' CHURCH SERVICES s r These Queen's University--3ery '10 . Convocation Hall tc N at '3 Welc Latest $1.50 and $1.25 Books at 60c. 1000 RECEIVED TO-DAY Brock Street Methodist Church-- | George S. Clendi: 1, pastor errs Andrew's Church--Rev. J. W al ary ser I I Minister Services at 11 school and, {elly at 7 p.m. Sunday schos Michael O Halloran, by Gene Stratton Porter: Anne of Avonle a, L.. \. mini : eag Montgomery: The Foolish Virgin, Thos.Dixon; My Home in the Field of Hon Fyicas. oi Als Soldiers. students, and strar a our, Frances Huard: Kitchener's Mob, J. N. Hall: Martha and Cupid, Julia } © ways welcome M. Lippman; Miss Billy's Decision, Eleanor H. Porter: 1000 cloth bound hooks oy NtzGerald. re - he om by the best American and English writers. at ) the. rector INCIDENTS OF THE DAY MUSIC SALE TO-NIGHT. e Chfidren's Da} LOCAL, NOTES AND rap OF | POPULAR HITS (LATEST HITS), TWO FOR A QUARTER. p of Edmonton ERAL I . | Street "Methodist--Rev. J. Happenings In the City and Vicinity | astor. Public worship 11 --What the Merchants Offer to the m Sunday school 2.- Readers of the Whig: | 3 3 5 oy W. T. G. Brown ¥ Shoulder braces Jutton's Store, THE FINEST IN TOWN. ot mas TT J oe Fics en | Lhe College Book Store, 3 PN FF 4 | China, will J Ltd ch in the evening Lingsay, | 160-162 Princess St. Open Nights Phone 919 r 3 Ce e City Council will resume its r a . . A 5 \ Fi k and war} fire 8 o ns on Monday ni t You mav select vour skins. - 4 R M gi D.D.. Minis The medical board here has ex We will make them up any {ar 107. Jorcirg. "y Religion J amined over one style de sired. I'he skins PA From an I ; Sea YW. Swaine, piano and pipe organ | are prime Labradors, heau- i 0 School "Wednesday, 7.30 gm tuber. 100 Clergy street W. Orders | og ThE we Ls 3 A B i ' p left at McAuley's o 'phone 564. tiful, silky, fluffy and pure The Women's C lian Club is] white. bf i Viled to a)liservices adding many en Ss to its list | Pearl a . ' v n One lady has turned in sixteen | St. James Church--Cor nior py. | and Arch st t 11 a.m., morning | | E 4 | Now is the time to have your *S 80 far prayer ar Holy Communion Preacher. Right Rev. Dr. Gray, Bis- z ee * . ! i 3 tuners and will assure entire sat- Stri S s hop of Edmon on. 3 » yi y Sunnay isfaction. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. ' @ 2 C ¢ y school ser id I Fracher. th oyuop ly y Ki ton Red: Cross Soc ety | { of : 1 «. p.m Te ue houl¢ ve the cordial suppor: of | | onn Ay, fo ry Sermor s it Well witt i y » XC - rmon, "I iH with| itizen. It is doing a worthy We have an excellent show Limited ing just now of High quality . hl > yY people are raying that pearls for the neck. : . 4 First Baptist ! hurch--Rev Doug- there will he no olertion contest 2 | On your Cashmere Hose, s The prices vary and many Kingston's Reliable Fur House, las Laing, pastor a8. Prof i : there are many war pro i patterns.' are mot at all expen x » 1 9. 5 B Mather, QQueen's, will preach, an-i v1.8 that should take up public at- sive, i . 4 . 