Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Oct 1917, p. 8

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-- PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5. 1917. ERE Thanksgiving ! A PtP tt At Pr te 1 Here's to a very pleasant Thanks- giving. You get the bird and we'll do the rest. The rest means that we'll outfit you so well and so handsomely that you will bé an ornament to any Thanksgiv- ing gathering. Our suits are ex- clusive patterns and colorings. 11-=¥ range -- $15.00, $16.50, $18.00, $20.00, up to $28.00. You'll be wise if you select your overcoat + right now before that cold catches you. Price range -- $15.00, $16.50, $18.00, $20.00, up to $30.00. The makers outdid themselves on these handsome overcoats. @ ® 9 L 1vingston's, Brock Street. If Off Your Route, It Pays To Walk. 4 = ET 0 x eatlon to Judge Lavell for represen- labor had not been represented on fhe board and it was claimed that New Fall Suits for Women In a remarkable variety of models, at prices which are the lowest for garments of such high character, in make and finish. Tailored and dressy styles featuring many novelties in broadcloth, velour, gab- ardine, serge and poplin, trimmed with braid, velvet and fur, full assortment of sizes, moderately priced From $18.75 to $57.00 Fall and Winter Coats Our assortment can not be surpassed in style and variety; every fashionable mater- ial is here, beautifully trimmed with the wanted furs and velvet. Select yours now | while the assortment is at its La Se Prices are from $8.75 to $60.00. 7 We are showing many new style of dresses that are very popular, including the few wool Jersey dresses, New York's very atest. "Come and See Them." =~ ZA YOUNG MAN IS GUILTY, Cashed Cheque That Did Not Belong Franklin police iwho is in Toronto, Mayor {The accused was employed in one {of the offices at the armouries, and graduate who holds tor his marvellous exploits in man aeroplanes during the past two Col. Great the Army and school days. ronto and Major Macdowall, of Maitland. to *| On the Exemption Board Regarding cal labor men could not understand why they had been ignored. ded, submitted a report on the con- Vention }] Trades Congress at Ottawa, and his J}| announcement that President J. C. clamation brought forth rounds of Hi N.Y., also gave a report. §| ministers and Sisters present, is that OF CHARGES OF THEFT AND FORGERY MADE AGAINST HIM. y to Him and Given Him to Post-- Was Remander "for a DPay--A Thirsty One Was Fined. "1 am guilty, sir," said Douglas Eastman, arresisd for theft and forgery, when arraigned in court Friday morning. In the absence of Magistrate Farrell, Hughes handled the scales of justice. 'Eastman was handed over to Con- stable Samuel Arniel Thursday after. naon by the military authorities. secured a cheque for $33, which was made out'to a Mrs. Usher, and cash- ed it at the office of one of the local express companies. The letter was given to -him to post, and he took the cheque out of the envelope. The accused said that he was will- ing to refund the money to the ex- press company. He was remanded for a day. Michael O'Neil, who felt the pinch of the "dry" spell here yesterday, hit up a lively pace with whiskey he had shipped in from Montreal, and was fined $10 and costs. A CIVIC WELCOME FOR MAJOR BISHOP The Famous Canadian Aviator to Arrive in Kingston on Saturday Afternoon. Major W. 'A. Bishop, of 'Owen Sound, the Royal Military College the Victoria decorations, the air over the western front, and wno has brought down forty seven Ger Cross, besides other years, is to arrive in Kingston at 1.40 o'clock Saturday afternoon from 'Poronto to be the guest of C. N. Perreau at the annual sports of the R.M.C. 'The famous Canadian aviator will be tendered a civic welcome by Mayor Hughes on the steps of the City Hall, and members of the War Veterans' Association, Navy Veterans' As sociation and soldiers and eitizens in general are invited to be in at- tendance to give Major Bishop a hearty welcome on his return to the city where he spent his military + Major Bishop will be accompani- ed by members of his family, Sir Adam 'Beck, Mayor Church of To. wi, After the civiz wel come the visiting party will proceed the Royal Military Collog3s grounds. WANTS REPRESENTATIVE Military Service. Kingston labor men will \ask for representation, on the exemption board appointed to deal with con- scription. The mattér was under discussion t a meeting of the Trades and La- or Council held on Thursday night, hen it was decided to make appli- U {3 was pointed - out that Kings- ton was on€ of several places where instructions aad been given for the labor men to be represented, the lo- E. Cain, the president, who presi- of the recent Dominion Watters had been re-elected