tg ef "PAGE EIGHTEEN THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1917. EG Miitary News | | Bl | The Theatr All men in Class One under the THE OVERCOAT | SE Military Service Act, who on Now, 11 In the matter of action, "The! failed to report for service or to|gpoilers" is most momentous. It is! claim exemption will be prosecuted doubly sighificant that both thé Nat- as deserters. ional Board of Censors, and the Chi- cago Local Board, which is very ex- acting, saw the reflex of nature so admiradly pictured that 4t passed all pitals where returned soldiers are be- | these big avepis as Worthy of shaving, pa treated, is an Ottawa announce- 28 showing the very atmosphere of ment. The work is now being di- the rugged life in the conquest of a rected by the Military Hospitals Com. | ReW country where cond tions were mission. The question has been un- | Primitive, and the situations alto- der consideration for months, and it | 8ether unusual. It would appear is understood that this will be done |that the ancient aphorism, "neither when Sir James Lougheed, chairman | God nor law existed north of 53," of the Hospitals Commission, returns | had been tried out and bamished, for from the west. this work was reformative, and led Carrying out of this scheme does | to the establishment of law and or- not involve in any way the effacement | der, the recognition of the powers in of the Hospitals Commission. It is! civilization which bow to Divinity. planned that it will go ahead devoting | The gun-play in the streets of; its attention to the vocational train- | Nome, the ready resort to the good ing of returned men and adapting | right arm to settle disputes, the them to new methods of employment. | tense and feverish crowds that hang The Whig gave this information here | over the gambling tables where for- two weeks ago. tunes in, dust were swept away in a Hon. F. G. McDiarmid, Minister of tn tate bi rates of realities, Public Works, has announced that This mighty feature will be seen at the Ontario Government has decided | 3.0 Grand for three days commenc- sto grant free registration to all re- { turned soldiers who choose the pro- {ing Monday, November 5th. me amr - . SATURDAY! = WOMEN WILL FIND THIS STORE THE MOST AT- TRACTIVE SHOPPING PLACE THI IN The Army Medical Corps will prab- ably take over in the course of a few weeks the administration of the hos- YOU WANT FOR WINTER Is HERE You want them be- cause we have priced them right to give you real economy, and be- cause they're offer- ed inthe spirit of | ONE HUNDRED DISTINCTIVE WINTER COATS--$20, $25, $35. A very carefully selected assemblage of achiev- ing srhartness in Winter Coats, most becoming and luring styles, which will make an instant ap- OVERCOATS are here ready, and = there's a fit for = every man. y We have the con-~ servative models service. E LIVINGSTON'S = no fession of a chauffeur on their return ' Q to civil life. It is also expected that | « ': --At The Strand. the examiners before whom chauffeurs Despite the unfavorable weather must pass for a test of qualifications | last evening a large and appreciative before a driver's license is granted | audience attended the Strand and for men who like : and the younger models for ™ middle aged men - who prefer to look as young as they feel. will also remit the usual fee of $100 | viewed a bill of exceptional merit. | in the case of men returned from the | Heading the boards, Madge Kennedy, ! front. The usual registration fee as | the famous comedienne of "Twin! demanded by the provirce is $2.00, | Beds" and "Fair and Warmer' was and this latest act of the province in' seen to advantage in her first screen favor of the returned soldier will vehicle "Baby Mine" adopted from amount in the aggregate to a large the international stage success by sum annually. Margaret Mayo. "Baby Mine" is the, first offering of the New Goldwyn productions in Kingston. It isa sweet wholesome comedy of the life of a misunderstood young wife who Over 2,025 men have been examined gets tangled up in the meshes of her Drafts from the Depot Battalion and! the Depot Batteries will be leaving the city in the near future. peal to your style sense, and to the women who are compelled to limit their clothes expense and still be well dressed. They .come in this season's popular weaves--chinchillas, broadcloths, chev- 10ts tweeds. Most fashionable range of colors: Burgundy, purple, navy blue, greys, brown, mixtures. Prices $20, $25, $35. by the medical board at the Base Re- | OWN Suileless deception, and has no cruiting Office. It has been Ke lone of trouble extricating herself. OVERCOATS 255 $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $22.00, and $25.00. Overcoats surpass- ing all former ef- forts. Livingston's, Brock Street. If Off Your Route, It Pays To Walk. mated that fully 2,000 men will yet be examined there. A great number will be mén who have applied for ex- emption or service, but have not had their papers accompanied by 'their Medical History sheet, in which case they will be notified by the District Registrar to report to the board. Major Good and Capt. Randall g==| have returned from Ottawa, where =| they were engaged in vocational ge | duties. Lieut. H. M. Wanamaker, 67th EE Battalion, Brighton, was a visitor at headquarters on Thursday. Brig.-Gen. G. S. Maunsell left on Comedy and tropical reels were also shown. This programme will be ex- hibited again to-night and Saturday. At Griffin's. A marvellous photoplay produc- tion was the verdict passed upon "The Submarine Eye" by the large audience which packed Griffin's to the doors last evening, where this stupendous picture heads a most fas-! cinating bill. "The Submarine Eye," | is a deep sea romance of sunken treasure, men-eating . sharks, and! castaways. Thrills vie with the won-| ders nature has wrouzht beneath the waves for 'the spectators attention. | "Buller" a native diver of the West &=| Friday for Ottawa, where he will i Indies, braves a school of sharks to meet his son and daughter, who | Féscue the diver of the treasure hunt- have been'engaged in patriotic work | Ing expedition, who is trapped un- in England. His son is Lieut. Maun-, der water at a depth of sixty feet.