ps. t . les Gowdy, Oconto, was a recent vis- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1917. ee ---- From The il Countryside; ~ Frontenac ji FALL RIVER Sept. 12 -- The heavy frost. has| done much barm to corn and pota toes, People are all through with | their harvest and have started fall ploughing and catting wood. Our school has re-opened with Miss Lyon | @s teacher and there js a good at-| tendance. A 'wee girl has come to| brighten the ome of Mr. and Mrs. | Jack Conroy, David Melligan has | been engaged cutting hay at M. Fer-| Buson's. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. | Taylor; Charlie Whiticar and family at Edward Conroy's; Mr. and Mrs. | John Palmer at William Palmer's; | Mrs. James Stevenson and son at| Davie Melligan's, MOUNTAIN GROVE. ! Sept, 14.-- The frost of last week | did considerable damage to corn, | ete. Silo filling has started. Ww. E. Barr and W. A. Me¢Knight doing the | work. Mr. and Mrs. D, Youmans | and Mr. and Mrs. H. Loyst motored | to Verona and Enterprise on Sunday. | Mrs. R. Hawley and Lena spent the | week.end at Verona, The school | fair on Wednesday was a fine 4, cess. The display in the hall was excellent, the boys even competing | in sewing and cake-making. The | number of calves and colts were | small on account of the difficulty of | taking them. The driving contest | was much appreciated by the on- | lookers. The W.I. served dinner, | and also had a hooth, realizing a | nice sum. "Jack" and "Herb" Grey | left for the west on Wednesday. Miss Trotter paid Madoc a flying visit this week. Mrs. P, Thomopson visited | at her son's, W. Pringle's, Arden, | for a few days The little Misses | Wood returned on Tuesday from | visiting friends at Roblin, Mr. and | Mrs. Harry Pringle were Sunday | guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. | John French. Alex. McDonald is on the sick list James Irwin, Sharbot Lake, is shipping hogs to day. Jas. MeDonald has returned from attend- ing Toronto fair. Miss Annie Price leaves dn Monday for Peterboro nor- mal. . J PLEASANT VALLEY. Sept. 12 A number of the resi- dents are attending Ottawa Fair. Mr and Mrs. Carman Ashley and party of friends, motored to Camp Mo- hawk on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Ed-| gar Hughes spent a recent Sunday | at Arthur Ward's, Harrowsmith. Miss! Yiolet Sigsworth 'and Russell Man-| son have resumed their studies at| Sydenham High School. Miss Maria! Watson, nurse-in-training, St. Cath- arines General Hospital, js spending & Vacation at her home here. Mr. | and Mrs, Harvey Loyst, Mr, and Mrs. | Damon Yeuman's.and Mr, Hays mo-| tored from Mountain Grove and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hughes, Earl Boyse, Nortiern Crown Bank, Ottawa, is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Boyce. . Charles Sigsworth and party motored to Westbrook recently. Cyril Close, Moscow, was the guest of James Manson on Sunday. Char- | | | | | | itor at Archibald Gowdy's.: Mrs. A. Watson and son, Secord, have return- ed after attending Toronto Exhibi- tion, Melville Bradford was in the city on Saturday, Misses Lily and Florence Godly have returned to their home at 'Harrowsmithy after viditing little Miss Keitha Ellerbeck Miss Edna McMahon visited friends here enroute to her school at Yar- kor. Clinton Sigsworth called on friends in Verona recently. George Hughes had a bee on Monday for the arrose of hauling stone to repair a arm building. ~ A good amount of Work was accomplished. Mr. and Mrs. George Barr spent Sunday at WA. Marison's. Mr. and Mrs, Frederick Ellerbeck spent Sunday at Edgar Hughes. Mrs, Joseph Hawkey and small daughter, of Elginburg, will arrive this week to visit friends. Earl Hughes and little daughter, Willa, Ottawa, 5p ntefwuuea taoi Willa, Ottawa, spent a few days with Is mother, Mrs. John Hughes, who seriously ill. Mrs. H. A. Sigs- rth is reported as quite ill at the ome of her daughter, Mrs. Bruce enderson, Westbrook. Mrs. George ughes and small daughter, are at J. Hughes," Mrs. A. Manson and son, James, attended fareweli party at Mr. Clarke's, Odessa. MERRICKVILLE Sept. 13 The farmer's are done with harvesting, and threshing is the order of the day. A number from here attended tho fair at Ottawa yesterday. The young people spent an enjoyable evening one night last week at the home of James Wilson and 'daughter at W. McCaw's; Mr. and Mrs. Payne and