rT ----_ ,, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1917. __PAGE SEVEN GRAND 5 EE = " Hroduction TONIGHT | The People's Forum reased effor; ar effi. AT sas 1 Lone a inuving | Queen of the Season's | Eee iWin 1 capital by rd- . . i vork amd Greater savings Musical Comedies | 1 enrich you and your : . ntry The §men and wo- The New. York Casine Theatre Co : ---- home must produce Success joe 0 Cover war's waste. | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES POSITION WANTED First lusertion, 1¢ a word. Each col FOR SALE is e . ney than to it. A secutive insertion thereafter, bhalf- RELIABLE MAN WISHES WORK AT- 8 4 t 1 3 of Toronto will help]. cent a word. Minimum charge for tending furnaces. Apply Villa St FOUND PHESK RFFEUTIVE ADVIS. COST save what your It d effort provides. | ome he Jusertion, 25¢; three ingertions, Clare Apts. « Barrie and WHl- little. Onee, 250; three times b0c; { SOc; ais $1; one month, $2. ¥ y She week, $1.00. Y a = = = x % : 44 Branches fo Toronto, 119 Branches In Canada, FORD CRANK. owXER MAY | Goon ING, VERY REASONABLE. HELP WANTED WANTED GENRRAL Etetame by calling at or can be seen by applying to 398 Bar- ESTABLISHED 1855. . King Sireet oo , Thure, rie street, after 6 p.m A BOY, APPLY FRONTENAC WICKER BABY CARRIAGE IN GOOD 1 condition Apply Box 918, Whig THREE KEYS ATTACHED BY A ONE-TON SANFORD MOTOR 50 -- People ee i Office, leather, some days ago in Sav- Truck in first class condition. Ap- A HOUSEMAID WITH REFERENCES, ings Department, Bank of ply to W, G. Craig & Co, or Boyd's Entire N. Y. dle -- 50 % | Apply Mrs. Carson, 72 Barrie street. | noarD AND ROOMS FOR LADY AND Montreal Owner may have Garage. . Supreme Cast } me eee nee gentleman, 'by the month, in nice same by calling at Whig Office, |HE © , . THEMAN WANTED AT ONCE, AP. hom t ates, Box J. #7, Whi ONE SINGLE-CYLINDER INDIAN BANK RON O | Vocal and Dancing Artists. ¥ ao Kingston Hosiery Co, Limited. | thee. fdote ten By ' ¥ & moti. Flo. n gond andi hi y | ply to 62 etor 5 e pel ween \ | ax OR BOY WANTED FOR DELIV. | TO PURCHASE HOUSE FOR $2,000 in five and seven pn i OF ae I 20 -- Delightfully Dis- ery wagon at Carnovsky's Fruit | cash. Must be good value; no deel- FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- ! } ers. Apply Box 95, giving full de- TISED FREE, NEW MeLAUGHLIN 4-CYLINDER tive Musical Hits scription and house number, { $1,000 Chevrolet, with extra tive oie ie Anyone finding anything and and clock: new in May, $575. Ap- ------S SG -- | "he hen Girt and Music Snow ***% [Room wan moi WANTED wrrn || Xhing to reach the owne ay BI) 53 Wellinmion srk yen sindbis Ah Of the Season. J boy for private family by young gentle- do so by reporting the facts to Prices -- Mat. 25, 50, 75¢, $1.00; mailing 4Vcpartment. . d nan, hear Me Donald Park. Apply tan, Wie. The Javel GEN Ne paar Soar awn Shot! 4a » - » | " m ent. 10x 9, Whi J selectidns, your « > ce Evening -- 235, 50, 75¢, $1, $1.50. agen British "Wits: Ofte x : Se column free of charge. 'Terms: $5 cash, $1 per week, C. { SEATS NOW ON SALE. a . 2 ndsay, Li p 21 Pri Si F oO R S A L E x k WANTED IMMEDIATELY, ONE OR "Found articles" does mot {n- Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess o two hundred loads of farm-yard clude lost dogs, cattle, K H RUBBER TIRED We have a very desirable property, what is known FRIDAY, SEPT. 21ST | §- [Magure. Ghey Ronn ith Jurticulars etc. These, if fost, may be ad- A AE aE. YnEh as a semi-bungalow, situated in the west end of the ( 'ity, | p p v buggy, cutter, s | GOOD STEADY MAN AS ASSISTANT | vertised for in the "Lost" column, harness, in good condition. Apply with all modern improvements, verandah, good sized |At2. 30 p.m. &7. 