ed G R A N D ' 3 3 RA | - -- ff en wh | The People's Forum |g di ln ag eA =sEeEeeesseae-------------- [UN ps 5 k and greater a | = . 1 enri you and your| R h- LT a) ee Cant count The men and wo- | . = beg, en at h e must produce t 4 30S ¢ ver wars waste. | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES HELP WANTED--FEMALE. A FOR SALE { Fest fasertion, 1c & word, Back con- w-- - It is easier to make money than to save It. secutive Insertion thereafter, haif-|$20--ANY LADY CAN EARN IT FOUND THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. OOST ba ody Me 1 Porat weekly b showing magnificent little. Once, 25c; three times $00: Sa ving Ac tount at The JB a k of To: § nto win held | ecemt a word. Minimum charge Sor private Cr Hts Card = Sample one week, $1.00. sav What your increased effort provides ! eme Imsertion, 25¢; three Insertions, Book Outfit' free on promise to A rake BL or DRY GOODS, OP. | | work. Bradley Limite, . Brant. r George Hotel A FORD MOTOR CAR. APPLY DR. S0cy = 1: ome Mouth 4 ". ey Ami s n ) N 11 Dranches' in Toromte, 119 Branches in Canada, | THE--- _ Ocy six 81: Ave SATNG by ap- Gardiner = em office and prov | Lad ad tp THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1917. i PAGESEVEN . 7 A Rp ng property. 2 ONE-TON SANFORD _ MOTOR HEY WANTED Truck in first class c« ondition, Ar MILT Y N-QOAT, 0, . BOY. APPLY FRONTENAC Ow AR RAIN-X ply to W, : G. Craig & Co, or y ESTABLISHED 1555. oy A BELL wner ay have same hy ap- Garage. ie TWO OR TIIREE ROOMS FOR LIGHT i to Mr. Kelly, Elerbeck " | WANTED AT ONCE A KITCHEN wWo- housekeeping, central location re- HOUSE x0, iw SoLLIvGwoeh man. Apply Hotel Randolph _ ferred. Apply Box 829, Whig Office FOUND ARTICLES ADVER Apply C. Harrison, Byjlder, or tele- = ECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, I a rhone 1960 ° CONDUCTORS WAN PRD; STEADY for cash of in pant a yment ot Frio TISED FREE. MASSEY - HARRIS GAS ENGINE, OF IC employment. Apply Street Railway { i say, Limited, 121 Princess street. Anyone finding anything and practically n Can be bough: for With -- | wishing to reach the owner may casonable pr ce. Apply BE Braw TLIODOR, the Mad Monk of Russia | by reporting the facts to | A sensational Photo Production show. | oy KINGSTON Ww bow CLEANING coM- oe "British Whig The adver- a R CE tne the Lifter WS HIN TTR FONE 4 Lab Mook ichurER | angen. KON ae yo feare mh overt [| ftir at Tinta a ieta [||PEACK sx wir swooTi an An Dehind the Throne." Moly to N. Stedman, for work at 318 Princess t, or column 'free of charge. 5 SNe pups Ap A er 1500 SCENES -- 5000 PEOPLE | "Ont with George L. Hiller, ath Toad) 'Found articles" does not in- home 1108 rag 85. oo ' | Not Fiction but Present Day History| ---- 1 Post Offica clude on dogs, cattle, b on us rn . | Portrayi Fveuts that Caused the Re e | ete. hese, If lost, may be ad- -- E B CET tusainn Revolution [A GENERAL MAID; NO MASHING OR | "SWALL LOT FOR CASH, BETWEEN [|l Vertised for in the "Lest? oofumd: NEW HOUSE ON PRINCESS STREET, F Oo R S A L E Prices, 25¢, S0e, 75¢, $1.00 froning. Apply io Mis§ Lyman, 127] Alfred and Street, north og near cor, of Frontenac. AN mod- Office, Matinee 25¢ and 30, King street west south of U N Je a bar- ern conveniences. Apply C. Harri. | An | py {lder, ar Phone 1360 z ¥ 303 1022 'w hi Mm son, Bulld r SEATS NOW ON SALE. \ MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE- | galn. Apply Box 1022, Office. " Frame dwelling house on Johnson street be-| i A tect 7 AV Wyre To WEVE pone imorT 1 GENUINE GRAPNONGLA AND TEN tween Frontenac and Albert streets. Gas for cook pply. And houke "and bulldings Fin cor eins | Terma: $5 cash, $1 per week, C. W. bath, b | GENERAL MAID AND N{RSE-HOYSE- Apply | Sr Sor, aR LAR uaNp Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St ing; bath, etc.; barn and deep lot. Price $2100. Benoit ifr fier kindly wt LPL PEER BL " y Ie ) ; A N Henry Savage Offers Reid, or Phone 13 | Whig Office A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN- OTSEWORN | TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER-| oNE AUTO Whi © pp i) cluding the famous Athlete, Over- ™3 1 | The Latest i al Comedy Success | gy MAID FOR ; % TK $ iY roy I he J K ( "A RR( ) I A GEN( yo : vk chants and business men in Ea enham Road t Sth Fir de 3 ; Also tires ' | 1 in 2 "pn preferred | ario connect with a : n Ag, Lx ! Ing y ( r an lease return to Charles Smit and bicycle accessories. George ial chestra ly 46 Clergy stréet, or phone ° ; pe ler, 373 K St. Phone 1032 Phones: Office 68; Residence 874. 