son, Clifford, at-R. Talimen's; Mr TO WIN THE WAR THIS HOUSEHOLD IS PLEDG TO CARRY OUT CO IENTIOUSLY THE ADVICE AND DIRECTIONS OF THE FOOD CONTROLLER : Iv |} | = = ey het ili ER -- ; Comrades in £ ice! In years to come you will recall with foods are less perishable and 80 more easil Pride the day you signed the Food Service ~exported than he y Pledge. o, until Victory is ours, do these simple For it is your Dedication to War Service. . things. : Your observance of it will cause you some When making bread, ase one-third oat- of the Finer Emotions of Your Life. meal, corn, barley or rye flour, with the You will gradually realize that though white flour, Or tell your baker to bring our own and your family's self-denial may some brown bread each day. e small--the mighty Legion of Canadian y Substitute for beef and bacon, such foods as women pledged to equal service, will mean ish, lentils, potatoes, nu bananas, etc. the difference between Victory and Disaster Tar th Eo ga: to our soldiers. You cannot--you must not desert them, It is not that they want mere white bread, beef, or bacon than you--it is just that these Woman's Auxiliary, Organization of Resources Committee, in Co-operation with The W. J. Hanna, Food Controller. Practical Housekeeping Hints THE USE OF FATS AS BUTTER SUBSTITUTES food even than lard, 'and yet, pound for pound, its in sooking, but rendered beef fat is rarely used as a The average Canadian houscwife ha¥'no Sonaep. Susi ay value is as high as butter or lard or any other table fat in this country, although in Europe it is tion of the value of fats as food, and as a result mueh 'When we buy a beefsteak the butcher carefully read in the place of butter. fat is wasted that should be used. trims off the fat and throws it into a box under thy Fats are one of the printipal sources of energy. eounter with bones and other waste which goes to i We buy fat in the form of butter and spread it on the soapmaker. This fat has both a food value and fat. Much of the objeetio our bread. We use lard as shortening in bread and a money value. It belongs to you, and you should "removed. One household method which may be suc- try, and as a medium in which 'o fry other foods. have it. You ean render it and use it in cooking. cessfully followed is to mix milk with the sust when © grease which melts out of ham and bacon is The fine lumps of sweet beef fat or suet which it is rend one-half ni sometimes made into gravies; but more often it is adhere to the roast are used in roasting- to give " teed, and 0 on ill loo rown away, because the housewife does not realize flavor, but most of the fat melts away and is not of the ts is n strained and cooled, the flavor its value as a food. Beef fat is less appreciated as a served at the table. Beef suet is occasionally used the characteristic ey Ye beet tat and Sign and Live Up to the Food Service Pledge. icate yourself and Service. Display the nable taste may be readily 4 of Toronto of the junior of the pub-| turned from Port Huron, Mich. Pres. e . Wa BB Mr: and Mrs. A. Reynolds and sen and Mrs. E. Burchell at H. Baker's' » Mr, and Mrs. Thomas: Gardiner and family at G. Younge's: Ms. O. Spie- er and daughter, Alma, at Mrs. 'Swan's; E Young at M. McLean Willie Wilson at Robert Burehel Ey T= 3 | School and Miss McLeod of Forest of duties as teacher at Bim Tree, Mr, «|B. U. Paul's; Mr. and Mrs. 8. Ander- CPDANNTD Younge's in dancing. + Mrs. Lennox and . the junior room and Miss McConnetl and Mrs. Edward Morgan have re son and daughter at J. Gorman's: Urn BA aT lic school. In the Mst of tribunals Ernie Wood and "Billie" | spent s < and Mr. and Mrs. Shultz and deugh. gard to the Military Service Act. Both Fridey B., 1 ' 's. | le ota TS A Filo me" sn la mt 2 I . t | *Ppointéd to hear exemptions for medical treatment. w ° : : e Feng, wife of Feng Kwo- . 13.~School = started last | where sittings 3 Shier is visiting relatives at Moum- / , the Prides of the Chin- with the following staff: Miss tain Grove and Smith's Fells. Mar- Republic. died Sunday night at principal, and Miss Adams of Thursday h his hm' renton, spent Sunday at Presidential Palace after a dong f 1 t t his home party he sonsifuativs for Ples. B. Barker and E, Wood of ter. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rose and child. rent spent Sunday at Morven. The school fair will be held here next y. Mra. Williams and daneh. Sena | ter t Sunday at Croydon. on and Mr 4