Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Nov 1917, p. 9

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12 PAGES he Baily Brit N N, ONTARIO, THURS ish VAY. NOVEMBER 1, 1917 The "Granville" An overcoat always correct and in fashion; made from many materials, but only one style of workmanship, namely The Best Priced from $20.90 to $30.00 Soe variety shown for Fall & Winter at Shops of N E. P. JENKINS BE Clothing Co., 114 Prin BN cess St: Kingston For the Boys at the Froat. CHOCOLATTA "The Ready-to-use Chocolate" Contains the Chocolate, Milk nud Sugar. Prepared Instantly by Adding Bolling Water Oaly, IMPERIAL LIFE] The interest earnings of The || Imperial pines commencement | have sufficient to cover all death ims and other payments o Hn and leave aves & remunerafive interest rate and a low anuty rate; two important factors the ascceumulatior profits for pollerhotders. a J. B. Cocke, Dis.Mgr. 333 Phone 508; Neo Cooking or Milk Required. For Sale By D. Couper, st. Residence 843, Phone 70. 341-3 Princess St. "D5 J Collis Browne's J if : THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GEN..AT he Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered The best known Remedy for CouGHS, CoLps, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Acts like a charm in Anorak ' DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Eiftactually euts short af attacks ot ST Cheeks and arrests thore too o often fatal diseases GROUP and AGUE. © The only palliative ix NEURALGIA. GOUT, RHEUMATISM. v isa faken in graduated according 10 the mq relieves hme po a calm refreshing EEE EEE Once a year the attemtion of all Protestant \churches everywhere on the globe, is directed to the subject of temperance in its broader rela tions. One Sunday in November is designated as "World's Temperance Sunday," and the regular course of International Sunday School Lessons is interrupted to make way for it. The study is less a study of a Scrip- pre passage than of a topic. Thrust into the foreground of all the world's thinking by the exigen- cies of war, the temperance question has made greater strides in the past three years than in the proceeding three hundred years. There has been a real revolution in men's attitude toward it. Sterm reality has lifted the subject entirely out of the realm of theory. It is now seen to touch he very vitals of national existence, High Motives For Ordinary Life. The fact is undeniable that Chris- tianity brings to bear upon the race new impulses, and erects within the spirits of mankind, new ideals There is nothing irrational in a World's Temperance Sunday" for the church and Sunday school. In this they are strictly attending to their own business. For the gospel has to do with the ordinary relationships of human beings, It is in the business of creating mew men and women. Cleanness, sobriety, chastity, self-de- nial, have been cardinal to its teach- ings. As the letters of Paul make clear, Christianity stands for, a type of character in contrast of that of the old, dissolute nations. This is vividly browght home to the traveler in Bible lands. Why is it that th once flourishing cities-- proud BEphésus where Diana was splendidly worshipped; Sardis, where Croesus reigned; Iconium, which boasted after the deluge--are now of interest chiefly for their ruins. What laid low the power of this proud Rome, I asked myself as my horse jogged down the echoing mar- ble highway, littered with broken columns at Ephesus, while the only habitation in sight was a shepherd's hut?. It iwas self-indulgence. Rome "did as it pleased'--and is now but a memory. . Christianity taught pur- ity; self-denial, love, and lo, it reigns in increasing power over the greater part of the earth. The callow youth who. eneers atthe old vir- tues of his mother's religion, should 4 go to the Hbrary and get & vodumne of general history. No drunken, self-pleasing nation never had 'a long lite. The reason the outlook for the Turkich Empire seems dark to many clogé observers is that the pecple themselves are not noble, broad- minded, pure-soiled and fraternal. Very divergent forces have been at work, in 'many different ways to ovefthirow the drinking customs of ages. There is first the open assault and direot charge of the regular tem- perance army, with all is divisions and weapons, its big guns and its amall arms. These have taken posi- tion after position and have been in the stress of hand to hand comflict, They are the main relfance of the be- The sappems and miners bave been at work also, by a patitmt proces of education tunneling under the very foundations of the mighty institu- tion. "More than one mine has been exploded with disastrous results by these skillful warriors. The fleet of literature has bombarded the forts from where it rides in the -offing. Great whthors and modern newspa- pers alike have poured hot shot into the liquor camp. Deprivation has been at work as a temperance ally. Society has de- prived the liquor dealer and the i such Hike have closed their doors to strong drink. The most: eminent periodical publications in the land refuse to admit to their columns the So the siege goes on with the besieg- ed increasingly concermed, is linked to evil, al- advertisements of epirituous liquors.