PAGE FOUR The British Whig 84TH YEAR. FE J, Ea Er CE = Ld pe wR eee 3 SAA AANA SN nl Published Dally and Semi-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING «o T J. 9. Elliott . Preside Leman A. Gulld tng Director Treas 'Telephonen: Office . Rooms Business Editorial Job OfMee SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Daily Edition) year, delfvered in city yeur, If paid In advance . $5.00 sir, by nvafl to rural) offices $2.50 to United States $2.50 year, by mail, cash . .o. $1.00 year, if not paid jn advance $1.50 vear, to United cs 1.60 Six and three months pro rata One One One One One One One MONTREAL REPRES T . Bruce Owen «0 123. 8t, Peter § TORONTO EPRESENTATIVE >. Ho ke % Bank Bldg - SENTATIVE Fifth Ave, New York 10 Ass'n Bldg. Chicago Attached 18 ome of the best al R 0 printing offices tn Canada The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG in authenticated by the ABC Audit Bureau of Circziations. * e---------- EE -------- ---- BACON; ITS RISE IN PRICE. Competition is said to be the life) | of trade. It is at the bottom of all the energy wisely wisely, | which, directed The one or un into business channels great argument against of kind, is | that it does not develop the power | at monopoly, any its command. Usually it is con to profit it has, plus the imposition it is possible to exact rather than resort to ventures which may enlarge its usefulness. One thinks of this in connection with certain steamboat which cut off important connections during this without offering any ceptable explanation of the fact. The Hendersbn Commission, which is enquiring into the me- thods of-the cold storage companies, on Friday emphasized two or three remarkable points, Private energy, on the part of the William Davies Co., produces surprising results. The business acumen which the corres. pondence of the firm revealed was of which would not be ex- pected from a monopoly. The keen est of competition suggested the keenest of wits," and in the battle royal which followed the people had an evidence of what alert and ag- gressive men can accompiish. Com petition in thiw™ield of service de veloped amazing things. But no firm, no matter how cap- ably equipped financially and other- wise can hepe to contro! trade Dav ies Company could not do it. It co-operated with the Matthews-' Blackwell Company when it was ne i cessary to appeal the American | controller of food against an assum- ed interference with the British trade by American packers. | These men were believed at one time to be responsible for a cancellation | of. the Canadian' contracts, and slow. | Iy learned of their error. But when it became a question of who could sell the most bacon, and Logs be- came a great necessity. the prices of them went higher and higher. Com- | petition in this way became" hurtful | to the public interests, ahd the tent by what a '. ust year ac business a sort he, to the people, outside of the producers ok, hogs, had to Pay sweetly for the wild plunges of the competing firms. | Competition; then, is sometimes an advantage and sometimes a dis- advantage. Where the food con- troller comes in, when the issue is a good one, does not appear from any. thing that has transpired in connec. tion with the cold storage enquiry. The Telegram wants the minister of milltig, i. ki and cut out the hig Hughes will protest. How can a real general command, even in his office, out of uniform? TASTERN LIBERAL CONVENTION One learns this from the proceed. ings of the liberal meeting which oc. curred at Ottawa on Friday---that Sir Wilfrid Laurier wifl lead aft who will follow him in the néxt election, and afterwards, on general grounts. The chieftain retains his personal magnetism. He is as popular as ever. He holds the affection and regard of those who accept his advice upon (he questions of the day. In his address he 'emphasized his position upon conscription.. ° It promised to make racial strife----strife which he thought could be avertea by the re- fergndum---and rather' than be a party to the most serious conse. querices he preferred to continue his (during an election "fair start, _ yo THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1917. course, If thts | to power he would t Briti n which the jo hl advised i mag. | seeing that | take his attitude, | onscientiously, st earnestly to convictions." It is | of those who | as supporters of the | swvernment, and all of those members of it, | once more the who, coun "stand nost yecome id they not feel with Laurier, that and that their personal been broken. relations I definite understanding | | | Incidentally that may be assumed he closest allies of the including Mr. st lieutenant, and Mr. liberal whig, are sup Union Government, hearty accord with fits put more ginger into the Wilfrid the " i 30rden Government is the same old SOME ( liberal his fir Pardee, porters of and ham, the the are in desires to war Sir Laurier