30 p. m. | in repair department. Apply A. SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, A. Barnes, 493 Princess street. | | | | lot and only one block from the car line. Owner is not Davis & Son, Ltd. for cash or In part payment of new . ) > W. - = WE ko KER BABY CAR- now a resident of the city and is anxious to dispose of Polite Vaudeville. | A FEW SMART GIRLS, GOOD WAGES iy pane Y AR TL ' iva re . LARGE WHITE Wi amy n the property, on any sort of reasonable terms. .YOU A Five-Act Photoplay and steady work. Apply Crothers reasonable price. Apply 312 Divis- HAD BETTER INVESTIGATE. Co, Wellington street | A MODERN DWELLING, CENTRALLY ion street, Pioneer Apts, City, 1 located, with about 4 bed rooms. = | Evelyn Nesbit Thaw, i IN YyoUNG GIRL on MIDDL E AGED TJ. Lockhart, Bank of Montreal|\ BABY'S IRISH CROCHET BONNET, | GOOD, PAVING GROCERY AND FRUIT The J. K. CARROLL AGENCY. | "Th d f D ti | witman, for eral housework. Bldg. Clarence street, Kingston, between Dr akrriient 3 farm and business; now on casi basis, Bn | rea Apply 243 Bro y x street ngston, nder ndly leave at f best locations in efty, YO Piunitn=0mice Ya. Rewiivise avd; 4,35 Broek Streut. [The P, 39 estiny | Fe ~ | WANTED TO RENT, HOUSE WITH Whig Office. reasons for selling. Apply Box I. Open Every Saturday Evening, | he Pathe News, Comedy and Other | \ wwanT GIRL. ACCUR ATE AT FIG- modern eanveniences, about seven cc--r - ees I., care Whig Ofce {Photoplays, | ures; some k owledde oF re no f rooms, within half mile of univer- A LARGE F Rn WHITE SAMBO | Matinee Evening 10¢; | graphy. Apply Dominfon Sh Lo... sity. Apply Box 920, Whig Office. Ich, Of c dings, © \ LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN- Any Seat 10¢ Reserved, Se Extra King, Earl or Wellington Streets cluding the famous 'Athlete, Over- © - 3 dedeiedordp " ASA AAR Amr HOUSEMAID FOR NEW QUEEN'S J yMEDIATELY, FURNISHED ROOM, Finder kindly return to Whig Of- land and Perfect Models; also tires o 2 Office. on Tamworth' road, one auto tire, |= : AT. cure Wily Difiee 30. x 3%. with 'a black' uilcloth | GASOLIVE BUMPS AND TANKS, CAT. TO RENT FIVE-ROOMED FURNISH- cover, a small triangle hole in A ----s our pices before pur- wanting anything done in the Aepons Matinee! at 8 p.m. Evening 8.15 employment. Apply Street Ratl- A tery line. Estimates given on all kinds |" $s pm, ' 2 51 way Office, ou re of repairs and new work; also hard- ; = ne Jods of al Jhds uu orders No. 9119, Daily Whig. 5. : ve promp eution. op - 3 LARGE STOCK OF EXTENSION TA. ® 00 Queen street. + . CE, CAPABLE MAN TO Look | YOUNG LADY DESIRES INFORMA- bles and dining chairs, buffets, --~ " Hy Edn AT ONCE, CAPABL tion regarding a smill family who | MeLAUGHLIN, 1917, FIVE PASSENGER china cabinets, also good beds, & . after hospital furnaces, Apply would like to share with her a fur- touring car, Friday, Sept. 7th, from springs and mattresses. We bu MER treal street. 4 y hy TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON -f =< mm = --_---- hy BARGAIN, 1000 BOXES, 11% =x buy. We invite inspection of our Malt Vinegar, y ferred. Apply Box 200, Whig Office. | chants and business Ten ia Jagut. TO LET 20% x 9 inches, dove-tafled ends, Hot Water Hottles, Fountain Syrin- Cider Vinegar, -- In : GIRLS AND WOMEN FOR LIGHT,| 0 Ontario can connect with a aly With tops, free fron ¥ntis: 1 1. b 4 e] »d_ side line by applying to Box ) 0 » ges, Enemae Syringes, Atomizers, Ice White Vinegar, His New pleasant work, putting up per- goed > PP IE hp. boiler; } engine and steam residence. Apply at once a ! or rooms, in vicinity of barracks, fice and bicycle accessories. George with full particulars to Box | BETWEEN ARDEN AND KINGSTON, Conductors wanted; steady A | r ed house with modern convenjen- cover. Finder kindly notify J. E. asing. 