9 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1917. PAGE E SEVENTEEN In The Automobile World ] | AND FANCIES. af thc SHORt: over Sh | HINTS TO MOTORISTS} park plug will permit a short This is of- the porcelain ly cleaned a fracture demn the porce- room shape wi k I Is that ar embered that in f gasoline supbly can- stove napht l, can be use f a proportion as » gasoline remaining in aution to be observed engine running and to if running with a re- cessary in order to nders from becoming ize the charges pro- the mixture are be remedied the regular otor for any n over the made more ef- another stor- it in multiple ts hey! re Tons t t ly very a so as not to crease the voltage. If 1 [1 V i eakil for touring : x ne wires are of sufficient ne in army blue jersey loth | well 1 { ! attefty to the motor ea aY or asons nilitary jacket braided ur 1 + here will he tite a gain in power 1! ! v rad ty 0 Be ¢ | A . va ped over \ | cr ti } starting crank 13 not buttons to complete the cffect T rm a cook gr ove {handy a the seli-staster rails to | | x Rev Tat Ww tl motor may be started by placed close together de t f t « 1 { ) of the military 2 Permian wrowers have developed [jacking up one rear wheel. throwing INTER cold and drifting snow do not mar the i 1 [ r and setting the gears . . / Fhe | ig esa aD rt A] Er direct. drive a a comfort of motoring in a Ford Sedan, the car that 1c hat worn with the ! tC ' ep long and ) , ~ Ror will ve eperated hemp siraw oi Prevely of. | 8 eswat aliog fo - : iin Bi aR ve a completely protects you from every weather " 1 ation o not lower |jack en PA curl pot lower Jac at all sfimes. ° --setting the magneto, the coup- (ter be placed so as to . ' . . : atts thors 3 Be Our OF High winds cannot blow you "to pieces". Irritating dust The best method 1s to on of the coupling and rain can be entirely shut out, while on warm, pleasant emovec hich is donc aoe days the windows may be lowered, so that the air circulates and he periphery should be NE an freely. not be higher than the other In re- setting the coupling clean it well and sec that the outer surfaces of the The Ford Sedan is a dignified business and family car. It Poet ee gives the motorist the utmost protection and comfort. Simply Mise alc ulat jon. When first you drive your motor car to ride 1 mn it, is to want it. One thought will sure disturb; You stretch your neck, as you turn the wheel "Now where is that damcurb?" . You think you're right upon the EP Touring ee = $495 walk, Apd all your doubts dismiss, You believe that the wheels and curb Runabout $475 Aretogetherjustlikethis. - But when you leave the car you find Coupelet $695 Instead of being near, : a The curb is But the wheels THE UNIVERSAL CAR Sedan $890 where you are over - thought it here F. 0. B. FORD, ONT. was Timken Magazine. VX RR UE YR KARR -------; S Since the ruler of Afghanistan be- Van L B D 1 K g t and Mosc WwW This is an excellent photograph of an aeroplane in mid-air came the ice of an in 0 he uven rO8S., ea ers = 1m % on y oO taken by another machine. To the left can be seen the wing of has ordered the construction of more . the aeroplane which had the photographer aboard. No Man's th; 2s $0100 Piles bf fo; ead: ai posds G. H. RICHARDSON TAMWORTH J. A GOODFELLOW PARHAM Land means nothing to these birds of the air. They fly high over le piney of been wilived ne ' : ' ' ' the battlefields and in pairs patrol | the front lines. new machine for registering color ~ ¢ printing plates On a printing press. VERONA VARIETIES. Trousdale is back from a visit to | has charge of T. H. Craig's millin- | week. The Methodist ohurch shed Kingston. E. M. Revell and C.|ery department again. John Craig, | is being reshingled. : Grace, of the C. W. .Lindsay Co., |C.P.R. conductor, spent some time -- . A Resident Raised a Squash of Kingston, are putting in several | lately at his mother's, Mrs. Robert | MAJOR STORMS VISITS ODESSA e im ast ol er to porate | Seventy-two Pounds. pianos here. Harry Asselstine, Por- | Craig's. J. A. Wells, mail carrier, i Verona, Oct. 11.--Mrs. J ¢ . Fergu- | cupine, i8 here on a visit to his par- | raised a shea wo his garden | Graduate of R.M.C--Gassed Twice ty-t son, Harrowsmith, and Mrs. W.|ents. Mr. and Mrs. S. 8S. Campbell | weighing se fo pounds. And Wounded Twice. Reid, Kingston, have been visiting | are expected home on Thursday. W. Willie EmbuTy as injured quite Odessa, Oct. 10.