1 7 rock Street. them, "I will Bless the Lord ' tention. - See our newly decorated win- p.m. the Y.M.C.A . vangelistic Enclose in your box for overseas , . . , dows for suggestions. AAA " AAA ANAT | and wil] conduct service; solo, A. tr iiake The quality can be de- 20 dozen Penman's Fast Black ( ashmere Hose, ~. Amn panier Binle rd : pe a to all pended on if you buy it at Crothers', | fe "ve he 1 cordia Hr "King street Bakery. Phone 141. : : r A | the services. Shortly before noon this Friday and 9 only. To-day's price, ode to 60¢ a the steambarge MeVittie which | : Calvary Congregational Church-- StraA Cd a ols ] : pa Ir. To-night 35¢, or 3 for $1.00 ° i Y Wi d ear ] 11 a.m., "Christ's F 'ext and Ite Tan qo a 8 al Sas! of Brock- (Limit of 6 airs.) our naows and | \ ville last Sunday morning was re- \ I Message'; 7 p.n n"s Wages Sure i : leased and proceeded to the Marine Doors to Be Paid m., Sunday school rail we rdensbure s AA AAI A A A AAA A A A A a ee, p ] IS and Bible class: Monday, 8 p.m. 2 Vay at Ogdensburg for repairs \ Jewelers and Opticians 1 We will rent you a plano, and at "hristian endeavour dnesday, 8 . : Issuers of Marriage Licenses, Christian endeav Wednesday, 8 oq" or six months if you feel like Jet | piano tuned, we carry two expert pure wool, bought two vears ago, sizes 8 1-2 --~---- Are drafty and cold. Our metal weather strips put on by : ; 3 | : . : " . . experts will make them wind low the 6 months renal on puf- New lines in all sizes, navy, black, fancy tweed and sto proof. Give us the , EEN | . : ist Church €hase price and arrange easy tarms srt a 3 ahaa Prove this to yne \ MINN Sydeniitn Srroet Mottiods i Clyro on balance. C. W. Lindsay. Lid. | effects, $3.50 and up Ring 819. \ | ech OY, a ee Prevost, Brock street, has receiv-| Missionary anniversary 11 a.m, ' « ed a large shi ¥ Ss' 3 | | Rev. E. R. Kelly; 7 pm.. Rev. W. 5 | °4 a larg pment of mens' and ! " : youths' winter overcoats and suits, | Te Dobbs Co 4 { Lennon, B.A., B.D.; Bible school, 2.- which h ril} sed] at verv clos 4 S R,C.Dob & : € 2 Jams cpwory laggun, 3 pon. | Thich 75 HS oglt ar very close pei NOBBY RANGE OF LADIES' BLOUSES. K Ont. \ { Monday; prayer meeting W ednes- ment he has a full range of cloth White Mar uisette, $1.00 up. mn, \ dy 8 p.m.; men's missionary ban : 3 | py, § yi ) Tells DMssionary ba whith he will make up into suits or | Dainty shades in Crepe de Chene $3 95 up ~ a \ { quet, Friday, 6.30 p.m overcoats at a very reasonable price | ' & Slik . Wh * ~ J) IS BEST SOLVED BY COMING | Su . . and guarantee first class fit. TO US, Princess Street Methodist Church 19 ! A A A A nm E. Curry, pastor. Services, p.m, prayer meeting All are wel purchasing instrument we wil] al | A SHIPMENT OF LADIES' CLOTH SKIRTS. Headquarters for Whitby come. Come and .worship Necklets Also. Yon are assured a thorough ||| --Rev. H / scientific examination and ace 11 am. and 7 pm. Special "Cam- STANDARD curate glasses at Asselstine's. paign' services both morning and Men's Heavy Wool Socks, 25¢ up. In Black, Taupe and = Consult WwW. 8 " evening conducted by Rev. W. S. | Lennon, BA., B.D, Gananoque; and "Headquarters for Headwear" - Natural. PA I I | Rev. E. Codling, Battersea. Mr. Len- SSA Ne J S ASSELSTINE | non will preach in the morning and ¢ . . For Sale at : | Mr. Codling in the evening. Spe tal HH Warm Underwear for all the family. COLLEGE BOOK STORE. D.0.8. | music by the choir . ng brs] eee ll W. F.Gourdier | em J)| First Church of Christ, Scientist, / . S-------- -- ° ° | | Johnson