'Wayne Oil Tank and occupation by officer. Reply Box Ont superintendent, General Hospital, k G a y 37 you can depend upon us supplying house work and care for children; | Me rewarded. i. L Davey, 137 Phone 1600. you with the best that money can PICKLING one who will sleep at home pre- | | | J. W. Whig Office. Strictly con- FIVE ROO ART COM- ump; 2000 feet 1% Inch piping and Bags, Rubber Gloves, Ete. Pure Spices, : as Romantic fumes, flavoring extracts, ete. Good | fidential MED AP RIT. DM pump 4 piping | | Wh THOMAS COPI EY S S 27 William street, or telephone with housekeeping privileges. Re- . Bone lon rode donee dp deere do drole de ddoobodododeodo ood en Telephone 987 at. 9 ept. I ces, centrally Iocated. For quick Hayes, : Liveryman, Arden, Ont, Pump Company, Limited, Hamilton, y | nished, centrally loeated house. Montreal street. Anyone seeing or all kinds ot second hand furniture. Anything along THE RUBBER LINE SPECIAL FOR 4 2 3 BROWN YOUNG CIR Taare Apply Box X.YZ., Whig Office finding car nolify at once and will J. Thompsoa, 333 Princess street. wages paid. Apply to N. C. Polsun plete. Apply Box 60, Wh a quantity nf 1%, 2 and § inch pip- And all requirements. - - D Th and Co ing: 40 feer steam radiators; 30 . ENTE fra rama €| WE WANT T0 BUY ALL KINDS OF By TWO LARGE FRONT BED ROOMS, steam valves, Tromp % io 3 neh, 1 » ---- Jn conven) e A No 10 per steam cooker palir plat. AT: THE UNIQUE GROCERY. COMPETENT GENERAL, REFEREN. second-hand furniture stoves, Nelson street. tly py onles. See or write; Geo, F. ces required. Family of two; high- heaters, clothes, etc. We also have Be Rls DUNDT Iie Ore C. H. Pickerin Lo est wages. Apply Box 919, Whig everything In the second-hand y : g ve O ; OFFIORS IN CLARENCE ST, CHAM. vice Company, Barriefleld Camp, Stice. i Mine Zor stle. = Snafite."ss Prin. bers. Apply to A. B, Cunningham, Kingston, Ont rr aN a | RES - 79 Cla o reet. Branch Post Office. 400-402 Princeus Steet. ATELY i SENuh A, YEA, 9 Slurasce sires! FOR SALE. BY, G. A. BATEMANS Opposite YMCA, L Cor, of University, vant; one who understands plain | Saud \ } a0 | Real Estate Agency ® cooking. Apply Mrs. Wilkins, 130 | ywANTED--OLD FALSE TEETH! | WELL FURNISHED SITTING ROOMS wt AR Arr mm ee ---- Bagot street west. | don't matter if broken. I pay 3 (one on ground floor) and bed $400, SMALL FRAME HOUSE, CEN. SE | to $156 per set. "Send by parce rooms. Use of telephone. Apply tral. I PURE PICKLING mm post and receive check by return : mail, F Terl, 403 N. Wolfe St. 123 King street. . $1,000, FRAME HOUSE, DIVISION ST, VINEGAR Special Prices in | By Paul Kester, Author of Baltimore Md. [STORAGE FOR I URNITURE OR MER. | Ww 2 ghandise, clean and dry, McCann a | $1,800, SEVERAL PRICK HOUSES, ALL "When Knighthood, Ete." 1 Est Ov, A | oy Real Estate A ey, improvements except furnace. Excellent Cast. Carload of Sceneéry, e MEDICAL Phones 326 or S317 $2 Brock 8t. Pp i : 2,000, FRAME HOUSE, IMPROVE- Malt Vinegar French Mushrooms Prieto Mat: et rr so." x DR. HM. S, ANGROVE, PHYSICL.N AND ments; corner, i i i 3 ; ily Surgeon, 98 Clergy street (near | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN Cider Vinegar, SEATS Now Now: oN SALE, ---- Brock). Hours 2 to 4; 7 to 9. Of- gry, y, airy rooms; your URE, 1 and | $3,000, SEVERAL BRICK JHOUSES, ALL fice phone 2163; residence 1782, r i ¢ 1 1 50¢ per tin. Monday and Tu lay Boy wanted te- learn press oo J¢ phone 133%; residence 1783." + Chey Storage, 338 Mproyements. work; must be willing worker. $4,500, SIX TO CHOOSE FROM, BRICK, Sept. 24th and 25th. Thore are splendid opportunis BUSINESS CHANCES STOMAGE FOR FURNITURR OR W all Improvements. g i ER- : Gordon's Grocery POLITE VAUDEVILLE ties in the printing industry INVESTORS WARNING DON'S INVEST chandige. Dry and clean; also good | $6,000, SEVERAL BRIC K, ALL MOD. B nd Montreal Sts B A ) one eent until uw read Successful hithge system {in connection, EK, ern, central locations, - "a : Five- Ast Phutoplay now: after the War there will Finance, and learn how fortunes Wathen, 442 Albert street. )hone ¢ Phone 88, Marche Grocery ; : . be better. Apply Job Dept, are made and lost by Investors. 