--Dr. D. G. Storms A Woman or here "Ben" Watson, bank teller | Watson, Kingston, visited his par- | badly by being run over by a bicycle an old Odessa boy and }iS BOR. Major at Vankleek Hill, has been 'here| ents on Lakeview avenue over Sab- | this morning. Several school teach. Storms, M.C., of Hamilton 2 "have a Child Can visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, | bath. Mrs. H. Deline and baby, | ers from this district went to Kings- been visiting at Dr. Mabee's. Major Frank Watson. Mr. and Mrs. El-| Doris, at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | ton this morning to the annual con- Storms, who is a graduate of King- mer Smith have returned from visit. | W. D. Percy's vention. G. Hulbert had a tele- ston Military College, enlisted as ing friends at Watertown and other Mrs. GG. Scales, ill for some time, | phone installed in his office this Lieutenant in the 4th Battery of American points Mrs. R. E. Carl|is muci, improved. Bauder & | week. Jacob Walroth is visjting heavy artillery in Hamilton on the fs able to be about again without | Peters have opened a poultry and | his daughter, Mrs. Frank Davey, at 5th "of Sept. 1914 After spending crutches, John Wilkes has installed | produce market here Miss Neta | Wilton. Frank Martin, Kingston, some time at Va'cartier he went to sonie very modern machinery at his | Quinn, who recently graduated from | bought a fine cow north of the vill. England, being stationed at Salisbury BOILER mine near here. Kingston Business College, has ac- | age to-day and is taking her to Plains where he acted as drill in- Mrs. Dr. W. J. Geddes is visiting | cepted a good position in Kingston. | Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. D. Qalker stor fi B 3 i relatives in Belleville. Mies Leona | Miss Bessie Fenwick, Enterprise, | returned to Flower Station iast Fo hs eV TE o without the Sr rm ---------------------- a Me THE FIRST UNITED STATES WAR LOCOMOTIVE -. several' weoks. Barly in 1915 me Least Troukle went to France and into the trenches @) -- CEE re? P wherd he spent about two years and seven months, { $ . ; -- eT In 1915: he was gassed twice and i] AND BOY A Hy | i a ; in 1916 slightly wounded in the hip 9) 4 by " ZX wn ior \ : er : 1 but continued to diecharge his duty A man feels an im- J AMERICAN RY util the attack wes over when he mense satisfaction in MM veg servic | went to the dressing station and had : 3 vy ; the wound dressed once and after knowing that he can d q / h = -- whe} he reused 3 Smell ; leave town on busi- 0 . : 3 ? : n July 22n while crossing a road a shell bursted near him em- ness and have the bedding several pieces in his right heating of his house élbow and one in his left knee. The cause no trouble or ex- kneo has healed well but there are ertion or anxiety to his still two pieces of shrapnel in his if ud § TH Hot elbow, He has had several operations wile an amily. oO for their removal and expects to have Water Heating is the another. As soon as he recovers he most efficient and the easiest to manage. No Hot Water Boiler could possibly make a stronger will return to the front. appeal for preference than the He was promoted to Captain and Fetes | KING +. BOILER "tis well made throughout ani thie tight feting doors prevent Ba and thin { | i particles of dust from escaping, t is so clean in ting that "ash day" var Jot Beg h wil be vome time i i has no terror for one's "good clothes" where the King Roiler is used. The ¥ : King Boiler gives quick heat and that means a saving of fuel. Coal comes Biganmy and Perjury. | | highs now and it is important to remember that the King Hot Water Boiler y for itself" in the fuel it saves. Peterboro, Oct, 12.--Two related por i rea spn Tresciet oem e | || fil IMPERIAL RADIATORS ala 1 The difference in Radiators in various heating $y+tems is important. The ida. MoC} Sat aks asia | i Imperial Radiators have ful sized channels rors inch ot i diator sur- at St. Augustine's Church, Toronto, | | face is heating surfoce. In addition, they have a grace and dignity of his wife, Ella Oaks, , or en g \ design that make them more attractive in appearance than radiators Fave bor. ts stihl i The a 4 : | ever had before. Don't wait for autumn's chill to remind you--get your pe i e. ie perjury 2 ge t } p improvements for next winter's heating arranged st cace---Do it Now. davit made for the purpose of pro. q 4 WAIT Joi S00K-£7 curing & marriage license where he 8 said he was an uwamarried man, the 3 ; : . | fact being that he then had a wife = : living thereby committed perjury. 2 X wd 158 Ave T. ! COYRICHT I) COMMITTEE 8% Pluie Ne oRmar rom RI Steel Fraser ve. |oronte. The first U nited States war locomotive and box car was constructed in twenty days; others --~ . s . y ; i 3 «3 Ean I thot any dhe drag Toe Tol artimars are to follow swiftly. Phey are to be built by the Baldwin Locomotive Company of Philadelphia, Simpro ville, Bek 1 Nis Jeune A / Tring the King Roller and Tmoerial Padiators, se Pa. The locomotive is to be painted battleship gray and bears the letters 11. R. A. --for United Brockville public schools ded this States Army. It weighs about 166,400 pounds' and with the tender 275,000 pounds The : ' inside evening. She had been in falling NAME... os length of the box car is thirty six feet and its capacity thirty-three tons. bealth since as: summer, but the . rr ep end came unexpectedly, g ADDRESS... Manage a Arr SAAN Shr bh i