12 PAGES Che Dail YEAR 84,NO. 228 EINGSTON, ONTARIO, ug [ MONDAX. 1917 SECOND SECTION n (From the Sphere, Loudon, Copyrighted in th One of the great gifts received by the British raph. It was presented by. the Maharajah, of Nabha, and is the most complete vessel of. its kind a L PRESEN TT" 1 DIRTY LINEN 2 DIYINFECT NG 3 eaLoon 4 0c] Rs ToneY 9 BuTcnies shoe 6 Baxsad 7 TRING Tal 8 saccacE ROOM esvores © Ascans fensines " on rus. TB MEDICAL STORES WOT LUFT TO Alo Opera VaerTaE © crews space 16 Crunk MEDICAL TT CHER ENGINE 1HSMALL CACTRIC SEARCMLIGHY 19 NAVIGATING BRIDGE 20 WHEEL WOUSS e United States Hospital Service Ottawa Glimpses BY H. PF, Ottawa, Sept. 29.--Phe aggregation of tin-horn sports, known as the Bor- dep Government, continued to stack the cards to the last minute A no torious example was the amendment to the War Time Election Act, which Senator Ross, of Nova Scotia, intro duced in the Senate, in the dying hours of the session The amend. ment was by Senator Ross, but the initiative 'was from the Borden Gov- ernment, which put its docile follower up to commit this farewell outrage. The amendment dealt "with the re vised lists in Nova Scotia with a view to stuffing them with voters who would vote for the Borden Government, The whole 'machinery of the War Time Elections Act had been discussed in the Commons and not a word had been bréathed then about monkeyving with the Nova Scotia lists which have been in the same official hands for practically the last hungired years. No, remier Borden was reserving this new assault on our liberties for his final coup. Just a week or so before he had beer writing to the women of Canada to tell them how pure and non-partisan he was, and all the time he, was resolving how he could de- bauch the voters' lists of his native province and turn Nova Scotia into a Tory stronghold. He trusted to the hurry jam it through and get away to go fishing. Friends of Premier Borden gxplain that it wasn't his fault. It was the Hon. Arthur Meighen who cooked up the job. In short. it was a Meighen tricks. The end justified the Meighens.: Although the Ross amendment was turned down in the Commons, the Lib- eral candidates in Nova Scotia will still go into the g:aeral election under handicaps that no fair-minded oppo- nent would impose. It remains to sce whether this last crooked scheme will work out satisfactorily for the Borden Government. Theyscheme to split the West hy means of the deft Italian hand of Sir Clifford Sifton: the scheme to split the Liberal party by means 'of union government, the scheme. to split Quebec via Bourassa and the Military Service Act have all ne astray. The scheme to steal Nova Scotia will probably go the same way as its unfortunate predecessors. It is understood that the Borden Government would have liked to go a great deal further than it did with the War Time Elections Act, They wanted to create an exclusively Tory franchise, with test oaths at the polls and fines and imprisonment for vot- ers 'who said they would vote right and then went in and \voted Liberal Little Arthur Meighen was in favor of having thesg recreants shot at sunrise He also advocated a class franchise, consisting €xclusively of those who GADSBY J took-a hath every day and wore seven clean shirts a. week This would have thrown the franchise into the hands of the vested interests who have time for these luxuries But some of the Government's supporters kick- ed They said they didn't want a franchise that would single out Sir Joseph Flavelle for special honors any more than the Government was doing already. It is well known at Ottawa that ever since Sir Joseph made ten thousand dollars a year--and that was a long time ago--he has been in the habit of changing his collars once a day and twice on Sunday, when he g¢ts very hot teaching the Bible class. It is with Sir Joseph in view that the Borden Government has enfran- chised five hundred thousand soldiers' womenfolk. They feél confident that these women will 'be tickled to death to. vote for the Borden Government, which stands behind Sir Joseph and the other profiteers who take all their money for food. * Sir Joseph is now in the hands of a Royal Commission, which is expected to enamel him until he glitters Like a Childs' redtaurant. There will be no fly 'specks on Sir Jo- seph when the Royal*Commission fin: ishes its work. The Borden Govern- ment thinks that much of him. It is absolutely necessary that Sir Joseph should stick around and that the Borden Government should be at his back until he collects all his ac- counts, twenty-five