___PAGEFOUR_ THE DAILY PRIS WHIG, WEDNESDAY, The British Whig 81TH Y EAR. ct A Published Dally and Semi-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHI PUBLISHING 0, 11 nD G. . 111d ar Telephones: fic nl R Office GIS SUBSCRI (Daily Edit 1 red in in Ady ¥ RATES One vear One year One One One One RY AL REP] Attached 4s rinting ofMces fn « The elreulation of THE WHIG tx authenticated by ABC Audit Bureau of Circziations. BRITISH the A= THE FATE OF A SPY. In Monday's Whig a cablegram announced that Mata-Hari, the pet name f Marg Ge Zelle McLeod, a and the al drama," had Lazarre Until th on the Sorvme, outside rtrude Holland, real tank 0 zaret dancer from "vampire of a beén taken out of St and of the t 1916, of their was supposed to Rut they in use than disabled shells, prison in France e appearance ink in May, place no one of the con struction } anything about them had hardly been put of th several em: were by small penetr whidh fired from a tank gun Mata-Hari the ating specially mak was were constructed anti by the Krupps. all the under suspicion seemingly French deputy, went to Holland It failed tanks were concerned to Paris; hobnc an Engligh while She was of France confident a and from secret on a so far Back a mission her as the ghe went hed for timo who tank corps. with wore the insig officer nia of the and un San the went Sebastian, tracks surveillance of baek once to haunted der the tectives,; Spain, race there, French de Paris to claim tention more as the friend the French deputy. Eventually was arrested as a spy and convicted. She made an appeal tg court and the sentence was confirm ed. Then for a large fee took to right her may be finished mnd may not The special Intergst that attaches to them lies in the fact that reveal the names of her in crime. The French paper, which purchas ed the memoirs, . will scanned by a large number of very anxious people What induced to at of she she under memoirs They they they companions he closely the woman to imperil her precious iter | ratte Money, the filthy lucre, the sian gold we read so much Prus about. The Canadian Courier had a who went into the country tonish the farmers with his feats pitehing grain and plowing has become of hiln and his to as at report? WHAT DOES THIS TYPIFY? The merchants of the city, and citizens generally, who have occa sion to use the steamer which plies upon the Cape Vincent-Kingston route, do not apparently realize their indebtedness the Transportation | Committee of the Board of Trade. | J. M. Campbell is its chairman. Some committees in connection with public bodies do not perform duties. They are quite willing accept of honors, the outcome of any service which is referred to them. The Transportation Committee of the Board of Trade is an exception to the rule. It attends to business It does things, and without ahy special glorification of the fadt. Every one knows that the steamer which formerly ran on the Cape Vincent ronte did not make any con nection this year. It was given out that the American Immigration De. partment was mbst unreasonable in its demands. It was supposed to have insisted that w building for the reception of passengers. and their examination, at a cost of $5,000, would have .to be eretted. The Transportation Committee took the matter up with the immigration of- ficers, and the officers of , York Uentral Railway. As a result the railway company provides the accommodation, and steamboat landing, and a boat is now on the route serving the psople. It to to the New CL000,000 . S may | man What | their | and leave to chance | this and vening lozen tend and tended t on the ¢ EXOU ources A PL ETHOR \ or rd to the ment. time become in { analysis of character, for that i e VY WOrkK practi a boar and t ( 08 1 in en the were Score some ( iho! centres w examiners happen be representatives labor pr Ily, and in individual well as land knew the conditions 'qailed, genera luite as for favors hardly prevail witt are anxious to 'have sacrificed \ rumor for a nati of the nce comes ns are bein; Vie wealthy, tory loan Quebec and it is $100 will be t Que may not have given of her ycung| a nul bee ~ as the cir suggested Under French ( the English of their men in so large | cumstances have compulsion the "anadians | by the and contribu loan. surpass generosity acts, among these will be the | may | { | tions to the new war ERTORIAL NOTES. It that Army | Service is suggested the Corps h their root there may be a and that will never do. reap rops. Otherwise, waste of food stuffs, Mr. Hanna has decided not to fix {the cost of potatoes at $1.25 per He had better not, at the present, bag any rate