says f Governnient far tive that count 80 as its conserva members are concerned, and they for their six But t punishment need not be the less severe although it is have to be called to ac ins of the last years. ne deferred. For the present, ghd un- til the end of the Government must the Union engrossed of all trouble, Kaiser William. of Germany war, be in dealing with the cause the EDJTORIA!, NOTES. Hartley Dewart will not mind the Telegrain's sneers They will not curtail his power political usefulness or What? No campaign any kind with any party? from Ottawa of So report "An old woman's election," shouts a veteran campaigner. "I gm out of it." funds announces Grafting in Canad: unpopular. The ¢ be In sight. No po.itical patronage and party millenium be at is becoming f it seems to no funds? The must hand. Mayor Mitchell, of New York, is going to open warehouses and stores and give the people food at cost. There's a law for this kind of thing across the way, and New York, dur- ing an election, is the place for cost- ly experiments. James M. Beck, patriot, is not pessimistic. But he sees the neces- sity for the Allies to keep on grind. ing down Presussianism until there is nothing left of it. The Kaiser may be like the snake; he nfay be badly scotched but not beaten. -- The brewers" are appealing to the controller of food to let the grain in some proportion go into the manufacture of beer because some men, in the west, must drink a lot, and pure water is not good for them! Surely Mr. Hanna can with- stand an argument like that, There were half a dozen fights at meeting of Ward Four's Conser- vative Association in Toronto on Friday. The interesting point is that they occurred in a room where Mr. McNaught a years ago' said "the conservatives are doing most of the fighting in this war" A prophet, eh? Or a chronicler of passing events? ! i emali-------- Sir Robert Borden says labor is to represented in this government. The Hamilton Spectator notes that on. Mr. Crothers says he will re. main in the government, and sup- posses that some labor man will be. come his deputy. Oh no, not if the labor men can prevent it. They want 'to be represented by a mini ster, not by a deputy. f ------_---- Le omeon | They Will Take It. (Toronto Globe) The Kaiser says that if the French want Alsace-Lorraine they must take it. They seem to have made a pretty be Wouldn't Have it. (Toronto News) Living in Holland in these times must be unpleasant. How .would you like to have a burglar as Jour next door neighbor? He Must Be Thankful (Hamilton Times) The Hon. J. D. Hazen is quite com- fortable, thank you, with that $25,- 000 a year salary at Washington. The Union Government has been a fine thing for him. ¥ Toronto Does Well, (Toronto Ghee) Toronto's contribution of $823, 974 to the British Red Cross Society, which amount will no doubt be some- what increased when all the returns are complete, is a magnificant vie- tory. The amount beats the record of $740,000 collected last year. Carvell All Right. (Montreal Herall) Word comes from¥ Woodstock, Carleton County, N.B.,--the Hon. F.! B. Carvell's comstituency--that the Conservatives down there are not all content to be represented by one who was so active in showing up their 'weakness as Mr. Carvell and that | cx | Government Gra- % | are on stir up, quietly, feeling against in the constituency Some Confusion. (Tqronio Star) T. W interview, is-not dropping o Hon lished pub that he] and will contiriugd to be Minister of labor in the new! Mr. Crothers, however, ought to investigate a rumor of th kind before giving it credence~ The | PMime Minister's announcement this | morning pretty definitely stated that) Labor is to be given the same direct | Cabinet representation Agricul ture as contemporary opinion] llers of What? Contre \ da, ronto W . | The controllers of food and fuel] have not considered the people in any | common-sense¢ way. They have not] considered them as people at all, The | suggestions made for economy of | food have allowed little or nothing! for the common sense or the gir cumstances of those to whom they are made. There appears to be an | impression that everybody is enjoy-| ing the easy positions of those, who | have been making munitions at un-| precedented wages, or getting the) benefit ¢f the high rates in most] lines of labdr. 