PAGE SIX THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TH'/RSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1917. [ne DOES NOT KNOW HIGH SALARIED MEN TO WORK FOR U. S. AT $1 A YEAR. nn' ord - HOW HE WAS RED, . | ee <a ews From Eastern Ontario... voit Fong rc | Leer to the Eitor | CL [Us] aa | scious on Road---Likely | vero Struck by Auto. A German Hold.uo Permitted. N - ----s : Kmgston, Oct. 18 (To the { | | | was severely [ Sandheimer & | © afternoon, | 7 -& pany that was | eneral Hos- | & of Be Er 'beer r ywn Correspondent) ital to be much improved on Thurs-| ag to hold Hpire 861 en MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES. Oct. 1% AL the session of the| fay [oi 5% to hold up ose aon Willing le of King's Daughters| He was found at Tuttle's Hill by| 2 ('Vtario regarding In Briet Form the Eveats In The beld or sday Svening: the local] Father King early in the after 3 . " rele wa ed by the presence | noon, | inconscious at the side | Country About Kingston Are Told t Mr ge of Toronto, provin-| of i : rather Kingsley tor | --Full of Interest to Many. nt of that organization. | medi vy brought him to the city in : to A. Mell M | Mrs, Oscar W. Sheets li i t Mel were the hosts of a f de of his head was bad-| d a pony vali y c ¢ ty on Tuesday evening |v lace 1 and cut and his eye ter-| as far as poss of Oltrer W ard t heing t inniversary of their mar- y ' Besides this he was| of metals so : 3 a : roan. i », wv | fering from concussion of thel th id, or Germ we Yoruine 8 Pg on Mr. a fre. John LaRose, River| brain and remained in the stupor | or t prices fq ton, on Sept 2 "Mary 'Stuart treet, ce ed the 50th anniver-| for many hours To-day he regain-| pa or want oldest daughter of Mr and I ¢ narriage on Monday | « ynsciousness, but has no recol John Stuart Smith, became the bride | €Vening nst. | lection-of how the accident occurred of Léo Trimble, Edmonton, former BON % annual fall sale of it rmised, however, that he wa | } ! ly of Napanee ive stock w the drawing card nistruck by some passing automobilis ft th: t nor Leslie Fyfe Morrice passed away yester 3 | w ho w 1s too frightened to bring him | Now mark my on Sunday at Belleville. Born in Nt el 'and Nin Workers! to the city, or that he fell from his vards nor W Rednersville, he attended schol and | Union h 'euchre" and tobacco | le rty entered spent his early life in Belleville, For | shower in the Sons of England Hall | NST yu | German h ». Just take | years he was a shoe merchant at, last even 1d drew out quite Bi STOCK MARKETS. {our nickel alone, not counting our | Milverton He was in religion a|large atter *.. A large amount of | \ _ | gold, silver, lead, etc We in Onta comfort fund to bs forwarded to QUOtations Furnished by Bongard,|"' '" on, Se Se y Yea Edward Wilson, electro. | those at the front for Christmas { iyerson & Co, 44 Clarence St., | trol he destin : of nations, | cuted while at work at. Butte, Mon The local branch of the Womens | HowalMd 8. Folger, Mapager. r nickel is the basis of ship's armor, | tana, arrived in Belleville on Sun | Christian 1 ance Union re | -- | 2 bullets Dr Edwards and | day, accompanied by A. M. Wa » | favored wi t from Mi New York Stocks, f Vickle voted t conscript the best representing the B.L.F. and . | Sproule, t ; ipnary to the lufi- | Open--2.45 p.m. | Manhood of Canada, yet did not + te Montana, No. 770, and were taken | bermen t evening Miss Sproule! Am. Smelters . 