dor suggest who paid $5 per Sir Sam Hughes with this to the man bag for his seed. not 'pleased the new government. He pre. party when he f. his government, especially It looks exaltation is is a member of it. day for a new far | : i | Attention is called to the {the Military Service Act of fact that 1906 pro- [vided for the comscription of Can- | adian soldiers for foreign service, { Why was it not enforced? Wil. frid Sir Laurier could not object. A friend of the Torontc realized that News has union government is a liberal cpnirivance to do away er defeat the party later jon. That is what used to be 'called "In cylled conservative "buncombe is néw "bosh."" Wells He preachers or churches. He does | think world has any use them some or for all? experts his mentality, H | curiosity. G is an intellectual has no use for not for Time was passing the For some hoard upon off - There {bers are, it is said, caurch five mem in the union] Religion did not affect their choice. The time may come-- may be near---when prospective | cabinet ministers will have to sub-| mit evidence with regard to their] creed and live up to it. { of one 'government. it The Whig has been asked if there | must be an election when now a union government Parliament has been disssolved. | The people must elect;a house which | will support the new govermment. There may be an opposition, but it! will be very calm and until after the war. PUBLIC OPINION Ralph Surely Knows. {Ottawa « zen) Ralph Connor says that union gov-| ernment will sweep the west. And Ralph Connor knows the spirit of | the West 'as few others do. there is Of course. | considerate | It Certainly Win. (Peterboro Examiner) | The character the new govern-| the | mption | [ | evidence | ing gualiti chief | le elp tthe farmers to |! The Coming Election. atest, en t bu es pay Afraid of Them, £ SUpY inistra ive anen proval of a non-partiza iod of the war here suc tior elect a leader w be willing of the Election to hear rnment wal Mar twent peopla tle ! po more weel Good for Brewster, Wittering ) Bacon? Canadian « party ne ir BOARD OF WORKS TO ME Avenue Pavement Come Wednesday at Noon, Work afternoon University pleted the Board of tt W n f o'clock this 1gineer will I'niver avenue vor ro nee between Gar 5 will be afte Monday e will walks of malr ret open es in is not here vet I eil re anay Hei he boul ds outside the evar nue or curbs ted. by idents, walks this year, tructed last year. Works is conserving " k possiblo So far the ave whet ng is _pefq the walks fee of tween and Boulevarc the rity the under 1e firin 14y concre tions ne however, be ony wad unple impre 1 The verse It the cond cannot, testin be favored m the avenue re No con fin the city denie have been built Only two w The Board of in every way 'rete Cor 118 cards upon 3 \& ht to withhold irritated pub- will and to It this year about of have been put upon the roadways which required patching. stone has Attorney unless the car foreman Railway. tion of neral Algoma Gener: 1 act | Rippling Rhymes GOING OUT In this fair world in which we dwell no man's ly needed that when they toll his passing bell hi g x is much heeded Today we hining guy of whom the world is talking, and we remark, "If he should die 'twould set the planet rocking. Oh, it would jolt this country hard, to lose this human pat tern; the solar system would be jarred from to Saturn." And then this man mighty taken with the colic, and fifty-seven kinds around his innards frolic. The doctors round his couch have swarmed as thick as they we able, and in the end we are informed that he has slipped his cable The great man's dead! And still the sun its daily bonfire raises, and still the stars, when day is done, come forth and shine like blazes. ' The government on the same, dissatisfaction giving, and men 1e the same old game they played when he was The fame he worked so long to build has van- the great man's place is promptly filled, the great man's --WALT MASON. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN By GENE BYRNES 80 S00 a of brains is of ished, as enchanted; dead and planted, 1'VE BEEN PRACTICING 4. MEDICINE FOR EIGHTEEN YEARS AND | NEVER HAD A PATIENT DEAT ME OUT OF A DOLLAR er the space be-| will] to! 1,000 loads| Jupiter | pains | OCTOBER 17, 1917. | at aa Bibbys Men's and Boys' Wear Store Give this store a test this Fall on the Boys' Clothes proposition ! We are boys See Bibbys $7.50 34. digo blues. 