-- Ever Ready ALWAYS READY -- THAT POCKET DAYLO Largest assortment between Toronto and Montreal. Small pocket sizes for every night use. Tubular sizes for vour car, garage or stable, Never go out at night with your auto- mobile unless you have an Ever-Ready Daylo- in case of trouble. We carry bat- teries and bulbs for all sizes of Daylos. Bring your Flashlight in and we will put it in shape for you. " TREADGOLD Sporting Goods Co. KINGSTON, PHONE 589, TRIUMPH OF SPORT IS SIDELIGHT OF WAR Soldiers of Western Hemi- sphere Spreading Doctrine of Clean Athletics. Football Magazine:--The great war which is proceeding at such frightful cost in spr¢acing the cause of liberty -throughotf ghe earth is carrying on to a spctesstul issue cer- tain other muéh needed * reforms. The war, with all its evils, will in- culcate in millions of people habits of personal thrifl improved busi- ness methods, a clearer and truer perception of national and national affairs. Not the least of these minor triumphs in the great victory of democracy which all feel sure must come is the triumph of athletic sport. Once the common accessory, of camp life was the liquor joint and the gambling den. Now, wherever soldiers from the western hemis- phere are gathered, be it in the drill camp or the trenches, diamonds are laid out and baseball and other sports oceupy the leisure hours of those who are engaged inthe hard- est of all tasks, the gruesome trade of war. tennis and golf and football and baseball and - learning, in the breathing of fresh air and the pro- per exercise of brain and muscle, the great secret of health: The war, in spreading this whole- some doctrine, may count among its greatest victortes the triumph of athletic sport. PATRIOTIC DUTY I8 TO PLAY BALL Qessation of Pastime in Major Leagues Would Rob Gov- TRY | 5c. Poet Cigar 5c. Look for Silk Thread on Tip of Each Olgas, S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston, MONUMENTS © 897 Princess ernment of Much Money When questioned regarding the prospect of baseball and the policy to be pursued by the officials of the game next year, Charles H. Ebbets, President of the Brooklyn Club, had the following to say: "The policy of 'the National Lea- gue, I am positive, will be to continue operations in 1918 I believe it would be unwise to discontinue for three reasons: It is the patriotic duty of owners to continue operations for by 80 doing the Government will receive from baseball interests a half million, possibly a million, dollars in taxes annually. The public will require recreation during the continuance of the war, Professional baseball would be serdously injured, property inter- ests destroyed, and thousands of young men deprived of the emolu- ments of the game if "it were dis- contintied: * "I believe that the game should be continued along precicely the same lines as it has been conducted for the last fifteen years. Salaries should be paid, consistenit with the income of inter- | The twentieth century is playing) 0 that the public must pay the tax of ten per cemt, on admission tickets to the local internal revenue repre- sentative. "The length of the schedule is a matter for joint action of the Nation- al and American Leagues. I favor a l40-game schedule, commencing about April 25th and ending about September 28th. We prefer to pay nineteen or twenty players. Wilbert Robinscn will manage Brooklyn im 1918." - FOOTBALL BOOMS IN BRITISH ISLES Great Crowds and Keen Inter- est for Soccer Competitions in Old Country. British soccer leagues are all en- joying prosperous seasons. Attend- ances have been large, and nore enthusiasm is being shown than since the outbrdak of war. Attend. ances run from twenty to forty thousal the latter figure being reached-in Glasgow cup games. Of the Liverpool interest in the chief local teams, Liverpool and Everton, the Manchester Sporting Chronicle says: "The receipts at Goodison Park on Saturday were just below $1,000. Glasgow has often been described as 'the city of football,' but such a 'gate' as this will set the Scottish fathers thinking. "This sum is a distinct tribute to the popularity of football in Liver- pool, .as well as a powerful argu- ment in favor of "carying on." whilst It reflects with equal lustre on the players themselves. The quality of their exhibitions has been such that interest has never abated --nay, it may 'be sald to have in. creased, and when normal times are restored the clubs will, ne 'doubt, remember the men who have been such good sportsmen and so loyal to their colors." THE N.HA, SUSPENDS New League With Teams in Mon. treal, Ottawa, and Quebec. A meeting of the directors of the National Hockey Association will be held within a week, when the N.H A. will suspend operations for the sea- son, and in all probability' a 'new league will be formed, with teams in Montreal, Ottawa, and Quebec, This was the opinion expressed by Sam Lichtenhein; president of the Montreal Wanderers, who is back from Toronto, where he was in con- sultation with the legal representa~ tive of the Toronto Hockey Club, who was 'invited to suspend operations this season. Bam Lichtenhein is about the first to announ¢e the signing up of a new player. He has secured the signa- tire of a Boston amateur named Gerand, who was picKed as ome of the forwards on the Boston All-Star team which played against New York's amateur All-Stars last season. DE ORO PROVES HE IS A CUE WIZARD 1 Alfred De Oro, the three cushion billiard champion, is right BOW at the top of his stroké. The veteran cue wielder has never shown te better advantage than at present. Mr, De Oro is No. 1 in the picture, whilg No. 2 shows John Daly, his recent opponent, in ome of their sensational matches. 