__ PAGE TWO rr v "a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1917. INCOENTS OF THE DAYBEIRS ON THE RANPAGE --_ VA Vv | rrr | LOCAL; NOTES 'AND ITHMS ors COUPLE AT MOWAT HOSPITAL! : ; » ; GENERAL, INTEREST, MAKE THINGS LIVELY d > 3 . | | Happens In the City and Vicinity | Broke Away From Headquarters | | --Wnhat the Merchants Offer to the| And Have Been Playing 'High Readers of the Whig. Jinks" the Past Few Days--Men, Pianos to rent. C. W. Lindsay,!| Women and Children Have Been Ltd. | Chased. Robert Ash, Ki was a visit A couple of the cub hears, pets at or in Ing ril last week. the Mowat Memoria] Hospital, have Dr. C.F » of Cardinal, a | heen playing "high jinks"" the past| graduate of ( . i8 in the city f days, and as a result have been Women rs on Brookiyn | giving tne people of Portsmouth and] trains are being equipped for vielnity, a lively time. vice women and sed by th Anh 1000 RECEIVED TO-DAY Eo -- Michagl O'Halloran, by Gene Stratton Porter: Anne of Avonlea, 1. M. Montgomery; The Foolish Virgin, Thos.Dixon: My Home inthe Field of Hon- our, Frances Huard: Kitchener's Mob, J. N. Hall; Martha and Cupid, Julia M. Lippman; Miss Billy's Decision, Eleanor H. Porter; 1000 cloth bound books by the best American and English writers. ngston, ser children have he bears, who have| ve their guardians the! have been wandering| neighborhood of their{ own free will. One was missing for! some time on Sunday and a search-| Ing party was out after him. A call! was sent to the police station, but| the officers of the law did not runm| across the unruly Bruin "A The two bears are up to all kinds| 0} tricks, and it is indeed a wonder | thgy did not take a trip down Prin-| cess street Evidently they have al king for ilatter's Bay 4 A well-known market gardener! was given quite a scare He was | iriving along the 'Forty-foot road. He had a barrel which had contain-| ed sugar on board. was in hiding Fox B.A., arrived aturday for a short Mies Cassie from Pi visit in the city' n and F. L. Newman after spending in Guelph. icially announced that f the Quebec Legisia ture will open Deg. 4th. W. Swaine, piano and pipe organ tuner, 100 Clergy street W, Orders left at McAuley's or 'phone 564. Hamilton has attained its object ve--§100,000--for the British Red | and may 1100,-| been « managed to g slip, and around ton « y™ W Jacks the MUSIC SALE TO-NIGHT. POPULAR HITS (LATEST HITS), TWO FOR A QUARTER. have re ned the week-end It was The College Book Store, 160-162 Princess St. Open Nights Phone 919 Cross Fund reach 000 There is much disappointment that the Hydro Electric .Confm!ssion has not yet got its power, into King- son Tickets now on sale for the Isolde Menges concert at C. W. Lindsay's, One of the bears. Ver? along the road and] went after the rig The market gar-| Limited, 121 Princess street | dener took one look after the bear! Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Kane, Syden-| and then fled, leaving horse, rig,| | mam street, are spending a few weeks | and bear on the roadway. Bruin is] McEAY'S Custom Made FURS. The Popular Good Wearing Fur, McKAY'S GARMENTS are made from individual skins sel- ected for this purpose. Only the stronger backs of the skins are in New York, Syracuse and Ogdens- | burg. With flour at present prices, local | very fond of sweets, and it was the {sugar left in theharrel he was after. | He helped nimself and then depart- ed Later on the man came for his much longer continue to sell bread | outfit | at nine cents a loaf | Bears are very affectionate Hug-| | F. W. Cooke, the Clarence street | Bing is one of their main tricks, and] | merchant, hag returned to the city|it is reported that one of the bears | after several weeks" vacation spent wngsrebpey a young woman of the vil-| | the north" Frontenac. Hage and that Jack-the-Hugger was { Dr. A. W. Richardson and Patrick | Dot in it for a minute with the way| {Daly were in attendance at the | this bear showed his Ritachion, mn | meeting of Eastern Ontario Liberals | A woman, who was washing just) 9 | in Ottawa on Friday. {outside her door and who had al Ni bo ao 3 -| small child close by, was startled | Kingstons Reliable Fur House. LIMITED, | operate Lieut, BD Juan u pre [Yo see one of the bears suddenly come | | transferred from Johannisthal, Stet-| into her yard. She grabbed her | | tin, to Augustabad, B. E. I | child and -ran into the house The | Now Is the time to have your | bear took in all the surrounding N\\| piano tuned, we carry two expert | Sights ard then vanished. - { [tuners and will assure entire sat-| A rot house of a market gardener |istaction. C. W Lindsay, Ltd. { was the scene of a visit from one of | | Dr. H. Boyce has purchased the the unruly bears Mr. Bruin went | residence on the wornor of Clarence | into the place and took full posses- | and Wellington streets, formerly oc Fion. The Swnes as ald Jo) | cupied by the late