85 871% |! Tousen Ww lth of the | to the home of his father and moth | {\¢ livere n address én her work in Atchison 933 | Veal hy. and now tis 1S war time er, Mr. and Mrs. - Frank Wilson, | the lumt camps of the r north {B. & O i i 57 1% | 2 n are not gomg to co Front of Sidney. I Rev. CE. Kidd occupied the chair. |. P. R. . ¢ 93 < the United State OLIPPED FROM THE WHIGS I over the | methods, gg, along | ceived for the 1 Presbyterian He was fifty-three 1000 was received for the sold | Erie | ork « f - ~~ 4 3 Marine 23 y A : : - | ) La ( ose patents, RNARD M ot QUEEN'S EDUCATION FACULTY. Marine, pfd . «7 2 I'am in fa re of conscription, but se / « | N Y oC a « V « I 1 ) | i Reading 75 conscript everything to win the war, | | Likely to be Re organizéd and Not : : to | " / «. Wo 00 Southern Pac i S g 4 the wealth, some of at] . ) [/ ] Yarcy my Dispensed With. | Union Pacific BE Fier mestly and more gotten bh | FRANK A i | h - - : 'graft and trickery in the r i] : - The announcement that the On [ Alcohol vv + wma 12 grant and trickery in tf QANDERLIP = ° panel v ON S ° tario Department of Education has Am. Loco. . 5 b ) % a a this Ee withdrawn its agreement wich [Anaconda . J a welves politically as \Wh } ) } } Queen's University with regard to | Beth. Steel "bh" Whig meant sour milk, on | "»Uncle Bam is getting these noted men who quit positions paying highest salaries in the the Faculty of Education does not [Crucible ... weeon the solemn looks of the| land to work for the United States at a salary of $1 a year while the war lasts. Yes, these men, The Late Mrs. Thomas Walsh. necessarily "mean that tthe faculty faten, Micke! 3 "3 | working class and farmers, who lived whose incomes ranged anywhere from £100,000 to more than $1,000,000 a year, have laid aside their d Tre Seats oie Jered op w sings ue he Vspunsed Xuh dae To en Pet . 8: % |. sc uays ii Tar i food as | customary duties and gone to the assistance of the Washingtgn authorities, prepared to give their a z rs the 2 |r rersity has ceive tn X1Ci « = 3 . Tite | J 1e ale { ; : ernie 2 he Tar eg rants "Hive from the department. | Rep. Steel . 3: x ast Liberate Juitermils full time and special abilities toward bringing the war to a successful conclusion, and for a finan: Walsh, at the home of her daugh- | It is understood that the Sinister of U. 8. Steel represent the working class and | cial return of less than one-third of a cent a dav. Their patriotism cannot be denied. ter, Mrs. Robert Holder, 16 §t.| Education has in view the re-orgag- | | tah . -0 2 ! do everything they can for mmo Catherines street, aged sixty-two | ization of the education faculties at Midvale pf : : : Lory means an Irish robher In The King appeals for unrelaxed years. She is survived by two sons, [Toronto and Queenc, the intention Atlantic Gulf : ko or V [those days the barons would descend financial support for the Red Cross] 'Thomas, of Kingston, and James, of | being to free them of universii,y | AM. Suger . | fr ------ . from their castles and raid the trm- | throughout the Empire, contributing | Carpenter and Builder a tafe relia} in three 4 Buffalo, N.Y., and six daughters, | control. It is chought that the ers and working classes and carry off £10,000 himself for this year to its Ww. R. BILLENNESS a) : Mrs. Robert Holder, Mrs. Louis faculty here will be continued and | = Canadian Stocks. ., | their cattle, sheep and swine to feed | Speclatinl St Fronts and Fit- fe 2, $3; No. 3 Newell and Mrs. Charles Flint, of [that the co operation of the Board Brazilian nna 7 [their retainers within the castle walls, 'ments are being made for tings. Remodelling Buildings of all : Soid by 4 ogg Kingston, and Mrs. Willlam Frank- | of Education will again be sought. Can Cement : and even went so far as to carry ation of overseas soldi , Co Kinds. ee - Bop ors Joips lin, Syracuse, N.Y.; Mrs. Thomas | . fan. Hieamenipy many 2 man Pretty daughte di votes, and only candidates "recog- BSTIIATYS, < E20 a Lai THE COOK MEDICINE Jenman, Rochester, N.Y. and Mrs One of the steel caps on a chim nan. i TA or Sinye 0 116 Taste SH ygho; led nized" can secure such votes. N . Charles Dunnett; of Alberta. ney at the penitentiary was blown Dom. Steel . rn 553 | ric 0 Bsa 18 3% Se To during the recent heavy gales, DO. Brides ? 