Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Oct 1917, p. 2

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1917. nal of J i McKay's Fox Furs In White, Golden, Battleship Grey, Elephant Grey, Black, Silver Cross, Cinnamon, Etc. The Latest Styles, The Finest Select- ed Quality. Ry PR John McKay, Limited 149-157 Brock Street. em We areOptical Specialists ahhh a Your Windows and ; Doors Are drafty and cold. Our metal weather strips put on by experts will make them wind and storm proof. Give us the chance to prove this to you. Ring 819. IS BEST SOLVED BY COMING TO US You are assured a thorough scientific examination and ac- curate glasses at 's. Consult 1.5. ASSELSTINE D.OS. King Street. i) PATTERNS For Sale at COLLEGE BOOK STORE. Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clover HONEY In one pound sections, 25 cents each, Fresh California Prunes, nice and Juicy ... . 10e, 1235¢c, 15¢ Ib. Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs for 25c. Evaporated Apricots ... ... 15¢ Ib. Sweet Cider ... . 40c¢ gal. W. R. McRea & Co. Golden Lion Grocery University Avenue Brick; With hall in centre, 7 ate rooms; hot water heat. $6,000. : A choice selection of houses oh our lst. A quiet wedding was solemnized | at Morven, on Sept. 29th, when Miss Annie A. Brown, daughter of Mrs. Charles Brown ', was united in mar- riage 10 J. C. Parrott, Odessa, Of Cotton and Down Comforters gives you She largest selestion to choose from in this a With the high price of blankets there is bound to be a great demand for Comforters, and we are well prepared to meet it. > impor own Comforters, covered with French Sateen, in very pretty designs from $6.00 to $25.00. ? EVERYTHING IN BEDDING a -- INCDENTS OF THE DAY LOOAI, NOTES AND ITHMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vieinity | ~--What the Merchants Offer to the | Readers of the Whig. | Pianos to rent. C. W. Lindsay, | Ltd Police Constable John Naylon is on his va n There was another very frost on Wedngsday morning. i There was A rion of the police | court on Wednesday morning. W. Swaine, piano and pipe organ tuner, 100 Clergy street W. Orders] left at McAuley"s or 'phone 564. A meeting of the Separate School | Board was called for Tuesday even- | ing, but a quorum did not appear See Theda Bara in "The Tiger| Woman' (7 reels) at the Strand, | Thursday, Friday and Saturday. { A young man employed at the | penitentiary as a guard ' has heen | dismissed for "trucking" with the] convicts, E. E School, | { heavy Ingall, Peterboro Norma is to give addresses befoie South Frontenac Teachers' hi stitute meeting this week. A chimney blaze at 106 street shortly before nine, o'clock | Wednesday morning gave the | firemen a run. No damage. Now the time to have your] plano tuned, we carry two expert] tuners and will assure entire sat-| jsfaction. CC, W. Lindsay, Ltd. Dr. Alexander Fraser, head of the department of archives of the Pro- vincial Government, was a visitor in jhe city Wednesday. Letters of administration in the | estate of the late William McAdoo were issued on Wednesday at the {Court House in favor of his wife. { Bert Docteur, a deckhand on the | steamer Wolfe Islander, {row escape from { Island on Monday. | just in time, We will rent you a piano, and at {end of six months if you feel like {purchasing instrument we will al-| [low the 6 months' rental on pur-| | the | was in | warrant from the police department Montreal on is had a nar-| drowning at the He was rescued chase price, and arrange easy terms| {on halanee. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. i | Constable l.esslie Armstrong ar-| | rested James Devine on a charge of | drunkenness Wednesday morning. | | He will be given his trial on Thurs | day. See Theda Bara in 'The Tiger Woman' (7 reels) at the Strand { Thursday, Friday and Saturday. A bag of vegetables and a quan tity of cauliflowers were left on the market on Saturday, and the marked | clerk is keeping them until they are | claimed. Rev, Dr. Seager, St. Mark's Col- lege, Vancouver, has accepted the call as rector of St. Matthew's Church, Riverdale, to take up his duties on October 21st. o His Grace Archbishop Spratt, { Kingston; Archbishop Gauthier, Ot tawa, and Bishop Conroy, Ogdens- burg, were in Brockville on Tuesday | for the celebration of the golden jubilee of Monsignor Murray. Work has "been commenced on | the new cement walk 'which the] | Portsmouth Council is putting down lon V/gwington avenue, but