-- PAGE TWENTY. -FOUR pm . THE DAILY BRITISH WHC, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER ? 2, 1917. Ever Ready ALWAYS READY -- THAT POCKET DAYLO Largest assortment between Toronto and Montreal. Small pocket sizes for every night use. Tubular sizes for your car, garage or stable. Never go out at night with your auto- mobile unless you have an Ever-Ready Daylo in case of troub We carry bat- teries and bulbs for all sizag of Daylos. Bring your Flashlight in and we will put it in shape for you. TREADGOLD Sporting Goods Co. 88 PRINCESS STREET. KINGSTON. PHONE 520. Su---- a | GREAT ARTIST FIRST SQUARED-CIRCLE PATRON W. Hogarth, Pictorial Satir- ist, an Early Devotee of Boxing Art. These who consider that pugilism was born in infamy and fathered by buman brutes are very much mistak- en The first patrons. of the ring game were men of tie highest dis- tinetion--The Earl of Peterborough, one the greatest generals in Eng- \ Heh history, and William Hogarth, an artist who has never had a super- | or as a pictorial satirist, It is a | ex lence that Both of these fath- ers of boxing died on the twenty- fifth of October, the soldier in 1735, and the artist in 1764. It was the old Earl of Peterborough who dis- covered James Figg, the first English boxing champion, Figg was living in his native village in Oxfordshire when the Earl an enthusiast on the art of self-defence, heard of his prowess, and established him in Lon- don in the Tottenham court road, where Figg initiated the young mo- bility in the new stience of fistic combat. The Earl himself was an earnest pupil, despite his advanced years. Hogarth, then a rising young artist, was also a devotee of manly sports, and from a pupil he soon be- came an intimate friend of Figg. The professional card of the father of pugilism was designed by the cele- brated artist. Many other famous men of Figg's time were patrons of the boxing game, Among them was Sir Robert Walpole, Earl of Oxford, | the Prime Minister of England, who | orcupied a box in Figg's amphithea- | tre when the first champion defend- {ed his Bile wgainet Ned Sutton. King | George 1 1.. the Prince of Wales and | the Duke of Cumberland goon set the | seal of approval upon the new sport, and under Jack Broughton's rules | pugilism was established as a favor- ite British game, of | HIGHLANDERS ARE OUT TO BU BUY PENNANT Ruppert Emulating Example of Giants and White Sox--Bid- ding For Johnson. That negotiations for the acquisi- tion of Walter Johnson and his bat- tery partmer, Catcher Ainsmith, by the New York American League club are well under way, and that the dedl ie likely to be consummated within a few weeks was the assertion made to the Globe correapdadent to- day by a man in close touch with the affairs of the New York club. "Col. Jacob Ruppert and his asso- ciates are.out for a pennant-winner or New York, and neither money nor the power of persuasion will be spar- | ed with that in view. The signing | of Huggins to manage the club is the! first step toward the building up of a powerful team in the metropohs. Since the club's entry into this city in 1903 it has been beset by more or Jess hard luck and some rather] inferior management, and its indif-| ferent success as a penmamt eomten- der hes been detrimental to the pres tige of the American League" This faot is now fully recognized, and a strong effort will be made to put the team in a position to com- mand public favor. While in other cities of less importance the Ameri- can/ League has for a number of SUSPENSION oF WORLD Faeries seldom requires years been in the ascendancy, New TRY 5c. Poet Cigar 5c. Look for Bilk Thread vs Tip of Kush Cigar, - 5. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingaon. York bas given the Giants the bulk of support because thie Natiomal League team has been winning pen- nants, while the Highlanders have started out each season with bright prospects, only to trail along at the fag end of the season. It is recognized by club owners of {he American League that John 's great pitching ability is being wt in Washington under present don- ditions, and that his transfer to New York would add immensely to the prestige of the league and to the rev- enue of the club owners. For this( reason pressure is being brought to, bear on Clark Griffith and the owners of the Washington franchise to re- MONUMENTS Te McCal Gromite Coo Namen Jatt The McCallum Granite Company, Ltd. 897 Princess Street. ion linquish their hold on the great pit- cher and his battery mate. That Johnson and Alnsmith will be seen in a New York uniform at the open- ing of thesseason of 1918 is almost assured. NEW ASSOCIATION FORMED To Control Automobile Races in United States, Reports from Uniontown, . Pa., state that an effort is being made there to form a new association to control automobile racing on certain tgusiistion, whieh in i with these drivers is represent Charles W, Johnson, signed for the 1918 season with the! the contract| by the Unfontown/| SERIES IS UNLIKELY | Post-8eason Classic Will Pro= bably Be Carried Through Despite War. The report. that the Wor) id's Series} next fall may be declared off because! of the war is not to be taken ious- ly. . President Ban Johnso an- nouncement that 6 the American | League is ready to stand by the Gov-| ernment to a finish im any contin- gency that may arise is not taken to mean that the league is anticipating the calling off of -the blue ribbon event. A declaration by President] Tenor of the National League, in witich- he foresees no need of calling | off the series if the playing seasons, are finished, seems to voice the sen-! timent of baseball men in general. Information