|. BOOZE, THE ALLY OF THE ENEMY The International Sunday School Lesson For November 4th 18 when to stop," who one day awakens "Booze, the Ally of the Enemy."--1 Kings 20:21. By William T. Ellis. > cause is a clear, consistent, peristent and unequivocal message from the Christian pulpit. Unless the proph- sts of God warn the people they themselves share the sin. Put an #rae! in every church in America, and the conditions with respect to strong drink would be changed at once, : The Little Lion and Big Dog. Some time ago in the Berlin Zoo- logical Gardens, saw a lion's cub and a grown dog in the same cage together. The dog was bullying the baby lion most thoroughly. It knock- ed the little beast over, and snapped it on variows parts of the body and in general played the part of a bully to perfection. A little boy was great- iy moved by the ill-treatment of the young "king of beats." "Never mind," "said his father, "this will not be for long. Some day the cub will wake to the knowledge that it is a lion and that its tor- mentor is only a dog, and that will be the end of Mr. Dog." ~ The incident illustrates perfectly the temperance situation in North America. The General Public is a lion, albiet young and unconscious of its strength. Yet it has suffered in- conscionable imposition and bull- dozing and terrorizing from the 'saloon power, which, after all, is only an ill-bred dog. The lattér has play- ed master. in politics, industrialism and society. There are now many %igns that the lion is awakening and that the indignities that it has too long endured are eoming to an end. The widespread assertion of popular rights is having an immediate effect in the direction of the suppression of the baneful power of the saloon. Th people have taken hold of the political and social and economic end of the liquor question with vigor, Enemies of an Enemy. How widely strong drink is look- ell upon as an enemy of the welfare of the individual and of the commu- nity may be seen seen by writing out even a partial list of the classes of persons who have registered them- selves as opposed to it. Perhaps, cor- poration, those modern, unsentimen- tal, and wholly selfish creatures of the new times, should be put first, for their judgment is certain to be based solely' on consideration of' self-inter- est and commercial effectiveness. To- day these corporations are shutting thelr doors to drinking men for the responsiple positions, Wducators say that the effects of alcohol are evil; and the report of the Committee of Fifty leading educators, by no means "temperance cranks," is one of the strongest documents this generation has produced. Doctors and preachers have both condemned drinking and pointed out its baneful effects, each from his own standpoint. Athletes put a ban upon it. while unexpected recruits have been found in bartenders themselves who have formed a society of total abstainers. No mention has been mage of that company, greater tian any of the others, who are sworn enemies of strong drink because*of the harm it has wrought to dear ones, Fettcred of Free. Life is becomings more intense every year. The struggle for 'exis- tence grows ever sharper. The for the free use of all of a man"s.ener- fes to enable him to survive and succeed has become a potent -temper- ance argument. A man cannot pay tribute to the flowing bowl and still have sufficient store with which to do business in the world. may have a food value in the sense that Profegcsor Atwater claims, but it is everywhere recognized that in the 'case of a worker it does not put more power into him, but rather takes power from him. It is only a whip for a jaded horse, As he looks into his future, every young man should decide, once for all that hb use the course that risks, but insures liberty Alcohol | of whom has broken some woman's heart. Pehaps some few are delib- jerately made such by the designs of depraved men become demons. But most of them are graduates of the school of moderate drinking. It is the man who boasts that he knows "to the score that he cannot stop, So- cial drinking.does not always lead to the gutter, of course, but all who reach the gutter travel that way. THE WORLD'S NEWS . "IN BRIEF FORM Tidings From All Over Told In a Pithy and Pointed Way. Eggs are 80c a dozen in Victoria, B.C, and may reach $1. Sir '8am Hughes is likely to be elected by acclamation for Victoria. Sir Edward Kemp will leave for England shortly, The Irish Cobbler is decided upon as the potato most suitable for gene. ral use in Ontario. 