Misses Robert. | TY and pu im out, an a ca was | { son. sent to the Mowat Hospital A cou-| The old wound .of former King ple of soldiers soon, gave him his {Constantine of Greece has reopened | W21King ticket. | land an operation was peformed at Zurich, His condition is said to be | most grave A cablegram has been received from | Dr. Vincent Daly, telling of his safe jarrival in England with the American | forces with which he is attached as a lieutenant-colonel Sergt. G. Charette, a returned sol dier, was placed in nomination for the Dominion constituency of bakers cannot see how they can| pin They are works 'gu fur craftsmen, who specialize in this r. ' No, 281--A ur. end deep cuffs of civit. Fur trim this 7% model of Hudson ox, Silver Coon, Skunk or Australian um may be used, No. 280A stunning three-quarter length coat cut loose lines is featured. are of self fur. on The high roll over collar and deep cuffs From our Catalog, Page 6. We havé an excellent show- ing just now of High quality pearls for the, neck. , The prices vary and many patterns are not at all expen- sive, See our newly decorated win- dows for suggestions. For the brisk business that we are doing in our Dress Goods department--many of the lines were bought two and three years ago and now selling at less than present whole- sale prices. AAA AA AAA rd Ad a 4 4 iat AAAs dh A r A ' 45 inch all pure wool serge in navy and black -- extra value at these prices, 75¢ and 95¢ a yard. Your Windows and Doors WeareOptical Smith Bros. Specialists Jewelers and Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Headquarters for Whitby Jet Necklets Also. Are drafty --and cold. Our metal weather strips put on by experts will make them wind and storm proof. Give us the chance to prove this to you. Ring 819, » -- Police Shot Bear. 1 Monday morning word was re-| ceived in the city that the bear which had been kicking such a fuss around | Portsmouth had made his way to | Cataraqui, and the village was] thrown into great excitement. Mr. | Bruin was given a very cool recep tion, with the result that he took to the bush. | 54 inch all pure wool serge in navy and black, at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 a yard; easily worth 75¢ to.$1.00 a yard more. === | } The police were notified, | Springfield, Man., as a supported of | And Constable Marshall Armstrong, | VELV : § Dn avilS a supp one of the veteray hunters on the | A . . Sir Wilfrid Laurier Worralls celebrated chiffon finish, twill You sare assured a thorough ||[ Rr. E. Brignell, Toronto, has had | force, was sent out to look for Mr. | . wind scientific examination and ac- li nis permit to grive an auto revokes | back, guaranteed fast(pile suiting, velvets and velveteens. | curate glasses at Asselstine's, for a year. Hé was a reckless driv. | ) | Consult er and served a term in the peniten. | tiary for one of his accidents. J. 5. ASSELSTINE \ Natural. We will rent you a plano, and at end of six months If you feel like | D.08. King Street. | 24 inches wide, 89's 1.00. purchasing instrument we will al-| . W. F. Gourdier low the 6 months renwal on pur-| 27 inches wide; } 22. 2.25 hase price and arrange easy tarms | y . . } } . ving *e. Ww Lindsay, Lid. i 34 inches wide, $ . ' $ Brock Street Phone 700. Roland Devlin, a member of th Furs Are'In Great Black and Colors. Aviation Corps at Camp Borden, is | visiti his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ee bene, a on his Demand. last leave before going overseas. | Mrs. M. J. Sherman and little daughter, Gwenneth, Quebec street, ------ have returned after an extended visit er tp rE AN thera | with friends and relatives at Brigh- PLACE YOUR PRO- ton, Oshawa and other western | potare : rth PERT Y ON OUR V. F. Flynn, no-tune t. fc. w. Lindons Co Ltd, will be in SELLING LIST Sydenham this week. Please leave A double brick on Al- your orders with F. H. Karley, gen- ni bert St, all improve- ments, deep. lot, . for $4,000. A double brick on Earl street, with garden, all improvements, for $5,000. A double frame on Dufferin St., for $2400. A parcel delivery, do- J (|| 18 BEST SO0VED BY coMING TO US. STANDARD PATTERNS For Sale at COLLEGE ROOK STORE. In Black, Taupe and N At the Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clover HONEY | In one pound sections, 25 cents each, { Fresh California Prunes, nice and Juicy |... « 10e, 12%¢, 15¢ Ib. | Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs for 25¢. | Evaporated Apricots . 