THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1917. CHA | G R A N D 11 Dranches © ESTABLISHED 1585 Tue BANK or ia Toromte, Produc ction eff! reased 3 econ- Sfort and more s and wo- produce LL nen &« must € war's ) mave A A "hei | 119 Branches In Canada, TORONTO George B. McKay, | som ---------- FOR A two storey dwelling, four bedrooms, summer kit vie fixtures are new and of the This property has to be seen to he appreciated. Must be sold. mediate possession. cottage style, seven Tight and gas for cooking, SALE rooms, elec electric hot air furna Plumbing and Corner lot, chen, best, Im- PRICE $2600. The J. K. CARROLL AGENCY. Phones: Office 68; Residence 874. 56 Brock Street, Open Every Saturday Evening. AAA cP Pt If You Want Choice, Exquisite Chocolates. We have stock. They preciated. tion. Hoag's Drug Store Branch Post Office Kingston; Ont, just received a fresh must be seen to be ap- We invite your inspec- SPECIAL 1000 lbs. Creamery Butter 43¢ a lb. Gordon's Grocery Cor. Bay and Montreal Sts. Phone 88. er oe a VINCENT Route! On and After OCTOBER ' 1 The ROCKPORT NAVIGA-| TION CO. commence regular between will daily KINGSTON and CAPE VINCENT By Steamer Missisquoi Leaves Kingston, 7 a.m, and 1 p.m. Leaves Cape Vincent 9.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Office and Dock--Foot of Brock St., Known as the Folger Dock. Watts, at Fresh Cut Fos Daily Funeral Designs and Wedding Bouquets to Order. Pi, a Tomatoes! Have you had your supply of Tomatoes yet, green or ripe? If not, phone or see Finish' a A St a Notice of Removal Mra. McLauchln, Brock street, wishes to announce that she has removed her millinery parlors to 9 Lower William street, where she ig now ready for business, Open Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Peaches " We have received the finest 'ship- | of No. 1 peaches. Large baskets will be sold tomor- | row for We Have a Nice Assortment of Pure Corn Syrup In #I1b. tins, 5-1b. pails, and 10-Ib. pails, which we are selling for ome week only at the old price. E. H. BAKER Cor. Montreal and Charles St, BOYD'S GARAGE We have the best equipped garage between Toronto and Montreal and repair all makes of vars Agents for Reo Cars. Geo. Boyd, Prop. 129 Brock St. Phone 201 W. R. BIL Specialising Store Fronts and Fit. tings, Remodelling Buildings of all ESTIMATES LE EXPERIENCE Address 272 University Ave. At The United | Carpenter and Builder LENNESS wasle | | trips | Tonight at 8.15 = GuyBros. uyor News Run Before Hand and Concert Orchestra 01d Fashioned First Part Big Street Parade at 4 p.m. Prices--2%e, bbe, 75 ; SEATS NOW ON SALE. Pathe Sliver 'Fri. and Sat., Oct. 5 & 6 = Sat, Mat. 2.30. Evening 8.15 CARTER THE GREA 'MAGICIAN | Sensational and bewildering illusions, including the greatest of all = taclés "THE LION'S BRIDE" Corinne Carter in Mental Telepathy. | 15 Tone Scenic Effects and Magical | Ilusions, 25, 50, 75¢, Children 25¢, On Sale. Prices, Mat. Seats Now £1.00. Sat. adults 30¢ Griffin'S Thurs., Fri., Satarday MONSTER DOUBLE Special Feature BILL The Crisis CAPE A nine-part masterpiece of the Mightiest Story Ever Conceived. Also Sessue Hayakawa and Vivian Martin, in "Forbidden Paths" Seventh Episode "The Neglected Wife" | Mutual Weekly Mat. 15¢; Eve. 25c. STRAND Thurs., Fri., Saturday 2--Feature Photoplays--2 Miriam Cooper, in "The Innocent Sinner" "Fatty" Arbuckle, in "His Wedding Night" | Matinee 10c¢ Evenings 13¢ THE BUY THE FINEST KNOWN ROYAL BLEND COFFEE ANNUAL MEETING Of the Stockholders of LAWRENCE BROTHERS, LIMITED will be etd at their head office in Can. mto, Ontarie, on SATU RoAY, OCTOBER ura, 1917, At 10 © 'elock a.m. HORSE SALE Market Square, Saturday, October 6th, 11.30 a.m Span chestnut hackney colts (gelling and mare) 2 and 3 years old Owtier overseas with CE. F. Also carters' out. fit, horse, harness, waggons, sleigh, and other horses WM URRAY, Auctioneer. Free Pemanstrition George Washington Coffee, at the Bon Marche Grocery Friday and Saturday. Everybody Invited. Phone 1844. Cor. King & Earl FORDS FORDS FORDS We make a specialty of Ford repairs; also guarantee every job that leaves our shop. Central Garage, King St. 335 King 2185. It is said that news print in Canada may go up to 3c per Ib, but it is not improbable that the price of news Print will not be changed