'All out-door lighting will be dis- continued in the United States during the war to save fuel. Fred. J. Tremane, KC. a well- known Halifax lawyer died om Tues- day after a brief illness, aged seven- ty-four years. . Hon. S. C. Mewburn, the new Minister of Militia, will make - hi first public address as such at tHe conscription Liberal convention in Hamiltor, Friday. H. A. Bricknell was found guilty of embezzlings during several years $4,072 of the funds belonging to the Kitchener Water Commission, for which he was bookkeeper. Pte. Frank Slavin, former pro- fessional heavyweight boxer, has re- turned to Canada after almost three years in the trenches. He declined a commission because he promised the eight hundred men he recruited that he would stay in the ranks with them. Commissioner Pringle has finish. ed the mewsprint inquiry, and ex- pects to report by to-night. The manufacturers ~ agreed to cenitinue the $50 a ton price till Saturday, and a new order in"council fixing the price for the duration of the war ts expected before then. BRITISH ARTILLERYMEN SAVED THEIR GUNS Withdrew Them in Safety Be- fore the Big Teuton Drive On Italy. Washington, Oct. 31.--Word that the British artillerymen with the Italian army had brought their guns through the retirement without the loss of a battery was welcomed as indieating that General Cadorna's men 'were holding their organization in the face of the smashing Austro- 'German assaults. The 'British guns are all "heavies," big pieces that it takes time to withdraw. If all of them have been saved, American of- ficers think there is every reason to believe that much of the Italian ar- tillery vital to defense in a final stand also has been brought back. To.day's reports are taken to iff dicate that the artillery losses of the Italians, claimed by the Germans to be enormous, comprise smaller pieces and mountain guns. On the new line, laid out years ago as the Italian defensive front, there are emplacements, charted ranges, and other factors which will aid in stemming the tide of the enemy ad- vance. The British big guns wil become doubly useful there, -------- NEW U. 8. FOOD RULES EFFECTIVE 'Nov. 18T (Canadian Press Despatch) Washington, Oct. 31 ulationy for cold storage houses will be put imto force by the food admin- istration on November 1st when dis- tribution. of the most important food- All fresh meat, fresh meat pro- ducts, fresh fish, game, poultry, eggs and butter must be marked which they date F i | FE, ull fat fix iH 3 ; } ) 5 ; z 5 FH The mur. e" Special Agents Fit Reform Clothing A Select Line of Overcoatings in Stock Inspection Invited Crawford & Walsh Failors. Princess and Bagot Streets. Syrup oF TAR & Cop Liver Qil Stops CoucH Sold in generous size bottles by all dealers. _ THE J. L. MATHIEU CO., Props. SHERBROOKE, F.Q. ® Makers also of Mathieu's Nervine Powders the best { remedy for Headach es, Neuralgia, and feverish colds, ns New Victor Records for ~~ November E Juhn McCormack Sings a Soldier Song "Send Me Away with a Smile," a song that will please the soldier--also his sweetheart. Victor Red Seal Record No. 64741. 10-inch, $1.25 Elman plays Drdla's *'Souvenir" a wonderful reproduction. Vidor Red Seal Record No. 64644. ; 10-inch, $1.25. Alma Glyck's "The Prayer Perfect" by James Whitcomb Riley is admirable and beautiful. Victor Red Seal Record No. 64713. 10-inch, $1.29 Popular songs, and dance selections, etc. 90 cedts for 10-inch, double-sided I'ma Rustien o'clock Fellow B.C. There's ing Too Good fats Irish } 18364 La Cinguantaine McKee's Orchestra : Picouette Mckee's Orchestra | 19223 The Darktown Strutters' Ball--Fox Trot Razzberries--One.-Step Van Eps Tris) American National Airs (Accordion) Pitre 1931 Patriotic Airs of the Allies Pietro There are neatly 80 others to choose from "Any "His Master's Voice" dealer will gladly play these and any other records you may * wish to hear. . ry Write for free of 5 'Musical

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