street, 3 between Bagot and Wellington streets--Sunday school REAL ESTATE \ At the | 9.45 am: service, 11 am: subjees Brock Street 17/ vi i . | { . | "Doctrine of Atonement". Wednes- 9 Phone 700. SNAP i Golden Lion Grocery {day, 8 p.m, testimonial meeting; yl ewan dW | i | public reading room same address, y { | open every afternoon, except Sunday, V4 | y -- De 3 i C | 3 to 5 o'clock. AN are cordi lly in- A. | tached Brick Fancy lover vited cary and the ies ; PLACE YOUR PRO. room. Rewiderics, 7 roams; nicely dec. _ : The Always Busy Store. PERTY ON OUR orated; furnace; electric light: I B. 8. A. Class--Meets for Bible Y { stone foundation, Nelson street. So us ) | study in I.B.S.A. hall (over Sargent's, { SELLING LIST ner leaving city, will sell | entrance, Montreal street) Sunday, B | . _-- 1 - tor {In one pound sections, 23 cents each. | 3 p.m., topic, "To What High Stan- | : - ~ A double brick, on Al | Fresh California Prunes, nice and { dard of Character Are the New Crea- : { BUILDERS' SUPPLIES ewe bert St., all improve- $3600 | Juicy |. + 10e, 1215¢, 15¢ Ib, | tures Called" 7 p.m., topic, "What d | i 1 . | Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs for 23c. | is the Nature of the 'Election' and : CLOSING OF MAILS ' . ments, deep ot, for | Evaporated Apricots ... ... 15c Ib. | 'Free Grace' as Taught in the Scrip- COME IN AND LOOK Britiuh mail closes irregularly. || COAL $4 000 [Sweet Cider ... ... . 4oc gal. | tures, and Can They be Reconciled." |} THEM OVER TO-NIGHT {| Information posted at P.O. Lobby |i 3 : . McCann's i | Tuesday, 7.45 p.m., topic, "The Gos Those who like variety Hi from time to time. X A double brick on | pel Witness (Not Conversion) World | 3 oe: , . States, dally r : : - . ' W i McRea & Co | Wide." All welcome. I in their hats should pay Duited Bp Se ns 11.30 5. 1} All sizes of Anth- Earl street, with garden, Brock Street, | -- roxy) om . { Grapd Trunk, goirg east, 3 : Phoned 326 or 621. i . vy "| Cocke's Presbyteriani--Rev. E. R. a | ISH to ! The Hat Grand fy Re a »a racite Coal, row on all Improvements, for ------ | Golden Lion Grocery | McLean, M.A, minister, wi preach Store" to-night and: see oot. including Westeral, a hand, including egg, $5,000. BEEBE AS A NS A ES ee -- {at 11 am, and 7 p.m, 11 a.m. sub- VOTed arrav 3 "Ww | as. aed YE Le ---------- | jot, The Seeking Love ot cool | the great array of New Grand Trix dnd all west = stove, chestnut and A double frame on {11 am. Beginner's and primary shades and shapes. Ev- P.R. .. 10.18 and 5.00 p.m. . classes; 3 p.m., main school: 7 p-m., erv well dressed man CGNR: cos coe a. 4 «+ 3.00 pra. ! pea coal, at current Dufferin St., for $2400. - i subject, "Faith T hant." Mon- . | 3 i - dar. pm. Youn Feopies society; || likes more than one ff tT JI} prices A parcel delivery, do | ednesday, 8 p.m. prayer meeting: 4b hat. You simply can't | ing a good business; 3 e Thursday, 6.30 pm boys' club 3 1 PecCi al Benth Tose. Sroryiots Veoaae, 'IJ} Wear the same hat every AN AMERICAN EMPLOYED righ, good profits: par- e -- {i} day, morning, noon and ticulars at office . St. George's Cathedral--Very Rev. | night, and feel just if WAR VETERANS DECLARE DIS- codworking Pact y . G. Lothrop Starr, M.A., D.D., Dean | is : . . nt 4 STR A ENDS w Lumber Yards y Furnished house to rent. and rector. 