Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Oct 1917, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, OCTORER 29, 1917. ] e orld Of Sport FRANK ROBINSON PRESIDENT | M'GRAW PREPARES FOR: N.H.A. Does Not Want the Toronto A GIANT SHAKE-UP Chib te Operate. ---- Ottawa's decision to operate again|*""Jeff"" Tesreau and "Red" "From soup .to ARABELAS" ALWAYS READY -- THAT POCKET | Harvard University will not play this season iu the National Hockey! Murray, Robertson and Lo- | the ever-mild eigar--4=for=26¢. k Association and the re-election of NG DAYLO | baseball next summer, but the Crim- | prank Robit as president, though bert Are to Go. ae - son will continue all its other major | spsent and not a candidate for of- -- { sports for the freshmen. fice, were the features of the ad-| The management of the New York, . | . -- | journed meeting of the directors of | Giants is trying to forget baseball Scales & Roberts Limited, Junior hockey will be the Dbig|ye NIA jn the Windsor Hotel, | after the recent world's series head- . y to issue in Saskatchewan this winter. | oo real. Saturday night. The ma ache. But it is safe to say that some oronto. Practically aH the senjors have en jority op to the operation | of the old faces will be missing from ise of a five-club league this coming sea- the squad that reports to McGraw in i AS CHARLIE SAYS: Ever Ready son, and a representative of the To-| Marlin next March. i bo | Joha MeGraw would stl] bs ronto Club was asked to suggest the| It is almost a certainty that the i pg -- Be ake of winning pWithdrawal of Toronto until such veterans Hana Jobe aud Jask Mur adn t made ? e of y € time as a'second club could be es- ray, will be given their unconditional {the National' League pennant. tablished in the Queen City. releases. They can claim this dis- -- : 3 tinction because both have served in ret s and It was stated that the Sons of Ire- . . Tis, on Tio Grounds +n | EEE OL SL, hr Bor fa bright as they are at the YMe Bowl | might amalgamate With the profes- Pact, Mustay hat twice boon given Bis|| DE Conseum sional club, and thus be able to unconditional release, once by thellH -- place a strong team on the ice, the Sists and Juve by Sie us. . | 7 Murray was secured from Toronto And still they say that the most of Ireland playing as amateur) : v ; 1 lcollossal boner of the world's series | @ud devoting the salaries to the Red this season. He got his unconditional | | was pulled by the Giant . owners, | Cross Fund of Quebec City. release from the champions of theif b T, who refused to reserve all their With a view to making it easier Inmationl luge with the aval ' ] argest assort t etween oronto grand stand. People declined to| for spectators to learn when a goal ol og a r and Me t 1 Sond] k t . f r stand out in the rain waiting for | was cored it is suggested that a red league Seam. oa Ee ap 4 stip up il Send your irons and heaters to our hos- nireal. oCcKe sizes Oo seats, with the result that the pool |light be placed over each goal with a MoGraw Hm. as § out-i i * : every night use Tubular sizes for your fell shy several thousand doHars. switeh to be worked by the goal nm-| fielder. Murray did practically noth-{j pital for sick heaters. We guarantee 2 com- --- "pire, the red light to be turned on| ing to assist in winning the pennant. i} : i wr car, garage or stable New Yorker suggests the appoint-| when a goal is won and left burning It is unlikely that "Dave" Robert- plete recovery when they leave the hospital: ) g . 5 nr AT ment of a commission to deeide who | until the puck is faced again at cen-| Son Will be with the Giants in 1918.18 lost the baseball championship for gra ice. This will probably be done. He will be in the army, in all prob- | New York. ' Officer! Pleace page ---- ability, despite the fact that he has Wi Heinie Zimmerman. Was Best Baie Runner. + | claimed exemption, but whether ori | " : Sorry. % According to the unofficial aver-| not he dons the army uniform those] | Flight Lieut. Pert Perry, former| ... or maior league players, Ray| Of the inside insist Davey is not like- | . . . sporting editor-of the London a4. Chapman, of the Cleveland Indians, ly to remain in New York. R is ff y vertiger, is listed as missing in| © : e-TaRDes § »| said the management has eoured!