| & sell, Royal Canadian Engineers, who | This is only one of the many en-; 75 NEW FALL COATS All this season's most fashionable mo- dels--handsome garments with the very newest collar and belt effects, carefully tailored. Priced from $21.50 to $25.00. Your choice, Saturday, for $14.98. he 53 WOMEN CAN PROFIT BY THIS ~ SPECIAL SUIT OFFER. 53 only--fashionable suits, all New York models, the newest materials and the popu- lar colors, including navy and black, with the new fur trimming --a full assortment of singe his recovery from wounds re- ceived in France has been with the engineer training depot in England. The men of the batteries will from now have the use of the riding school for equitation lessons. There are some fifty horses for each bat- Hl}| mission, which is made up of civil- lll apparent effect here except in the! ji of which here have been very effi- | clent and satisfactory. J 4] spector of artillery, left on Thurs- ili] day for Halifax on duty. i CREF. ff Battalion; H. Lear, Depot Battalion; fil J.. Gilbey, 2nd Battalion; and Fair- B8t| faith, Special Service, have been i diers who have arrived at | will probably gn }| tery and splendid equipment. [ Due to the fact that the armour- 4i}| ies' floor will be very useful for training the artillery guns which 'have been stored there are to be moved. Those not in actual use will be stored temporarily. With reference to the changing of ; ii}! the Military Hospitals' Commission, }| the military authorities explain that | the "command," which is in the Jurisdiction of military district No.. | 1H}| 3, will become part of a new branch ! of the adjutant.general's depart- ment. The Military Hospital Com- fans for the most part, will be dis- banded. The change will have no interior administration, the officers Lieut..Col. J. N. S. Leslie, in- Capt. C. F. Williams has been taken on the strength of the Army Medical Corps Training Depot. Nursing Sister F. M. Connerty has been taken on the strength of the Sergt. H. H. Weese, Depot Bat talion; Corpl. J. C Taylor, Depot Battalion; Corpl. J. E. Harten, 14th Regiment; Ptes. C. H. Robertson, Special Service; H. McMillan, Depot granted certificates of military qualification 'as sergeants, i Forty-nine Invalided soldiers left i} Halifax for the city at 11.30 a.m., Thursday, under Lieut. H. ¥. Arthur. The following con be leaving Quebec fo! madi ho, Saar Sote ; Pte. J. Conway, G. Holli- thralling episodes of this wonderful picture. iz NEWSPAPER MEN-EXEMPTED. Uperation ot Nevfspaper Kssential For Winning of War. Joseph M. Steplenson, business manager of the South Bend. (Ind) News-Times ,was rétently granted ex- emption from service in the draft army, on the ground that "the opera- tion of a newspgper is just as essen- tial for the winning of the war as fighting in the treithes, and that he could wot be spared from his newspa- per duties." Gabriel R. Summers, father-in-law of Mr. Stephenson, and principal own- er of the News-Times, made a written statement in which he claimed "dis- charge from liability for military ser- vice for the said Joseph M. Stephen- son upon the ground that he is en- gaged in an industrial enterprise ne- cessary to the maintenance of the military establishment or the effec tive operation of. the military forces or the maintenancé of the national in- terest during the emergency." The above article is clipped from Editor and Publisher New York, the foremost organ in the United States of the newspaper 'indsstry. From another source comes the informatio that Michael A. Gorman, city editor of the Saginaw (Mich) Daily News, has been granted discharge from ac- tive service ou the ground that he was necessary to a position considered to tion of the nation in time of war. On Exemption' Board. It was announced on Friday af. ternoon that Charles F. Smith, em- ployed in the offices at the peniten- tiary, had been" appointed to serve on the exemption board in Kingston. He will fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of B. Noble Steacy. DAILY MEMORANDUM "Experience," Grand, 8.15. Annual meeting St. Andrew's So- clety § pom. WASHABLE CHAMOISETTE GLOVES 75c ~ APAIR For appearance, service, comfort, and best of all, economy, this glove is unequalled. Colors: grey, black, natural, white, white with black. Splendid values in kid gloves for women, of se- lected French kids. In the world's best glove ma- kers--Perrin's, Dent's Trefoussco's. Extra values at $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 a pair. Colors: Tan, Grey, black, white, biscuit, white with black, and black with white. be essential to the successful opera- AGAIN EMPHASIZING OUR HOSIERY OF- FERINGS, WHICH ARE THOROUGH GOOD VALUES. Penman's, Crown, Mercury, Radium. Ladies' heavy cashmerette hose, extra special, per pair 35¢; 3 pair for $1.00. Ladies' Wool cashmere, a good reasonable priced hose, per pair, 50c. : Ladies' finer quality hosiery of exceptional val- ues, per pair, 59c¢, 75¢, 90c, $1.00 per pair. Childrén's fine ribbed and heavy ribbed cash- mere in black. Good, durable stockings made to stand the wear that children give hosiery. . Per pair,30c, 35¢c, 40c¢, 50c, 55¢, 60c, 65¢, 70¢c, 75¢, 80c¢ a pair. : 3 anh nl 7.30 pm. 3 + , : perience," aN ; i : Pow, | 3 aay, TURDAY, AT 3 OFF REGULAR Mii. "our BR bolt Bia"S |b Hi SH he RA . { We are offering a couple of lines of Women's shoos at yey gpncal price for Saturday. Patent, Vici' kid and gun metal leather' Pres: ent price, $3.50 to $5.00. Sale Price .. . +. +... $249 _ Patent colt high cut boot in button or lace. Present price. $6.00. Sleprice... Th PSD.