the weather has been most unfavorable for the work. We will rent you a piano, and at end of six menths if you feel like purchasing instrument we. will al- low the 6 months remial on pur- chase price and arrange easy terms on balance, C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. About 150 left Wednesday morn- ing on the excursion for New York. Stanley Trotter has received a let- ter from the Royal Flying Corps at Deseronto asking if he could arrange for a football game here any Satur- day that would be suitable to the local teams. RETURNED SOLDIERS HERE. Party of Fortytwo Convalescents Came to City Wednesday. Forty-two' returned soldiers ar- rived in the city in a special coach via Grghd Trunk about 11.30 a.m. Wednefday. The party was met by Mayor Hughes, officials of the Miii- tary Hospitals Commission, army and navy veterans and others. -Af- ter a few words of welcome from the mayor, the party was transfer. red to the Ongwanada Military Hos- pital in military ambulances. Among the local men to come were Staff- Sergt. Parker, Sergt. R. Gibson and 'Pte. Palamountain. Some Carrots These, When it comes to growing carrots to help on the campaign for increas ed production eitizens will have to take off their hats to Joseph Kehoe, the well-known caretaker at the post 'office. In his little plot of ground Mr. Kehoe this year turned out a fine lot of carrots. Owing to the fact that this was the first year he experimented on carrots he is to be warmly congratulated on his suc- Ccésss. in raising flowers and now in the vegetable line, he takes on new laurels. Pre. K. Keill Returns. Kenneth Keill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Keill, 296 Queen street, arrived in the city on. Wednesday | plaintiff will | years in the order. | light. | their bombs and "Joe" has already won fame|} afternoon from France. Pte. Keiil left here ®s a private in the MdGill} University Company of the Princess Pats. Regiment. fered the loss of an eye and has been in hospital in England since then. British Red Cross Collection. Mayor Hughes will likely ask churches to take up collections the on Sunday the 28th imstams, in aid of for drunkenness last June swore that he got his supply of "joy water" i a mtounes. ate asnaeed or 1 , but he to keep out of the way. 3 CHARGED WITH ABDUC-. TION FROM ORPHANAGE Some Additional Information as to the Claims of Sister Basil. The statetivent of claim in the ac- tion of Sister Basil against Arch- bishep Spratt and others will not be filed for another week, and until then | A, B. Cunningham, the plaintiff's] counsel, refuses 0 be interviewed There is'much interest manifested in the case. i From other sources it is learned | that Sister Basil claims ber room at} St. Mary's-On-the-Lake Orphanage! was broken into at the hour of mid-| night in September, 1916, that she| was foreed into lay garb and taken | to a waiting automobile and but for| outside imterference would have been remove to an insane asylum | in ithe de ng of Quebec She claims that the attempted abduction] was directed by the Archbishop, the| Mother Superior and Dr Daniel Phelan. Policeman XNaylon, whe it is said | carried out the attempt is a Catholic] and one of the local police force. Hel plain clothes and had no for his action It is said the alegations of the] be of a most startling character, It is understood / an at-| tempt will Le made by the defence to] prove that Sister Basil is insane. She is now living in Kingston with a Catholic family and wears the garb of her order, Chstated damages are sought in view of her twenty-nine AN ENGLISH LADY WRITES | Gives Canadians Idea of Feelings To- i wards Air Mrs. N. Beale, street, has received letter from Mrs. J. Raids. 280 Wellington the following Smith, 59 Devon- { shire Road, London: "We are having some awful times in London with the bombs and Zepps. Last Sunday they were at} Southend and 200 people were Kkill-| ed. There are a lot of houses at White Gate Road blown down. They came where Uncle Josep but} dropped no hombs. They came in the day time and the Zepps come] is, | wt' night and at night every light is| | out, We have to sit for five and six hours at a time waiting for day-| We can hear them dropping | our guns firing.! Last week we had five terrible ex- plosions at the works, and a lot of} women were hurt. Some were killed. Never mind, the boys at the front do not run away and the women must not refuse to do their bit. "I went to a party for one of your | boys who has been out in France | three years and can not get home| to see his wife and four children in| Canada. He has a little boy out| there who was born the day he came | away. He comes to lL.ondon on ten| days leave to see his mother." A WELCOME SOCIAL. | A Splendid .Time Was Spent Queen Street Epworth League. Something unique in the way of so- cials was held by the Epworth League of Queen Street Methodist Church on Tuesday evening. It was a welcome social, - and 'the eighty five people present enjoyed every mitnute. 