million dollars for beef stew for the British Government, several more millions fromthe une happy Canadian consumer of Sir Jo- seph's table products, and <cveral more millions which make up his share of the $135000,000 the Toronto looters expect to get out of the infa- mous C. N. R. deal. No matter where the pork barrel is, Sir Joseph is not far away from it. . The Borden Gov- ernment can't lose him, They daren't. He helped to put them in and he's got to get his stake back. The five hundred thousand women voters who find their dollar shrunk to halt its siz¢, when they go to market, and all through the efforts of Sir Jo- seph and his friends in the Borden Government, are no doubt keeping a close eye on the relations in Toronto. In spite of the best efforts of the Com- mission. some of the facts wil cro out.. For instance, that Sir Joseph makes one million profit on his bacon an this s.ae of the water as the Wil- ham Davies Co. and another miilion on the: other side of the 'water as Sheed-Thompson & Co. Also that he avoids the British war tax by label- ting hali his overseas profit as "com- missions" and the Canadian war tax by soaking half a million of his profits away as "Rest Fund," Some finan. cer; Sir Joseph, TED TO ALLIES 2A Disses Any 2 OISTILLED waTEm Cn -~ vo Smow INTE dow A TO 8 fren iu BS SALLEY Crwang. 2 saloon 27 mov waTRR Tank ®com 2 AND SHOWER Nw 2B FRESH WATERS Tanw 20 sanTARY Yama W CaPYAINS CaBw il TROOPS TYOILEY 2 crews vor ™ 8 ongfuiies Rooms » duookes. I DRAUGHT 2FY § inciues "28m omcka SN oid tila PrkulTOTe ER o B BAKEMOUSE CHIMNEY ENGINE FEED Tangs a stews "1 pow by the New York Herald.) is the one shown in the photo The Royal Commission would ac- quire merit with Canadian housewives if it would inqifre whether the prac- tice fcllowed in Sir Joseph's retail stores of weighing the paper. the bone, the suet, and the butcher's thumb along with the meat, and trimming the meat afterwards, is according to Hoyle, Sir Joseph has "ho: est weight" scales in all his stores and they are certainly honest enough--they weigh everything. It might be well, how- ever, if the honesty included certain reasonable deductions for the waste which Sir Joseph now makes the pub- lic pay for. It is estimated that this "honest weight" stuff nets the William Davies Company $300,000 a year, half of which goes to the clerks who do this honest weighing and the other half to Sir Joseph : --H. F. GADSBY. THE DESIGNS OF GERMANY BY) THREAT TO FIGHT Colonel Opens Page of Secret His tory in Chicago Talk--Kaiser's Ambitions in South America Balk. ed by Show of Force. Chicago, Sept. 29.--Colonel Roose-|" velt, gave his version of the secret conference he held with the German ambassador in 1902 relating to the occupation of Venezuela by Germany, an incident that then threatened to bring on a war between Germany and the United States. Colonel Roosevelt told the story for the first time, he said, in an address at a lun- cheon here. "It was about a year after I took office," Colonel Roosevelt began. "Germany was engaged in striving to extend her dominion. She had in view certain chosen positions du South America. She aimed to turn South America into a German appen- dage. Venezuela at that time had a dictator named Castro, commoniy known as the 'monkey of the Andes' Kaiser Wanted Venesuela, "1 was determined that Venezuela : should not become a German pos-|. session. Germany said it was not to} be permanent and did not define was meant by permancy. I permitted John Hay to write a number of notes and-then I sent for the German am- bassador and said to him: ""This Venezuela business has been going on long enough and I cannot} afford to let it go to the point where it will cause trouble for the country." "At that time England was Germany, and, while I had both against me, I paid little attention Ts meant by temporary possession, say- | l RAILWAY ing 1 did not propose to have any HF) 11 SYSTEM ninety-nine-year leases, Rovsovelte Vithuutun LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE pSevell s in. ih "The ambassador told me he did not feel he was at liberty to discuss such an important question. That conference wound up with the fol- lowing ultimatum: "Tell your government that in ten days it must arbitrate the matter or 1 will send Dewey down there." "+ 1 cannot send such a message, Mr. President; I do mot think you realize what it means,' the ambas- sador replied, "¢ You think J} means asked. "' 1 do mot want to say what 1 think,' was the reply. " 'If it means war, you have chos- en the one spot re you can not fight us,' I replied, and then I show- ed by maps our commanding position. "When he retired I sent word to Dewey to be ready to sail on an hour's notice. About a week later the ambassador called on me, and ad- mitted that he had not dared send the message, "I then told him that' would or- der Dewey to mall in forty-eight hours, He told me it would be an awful thing, for this country. *" Yes, but it wotld be more awful for your country," I replied. "Inside of thirty-six (hours he caffie back smiling and said he had received instructions from the Ger- man government that they would or bitrate." 