLD WRIST WATCH, with -V . The J. K. CARROLL AGENCY. ? 1910 on back. Finder Kind: one who 's well acquainted with e ; . . Zt oan - return to Kingston Business JMB GRAMO ONE, wWITH Phones: Office 68; Residence 874. 56 Brock Street. the city. . Steady work and good PURCHASE SEVERAL LOW Bonde om recelve reward. CI NE i ra ra Open Every Saturday Evening. pay. Apply at Anderson Bros. priced houses, $500 to $1,500; also & SA A ndltion: Ta ree barn for removal; must bel, LADY'S GOLD WRISTLET WATCH, sewling machine. Apply No. § Mack ¥ OU . {v cheap. Geo. A, Bateman's, Real with engraving on back, on Prin- street. WorLh YOu LIKE SR Boa Estate and Insurance Agency, 87 cess street Thursday afternoon. ) Clarence street, Kingston. Fhone Finder kindly return to Whig Of- | AUTOMOBILE TOPS, ENGINE HOOD ¥ Auto Knititers? Experience un- 396 Finder 2 ! v 2 a . [A receive reward. covers make your car start easy in Timely THOMAS COPLEY A NEW COMEDY DRAMA necessary. Send 3c stamp, Dept cavers make your > v 24C, Auto Knitter Company, Col- - - ave your top re- Telephone 987 HEAR ALL THRE NEW SONG HITS tego street, Toros: ; SITUATIONS VACANT. BLACK SATOHEL WITH SMALL covered and curtains repaired, Jud- purse, Soptatning sum of money son's Auto Tops, Brockville, ; and ban ook, on Saturday morn- wanting anything done in the carpen. | Special Nothing : ing. Finder kindly return _to Siuting anything done in Sei Tem: | Trice' 23) 35, 50, 75¢ "izes 7 THRILLING STORIES OF THE GREAT Whig Office and receive reward. |A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN~ . ! x of repairs and new work; also hard. Seats om Sale Tuesday ! ANT, w i war; profusely illustrated. v ARGH NUMBER BICYCLES, IN- wood floors of all kinds. All orders ain i tL STENOGRAPHER WANTED mother wants it as well as every - m---- - x lete, Suggestions will receive prompt stiention. Shop A lady stenographer and ded. Canadian. Basy seller; [SUM OF MONEY, ON SATURDAY, BE- land and Perfect Models; also tires For low price; big profit; freight aid; tween McGuire's or Doyle's butcher and bicycle accessories, Gedarge 60 Queen street. o o 9 bookkeeper; ome who is gunali- credit given. Sample free. in- shops, Montreal street, and 414 Muller, 378 King St, Phone 1033. 'ook's Cotton Root Yl Ned tor Matrivulacion cerufs ston. Go. Toronto, id a EN be SE --€-- "The Boys" At The Front. Compound, cate; good wages and chances es Felurnag 6: ~ DP? Ld Whig Office, S-ROOMED COTTAGE, WELL-BUILT, for. advancement. Sust bo ood [|| AAZING SELLER_TABLETS, THAT | __ SONNY COTTAGE, Wij YI writer. Apply to Box 1003, out rubbing. Promise to solicit or- dern jmprovements; at A aaEin. and Toilet Soaps, Chewing Gum, Whig Office. ders with ten cents will bring sam- Will Mrs. Whel Ly 3% Power Alert street. Phone COlgars and Cigarettes, Tooth Brushes, les for four washings. Make dol- a lh, Freshly 1406. . and Pastes, Combs and Mirrors. proneid 3. dru 8 hg The Famous Beauty of the Stage S----------------------t---------- ar an hour. Bradley's Co. Brant. from England on the Justicia, ford, Ont. communicate with Mrs. Smith, - - Overseas Boxes, 15¢ and 20c, 56 Old Orchard Avenme, Mont o . real, regarding stick? LARGE STOCK OF EXTENSION TA. A LADY TO MAKE A THOROUGH T0 LET bles and dining chairs, buffets, Our window tells the canvass of the city of Kingston on Sedeteiriotrirdedododetolie dodoloiododode dood china