32 --Special Photographs N. ¥. H. Service THE OLD AMERICA TO BE SAILED AGAIN; { mr re Historic Yacht to Have Set of| Canvas Same as Used in 1857. The schooner. yacht America has been taken to thé Lawley yard at Neponsit, Mass., where she will be Said up. She will be stripped of her rigging and her masts will be un- stepped. Although she has been found to be in good condition in spite of age and her long rest, shel will be given a fresh coat of paint and put in condition for the winter. It is probable that next season this historic old craft will be seen under |y sail again, even if it is only tempor- ary. name the title of the schooper rests alt present, has had Arhur Binney, | the naval architect, obtain the plans! of her old racing rig used in her con-; test for the America's cup in 1857. Although nothing has been defin-iji itely decided upon by the syndicate]} that owns the craft, the New York|}| anxious to get thel| Yacht Club is very schooner and put her in commission as a permanent committee boat for all of its races and for use by thei Long Island Sound Yacht Racing As-|| sociation. Boston yachtsmen, although they believe that the craft would serve the || purpose in New York waters and is essentially a New York craft so far as her racing history goes, desire to! have her remain in local waters as the home of the Marine Museum, with a permanent house built around her. NO CHANGE IN POLICY, U. of T. Athletic Directorate Refuses Offer Made By McGill. "The University of Toronto Ath- letic Directorate has declined the offer of the McGill Athletic Union to play home-and-home football games, the proceeds to be devoted to the Red Cross, A. Reed, wsecre- Doughnut ference cigars. AS CHARLIE SAYS: and doughnut, holes look alike, but, eh, what a dif- in the taste. ARABELA--4-for-25c. Scales & Roberts Limited, the Same with Henry A, Maggard, in whose} | Kingston's Electric Store! tary of. the University of Toronto Athletic Directorate, gave out a state- future. We are 10 years in the electrical business this week. To mark the event we wili sell our $4.50 irons and toasters for $3.25 until Saturday, Nov. Srd. Thanking our patrons for their valued trade of the past, and trusting t6 merit their confidence for the 167 Princess Street. H.W. Newman Electric Co., Phone 441 ment outlining the University ath- letic policy till the end of the war. "There has been considerable cor- respondence between the McGill Athletic Union and the U. of T. Ath- letic Directorate regarding the hold- ing of intercollegiate games, he stat- ed. "The matter has been receiving our consideration for some time. Some two years ago the Athletic Di- rectorate of the U. of T, decided to withdraw during the war and devote our athletic activities entirely to in- ter-faculty contests. In view of the demands on the students for military duties and physical training, it was thought that they had sufficient out- let for their athletic activities. It was, therefore, decided by the Ath- letic Directorate that it was inad- visable that any change in policy should be made during the progress of the war and until 'there was a re- turn to ante-bellum conditions." Report at once for Service or Claim Exemption Under the Military Service Act, all men in Class One are soldiers today. Failure to obey and can be punished as such. Class One includes bachelors and widowers without children (not otherwise excepted) who were 20 years old on the 13th October, 1917, and whose 34th birthday did not occur before January 1st, 1917. DO IT TODAY! The rush in the last few days may be such that in the hurry and stress a number of men may fail to comply with the under the Act. That will not be recognized every man is being GO TO YOUR POST service or absent with leave and without pay. the law amounts to DESERTION requirements as an excuse, as given ample time to report for service, or ¢ OFFICE TODAY and ask for a form for ing for service or for claimi ti U Br of LAW that all the ap, los claim exemption not later than November 10th, 1917. it One must report for . Issued by the Military Service Council. S69 DURING THE SCARCITY OF MEN: JM GOING TO MAKE NOU A SPECIAL OFFICER = MOW SEE THAT THE LAW. 1S "ORY : WHERE DO You THINK YOURE OW WITH THAT COFFEE Jaen NG VER: FAST YOU WOZ MAKIN: CO MILES AN HOUR - THE TRUTH | OPEMNIN OF DAINTY MOORE'S a] = CE WELL-TO TEL IN A HURRY TO THE