before the heginning of next year: "The Canadian Pacific Railway Co. and its telegraphers huve agreed to aceept the award of the Board of Conciliation as to increases of wages. Hon. Robert Rogers, ex-Minister of Public Works, has been offered nomination by the Conservatives of North 'Winnipeg. The province has ordered a sur- vey of waste lands with a view to en- couraging investors to take up sheep and cattle ranching. The 198th Battalion, Cafadian Buffs are at Whitley Camp, Surrey, still intact and with a good chance of aetting Wo the front as a an. OPERA| HOUSE Performance sa { | | | | ! The People's Forum PES tee PAGE SEVEN A ' | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES | Plewt insertion, lc a word. Each com- . secutive insertion thereafter, alt. | | cent a word. Minimum charge for | ome insertion, 23¢; ee insertions, | B50e; sia 81; ¢ one m HELP WANTED TWO WAITRESSES AT at the Rest Co ONCE. AP- ply HELP WANTED--FEMALE. $20. ANY LADY CAN EARN IT WEEK. y by showing magnificent Private Christmas Card Sample Book. Out- fit free on promi » to work. Brad- ¥. Limite i, Ont w COOK DESIRES POSIT 10N. Charlie Lee, B: "POSITION! CHINESE Apply WANTED AT ONCE A COOK. APPLY Matron, Orphan's Home, SERVANT. APPLY 180 Bagot 8t Gi NERAL Gardiner, MRS, | HOt Bs MATD, feKay Nora APPLY TO MRS, JOHN | Sydenham and William | | NIGHT ployment Co.. Limited. WATCHMAN, The STEADY Wormwith EM- Plano GOOD SMART wheel preferred Book Store BOY; ONE | A Apply WITH College ' GENERAL SERVANT family High wages Alfred street p A good active boy mailing Department. wages and steady employment. { | 3 | 4 | of b | 4 b | | Apply British Whig Office, 4 E A YOUNG light ing or GIRL OR WOMAN TO DO rk Apply in morn- | ing to 460 Princess St. | IMMEDIATELY, | WE WANT w ANTED GENRR AL TO RENT FOUR ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. Apply E. Graham, Police Headquarters SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash-er-in pan payment of new pianos and grafanolas, C. W. Lind- say, Limited, 121 Princess street. TO RENT A HOUSE NEAR FACTORY in Kingston, by Oct. 8th of about five or six rooms; moderate rent. Apply Box A.E.H. Whig Office, Kingston WANTED GENERAL SIX White Wyandotte May pullets Whig Office x TWELVE Rock, April ate pricy lo OR or Or St Box 4, TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER- chants and business men in Bast. ern Ontario can connect with a ood side line by applying to Box Y Whig O Strictly cou- fident{al ™ KINDS OF second-hand furniture, stoves, heaters, clothes, etc. We also have everything in the second-hand line for sale. 8 Shapiro, 45 Prin- cess street. Phone 1237. BUY ALL } | ly Ra FOUND BEAUTIFUL SILK UMBRELLA. Owner may have same by call- ing at Anderson Bros oN SATURDAY NIGHT, A small package (purchased at Woadworth's). Owner may have same 'by callihg at Anderson Bros, and proving property A SAIL ON CEDAR ISLAND ON Monday. Owner may have Cy by calling at Cottage 186, R.M.C. ey AYER street Owner cailing BEADS ON BROCK on Tuesday morning may have same by 314 University. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FREE. Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do so by reporting the facts to The British Whig he adver- tisement will be printed in this column ee of charge. "Found articles" does clude lost dogs, cattle, ete. These, If lost, wot In- horses, may be ad- vertised for in the "Lost" column, \ -- LOST A FOX TERRIER PUP, black and tan spots name of "Bonnie." pet Finder kindly return to 263 University Ave, and receive re ward. Anyone harboring same a - ter this notice will be prosecuted Answers to Same 4s child's STRAYED. A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; Smat family, plain cooking Ref-| ere required. Apply 656 West! str RESPECTABLE GIRL. OR aged woman for house- family. Apply { versity Ave. MIDDLE ork. Small n evening, 276 Uni : Conductors employ ment, way Office, wanted: nteady Apply Street Rafl- + & | -* + Fr A YOUNG GIRL TO housework, from no washing or iror Brock street ASSIST TH $ am. to 7 p.m. ing Apply 308! STENOGRAPHER, SHORT HOURS, light work. Apply Room 4, Ontario | Chambers Bank Montreal Building | of STEACY'S WANT A hoy to work hefore and af- ter school and on Saturdays. Ap- ply Steacy's, Ltd. 3 * *| + | 4 o A 4 FE EE 4S PEELE EERE | $5 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS CARD SAM. ple book free on promise to can- viass, Agents makipg five to ten dollars daily. Caxrlage prepaid. Garretson Company, Brantford, On- HELF WANTED Wanted t once, a highest w = paid. Davis & Son, Ltd. fireman. Apply A. a | WANTED -- OLD FAL don't matter If broken $15 per s Send by parcel post and receive check by return madl F. Terl, 403 N. Wolfe St, Baltimore, Ma 2 TEETH; I pay $2 to NCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN ment Society: president, AND INVEST, incorporated 18637 Colonel H. R. Smith, C.MG,; vice- resident, W. F. Nic- kle, K Money issued on city and farm properties, municipal and country debentures; mortgages pur- chased; investment bonds for sale; deposits received and in- terest allowed R. C. Cartwright. manager, 87 Clarence St, Kingston. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assots $61,187,215 In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unHlmited Hability of city property, insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new buliness get from St ge & Strange, .. P 5 © BUSTVESS CHANCES | INVESTORS WARNING DON'S INVEST one cent until you réad Successful Finance, and learn how fortunes made and lost by investors. trial subscription. Success- Finance, 608 8. Dearborn Bt, Chicago. Nerve S| Years of experience .enables me to treat difficult cases suc- cessfully. Call, or state case by letter. 18 Carlton Street, Toreate, MEDICAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and_ all growths and skin blem- ishea removed permanently, with- out scar; 30 years' Sxperie ite, Dr. Elmer J. ke, Ey ose, Throat and Skin re cian, 262 Bagot street, Sar Lerrons By Pictorial Review and crepe Georgette are combined in yards ¢&ineh ry &Practical Fomé Dress Making|= Prepared Specially for This Newspaper DR, H. §. ANGROVE, PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon, 98 Clergy street Brock), Hours. 2 to 4; 7 to § fice phone 2163; residence 1782. FURNITURE FINISHING P, DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FIVISH- er. Sal or drop a card. 23 John street. = triad = ¥ " a Foulard Waist With V-Shaped Vest. med as notched. The construction guide shows just how to arrange the sections to stitch them together Then plait the lower edge and adjust the belt to position underneath the underbody at lower edge of stay. Next, close the underarm and sleeve seam of the blouse, then close the back seam. Turn hem in front and adjust vest on right front, cen- ter-fronts and lower edges even; fin- ish the left side edge for closing. Gather lower edge of blouse and vest between "T" perforations and 2 inch- es above. Adjust on underbody, cen- ter-fronts, center-backs, underarm seams and lower edges even. Slash the sleeve along small "0" perforations and underface from lower edge to 2 inches above the slash. iE NE) Posed dd po first form a» plait in fromt. Face the collar and sew to neck edge of back with center-backs even py tack collar underneath the fold. ed edge of plait in front of jumper, bringing small "0" collar to the lower small "0" pérfora- tion in To properly finish the waist, ar range the girdle as pictured, clos ing on the left side. Trim He slesves with buttons and the vest with a beaded desizn Pietapiat Reviaw Wasi No. 1293. Sizes, 34 to 4 Mehes bust. Pr rice, 30 perforation in | FROM MY FARM AT KINGSTON STA. one dark Holstein bull. Any mation will be thankfully re- d by owner, A Weller TO LET FURNISHED BEDROOM, Brock street FURNISHED ROOM housekeeping, or 288 Queen street. THREE No. APPLY 229 FOR without LIGHT Apply FURNISHED ROOMS, 8 Alice street, near University APPLY Queen's OFFICES IN CLARENCE bers Apply to A. B. 79 Clarence street. ST. CHAM- Cunningham, FURNISHED BEDROOM WITH PRIV. ate family, central location, Apply Box H, Whig Office A FARM, CONTAINING For further James Gates, 175 ACRES, particulars, apply to Westbrook. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE OR MER- chandise, clean and dry McCann's Rea] Estate Agency, 82 Brock St Phones 326 or 621 NICELY FURNISHED rooms, with sitting room, ate family very central Box A.B.C.,, Whig Office WARM BED. in priv- Apply STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN dry, airy rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's Clty Sterage, 209 Queen street. Phone 6526; res. 989. TWO STORES ON PRINCESS ST. BE- low Clergy, one at $18.00 and the other at $20.00 per month, The J. K. Carroll Agency, Brock street, Apply LARGE UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOM downstairs, grate; also large dou- ble bed room, upstairs, furnished or unfurnished Modern. Apply 652 'Earl street, FOR RENT STORE ON PRINCESS STRER1, ground floor space, 16 ft > i) ft. Immediate possession. Ap. Ply B Box 6 60, Whig. NEAR DENTAL E. KNAPP, B.A, Office, 652 A. L.D.S,, D.D.S,, 258 Princess street Phone DR J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Phone 626, ------------------------------------------------ Dus, JPaRRy AND SPARKS, DEN. 159 Wellington street, Qa. C. Dewar. assistant, Phone 346. DRESSMAKING MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER having resumed business, solicits orders for fall and winter work. Address 202 Alfred street, WHITE WITH FOR SALE THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. Oust Uitle. ag hei three times $0c: one week, $1.00. A DRIVING HORSE, SIX YB & snap for a quick 160 Ragian Road ONE-TON SANFORD MOTOR Truck in first class condition. Ap- ply to W. G. Craig & Co. or Boyd's Garage. ARS OLD; buyer Apply HOUSE street. All Apply C. Harrison, phone 1960, NO. 160 COLLINGWOOD modern conveniences Builder, or tele- 350 PURE HRED BARRED ROCK HENS one year old, and twelve cockerels bred-to-lay strain. F. cColdham, Barriefield. NEW HOUSE ON PRINCESS STREET, near cor. of Frontenac. All mod- ern conveniences, Apply C. Harri. son, Builder, or Phone 1960 GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND selections, your own cholee, $27.60. Terms: §5 cash, §1 per week. C. W Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St:* TEN | PROPERTY, CONSISTING and dwelling house, ice house, and barn, situated in Rockport Ont, post office and custom office In block Apply R. H. Service OF STORE A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN- cluding the famous Athlete, Over- land and Perfect Models; also tires and bicycle accessories George Muller, 878 King St., Phone 1032. LARGE STOCK OF EXTENSION bles and dining chairs, china cabinets, also good = beds, springs and mattresses. We buy all kinds of second hand furniture. J. Thompsoa, 333 Princess street. Phone 1600. TA BAY GELDING, § YEARS Patchern Wilks) about 930 lbs, kind, single or double: chestnut . 3 years (by Lord Direct) hal- ter broken; and light spring wag- gon, nearly new Apply at 234 Montreal St, city OLD (BY SALE BY. G. A. BATEMAN'S eal Estate Agency. FOR R #400, SwALL FRAME HOUSE, CEN. tra $1,000, FRAME HOUSE, DIVISION ST. $1,800, SEVERAL RRICK HOUSES, ALL improvements except furnace. $2,000, FRAME HOUSE, ments; corner IMPROVE- $3,000, SEVERAL BRICK HOUSES, ALL improvements, $4,500, SIX TO CHOOSE FROM, BRICK, all improvements, $0,000, SEVERAL BRICK, ALL MOD. ern, central locations ARSE CENTR AL HOU SE TO RENT. Bateman, Insurance Broker, Soy to Loan, 67 Clarence Street, Kingston Phone 396 MUSIC MISS BAJUS, TEACHER OF SINGING, will resume her teaching October 2nd at 47 Rideau street. Phone 1296. GRACE TAFT, ORGANIST AND DIR. ector of First Cougregation&l church. Honor certificates in Sen- for University, Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for University or Conservatory examlaations. Ad- dress, 99 Upper William St. PEARL A. NESBITT, L.T.CM., CON- tralto, organist and director of Brock 8t. Meth. church. Teacher of plano, organ and voice produc- tion Pupils prepared for Toromto Conservatory examinations, Studio o Johnsor BOARD AND ROOMS AND ROOMS. Earl street. | FIRST CLASS BOARD Mrs. A. Tierney, 151 | FIRST 'CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, | every convenience, central Jook- | tion? Apply 243 Brock street, | LEGAL B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor. Law office, 78 Clar- ence street. Kingston, A. | vo | ARCHITECT WER & SON, ARCHITECTS, chants nk Bullding. Brock and Wellington Sts. MER corner (FR WANTED PATTERN MAKERS; HANDY MEN and LABORERS, CAULKERS and CHIP- PERS. HIGHEST WAGES PAID. caNapial LOCOMOTIVE COM- Ontario Pea Goal $9 Per Ton ! Good results can be obtained in most stoves and ranges by using either pea coal or pea and nut coal mix Jas. Swift & Co., ro Hi hest Price