29 to 34. $15.00, $16.50. clothes specialists. stand how to dress boys economically and well. Boys' Blue Suits. See Bibbys $8.50 Boys' Pinch Back Suits. Sizes English and domestic tweeds, smart pat- terns; newest designs. See Bibbys High School Suits. New pinch back style. Fabrics, English worsteds and cheviots. Sizes 30 to 36. Special values $10.00, Boys' Overcoats, special values . .. .. Boys' Reefers, special values . . We under- Sizes 30 to Reefer style coat; bloomer pants; genuine in- 2.50, $13. 50, $6.50 rnoon. | Birds Help Farmers. Food is needed for Birds help the food . by destroying insect pests. Therefore birds may be considered as one of the Allies. In the Farm and Fireside we read: "Birds wre almost and their work in increasing crop | yields is "highly important. One of the cheapest and most effective ways to fight insect pests that annually take crop toll estimated at $100,- 000,000 is to aid in the preservation of bird life. Few people realize how | many insects are destroyed by birds | A teaspoonful of chinch bugs has | been taken from the crop of one quail, and an adult bird has been known to eat 5,000 plant lice in two hours. Such worms and bugs as in | fest our gardens are favorite food for | bluebirds, robins, and many other kinds of birds, | "It is true that some insect pests may be fought with chemicals. Ow- ing to the great war, though, prices for many materials commonly used | in sprays, washes, and poison mashes are oretty near prohibitive. But the | birds work at before-the-war wages. "Birds also eat thousands of weed seeds, A single quail, when killed, was found td contain 19,000 big weed seed. With 1abor scarce and high, whatever wily aid the farmer in crop againsg ve yds is worth while." our armies. as busy as bees, vis In the Methodist ¢ nm Oct. 10th, E Mrs. R. A. Wilmot Bail James Bailey, hurch Stirling, daughter of Mr, liott, was married of Mr. and Rawdon Town and Irs hip Mm. R Hungerford T fered of hear A Was preparing g when she fell on the way immediately The war is costing the nf the wopld at $160. 000. 000,000 a day, | me ~~! The "WILHELMINA" Montreal. 242 Mountain Street. Downey, Thomashurg, who had suf- me time, Belleville, or and passed ship, to 10 hell the gerent rate of lates -- 75 Cents Per Day Up. Telephone, Uptown 53486. A Home for Strangers, SAGE TEA BEAUTIFIES AND DARKENS HAIR Don't Stay Gray! Sage Tea and Sul- phur Darkens Hair So Naturally That Nobody Can Tell. You can turn gray, faded hair beautifully dark and lustrous almost ovBr night if you'll get a hot fle of "Wyeth's Sage 2nd Sulphur Compound" at any drug store. Mil- lion of bottles of this old famous Sage" Tea Recipe, improved by the addition of other ingredients, are wold annhally, says a well-known druggist here, because it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no ishes and your one can tell it has been applied. Those whose hair is turning gray becoming fadefl have a surprise awaiting them. because after one or two applications the gray hair van- locks becpme luxuri- usly dark and beau ae This is the age of youth." ired. unattractive "folks aren't wanted around, so get busy with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur compound or Gray- { tonight and you'll be delighted with {your dark, handsorif® hair and your | youthful appearance within a few & {days. This preparation is a toilet requis- jite and Is not intended for the cure, | mitigation or prevention of disease. b farmers produce that | | Abdominal Support- ers and Elastic Hosiery. For every condition require ing support and compression. maternity offce for See special supporter... #¥#ivete d.splay and fitt's DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE 1835 Princess St. Phone 343. Everything for the sick and sick room. our nA ne a \ WIRE FENCING Trellis, Flower Borders, Railings, Gates, Wire Guards, Baskets and every description of wire goods manu- factured by Partridge & Sons. Crescent Wire Works, Kingston. Phoge 380. A A Ai mt COAL CUSTOMERS Please Notice ! On and after first of May Coal Sales will be for Cash Only. BOOTH & CO. Phone 133. Garage Robinson & Wiltshire VULCANIZING All kinds of cars repaired Arumplly. Cars washed. Gasoline ad oils for sale. Cars for hire, With J. M. Martin, Maxwell Service Station. 110 Clergy Street Phone 1192. NEW CLOVER HONEY In the Comb Per section ... . Extracted 20¢ In glass Pint Sealers Quart Sealers 215 Ib. tins Sh tins ..... and 85¢ 60¢ 45¢ 0c JAS. REDDEN & CO. Phones 20 and 990, X A THE MOST ADVANC- ED AUTUMN STYLES ARE HERE. SEE OUR WINDOWS. The Sawyer Shoe Store 212 Princess St. Phone 159. ------ a iy CRAWFORD Begs to Notify His Customers that commencing May Ist. COAL SALES will Be For CASH. At price current for the month when the order is given - The Coal situation in the "United States compels this ace tion Foot of Queen St. Phone 9.