15¢ Ib. Sweet Cider 40c gal, 83 Brock Street. era WR McRea & Co. ------ | Golden Lion Grocery a TC REAL ESTATE SNAP Detached Brick Residence, 7 rooms, nicely dec. orated; fuvnace; electric light; stone foundation, Nelson street. Ownce leaving city, will sell for | Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE ET -- oes BUILDERS SUPPLIES ey WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS eral merchant, Sydenham. Tickets now on sale for the Isolde Menges concert at C, W. Lindsay's, Limited, 121 Princess street. The burial of the late Helen Polks, the fifteen months' old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill, Polks, Wil- liamsville, who passed away in the General Hospital<on Sunday, took | place on Monday afternoon at Cata. raqui cemetery, ""Gamey" Stratton former 'Var sity Rugby and hockdy player, and now a member of the Royal Flying Corps, is home from France recuper- ating from an attack of fever. "Gain. ey" trained in Kingston with the 59th and 80th Battalions. | $3600. McCann's, CLOSING OF MAILS Britih.h matl closes irregularly. nfo v posted at P.O. Lob! from time to time. United States, dally x LY dan @ 11.30 &.m. and 11.30 p.m. Trunk, Toronto and including Western Gates fay Sad af = 300 am, Trun| of ow. 16.15 am. 'ana £08 p.m. C.P.R. .. 10.15 am, and §. C.N. 0 p.m. . "es vee ses ene an / For power transmis- sion. A large stock of small and large pul- leys of various sizes, on hand for immedi- Grand west, RE AT ee A Special S See 'them in our window. In designs, with pretty borders, in fawn, 54 inches, and the emeemn and rose colorings. The size ale ottled blue, green, is 27 x price is extremely low. R. McFaul, H Thogypson( sang. i throwing The Victory Loan Publicity Com-! mittee is to 'be a large one so that a big noise can be created during the next fe, 'eeks in furtherance of the | saccess © the enterprize, A hang-up | meeting .., to be held in the Board of | o'clock, Nothing quite so good as a froit-| cdke to enclose in your Christmas | box for overseas. The quality of those sold at Crothers', King street | Bakery, is always to be depended on. | 'Phone 141. | A team of horses attached to al cartage wagon belonging to the mil-| itia department became frightened | at the head of Brock street about ten | o'clock on Monday morning and! raced down to King street. at the time, | Conducted the Service. J The YM.C.A. Evangelistic Band | conducted service in the First Bap. | tist rureh, on Sunday evening. Messrg..J. Kin Filtz and F. L. Newman took part in the dev 1: rt, while F. J. address. The quartette, Megdrs. A.\Haffner, H. W. and W, Haffner also A. {rendered a solo... - REE Prof. Brovedani Prof. J. H. Brovedani of Queen's, {who was injured last week on the 'Kingston Mills road while bicyeling, '1s around again and will resume }is lectures at college Tuesday morning. i He told the Whig thit he thinks the bundic Burs of hig wheel gave way, Pur to: the road. He Ras Bu tecoilection of what happened |atter being hurled through the air. Fortun-' § ately there was no one in the wagon | ! ch, C.'W. Simmons, R. |} Trade rooms on Wednesday at eight | § During our forty years ex- perfetice in making and selling furs, never were we as busy at this season as we are now. Our manufacturing depart. ment has more than enough special orders to keep them busy until after Christmas, and we would suggest to our many customers who want alterations to their furs to wait till the busy sedison is over. Just now it is impossible to give thls work the attention it requires and the service we always like {in for being intoxicated, told Bear. 'He located him in a tree, and invited him to come down, but there was nothing "doing." Bruin then defied the officer to shoot him, but Constable Armstrong was out for business, and in less time than it takes to tell the story he sent a bul. let in the bear's shoulder, where. | upon he set yp an awful howl, but refused to come down. The n- stable then fired another shot, an {Bruin fell dead owt of the tree into | some shrubbery. The body was put {in an automobile and taken to the [Mowdt Memorial Hospital. The bear has become so wayward of late that his friends at the hospital did not want him as their pet any long- er. POLI OE COURT BREVITIES Docket Before the Magistrate Monday Morning. A mun named D. Surrivan gathered the Magistrate a yarn about hgving got under the influence of liquor on some "strong stuft" he had put away a year and a half ago, but the story did not go with the e, and the latter sent him to jail for three months. If he wishes to tell where he got the liquor he will be given a new trial, . & A young man who give the fame of J. Martin, sald, "I guess I am | guilty," when charged with being ff- toxicated, ' He got his supply sent from Montreal and was taxed $10 and costs. A young man in khaki was or- dered to pay $5 a week for the care of his wife and child after evidence was heard in the charge of non-sup- port preferred against him. on | ate use. S ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Bay and Wellisigion Sion Kingston, Ont. Phones: Office 86, Factory 1415 ing a good business: 3 righ, good profits; par- ticulars at office. Furnished house to rent. Fire Insurance, Hot Water Bottles 75¢, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, See Cur Window. TO SERVE