56 Brock Street, pec e line by applying to Box Elginburg Muller, 373 King ho E Saturd E i J. " Whig Office. Btrictly cou-{ _______ _ ¢ == @@ e-------- Open Every Saturday Evening. . ti : : ION a ! y og J Sdential wit, THE LO NCL SENTLEMAN | ROOMED COTTAGE, WELL-RUIL T. A good active boy for i Ford car kindly return, and save Al locality, on car line: n mailing Department. WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF further 'ble ses = fmpr 'ment at a bargain wages and steady employment. , he t roves, tro rms eas SW. Meagher Apply British Whig Office. second-hand furniture, sto . heaters, clothes, etc. We Also have | pp ARL SUNBURST FROM CARRUTH-|- _ 38 Lower "Albe stre Phone fr FEAL P SEES b bb bbb gveryihing 0, the seschi hand ers Hall Queen's University. to , | Une for She Pr Shaplrs, 45 Prin- Cor. Barrie and Clergy, on Thurs- cess street. one i. , day event er kindly re- Semi or . Call Up Gordon s | | WE HAVE A STEADY POSITION AT turn wo 291 it Reward | FORD TOURING, IN GOOD RUNNING = cr Te condition; engine and differential ood" Sak taran 201s Laie an WANTED -- OLD FALSE TEETH; . . TT recently overhauled; nex tiresx on -. . p , AON 8 ) lectric lights with FY 10 atter if broken. 1 pay $2 to rear: strong e Poleon & Oo $15 Ln set Send by ras post FOUND. dimme spaedome Soy a TF) Ti 4 F 1 C " n and receive check by return mail Eb " as tax Apply ed ee v solo Ey on = WIN SELMAN EL THAT | 8 rer soe. | PYRRS Grove rey wo c. | . » y . \ N . 103 Raglan Road. meats and groceries. Y f out rubbing. Promise to solicit or- Md ER == |1,ARGE STOCK OF EXTENSION TA. 3 ' s a ders with ten cents will bring vl . ak Ng b dlnin chairs, buffets, For "The Boys" At The Front. samples for four washings. Make |TO PURCHASE SEVERAL LOW TO LET bles and € [feta R : - price ouse: 500 to $1,500; also china cabinets, also good % Safty rors, Blades, Shaving rr tere ese dollar an hour: Bradley's Co. h Pred f ed $500 : 0 must 2 springs and mattresses. We buy 'an ton 0. O wrse barn for rem ; and Toilet Soaps, Chewing Gum, Brantford, Ont cheap. Geo. A Bateman's, Real|A NINE ROOMED FURNISHED HOUSE, all kinds of sécond hand furniture. Cigars and Cigarettes, Tooth Brushes, Estate and Insurance Agency, 67 all: modern conveniences Apply. J. Thompsoa, 333 Princess street. and Pastes, Combs and Mirrors. Cor. Bay and Mont- | 70. - Famous Beauty | Clarence street, Kingston. Phone Phone 2025w, Phorie 1600. i | 396 Overseas xes, 13¢ f 20c. { -- | TWO NICE FURNISHED ROOMS AND _-- . C indow grin real. Phone 88. ||| Chorus. == Sitting room. Apply 240 Johuaon FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Jur window tells the story. Enthusiastically Praised by Every | DRESSMAKING street Toronto and Montreal Paper. * . 3 - y a - SE JER Now on Sale. QrPicEs X fLARINR Cun; Ingham, ey p electr me 0d S Dru Store Prices, 30c, 73¢, $1.00, $1.50, $2. Miss RICH AR NL DRRSSMALER 79 Clarence noel © nning ' - and : 200 candle havin resume business, solic - ro PN as 2 y Te ® pe orders for fall and winter work TAREE power. Apply 169 Raglan Road. or : v UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO Phone With or without experience, on Address 202 Alfred street. rent, six dollars a month. 259 Vic. | meme Branch Post Office, , ! sewing and knitting machines. Kingston, : me TTT toria St. Light work; highest wages paid BOARD AND ROOMS LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH FIRE- | ARCHITECT 3 " place, electric light and all convenl- Monday, Tues., Wed. while learning. Ply TIRES CLASSE WOARD ences.. 