3ut only a portion! of the commuity comes under this | head A large section of the people fixed incomes or salaries, some of which have been reduced | since the war; and the high cost of | living, much higher than a year ag > | has wiped out any margin that might have been available earlier in the war. The man who bad ten dollars] to spare year ago may have tof spend it on a pair of boots this year, | and if fic not in the cellar he is apt to fall back on the reflection | that charity beging at home---right in| the cellar a coal is Great Liberal Platform, Toronto News, Cor | Labor is to come into its own with | a representative in the Cabinet. The franchise is to He extended to wo-| men. Wealth is to be adequately | taxed. The income tax is to be in- creased. A vigorous policy for the| settlement and development of va-| cant lands to be pursued. Agri-| cultural production is to be encour-| aged by the promotion of co-opera- tive methods. All the railways in the | country are to be co-ordinated with | a view to national progress, Ship-| building is to be promoted. Better, relations between employers and em-| ployes are to be fostered and im- proved conditions established for the whole popylation. A special effort is| to be madé to bring Eastern and, Western Canada into more harmon- | ious relations on those issues which | ngw Teparate them is ep---- The Best of Securities, Rochester Post-Express Cnosidering the war taxes, and the tfftertaintiés' of * these unsettled times, what better investment can there be than in government bonds which are tax free when held in such amounts as men of moderate means are able to buy. The more alluring investments are not always so de- pendable, and the man who holds "| mason | the | that loan bonds hag this very great ad- vantage that he 'can figure with abso- lute certainty what his income there- from will be in 1918 or '28 or '38. He nas built his financial house upon a rock which" will endure whatever elge is swept away, Would uot a loan f $20,000 10 a man high '¢har- ter. whose income $40,000 a of was U 2 ar vear valued at $250,000 safe investment? Add six ciphers to these figures, making them billions instead of thousands and we have case of our government The wealth of the nation---all the prop- between our bounding oceans-- is security for this loan; and if it is not a gilt-edge security, nothing is the erty | | Letters to the Editor | | Says Laurier is Canada's Friend, "Adoiphustown, Oct. 19.-- (To the Editor): In the Whig of the 17th inslg I noticegan article headed, "Wants More Catholics," Le Can. ada (Liberal) protests against the new Union Cabinet. Take notice that there are seventeen Protestants and three Roman «Catholics, who are Doherty , Blondin and Sevigny. Yet the Catholics form forty-two per cent of the population. Rogers said, To hell with Quebec," and Clifford Sifton said, "No more Catholics will rule in Canada," and adds he is or- ganiZing the Protestants against the Papists There is, however, such a thing as public opinion in Canada, and it will be inanifested at the polls by thousands of silent voters. Amen say to, that. Laurier was never so popular in Canada as he is to-day, and is in no way discourag ed, as these autocrat blue-nosed Tories believe Laurier is a Free in the highest degree of the Order, and it Is well that people of intelligence should know this Laurier is wearing himself out for very best interests of Camada any honest man could do, and f of { the following lines are, I think, ap propriate to his cause: When I'm dead forget me, dear, For 1 shall never know, Tho' o'er my cold and lifeless hands Your burning tears should flow. I'll cancel with my living voice The debt you'll owe to the dead, Give me the love you'd show then, But give it now instead. And bring no wreaths to deck grave For I shall never care, Though all the flowers I lote the most Should grow and wither there, I'll sell my chance of the flowers You'll slavish when I'm dead my | For one small butch of violets now So, give me that instead. What saints we are, when dead, But what's the use for me we are For praise that's written on a tomb | For other eyes to see One single little word of praise, By lips we worship said Is worth a hundred epithaphs Dear, say it now instead. And faults that bear Oblivion then shall win, Our sins are soon forgiven us When we no more can sin. now are hard to Rippling Rhymes CHEE Cheer up, ¢ of illness giving he is short some Though it is qui der, a gloomy m kle down the har anything to sell, matter, then, if collars? a shilling; but I all day's drilling. about the cost of living. snort, or let tears run in rivers, unless we know that R UP heer up! If you are sound, no sign , you have no right to paw around No man has any right to legs and arms and livers. Cheer up! te a chore to stock the bin and lar- "won't bring you more--just buc- «vr. Cheer up! The prices make you yell, when ycu go forth as buyer; but when you've the price keeps going higher. 1 sell my labor every day for quite a rol¥ of dollars; what I must pay high price for shirts and My father got a lot more flour than I do for earn more in half an hour than he hy Cheer up! There's work for every and whose landed property was | be consigered a lad, success for him who pushes. The hustler finds the A shining scad is growing on the bushes. Cut out the worries and alarms, toil like the bees that bumble; the man who has no legs or arms alone has right to grumble, --WALT MASON. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN Copiingnt steps have already been taken to For your New Hat. IFor your New Glove Bibbys rd Fresh out of the boxes this morning. New Trench Style Suits New Trench Style Overcoats Sizes 34 to 42. Plain Grey Cheviots and Meltons. Fancy Scoteh and Heather Mixture. Sizes 34 to 40 Genteel Greys, Rich Browns, Nobby Overplaids, and Pencil Stripes. Special values, $18.50, $20, $22.50 Very smart models, Special values, $18.50, $20, $22.50. = For vour New Underwear. For your New Shirts, 8. We think we can save you a few dollars. Try Bibbys Store Closes 10 p.m. # i. But any better thought of me Keep it until I am dead, I shall not know, I shall not care-- Forgive me now instead. FRED MEMBERY. HAD A NARROW ESCAPE Barn Took Fire and Mr, French Plunged Through Window, Salem, Oct, 20.--What came near a fatality occurred at Melville on Wednesday evening last, when, a small barn belonging to Freeman French was destroyed by fire. Mr. French had taken a lighted lantera into the loft, and was pitching down hay when the lantern exploded set- ting the contents of the building on fire almost at once, Had it not béen for a window from which Mr. French made his escape he would perhaps have been burned to death as the exit was closed by the fire. Only a few days previous a large barn belonging to Wesley Carley, Melville, was destroyed with the whole season's crop. The cause of the fire is unknown. The people of Salem were very successful exhibitors at Roblin's Mills fair, eight exhibitors capturing many. of the best prizes. The fair was a decided success in exhibits, but the attendance .was not quite up to other years. Charles Kemp had a husking bee on Thursday evening. A meeting of the Red Cross Soclety was held at Mrs, Charles Kemp's on Wednesday when some boxes were packed -for our soldier boys. Miss M. Mitchelson, Belleville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. Wanna- maker. Mr. and Mrs D. Vancott and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kemp were Trenton visitors on Saturday. Hal- ton Spencer took a load of peas to Wellington to-day. Farmers are busy ploughing. On Oct. 17th at the home Nicholas iAsselstine, Trenton, his daughter, Luella, was, united in marriage to George King, of Lon. don, England, but now of Trenton, At Dravton, North Dakota, on Sept. 15th, -occurred the death of James R. Gibson, in his sixty-fifth year. He was a native of Dalhousie. i Perth Counci' voted $1,000 the British Red «ross. The Perth branch of the Canadian Red «Cross has also made 'a donation of $300. A. C. Welk, Eganville, the teller in the Merchants' Bank, has been appointed manager of the branch at Mildmay. On Oct, 9th the marriage "was solemnized of Rupert Schinzel, Ot- tawa, to Miss Gladys Paro, Trenton. BORN. HUGHBPS--At Waupoos, a4 Mr. and Mrs. W. RE hes, a son. MILSA PAL ange, 'on t. 4th, to Dr. and W.-H.-Milsap, a son. STANHOPE--Inv Picton,. Det. 13th, to Mr. and Mrs Farle Stanhope, a davghter, : TYLER--At Consecon, Oet, 12th, to Mr. and Mrs, C. H. Tyler, a dangh- ter. L of it. 16th, to ' Soldiers' ] 'Comforts Alr Plllows <== Conifortable 'snd Servieeable, Colgntes Combined Comforts Tollet Requisites in compaet form, Heorllel I bh Tablets «Con. ve nt I nutritious, Abdominal Belts -- All wool and chamois lined, Chamois vests--Warm and snug fittin Safety Ras Foot powd Fountain Pens, Rn vr Strops. d tablets, rang DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE 185 Princess St. Phone 348. © Coffee » In All the New-Colors From $1.50 to $3.00. Our Own Blend -- Steel Cut -- 45¢ Pound Tins. J.R. B.Gage, 254 Montreal St. The Sawyer Shoe Store .'212 Princess Street. Phone 159. . UE TAHOE CRAWFORD Begs to Notify His Customers that commencing May 1st. COAL SALES will , R 3 Pree lr 00 erence te pel EE er W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ THOMPSON---In Ameliasburg, on Oect. 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomp- Son, a son. VANDEWATER---At © Wellingt o 13th, to Mr. and Mrs, P. dewater, a daughter. MARRIED, FOSTER-FRANKLIN -- At Déseromto, on Oct. 7th, Wray Edward Foster, Picton, to Miss Hilda Franklin, > Deseronto. JEMMETT- MARTINE, At Montreal on . 13th, d Martineau-Streifr, "of Wimbledon, Eng. to Douglas Mill Jemmett, M. | A . Canadian Engineers, Nap nee. : SIMPSON-HARCOURT -- At Liverpool, Eng. on Sept. 3nd, Beverley R.. son of Dr. and Mrs. T. W. Simpson. Napanee, to Jeanette, daughter of the late Dr. Harcourt of the Chin~ ese Medical Service. SWITZER-FULLIGAR--At Napanee, on Oct. 10th. Everton Blake Switser on, Oet. G, Van. J-STEREIFF-- Mau: and Laura Beatrice Fulligar. Quart Sealers | 23 Ib. tins . 5b tins ... . Be For CASH. At price curkent for the month when the 'erder 1s given. CLOVER HONEY In the Com section .. , | - The Ccdl situation in the United States compels: this ac- Foot of Queen St. Phone 9. ~~ Per . 25 cents Extracted In glass . veecss 20s 20c and 25¢ Pint Sealers 25¢ «. 45c JAS. REDDEN -& CO.