'New members and visitors were especially indulged, and everything possible was done to make them feel at home. During the evening a musical pro- ramme by Miss B. Quail, Miss Ruby Quail, Miss Allen, Miss E. Pound, and A. Pettigrew added to the delightiul entertainment which was arranged by the social, committee with Miss Mar- jorie Ellis in charge. Games were played for some time, and were fol- lowed by refreshments. C. A. Grise- wood presided. by New Train Service. Travellers in Central Ontario will greatly appreciate the new through service which is being operated by the Canadian Northern Railway be- | tween Kingston, Tweed and Picton, [| via Harrowsmith, Yarker and Tren-| ton, Trains leave Kingston for Tweed 2.30 p.m. and for Picton 5.40 pm, For further jculars see latest time table folders, or apply to J. BE. Ivey, Station Agent, or M. C. Dunn, Town Agent, THE SKY PILOT By Ralph Connor The biggest dramatic event of the year. Opening in Buffalo two weeks ago and playing to crowded houses, the audience includ- ing the Italian, English and French Ambassadors, # the company makes a short Canadian tour before opening for the season in New York City. The Sky Pilot is dramatized from the Sky Pilot and Black Rock. These books may be obtained at 60c each. Read the Book Then See the Play. Cosmopolitan for November-- Commencing Virtuous Wives, by Owen Johnson. Three novels, six short stories by America's lead- ing authors and six special articles and features. ; The 160-162 Princess St. College Book Store, Open Nights Phone 919 { States of | (Sha In France he sul-} Underwear ! Underwear! A A A A AAA AN, HEA Good Warm Underwear For All the Mem- bers of the Household. INFANTS, GIRLS, BOYS, MEN, WOMEN Goods that we bought 12 months ago--and are now selling at much below present day prices. (Coats--Coats Not the largest stock in the city, but by far the best assorted.. Beautiful garments, $12.50 up. Pictorial Patterns for November. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE MantelClocks mn We are able to save you money on black enamelled mantel clocks. Our prices, due to opportune buying are practically the same as before the war started. These prices cannot last and the next shipments will be much higher. Put a clock where you need it Ow. from $6.50 up. Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage licenses. \ ny Prices i w In Black, Taupe and Natural. W.F_Gourdier Brock Street Phone 700. A Detached Brick Dwel- CLOSING OF MAILS Britiuh mall closes irregularly. Information posted at P.O. Lobby from time to time. United anstly Grand Trunk, ro 4s yan 1180 am. and 11.10 pn. and entern "se pm. nels were} x wr Ctty, 3.30 pm. and 11.30 p.m. +o 1005 am. »m. as ane ses sae ae 398 PES WANT TO CENSOR : THE MOVING PICTURES Women's National © Council 'Makes a Request--Pro- vince Does Censoring On Wednesday morning, Mavor | Hughes received a communication from the local executive of the Na- tonal Council of Women stating that | the moving pictures presented in Kingston were mot sufficiently cen- sored, and asking that the City Coun- eit appoint two members of the Wo- men's Council to do the work as it ond. H. Atkins and H. } 1ioya. Belleville, spent Thenksgiv- in the city. ling on Brock Street (Below University Ave.) with hot water heating, modern, at $4,000, A Detached Brick Dwel- Jing on Clergy St. West At $4,600. A Detached Brick Dwel- ling on York Street Hot water heating and all con- veniences, at $38,500. properties can A full Hst of be obtained at Furnished house on Stuart street; possession 10 days. goes BUILDERS SUPPLIES ooo DRESSED SPRUCE A very fine lot of matched spruce Jum- ber for HfAoorings, partitions, ceilings, S ANGLIN & CO. w Factory, Phoues: Office 88, Factory 1415 ee Lumber, Cou! and Weed weed BROWNIES, $1 to $12. _ FILMS, PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES Mahood's Drug Store, MERE TO SE

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