78 Wellington street. | right. Hat variety is TRICE RBG R OFFENDS ¥ elephones 2156-2159. Rev. Ceci ll equally as i ant as Bay and Wellington Sareets, Fire Insurance. Whalley, MA., BD. price vier J} €9ually as important as | Has An American of Military Age Kingston, Ont, 4 on. 138 Bagot street. Telephone 1444. (J Variety in any other on His Stafi--Other Business Dis-| { Phones: Office 66, Factory 1415 E V Mullin & So . n % Twentieth Sunday after Trinity 8 wearing apparel. It is cussed at Friday Eveming's Meet- ; a.m., Holy Communion; 11 a.m. Holy | the last thing vou put ing. rote Lumber, Conl and Weed ooed Communion, the Lord Bishop of | i 3 A meeting of the Great War Vet- Kootenay; 3 p.m., Sunday school and {J} on, but the first thing [1 ara ans of Sha G held on. Fri. Bible classes; 7 p.m.. evensong, the others notice. day evening in the association rooms Ven. Archd: Dobbs. Services of | ©, the Base Recruiting Office. aT intercession in chapel daily at 9.30 | All the best hat mak- Sppoeie ie agg ge re LANADAS M2 | nie aoe on. Tuesday, when ser-i} ops are represented in Hl cepted. The siready large member} Nw 28 A Ram our big stock -- Knox, auip has made Shon ten a St. Luke's Church--corner ot Prin- [ll Borsalino, Bertoliner, llivose. The house committee 'win cess and Nelson streets. Rev. J. de Hawes, Tress Piceadil Yort to secure larger Pencier Wright, M.A; B.D., Rector. awes, Tress, Piccadil- Jfi make an : ail Alfred street. Phone $71. 20th ff |v, Waverly and = arn, oc ASSORTED CHOCOLATES Sunday. after Trinity--Children' The veterans wish to have return Day--$ am, Holy Communion: 11 others. ed soldiers appointed to the various atin: Seman Subject. he We save you some- | Te are asking OY ha : p.m.. Children's service; 4 pom. Holy J} thing an every hat you JJ! secretary tr eurer to ave this done. C a ° 7 p.m., Evensong: solist, buv. : It was stated by some of the mem- : 0 - (Sgt.-Major Turner; Anthem, bers that a mon of military age and - "Come, Let Us Join Our Cheerful / who up to less *han a month ago : PAGE & SHAW CHOCOLATES, Song." His Lordship, the Bishop of Was an American citizen is being em- B=. $1.00LB. Kootenay, will be the special preach- ployed in an important position in ®r at this service. Seats free. Stran- ' the office of the District Registrar £ j gers and visitors cordially invited a. George Mills & Co. at Ontario Hall. . Inquires will be . LIGGET I S CHOCOLATES 3 j attend. H H ij! made and action taken. 60c, 80¢ $1 00 LB : i an HB ve a - ad- diti of thé books of the as- . . I | Fist and Bethel Congregational-- Mf © idquarte rs for Head was derided on a the mie. ? ® 4 C au "2 ; Pastor, Rev. T. De Courcy Rayner, | wear for Men, Ladies | Friday evening and auditors ' Earle iar Johnson street: phous!ll and. Children, if: tc purpose will make an exam- Mahood S$ Drug Store i 126 ation af tbe books Every morith: : . a3 : ; IB , | social evening for retur m , Princess and Bagot Streets. _ _. 'Kingston Carpet Warehouse A J! will be held on Mondiy evening in Tee : v4 : 3 p.m. Sunday school as }. the rooms, 1 L on usual; 7 p.m., "Great War Questions, meine 8 oNTigto No. 2 Has Christianity Failed?" Imperial Hotel sale pistponed, i \