cabinets, also good - beds, wi 8 story. salary, Must know the city well i it si lin SHB springs and mattresses. -We buy and have the best references. Ap-! Two NICE FURNISHED ROOMS AND all kinds of second hand furniture. ply by letter to J. H. Bell, Prince sitting room. Apply 240 Johnson} T J. Thompson, 333 Prin at Hoags Drug Store in her initial photoplay de luxe George Hotel, Toronto. street. LOST OR STOLEN Up aolipte cess street. A safe. reliable regulating Safety Razors, Blades, Shaving mach. "Said in_8 res Mon., Tues. an d Ww. ed. FURNISHED ROOMS; ALSO ROOMS WiLL THE PERSON WHO TOOK x MANUWACTURFRS |, AND WHOLR- for lignt housekeeping. Apply 258 Wheel barrow belonging to the FOR SALE OR TO LET. eae Street Railway Company from the Branch Post Office. ' In A-1 Condition; el- : Barb Shee salers require our services. No Queen street. corner of Ao npauy 1 recs Kingston, Ont. a : range from six to forty dollars each CBS IN CLARENCE ST. OHAM- on Nov. ist, return same and save * " ~ ectric starter, lights, 3 Pe Appearance and references SPFILE: Apply to A. B. Cunningh further trouble, HovsSB al 100 COLLINGWOOT 's Etc AIO --= Nr CE aabiinhed years on, 3 Ciaretie gtraot. Apply C. Harrison, Builder, or tele~ he N.X. (E she rs). hone 1960. a FRONT ROOM WITH FIRE- BUSINESS CHANCES p! atts . The Russian Revolution, with § =r MARGE FRONT, ROO WHIH PINE. 9 Ilonst ff ences. 140 Wellington street. INVESTORS WARNING DONS INVEST DENTAL Fresh Cut Flowers Dail N fd drage, one cent until you read Successful TWO DOUBLE FURNISHED ROOMS IN Finance, and learn how fortunes sod locality. Gentlemen prefer- and lost by Investors. |A. B. KNAPP, B.A, LDS, DDS, Funeral Designs and Wedding Phone 2185 Kerensky Eogd locality, dentiemer thee: {61% *Pebooripibn. "Succes: | | OMe, 58 Princess street' Phone Bougq . . . to Order. fw, oF inane, 608 Dearborn St. FIVE-ROOMED APARTMENT, FUR- The Man of the 1 Hak Rp vo 0 Ration Bone an Bath sirens ie Man of 'the Hour, finediafe. "Apply to' J. O. Hutten,|mg THE PUBLIC -- LICENSED AUC- one Pri Mat. 13¢; Evening 25¢ a sox g toner for Lennox & AGQINEION |... . eee ces -- Mat. ; Evening 25¢. - md Frontenac. ave sold in the | oo - : ' gil STORAGE FOR FURNITURE GR MER | ait Lo Geuscna. 13000500 orth | DRS STAR ALD, STARE, BR; REE ane he * 0! arm OC a 0 oes. COMING CIVILIZATION. Real Esiate Agency, £2 Brock St. of SAIm stuck and. implements, Dewar, D.D.8, LDS. assistant, . h . Phones 316 or good Lr hone or write for terms Phone 34 By the bushel or bag; " to E L_Amey, the leading suc. AB. i eer, Verona, or T. J. Lockhart, | © . ity high and prices low; also a FURNISHED ROOMS ON BATH ROOM OE ot Ki ! fl ith convenience for e street, Kingston. , choice variety of apples and flat, 'with every conyenjenge for Dr. Ernest B. Sparks, ity. Apply Box 92, Whig Office. f | d hi ! Monday., Tues. & Wed. A WELL FURNISHED HOUSE, WITH DENTIST. : 210 Division St. Phone 545 To No. 7 General Hospital, Queen's Y DUSTIN FARNUM in piatie; TOM which ner I3th; 335 © Specialist. . LITSTER PURE 00D CO, LTD. per month, os ncludes . Years of experience .emables & 1297 Street West, Toronto, R. Chas. Bell, 130 Clarence street. me to treat difficult cases suc- University, in England, Bgypt and 1 ¥ y ® Durand of the Bad EE ee th ris for teres cessfully. Call, or state case by France, after two and a half years tory ea { Toronto to