by ac- applause. Hugh Ferguson, who attended the moulders' convention at Rochester, Will Act as Bishop. According to Bishop Warren, he will act as bishop of the Holiness Movement while Bishop Horner will Be permitted to retain his title unidl the final decision. The general opin- fon prevailing, however, as far as could bé learned by questioning the Bishop R. C. Horner will remain the the head of the Holiness Movement church in Canada. When the final vote is taken, representatives of the church in Egypt, Africa and wher- ever the movement extends, will have to bb present. Those entitled to vote are those names were added in the court after a dispute as to their right to have a pr ir pected lmmedintaly. i In understood v un hat Major: Bowie, -aris of Ho * | Military News {4 The Theatres With a comparatively small crowd Great Magician To-night., to greet them home, the largest num- Carter, the magician, who ber of returned soldiers to arrive in appear with his own company Kingston in one party from the front, | pitteen tons of accoutrements came here on Thursday will and and apparatus at the Grand to-night and | Saturday matinee and night, Oct. & and 6, is conceded by all who have afternoon. | The. detrainment took place in fromt of Tete de Pont Barracks, where the! Jilitary ambulances were drawn 99 seen him to have no rivals, and to cefv si Py : e / : Colerain: to Quemata Mo | Ten Ho the peer of ll prestdigita tary Hospital, where their records | io ie a tas ob the Shoe hb ined 'ro tn hc Second Une dtr a two Sear tou apis > dia e world, is stude 0 he ocC- Roses In 'various parts of the dis | cult; his entertainment is weird and oe |at the same time instructive; old The road to Barriefield camp is in| tricks he makes new, he fills his per- dreadful condition since the recent formance with the funniest scones rains. Across the field where light|2nd most astonishing situations 'till cars now detofir there is a sea of mud | Nis audiences everywhere convulse and many cars only narrowly escaped | themselves with laughtey. Carter's accident, | masterpiece is said tobe what he --~---- | calls levitation, described as the Work is being rushed ahead to! most astute, bewildering and hazard. prepare for the Military Service Act|ous illusion known to magic. which will likely go into effect in the near future, i "Sky Pilot." { Popular as Ralph Connor's "The | Ten men were examined on Fri-|gky Pilot" and "Black Rock" are, | day morning by the medical board at| (o two novels having sold more the Base Recruiting Office. {than two million copies, the play, | a ., | which has been adapted from them | The office of the Chief Recruit-| pv prank 'Mandel and George H. ing officer is.being closed with the grennan- seems destined to enjoy | advent of compulsory service. equal public favor The adapters Th ¢ 2 slerk are reported to have been successful ie Stenographers. and clerks ev- |, transferring to the stage some of gaged for military service work here the most striking situations "and are very happy. They start work characters in these two stories. | on the 9th and their pay begins on Many faniiliar Ralph Connor crea- | the 3rd. tions appear in the play. "The Sky Pilot" will be presented at the Grand Opera House on Wednesday, Oct. | 10th, matinee and night, with a cast of stellar quality, including Brandon | Tynan, Regina 'Wallace, Ernest An- | derson, Harry D. Southard, Eddie] Heron, Louis Leon Hall, Elza Fred- eric, Isabelle Winlocke, Edwin Cald- | well, Joseph Lawrence, Thomas | Wall and Edward Broadley. The military patients at the Eim- Wurst and Richardson homes are to be transferred. to the Queen's nos- pital, which is" big enough to take care of all There is more trouble at the Mowat Hospital, and a number of nurses and others engaged there have sent in their resignations. At The Strand. | "The Innocent Sinner," which! opened at (he Strand last evening was exhibited before a capacity' au- dience. "The Innocent Sinner," is @ William Fox production, a powerful drama with mdny heart throls de- picting how the human heart can forgive an innocent sinner --a girl who had been lead into wrong doing by the lying tongue of wickedness, 'Fatty' Arbuckle in "His Wedding Night'* also held the boards and fur- nished much amusement for the large audience presen. This programme will be exhibited again to-night and Saturday. Brockville will again 'hecome a garrison centre; starting with 400 members of the Railway Construc- tion and Forestry Corps, wich will come here from Ottawa to form the basis of a mobilization depot, under command of 'Major Tidy, M.C. The men will be quartered at the bar- racks on the Fair Grounds and drafts will be sent overseas at in- tervals throughout the winter. Dennis Hunt, a well-known young Kingstonian has arrived home, after three years service with the mechan- ical transport. ' His health is 'not of the best and he returned home to re- cuperate. H®: was gladly welcomed by his host of friends. iit? Mobilize Them. This letter appears in the Belle- ville Ontario, 'signed by Walter Al- ford: "Would it not be a fitting reward at the predent' time if the Govern- ment called back 'to the colors all those offieer#' from lieut.