2 Jae ® bo ihey Ane KR ihec JInemseives owing to iho feet that tt wan ro Nom, Scotia Stoel. &1 ° fonseruaiv 5: later ey isle ao steal engine on a C.P.R. train at Murvale been fastened securely. Steel ot Canada £1: adi ° oa ut Rit i; Shera) and be Wednesday night and delayed tiaf. For selling deteriorated milk Jus a "l9a7 Ri '¢ iberal-Lonservatives ow TNT NAA It A cr A A AAA A AA A A ta ~~ "ook's Cotton Koot Compound, a -- off A cylinder head blow out of the | | War Loan, 1937 . § § they are know as the beral-Co tic for somg time. The mishap oc- | tics of the Peace George Hunter on on €y arc own as the Liberal-Cor curred on the train leaving Kings Wednesday fined a Howe Islander . PVRS v a S651 e Nationalist Par Fini Bg 8 | aanesday ines ' FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD Still as the old cock crows the am. 50 and costs. oo young one learns, and they aie still There was a small market on Bishop Doull, of Kootenay, and Sales Made at 21 5-16 on the Local | the Irish robbers of old, bu. do the 'Thursday morning with no change | Bishop Gray, of Edmonton, will be : om same acts under pressure, plunder in prevailing prices, in city pulpits on Sunday. Board on Thursday. : > A slander and graft to rob the farmer een EE a At the meeting of the Frontenac > ' ] and working manso® his just rights, | Cheese Board Thursday afternoon, draw the line atv. the stealing of the | cheese sold at 21 5-16 cents. There daughter, but they might as well Wi boarded 278 boxes I white] gt, > s fa i f the int FOR TEN DAYS ONLY wn SPECIAL cheese and 134 Soon oo colored as Is Fane wg PRICE OF $3.50 FOR TOASTERS. follows: or ing the prices on foodstuffs by high | ' , ema . | White--Glenburnie, 35; Glenvale,| duties on what they need to carry on | . 40; Gilt-Edge, 50; Hinchinbrooke,| their work, as clothing, machinery. | GENERAL ELECTRIC or CANADIAN 40; Ontario, 21; Thousand Islands, bacon, etc. Starving the man and | BEAUTY 32; Collins Bay, 35; St. Lawrence, his family 'under the cloak of British | i 25. liberty, in which they have not an | Colored--Arigan, 30; Silver | ounce in their whole make-up. Only ° ° Springs, 54; Verona, 50. playing the old game of the old flag, | Hallida Electric Co At 21 5-16 cents, L. W. Murphy |old loyalty cry to fool the people and | y . secured the offering of Ontario, Sil- cover up their other scandalous acts. | Cor. P incess and King Streets ver Springs, Thousand Islands and eopre 2 Frontenac, you have min- . . Collins Bay. erals an lots of them in your county George Smith bought the offering| Cannot your member, Dr. Edwards, of Arigan, Glenvale and ~ Hinchin-| 40 something to get his Tory Nation- brooke at the same figure, and John |2lists at Ottawa to give a grant to Gibson, at the same price, secured Shen up the Tinergy wealth ofihis par Verona. lamentary riding' ut no! Just Sit | . . . . i . vain | OWN and let things slide and draw a Nordheimer Pianos Steinway Pianos ET deci 0 THO SEAN lary of SA500 Tor ALIS Rospe L : . * iF ' | abuse the Liberals. Tell me of : Aeolian Phonographs. : fie intention to adjourn for two Fo he has ts to Selp the Ly YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL AND SEE OUK NEW MUSIO os in any way. I do t know of it ! 