Cornwall; |2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, SUITABLE letter. § Lands." ales Ottawa Valley, One with a for light housekeeping also two, 18 Cariten Street, Toronto. Dvoraens ks & 0 Wel . "DO CHILDREN COUNT connection amongst grocers and furnished bed roams; od 0 var oh tice par Sparks, Leaves Kingston AJM. | GAumonts Tours; "Musty Suffer" residing in the territory preferred. Terme reasonable. elson stre lington 8t., city. (Over Carnov- 1 p.m MATINEE, 10e Pot TEvENINGS 15 STORAGE ron FURNEH RE al MEDI \ %); Phone . | +111. ATI 3 "VENINGS, ry, alry. rooms; ro '; aE ey NN lM OsTRICT REPRESENTATIVES 4 CAL COAL! FOOT OF BROCK STREET : wanted at once for Kingston and 2. Frosts HT Sigrege, a a * | Dally Except Sunday, The Annual Meeting of the District. Good opportunity for | - ueen . : '| DR. H. 8. ANGROVE, PHYSICIAN AND LEG C to Tak |] Most Direct Route to New York, a live salesman, experience not ON PRIN ST. B Surgeon, 98 Clergy street (near AL ustomers, e | Sleeper Accommodation Reserved. the Inf ' H necessary. Big prospects for the | TWO STORES NCESS ST. Brock). Hours 2 to 4; 7 10 9. Of- . Automobiles Handled. ants' Flome scason's business mow SArHng. one at nd ply | fice phone 2163; residence 1782. Notice Will be held Tuesday afternoon. No- Wirite for further rticulars, Stone The J. Carroll ME Soncy, Pose "a B We will take order 1 | . - vember th, at 3 o'clock in the Board & Wellington, "The Old Reliable Brock street. A. B. CUNNING! AM, DARKIS ITER y / 4 . youe oT Big Assortment of Can-| Rooms. 75 Union Street. All interested Fonthill Nurseries," Toronto, Ont. DRESSMAKING and solicitor, Law office, ery ! cordially 'invited. THREE ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UN. ence street, Kingston. furnished, #n respectable private MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER, oh Phone 1 Fish oh Di la home; Eood locality; every cone having resumed business, solicits URNTT FINISHING Pp y Ll N Tl An experienced lady venience for lght house-keeping. orders for fall and winter work. F URE Inch ki Young married couple without Address 202 Alfred street. the October book~keeper with a know= BR re iS 'Address box PSO avon & card. 13 Jon Tuna Fish, Fish Fakes, Shrimps, Owing to the to ledge of shorthand and fot ha; ton si Sava storms the City water _uriving. Good salary. men RLLATAR PRAND, A5D Nog Anu tonto vy Aadiovy Picea iain aad supply has become con- Apply Electric Railway FRONTENAC 1OAN AND INVESE- FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS | POWER & BON. ARCHITEOTS, aun. The Bon Marche Grocery taminated, and the peo' y onel H.R. i tion. Apply 243 rots direst, Brock and Wma, TAXI SERVICE Phone 1844. Gor. King and Bal ple até hereby notified to Sulipury Joe, phone 1 . il water used for drink-||| Petween an ing purposes, until fur- Aa eco [Sm ie ee pan] MMIII A Lon ; Fire rance ny. Avalila | y . Pure Corn Syrup |A-R-B- SON ares SE BE ale | HIGHEST WAGES PAID. E : Em Medical Health Officer.| His init motos, S| 05. fooiiny Wats Som one le el io Bei, A iin, | hue Ri. A ™ ~ at the old price. : fhioas and sum Keene. Phone 335. . Calif or drop a card. 23 Jobn BOARD AND ROOMS street. 3 Ym BORN, x . ' y . 3 or $ Spl hs \ . i is sie : : -- ye mcm wifi a (Ear ag eK the Furnace in Check | wis sds 5% vuicanzing | and Save Fuel . GALT AK Hawley, on Oct, 24, to Mr. washed. Gs bre Laurena Meyers), a son.