| . , ~; : was the best base-runner in the 191 x France. 'He wh attached to the campiign. He was in the lead upon, him. for his indifferent work Ji 167 Princess Street. Phone 441 { Royal Flying Lorps. among American Leaguers for a|both in the World's Series and} i RO hua : reat part of the season, and when| throughout the championship race. |} Only seventeen players turned out 27s) Jan by Cobb in. the closing] McGraw is in need of good right-| | And John MeGraw would still be fof Yale's first football practice. 4 handars. If Al Mauiaux eal be se- ' as. naturally dist weeks of the race Chapman alse cut| anders . aux oa. Tila was Natursily Qissgpasaiag to Joose with a burst of speed which cured for Davey, there is little down ja kept him ahead of Ty. Only five the transfer would be made, g Now that the baseball segson has | players in the major league stole Another Giant who may not LL ------------ 5S --S-------- ended, all the owners will be in their | 60 or more bases dur the season. | Seen here mext, year is Jeft 'Tesreau, 5 glory again. At least sixteen teams | Chapman led with 56, while Cobb the burly spitball artist, who fell will be in the world's series chase |had 63 steals, -and Max Carey finished down hard last season, being unable BE St JRE YOUR Mil K IS DEI IVERED until May next. up with 52 thefts. Carey won the|'0 finish a majority of his games. An --- || honors. in the National League with Spparantly wuthentiuted rumor cays; IN SEALED BOTTLES. James Milton has been appointed | plenty to spare, but in the American A100 4 | IVeTa . » . . starter for the annual race meeting Fane Aor players were in the Nentony ang Robertson to Pittsburg | All our milk is thoroughly pasteurized and at Oriental Park, Havana. Chris. | race to the finish. Boby Roth finish-{for Mamaux. % . . Fitzgerald will be presiding stew-| eq with 51 thefts, and Eddie Collins| To take the place of Robertson, bottled at once. . Itis safe. It 18 pure. ard. with 50. These are unofficial figures McGraw has a nifty-looking outfield- It is good. 3 re and: it is possible that the official] er in Young, from the Rochester The N.H.A. gave Eddie Living-| geures may differ slightly and team, who" performed well in his! i * 9 stone a soft spot to fall on, but the| «panes the relative ratings of the initial try-out, and gives promise of -~ Poronto magnate wasn't looking Sange. developing. Smith the Columbia 4 one rice % that way. A twirler is slated to succeed Tesreau. Never go out at night with your auto- Jim Jeftries sent a wire of coil ° Fitzsimons & Great Fighter. os ink tat Hayy Foiodt it : v dolence to the widow of the late Bob The death of Bob Fitzsimmons| 1h€ BC 1 for mobile unless you have an Ever-Ready dolehce to the widow of He Ite Bo rtumved ono of the most popular | Ma homie run on October 6th will be Daylo in case of trouble. We carry bat- bravest and greatest fighter I ever | heavyweight champions that ever | auctioned off for the benefit of the ? . faced." graced the ring. A freak In size, | Red Cross says a Chicago dispateh. teries and bulbs for all sizes of Daylos. as | weleht and appearance, he was the | That is all ight. if they don't auc- ; : . . . . About the best news opposing | marvel of the roped arena, ahd his| tion more one ball, Bring your Flashlight m and we will clubs in the N.H,A. have received to| equal will never be seen again, per- John McGraw now agrees with the|l| MAYBE BUYING MATCHES put it in shape for you date was the #raduncment that | haps. Built on a top-heavy plan, | Hal Chase theory--that the team . s . Frank Nighbor was packing up for | principally because he made it a| getting the breaks usually wins in An Im a trip to Texas. Canadian, Wander. busin€ds to develop his fighting top. | the World's Series. : Never Struck You As Being portan er and Quebec goalkeepers will unite | Fitzsimmons was a ludicrous fig. 