252. LARGE CENTRAL HOUSE TO REN Phone 1844. Cor. King & Earl Lionel Barrymore in Whig, » Freer iria: "sibmcripuvn. Sucoom A ntamar, Tomurance. HroRer # " 7 "The aie 5, Finance, #3 8. Dearborn SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE IN GoOD| , Kingston Phone 396 Pure Pickling Spices. ia gr = condition, with large Darn And twp} Fmt eeecesisbiamsibrmeeee. mem yy oy '" Sia 4 ac hen houses; standing on one acre, Millionaire 3 Double $5 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS GRRETING PERSONAL spectally suitable for pouitry rafs. : § | The Pathe News, Comedy and Other gard ample book free; representa. - 6: _Abvly F. Coldham, Harrieneld. 1916 FORD Ph lay tives already making five to ten toplays. dollars dally. Bradley-Garretson's. | MAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHWARKS [TWO LARGE WELL FURNISHED Matinee Evening 10e¢; Brant'ord Ontario, and all growths and skin blem- rooms, suitable for married couple . 3 oat Fresh Cut Flowers Ou Mrs. McLauchlin, Brock street, wishes | Any Seat 10c Reserved, Se Ex trs | eee ishes removed permanently, with- Or two business people; also p a mn perfect condition, Funeral Designs and Wedd NG | to announce that she has removed her | "> remamnminnmnnn . 3 . out scar; 3 Yours SXpeniehics, Dr. small room; very central: electric A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT; ONE Elmer J. Sar, Nose, | light and hot water h ating. Ap- 3 Bou to Order. Tiliinery nirjors a YY am who can cook. No washing v Throat and in LW 253 | ply Box $20 Whig, 8 Pp must be sold this AN A AAAI NAAN tN, fall opening after the 18th of Septem- Ironing. References required. Bagol street. i ber. RY Mrs, C. F. Gildersleeve, 199 5 week. Ng street. tN Pp AP Pt FIRST CLASS BOARDING HOUSE IN best gewidential locality convenient A to boats, trains, triolle line nd Vegetabies, Real Estate| mur. Fri. Saturday (G IRLS! 8, REEVE RE a Aedes Lif] Central Garage, month each ($240), A money-mak- 3 35 3 St Choice Vitagraph Presents J : nig i ence Shales ark SE db, Apply to 4. 8. R. King » ann, $2 S| pet, . : For Sale J. Stuart Blackton's Soul Stirring » copstu fully. Call, or state case by Mecanti, rock street. Phone Groceries, 3 Production 18 Carlton Street, Toronto. Tr and all sensonable fruits, J FOR RENT The Executors of the Estate of the Inte \ =r EE -------------------------------------- W With or without experience, on ||| ----r = er Wai, ¥ fer for sale, by teun- T der, all the property of sald (9) m Pe = séwing and knitting machines. " sToRE ON PRINCESS STREE1., NE Friendship' S! » Comiey" hy . ME ws ge goa FINANUMAL agol: ground floor space, 16 Ae B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER County of he ac, as follows: 9 B 40 ff, Immediate a - 1st--That parcel of land on Princess hile learning. __ ply Box 60, Whig." Po evession. Ap and soMeitor, Law office, 79 Clar street now ogcupied by William ' FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. aan #nce street. Kingston. 