140 Wellington street POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. | . Apply Mrs. Tierney, 13 ty chants an uilding ©o Famous Players Present Kingston Hosiery, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE OR MER- Brock and Wellingtop Sts chandise, 2 . . clean and dry. McCann's Tr - heey ae] I 1 n ' 3 FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, Real E 3 Ae * Bro St. ) I'lonst BILLIE BURKE, in ed Svery conveniences central loca: | Pmenco ise AEcncy. 82 Brock St FURNITURE FINISHING Fresh Cut Flowers Dall ! ' . . tion. Apply 243 Brock street Funeral Desi Wed The Mysterious Miss serie | NICELY FURNISHED WARN. WD 5 iircorr URN TORR Freie. u Bo Po ding T » Be DENTAL are mith sitting room, in priv-|"" Tor' Call or drop a card. 2% 'ohn oh ate --_-- ve t bly uqueis to Order. erry POSITION WANTED. ; Box ABC, Whig Ofee tr" APPIY trees Leaves Kin ston 7 a.m Her First Big Feature, rr---------------- ee ------ 4 LL Also IXPERTENCED STENOGRAPHER 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, SUITABLE MEDICAL p.m. L T 11 . and tvplist wishes positiog; highly A. E. KNAPP, B.A, LDS, nn... for light Jouseke eping also two educated, Tempora or perman- Office, 258 Princeas street one nished bed. rooms; use of parlor ' ' . ' FOOT OF BROCK STREET ou e egan, mn ent work. Apply i 2210 Whig 652 © T{rms reasonable. 27 Nelson street BR. 1a ANGHOY EL THVIICL.S AND 0 a oes Daily Except Sunday. "The Long Trail" Office Bo, aE mrt i» Most Direct Route to New York. ETT I STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, GLEAN fice phone 21 783. Sleeper Accommodation Reserved. And other good subj cts. DR J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, dry, airy rooms; our own lock and | ---- a By the bushel or bag; qual Automobiles Handled. FINANCIAL corner Princess and Bagot etreets key. Frost's City Storage, 299 ity high and prices low; also a ny Prices Mat. 15: Evg 25 -- _ Phone 626, Queen street Phone 526; res. 959 LEGAL cholo variety of apples and [H/ ' 5? ' "| rnoNTENAC LOAN. AND INVEST. INGHAM, BARRISTER , eS, NAC Joa VER S. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- | A. B. CUNNINGHA) vegetables FOR SALE COMING ment Society: incorporated 1863; | PRS; PAR Wellington street, G. C. TW Ve CES OA PRINCESS st. ug. and solicitor. Law' office, 79 Clar- tists, Thursday, Friday and Saturday president, Colonel H. R. Smith, Dewar D.S. assistant, ~----=ence street, Kingston - > . 0 J i : .D.S., other at $20.00 2 hy | FORD CAR M Pickford. i Ciok-Gyg fice president, W."F. "Nie | Phone' 34s, The J KO Caren Month. Apply ) 2 ar ICKIOr mn | and farm properties, municipal and Tock street. . fen S Ip S ! In A-1 Condition; el- y ' & . Ir . country debentures; morigages pur- ' . _ v ; id ectric starter, lights, } 4 The Little American" chased; investment. bonds for || Dy. Ernest B. Sparks, SIX ROOMED BUSINESS CHANCES sale; deposits received and in- HOUSE. FURNACE, terest 'allowed. | R. Cr Captwright, bath, pantry, large t co INVESTORS WARNING DON'S INVEST REA AA AA AAs 8 a a electric light, large g le one | ne cent until you read Successful Etc. manager, 87 Clarence 8t., Kingston. DENTIST. Rlock from car, $17 " er raenth Baan and learn ow : fortunes lo 7 , pply vingston Ave are made and lost by Investors. | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE To No. 7 General Hobpital, Queen's es | Free trial subscription. Succesa- Fire Insurance Company. Available || University, in England, Egypt and ful Finance, 608 8. Dearborn St. Central Bara p assets $61,187,215. In addition to France, after two and a half years TO RENT Chiongo. g " [I Mon., Tues. and Wed. which the policyholders have for ed hi security the unlimited MHability of |] overseas has resum S prac. A FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED | : . ENSED AUC Customers, Nike Phone 2185. ACD city property, insured at lowest || tice at Sparks & Sparks, 159 Wel- house. Apply 415 Jahnmon street. |TO THE PUBLIC -- LICENSED | - : . LE possible rates. Before renewing y " - mm--m------ ee toneer for Lennox & Addington Notice i old or giving new business get || lington St. city. (Over Carnov =: and Frontenac. I have sold in the | Miss Winnifred Evans of ates from. Firange & Strange, sky's). Phone 346. PERSONAL ¥ last two seasons $100,000.00 worth We will take your order for Agents one 325 of farm stock and implements, A We H Ni A | rse ave y | household furniture and store delivery this month. NANI Toronto as Nu C 11. : HAIR, MOLES, WARTS. BIRTHMARKS | geods. Phone. or write for terms AY ie for oa Pho " | In Patriotic Songs -- "1 therty," "When s and all growths and skin blem- | to KE. L. Amey, the leading auc- orders C.0.D. | ras Chen or Nabe AN EDISON MUSICAL| Sirs Sears experience By. _Ciarence siroet. Kingston The James Sowards Pure Com Syrup | ar a go e " . . Elmer J. Lake Ey . Ni | | Feature Photopla) Recital will be held at St. George's Phroat and Skin Speciatist, Ti | - 2 Hall Friday, Oct. 26, 1917. An ex- Coal Co. | Bryant Washburn mn : * 9 Meals | cellent programme has been ar-|=---------- ae DR. REEVE, Phone 155. In 1b. tins, 5b. pails, and 10-1. | "Qin » | Robinson & Wiltshire en Sa -- ro 155. | "Skinner's Bubble 210 Division St. Phone 545 ranged, consisting of local talent { Nerve alls, > JieR 1y at the old Ae one ho Chideen Count" VULCANIZING : and selections of famous artists will| => Music Years of experience .enables "Musty Suffer" ody | be heard on Mr. Edison's marvellous me, to treat difficult cases suc- Matinee 10¢ 5 enlngs 13¢ All kinds of cars promptly. | CO . Call, or state cass by . repaired Diamond Disc instrument. MISS BAJUS, TREACHER OF § G, -- ars washed. Gasoline and oils for " INGIN EN NA NN A A A wih resu E. H. BAKER sale. Cars for hive. for | Ind at aT RM teaching October | 18 Carlton Strset, Toronto. . - Ind de&u street. Phone | TAXI SERVICE || = raone 1308 "| BUY THE FINEST Morwell Service Satin. | Big Assortment of Can- : ily bh Fm ne . : All Large Ca itll PURE PICKLING Ae ne a] Including WANTED foe Man] Is i recs ROYAL ---- Tuns Fin wih Pinker, snemps || HELPERS, HANDY MEN AND LABOR- BL END Shaidne Jotwter. Sardings, phitn and ERS, CAULKERS AND CHIPPERS. SPICES. WANTED [| mate, games: Herrings, plain and HIGHEST WAGES PAID. THOMPSON'S COFFEE To rent a farm of 'fl The Bon Marche Grocery||| CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM- GROCERY. ; 200 acres with priv. [|| om 184 Cor: King and Earl P ' 3 Phone 387. Ae--------a ilege of buying. 200 Witt sve. Boros tat Kingston 1 Ontario F. J. JOHNSO! JOHNSON 3 : [ler carries his wife's picture in his lj 'A Choice Stock of Tt ie hy yc i Fae ae oa _ The Leading Florist _ Florist Ci Fresh Giocerics iI Som || wri intnen ie Keep the Furnace in Check ore ; ING HAND. ter he has been caught with the flied promptly. Phone 330. 116 Broek Sauarg MAN IS ONE oF THE goods. . and ve Fuel : Street. \ : : Always on hand. A trial order : J = . -- ffl solicited. "Try our seat cut [fl ~~ sw] © The best results obtained during the Fall 4 f : Coffee. ee : Tu lay m | ; . | months by using Nut coal in your furnace. It will P. H. Bak : give a gentle heat and fire is easily k check, er MAYBE BUYING MATCHES vith diofon Off hon? tho ch a nh oe Never Struck You As Being An Important hich often happens when you try the ame thing 48 Le f South Do si gs oO uth Down pc Spring Lamb. All BOV-| SAR AND SQUARE eo ; WHITE BS ahora, Mkt ge > a EE Jas. Swit & Co Li mited ernment inspected meats, mer 3 ddl SUSE sore CHEMICALLY SELF-EXTINGUISHING fn rrr rece & 30 Cor. Princess and Frontenac Streets Ings, truthful in its promises, and you will be sold tomoriow at »44 to this a painstaking service, that's | (a pretty good shop to get scquathted | | wit . " \ 30¢ per pound. FN a hatter of business for us to] The matches with "no after glow. n- TO OBTAIN THE jtalk about ourselves. It will be al ' { , i 2 A | matter of good business for you { 4 t call Specials for this week Swift's Premium Bacon ... Swift's Premium Ham Fresh Frults on Hand Every ody Anerson Bros. unrED GROCERY m eens Street. EN LEE, Prep.