'Job. But Itls. in a vote of thanks. ure as he shifted about before men E -- who were almost twice his size in Ml \ 4 4 8 British soccer leagues are all en.| weight. - He fought for years, in il R iliie It is important that you buy none but EDDY" joying prosperous seasons. Attend- | fact, was in his prime at a time ¥ ances have been large and more en- | when athletes following-\his calling I ih thasiasm is being shown than since | were supposed to be home poring CHEMICALLY SELF-EXTINGUISHING the outbreak of war. over the old scrapbook of past deeds. i ; "SILENT 500's"' Rl Bob in his day was a natural hitter, * Sa Dave Robertson was a world's|and he made a study. of vunerable a a The matches with "no after glow." series hero for one day: Now it is|poinis and the art of reaching those Ji PR c al matches, every 3 said that MeGraw will lead him to amar spots by the shortest only or ing 00 8 Oy the guillotine. Towa. Bob Fitzsimmons was al- : & dead -- \ ways better than an even-money . Problem now worrying hockey |Shot while on his feet, whether he been lighted 484 blows out. ln - 88 PRINCESS STREET. KINGSTON. PHONE 629, magnates is how they are going to | Was staggering under punishment or dosh tor the Wards Shemirally Revnguisiiing: sign up $10,000 Beauties within the coolly shifting in and out in front » $5,000 salary limit. of the best heavyweight in the -- ' orld, vhen he beat Jack Ramp. i ants {86¥ in New Orleans thé first remar to Chicago Cubs are om ee that the Sobbing Nonpareil made in ship for 1918. (Fred Mitchell has his [dressing-room was:: "That fel- been given $50,000 to go out and low's a devil. He can whip the buy a winner . world. dT. R X Catcher Fhief Mayers, recently Gets Credit For Win. 5 released by the Boston Braves, may Skim Sallee, pitcher for the Giants, land a managerial berth in the Paci-| nas at least the equal of a record. "The National Smoke" ® tic' Coast Baseball League, On August 30th Sallee entered -the . Eighteen million "Bachelors" sold annually in Canada. -- » ros game between the Giants and Pirates -- C oe al C Eddie Mahan, - former Harvard | with two rununers on two out and the . . star, is managing the United States | gcore tied in the ninth inning. The y Marines team. They have already | first ball pitched was lined to Robert- Look for Silk Thread on Tip of Each won several games." son and the side retired. Responsi- -- bility for defeat or victory then rest- . Jim Thorpe hurried to Pittsburg ed on Sallee. The Giants made the S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, as soon as the world's series ended | necessary run to win in their half of J and has been assisting Glen Warner | the inning. in the coaching of the Pitsburgh > The L team. Thorpe will again play with Real Boxing Freak. : ' the Canton professionals. Willie Meehan the San Francisco Made in our large, airy, sunlit factory, ; on 4 ohiag from careful leaf. Every 2 for 25 MO N U M NTS ; An Army Football League nas! Yoaor. who uta og a ham ud "Bachelor" y ully inspected before . Y been preaiized ln New York. It,now a "heavy" is the greatest freak the box. : y » the ru ote a es. rm Vem iar I/Tas ere, | Ale BE EL ChesperbyheBor The McCallum Granite Company, Ltd. Tia Jusns'y user nace meeting | upon him, and ho is 2b awkward that V TORONTO SND qs 1k romises to great Success. erest porents L pL $97 Princess Street. ; 181 Suny of the best horses now in Mary- figure out & way to Teach him 'eect: NDREW Wi oro 4 zs EB i ere, vely. ' " - ~~ : N Setar " ~~ - $ THIS IS A HOT ONE ON JEFF, VERY HOT. ; on > By BUD FISHER i -- re re YOU'RE NAT IN TIME, pr -------- 3 = wHew! MUTT, ReAsE, _ DOROTHY: .- DoRorHy!' \ THIS ARMIR SUIT ea JEFF, WHAT'S DeReTHY'S 1 CANT SCARE Jind wir, mit WHEW! (NOPE: Jefe watt agen fT] SF SRE 13 teE Spuee. TELEPHONE NUMBER? i in ba; 1. WAND Bo. you MAIN, Six FOUR DoRaTHY'S TELEDHonE- | WMH IT on I Don' T WANT To PHONE HER. iv SUBPOAE THIS SUIT SEVEN Y/ NUMBER (Nv HIS LTTun- NEED To FEAR MUTT Now /|| COME on BEFORE T oF ARMER'S. FoR ? ; SEVEN SIX : Book. JUST My 'Lucie AND : ANY MoR2 THAN T wouLd ! 5 TEE Hee Cd T DON'T HEPPEN TH KAW A Baby, . : : WHAT (Tg © ier

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