210 Division St. Phone 545 Saunders; on this lot is a 1% story Kingston Foie, ment Society; incorporated 1863: Fe rame house, No. 689, and a barn, ent, Jolone R, Sm 4 ME -------------------- the - whole having a frontage of ; Vice-president, W. F, Nie BOARD AND ROOMS ARCHITECT about 116 ft. on Princess street, in A { Ko. oney issued on city A gg Williamavilte. . Rogerties, municipal and FIRST LDLASS BbanD AND ROOMS, POWER &~ GN, ARCHITRETS, h MER. 2nd---That parcel of land being lot 21 8 ACTS e ery convenience, central Wea. chants n u ng, oorne F J. JOHNSON in Williamsville, 1% acre, a or APT Featuring ; " 1 ar 8; tion." Apply 243 Brock street, Brock and Wellington Sts, €88, With a frontage on Princess Alic ; deposits receiv an e Joyce, Harry Leading Florist street of about 104 feet, on this allowed. R. C. Cartwright, | "Soon - froperty are two frame Awellings manager, 87 Clarence St, Kingston, eink No. 855 and 857. at prosont| Morey & Peggy Hyland [circ + cioven vow corm occupied by E. McLaughlin and . James Harkness, on this lot are| ° Medalist, aches of pianoforte ERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE -t fry Hog Ae par ness, Of Matinee 15e Evenings 15e playing and theory of music, - Fire Insurance Company. Available Hiea promptly. 3rd---~That property situated on Barrie 200 Reaerved Seats -- Tens, Pine street. Kingston. assets ssi, 187,215. In addition to es promptly. treet, Col- 3 whic ni ojdery 2 have for as rr EE Seth, thd, oo a esas mmm anne on son TAFT, ORGANISF AND DiR- El roids ability of PATTERN MAKERS, HANDY MEN and bei Now *383. 01. $66 308. 'wn 2¢ She, toe Ser tineaton 18 Sun: Pome aes tngurss hens LABORERS, CAULKERS and CHIP- { TAXISERVICE | §iiGoiseiidetia (gf se fase alt i, | So ein nou Gani 0S No. upils p ran No. 340, pn ec - dwelling. and Conservatory Sxaioations, Ad- Rpm Pl hore a BE, ty ERS. F IIGHEST WAGES PAID. RING 960. ing shop. The above property is dress, 99 Upper = if bite SEE Thurs, Fri Saturday pENTAL _ CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM- Dre Ee aalat one ta J L. xr ts, FRARL. A. NUSHITY, LLM. CON. - v - Ta Organ n LE All Large Cars Quiocn "street, all ocoupied BY ton. Mae Murra rock SC'Meth church "Temohar | ym ware, ma rge ants, Ys in : of plano, organ and voice produc- | %* BSe Office, 358 Princess SB . Sealed tenders will be received by " Fi Hon. Pupils prepared for Toronto Used. the undersigned executors up to noon At rst Conservatory examinations, Studio | __ _582 me on the 449 Johnson streel. . 3. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST. SRD DAY OF OCTOBER NEXT DR J. LEONAR| gr ; TIST, . ton T. . For oll the above property, or for par- "The Neglected Wife" i. Prone FHincem and. Ba | Kings axa Cab Fae AR Ake bat pment cel 1, 2, and 3 separately. FURNITURE FINISHING Tehdérs to be accompanied d by cheats MUTUAL WEEKLY DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, of 5% on amount of tender, ich will DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FIVISH- tists, 159 Wellin, ton Sireet, G. c. be returned if offer #s not ac sccepted. ; r. Call drop a card. 2 hn Dewar .D.8,, Terms cash on delivery title Vaudeville atieet = a 3 Jo Pron sis. > a stant. 1 The highest OF any tender not nec- Prices -- Mat. 10¢; Evening 15e, essarily acecepte THE B 'T YET Tenders to id: sent Pad either of the oP» . . . 3 undersigned Executor. 1 1800 LBS. LR Sirloin and Round ECHR | oF Moree, Rubber Tire Maga. shu Nason, Cutter, rs age. Sor ten No. 1 St. John Peaches ti sear! suman. sept. 52a, ui Ee Coa Orders | ag . FILLED IN ORDER OF THEIR RECEIPT _ "Fam, me seme | | AEMINONG mn | - ALL SALES FOR CASH. All zi lay 11 quar baskets ... ... . $1.13 1 baakist ptaches, 30 tha 7 LB. iated sugar ra Al cuts from go # Pose pesches, 30 1 LOOK FOR HIGHER PRICES. BAKER'S GROCERY Princess and Frontenac Phone 1016. Don't drop your hook in the same hole with others if you would sue- - ceed as. a fisherman,