gathered with the re-| gard to the effect of conscription onl the major leagues, indicates that! none of the contending teams willl be broken up. In case drafted play- ers are ordered to concentration camps prior to the close of the sea-, son it is said the club owners are prepared to go through without! them. The playing of the Warld's more than eight or nine days, and baseball men | are inclined to believe that its play-| ing would scarcely conflict with any' plans of the Government for calling players of the two pennant winning clubs into service, That the major leagues stand prepared tio assist the Government in every way possible is assured by Military training given the players, donations to the Red Cross by various clubs and repeated assertions by magnates and players of their willingness to render ass's- tamce, In the last analysis the mat- ter will be left entirely to President Wilson, and it is not at all likely | that he wil recommend suspension | of the" World's Seriés. Should Mr. Wilson, however, really want the games stopped the two major leagues) will cheerfully yield to his request, | At this time, however, it is not con-! ceivable on what grounds President | Wilson can ask for the suspension of a series which requires lttle over al! week for its completion. | ---- | | { w AFTER WALTER JOHNSON. Catcher Ainsmith is Also Sought by. New York Club negotiations for the acquisi- of Walter Johnson and his hat- | tery partner, Catcher Ainsmith, by | the New York 'American League club are well n der way, and that the deal | is likgly to be consummated within a | few weeks was the assertion made hy | a man in close touch with the affairs of the New York club tf is recognized by club owners of the American League that Johnson's great pitching ability is being wasted in Was ington under present coudi- tions, and that: his transfer to New York would add immensely to the prestige of the league and to the reve- nie of the club owners. For this reason pressure; is being brought to bear on Clark Griffith and the owners of the Washington {ganchise to re- linquish their hold on the great pitch: er and his battery mate. That John. son and Ainsmith will be seen in a New York uniform at the opening of the season of 1918 is almost assured. Jockey R. Romanelli to go to South America to ride for a promi- nent turfman in Buenos Ayres. -------------- That tion is coats we've ever shown, FITS SECOND SON PROMISING BOXER Bob, Jr., Disappointment, But Martin May Wear Late Father's Mantle New York boxing fans regard Mar- tin Fitzsimmons as the fighting mem- ber of the Fitzsimmons family. Mar- tin is the youngest son of the late Bob Fifzsimmons, 'heavyweight champion of the world. { { | middleweight and! | When old Bob was alive he always] regarded his eldest som, a great boxer. But those who know say that Bob, jun. and cannot hit. Furthermore, doesn't want to be a boxer. Bob, jun, as is muscle bound) he| | Martin Fitzsimmons is only nine-! teen years old. He is heavier than! his father was in his prime, weighing! about 180 pounds. He is shorter than old Fitz. 10 inches, Dan McGinnity, closest friend, a good boxer. Bob Fitzsimmons' says dhat Martin is! tinually boxing just for the fur of if it. And they say that the ninete year-old lad has a fair his father's left-hand wallop. "Pop" Paisley Has a Winner, Lieut. Ernie Paisley, of Ottawa, who figured on McGill's team for sev- eral seasons under Coach Frank Shaughn 5 ball again. on military duty, ing the Guelph Collegiate which recently beat Brantford OR.F.U. junior hénors in group. for their A AP AAA A A i ti "MADE IN CANADA" I [I 20c each, 3 for 50c, has turned up in foot-! He is stationed at Guelph | and has been coach-| team, |} standing about 5 feet !|] He has not appeared | i! in the ring professionally, but is con-} ji imitation of [HH } AS CHARLIE SAYS : ARABELA terms, friends. Lonesomeness and cigars .are not or have they any on speaking "muinal" 4-for-25c. Scales & Roberts Limited, Toronto. Kingston's Electric Store! We are 10 years in the electrical business this week. To mark the event we will sell our $4.50 irons and toasters for $3.25 until Saturday, Nov. 3rd. { Thanking our patrons for their valued trade of the st, and trusting to merit their confidence. for the uture, H.W. Newman Electric Co., 167 Princess Street. Phone 441 A a tg tr Pr tit ( Fall Suits and Overcoats Fine English Worsted Suits Large stock of Indigo blue serge and wor- sted suitings. _ New Rain Coats with Belts. JOHN TWEDDELL L Civil and Military Tailors 131 Princess St. ---------- The pernament, unalterable polly of a better and more dependable cigar than can be obtained In any other brand, has resulted in a public appreciation and de= mand that often tries our resources. "The National Smoke" Eighteen million "Bachelors" sold annually in Canada, i We Do As We Em TAKING GOOD CARE OF OUR CUSTOMERS IS A LONG STANDING POLICY OF THIS STORE; AND SELLING HIGH QUALITY GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES IS ANOTHER. Should get over this way and look down on these new overcoats of ours, they'd surely de- scend within range in order to get a better view. Really, they are the smartest lot of over- IMPORTANT NOTICE WITH ANY SRD AND NOV. FREE. OVERCOAT SOLD BETWEEN NOV, 10TH, WE WILL GIVE A MUFFLER I Cetonefor Sats Jeft we ars selling. 12.95 and we will positively save you $2.00 to $5.00 on one. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN Children' s good cashmere ® hose; all l. Regular 50c value. >= Special i for pag week. » pis "25¢ working sock for : . 29c¢ SPECIAL SALE We are sefliag & dandy heavy Of Men's raincoats in both Tweeds and Paramel