00 Sections 25c¢. 30c. Extracted in + 20¢, 35¢, 65¢ glasses. "J.R.B.Gage, 254 Montreal St. Phone 549. Going West. Live, City 12 Arr. City 1257am, EEE tam Dron Sow Orie nD EEE - $10 S04 2 Sean wvopp Ltd. E re PETERS Golng Mil...» - = < > 5 vo hn a od < 1 | No. 1 | No. 18 {No. 6 war?" 1 pp BE8 Mail alr, {No. 14 Intern'l Ltd | No. 28 Local , wRonSH TPTRP ? - 3s B00 80 10 OE Go mt 3 3000 OV ed TEE ER( B8333 = - { We will take your order for delivery » In effect Aug. 19th, 1917. nL "Fruit-a-tives" Wade Him Foel Coal Co. } Express . with Constipation, Drowsiness, Lack of This appealed to me, so I decided to | Nos. 1, 6: 7, 13, 14, 16, 18, ily. | Passenger Service ~ |Himiice, Buffs. London. Detroll, Ihave agood appetite, relish everything | v fics to all my friends". y { % Hanley, Agent. Agency for all ocean Montreal and Bristol A man's egotism may be pardon- ed if he doesn't throw it in your w-tives Limited, Ottawa. §0 King Street Fast. Toronto. fa OCTOBER 1, this month. Phone 155. Ipc Appetite and Headaches, Oneday I saw | mn. 19 run-dally, | | Other trains dally Between {Ottawa, Quebee, Portland, St. John, steamship lines. Open day and night. DAN McLEAN., | mm For particulars of sailings &na rages ce. - A AAA AA AAA | COAL All sales for cash. Phone orders | Trains will leave and arrive at City Omnia, Owr., Now, 28th, 1914. i IN Intorn'l uur all .. your sign 'which read *Fruit-a-tives | try a box. In a very short time, I | Direet' route to ' Toronto, Peterboro, | Ha x, Bos d N fork. F I eat, and the Headaches are gone | Montreal and London | Paina Da NEW od i i 2 i Hoe. & box, 8 for $2.50, trie! size, 25. | apply to local agents or to The Free] HE SUFFERED | Customers Take Notice C. 0. D. . Depot, Foot of Johnson Street. The James Sowards Mall "For over two years, I was troubled | make you feel like walking on air.' | CUNARD all t to feel better and mow I feel fine. { Hamilton Buffalo, London, Detroit, entirely. I recommend this pleasent | (Calling Falmouth to land passengers | °|! Other information, apply to, J. P. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- | Reford Co. Limited, General Agents | { | | Harrowsmith, Yarker, eronto, Belleville, Trenton, RBrighton, Colborne, Cobourg, Port Hope, Orono, Tyrone, Oshawa and Teromto. Elgin, Forfar, Porthand, Smith's Falls, Dwyer Hill, Richmond and Ot. tawa, Moscow, Enterprise, insville, Stoco, Bannockburn, Napanee, Dens- ARRIVE FROM Dates of Fall Fairs. The following dates of Fall Fairs have been issued by the Agricultural Societies Branch of the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture, Toronto: Ardem .. . ...., sev o.. JQct. 3nd. Madoc .. ... . .Oct. 2nd & 3rd. Marmora .Oct, 1st & 2nd. Tamworth, Er- Tweed, Queensboro and Harrowsmith, Yoarfker, Napanee, Des. eronto, Belleville, Trenton, Congesdon, Wellington and Picton. | Moscow, Enterprise, Tamworth, innville, Stoco and Tweed. 0 » Ere A R E FOR For Tickets, 'Reservations, Literature and Information, apply to J. E. IVEY, STATION AGT. or M. C. DUNN, CITY AGT. Or write R. L. Fairbairn, G.P.A., 68 King St. E, Toronto. James Martin, Sidney township, died. on Sunday, aged seventy-two years. He was born at Milford and had lived in Belleville. The Ideal Car for All Seasons INTER cold and drifting snow do not mar the comfort of motoring in a Ford Sedan, the car that completely protects you from every weather at all times. High winds cannot blow you 'to pieces". Irritating dust * and rain can be entirely shut out, while on warm, pleasant days the windows may be lowered, so that the air circulates freely. ; The Ford Sedan is a dignified business and family car. It gives the motorist the utmost protection and comfort. Simply to ride in it, is to want it. Touring - - - $495 £7 =r Runabout $475 / Coupelet - - $695 THE UNIVERSAL CAR Sedan - - - $890 F. 0. B. FORD, ONT. H. Richardson, Dealer - - - . Tamworth J. A. Goodfellow, Dealer. - - - - - Parham D.E. & J. B. Smith, Dealers -.. mm - Odessa ' Van Luven Bros., Dealers