-col. down to second leutéfiant, who have been to England and mo farther, also all those who hiVe been employed on staff billets] found to be of no fur- ther use. Mobilize them at a given point, equip them and send them to France to relieve all those men who have been serving their king and country for three years or more in the Canadian army? As these offi- cers have all. had | trainigg, they would be eligible for servife, and would be only: paying back some of the easy money they have had the pleasure of drawing from the public treasury. 'The men so relieved, at the front could be granted six months' furlough, which would be a fitting reward for the services they have rendered Canada and the Em- pire." WAS ONCE BLIND; i+ HE CAN SEE Wonderful Recovery Has Been Made by Pte. Taylor at Queen's 'Hospital. , At Griffin's, A capacity audience last night greeted the first presentation of the remarkiable double bill, and one and all pronounced the headliner ' 'The Crisis"' an accurate and highly ar- tistic reading of Winston Churchill's novel 'of the Civil War, The Selig company has made '"The Crisis" the most brilliant production of its active career, showing tie wonderful scemes in"a superb and Spectacular manner with accuracy andl the effectiveness that comes from real creative reali- zation. Sessue Hayakawo is co-star- red with winsome little Vivian Mar- tin in a second feature picture "For- | bidden Paths," which is delightfully | charming from beginning to end.| The seventh episode of 'The Neglect- | ed Wife," balances out one of the best programmes even seen at this theatre. To-night and to-morrow matinee and night patrons will have an opportunity, of witnessing this bill. 3 BASEBALL RECORDS National League. Brooklyn . . 5-2 Boston .. Season over. American League. Washington . 5 Boston Season over. The Vieforian Order of Nurses Committee met in St. Georges hall . Thursday afternoon. The nurse re: om oer t, a Be, Jou tls ported having made 162 visits dur- for, as Dr. J. C. Connell called to see ' 108 September. 1 Reitgious denogin,- n ueen's tary Hospi | tions of pat! : Anglicans, } Ma ot Quedn's nig ital on Roman Catholics, 4; Methodists, 4; oo fuck was revepled that Salvation Army, 2; Holiness Move- 'beca ment, 2. She yous oi. icy ame the The annual collection is mow be- good rs ond attention bim | ing made and the committee hope that the collectors will meet with the by the specialist. Pte. Taylor, whose | \ oy A that - the people of Kingston give to this wor- thy cause, ' | | Victorian Order of Nurses, | For Good Pictures, . He was in the hospital ow-| Have your films developed and when he met with an | Printed at Prouse's Drug Store. ~ almost oom the Now is the time to have your shipped, [Plano tuned, we carry two expert At first|tuners and will assure eutire . {isfaction. C. W, Lindsay, Ltd. RM.C. field sports. Saturday, See top of 3, right hand corner, tor probabilities: it Ci Carter, ian, Grand, 81 Friday and, 230 Bara = 5 The sun rises Saturday at 6.04 am. | and sets at 5.33 pom. - : "General Hospital tag £ 4 . go ; We are offeri ber 1 boots with velvet ent 7 x You will Find This Store Particu- larly Attractive. To-Morrow Just opened today, many very stylish fall and winter : Cutterick Pattern Some of these with only one of a design, and at prices that really mean a saving to you, $15.00, $25.00, $27.50 to $50.00. sea al Week Ei of Women's Shoes > offering a number of lace high cut shoes with dull i+ ps; tops, at redu ices. Val "Friday and Saturday only, hm ime NEW FALL SUITS Showing the straight, slim sil- houette, splendidly tailored and with all the little touches that mark them as out of the ordinary. $15.00 to $25.00; $26.50 to $37.00. You may choose any coat or suit that pleases )| you and have it ready ~ when required. Deo not miss seeing the new things now ready. SATURDAY HOSIERY for All the Family. Women's cashmere stockings, both black and white. Many makes also fine cotton in fall weight. Children's stockings -- com- plete stocks just received. FALL GLOVES Chamoisette Gloves in greys, in black, in natural shade, in white. ese are the genuine glove; very durable and easily washed. Sale pairs of women's patent button and tops; also a few pairs high cut pat- y, $6.00. 50 | Store HHH { 1H { i *

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