1 DL ANE EE Oth t : G. A. Warburton and Dr. W. w, |" 2"Y Way a now : WE SHALL BE GLAD TO PLAY THESE INSTRUMENT || Bands appeared before the Board and --JAMES TRAVERIS, YOU -- WITHOUT THOUGHT OF PURCHASE ON J made an appeal to the members to PART. support the Liberty Loan, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. | R | R J Ri BRITISH RED CROSS . | Local Notes and Iteies Of General | . J. Rod er, Matera. | ' Said the Toronto Committee is Aim- The Bishop of Athabaska is in | 182 PRINCESS STREET. : : . , 2 "a Toe Ik A ing at $1,000,000, the city the guest of the Bishop of | Where the Clock is on the Walk. (Canadian Press Despatch) Ontario. Toronto, Oct. 18. -- The total rais- Archbishop Worrell, married in ed at noon to-day on the half mil-| Halifax to day, is to spend his lion dollar British Red Cross fund honeymoon in Ontario and Cleve- is $438,061. The campaign is ex-|land, Ohi' . "| tended over to-morrow and in some Fred. C sid and Charles Fergu- quarters it is stated the committee|Son have returned to the city after secretly is aiming at one million|{a most enjoyable eight days' trip dollars. through New York State. ee The British War Oftice regrets it Norwegian' Vessels Sunk. is unable to grant the permission (Canadian Press Despatch) | asked by relatives of Canadian pri Copenhagen, Oct. 18. --The Kor- soners of war in Germany to send wegian Foreign Office reports that |them parcels at Christmas. the\ Norwegian steamer Barbro, of John A. Smith, an infantryman, * . . 2,356 tons gross, and the Hovede, Whose mother is on the staff of the 100 different styles to choose from, in Chin- 1,196 tons gross, have boen sunk by | Mowat Memorial Hospital, hys been chillas Tweeds Velour Whitney Broad a German submarine. Several lives [killed in action. The young man ' ' ' » - were lost. was very highly thought of in his cloth and Plush, priced $8.50 to $60.00. battalion. Canadian Casualties. The members of the 8th C.M.R., Killed in acfion--J. A. Smith, |from Hamilton, going to an eastern training camp, passed through the SPECIAL VALUES from $13.50 to $20, Perismouts. f J.B oG city via the GT.R. at 11 o'clock on . 1 ice th . Tisoner of war--J. B. McGann, Wednesday night. Major Allan in styles same as coat twice the price. Lindsay. : Stroud and Capt. R. Lesslie Sparks, Wounded---C. B. L. Scott, Co. of Kingston, are ,with this contin bourg; J. Craig, Burritt's Rapids; . 25% OFF ON ALL SUITS IN STOCK. R. R. Heaslip, Peterboro. Bont s + COME IN NOW. Sent to Penitentiary. THE WHOLE BOD i in Toronto: Ock. 18 Chg Lusty | EAN Everything in Ladies' Apparel at prices breanorious - site bandit. Rouse: NEEDS PURE BLOOD fq GOLD MEDAL OF AWARD r a r om ------ | much less than elsewhere. the army (was sent to the peniten-| The bones, the 'muscles, and all the j PANAMA -PACIFIC EXPOSITION rye ay for thise Years. toes | OTgans of the body depend for their 1915 . . . olice records showed seventeen : See window with prices at convictions against him. Strength and tone and healthy action j One Peterboro Warrior. J Poterboro, Oct. 18.--Donald Rob. ; the museles b A Com let Stock t S dS ortoon: Sued twenty, has the Borer become enfeebled, the step loses its ; € . 0 onor |to be the Tirst man in Peterboro dis- | elasticity, and there is inability te jtriet to report for military service Jottorm the usual amount of labor. } The World's Greatest Sound Reproducing Machines in answer to the Royal preclama. skin lo#es its elearness, apd tion. pimples, blotches and other eruptions _ ly : ] 8. ..@ : Kington' Ladi Wear Store That ||.25 Si Seo yBE, Spt zm C. W. LINDSAY, Limited .Undersells a A wrt 121 Princess Street. 3 * See Window Display Thirty applications were made be- fore' Postmaster James Stewart on Thursday. and all of them were for exemptions,