ADE MARKED BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXE! A ll PP PP The "WILHELMINA" Montreal. 242 Mountain Street, Rates -- 75 Cents Per Day Up. Telephone, Uptown 5346, A Home for Strimgers. md dn, Fresh Vegetables, Choice Groceries, and all gessonable fruits, Friendship's ! 210 Division St. Phone 545 IMPERIAL LIFE total security avall- ys whereas the Com- ility to the polieyhold- ers, according to the Dominion Government standard, is only $9, 401,191. The Imperial Life, there- fore, provides security of over $140 for every $100 of liability to policyholders, J. B. Cooke, Dis.Mgr. 882 King St., Phone 508; Residence 842, FOR SAL Three Used Cars Ford, McLaughlin and Studebaker. BOYD'S GARAGE 129 Brock St. Phone 201. LONDON DIRECTORY (Published Annucily) erables traders throughovt the World to communicate direct with English MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS In each class of goods. Besides being a complete commercial guide to Lon- don and its suburbs the Directory con- tains lists of EXPORT MERCHANTS with the goods they ship, and the Col- Spal end Foreign Markets they sup- : STEAMSHIP LINES arranged under the Port they sail, and Indicating the appriy mate Sailings; PROVINCIAL TRADE NOTICES of leading Manufacturers, Merchants, oe, In, the JL incipal provincial towns n ndustr centres of J us of the United y of the current edition will be 2 A cop: orwarded freight pa 2 Postal Order ok paid, on receipt of Dealers seeking Agencies can adver. time their trade cards for £1, or larger Advertisements from £3, The LONDON DIRECTORY ( 26, Abchurch Lane, London, B.C. To rent a farm of 200 acres with priv- ilege of buying. Never Have we shown such a display of » sateen, ple, ing the approxi-. ' 0. Ltd, | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1917. > * NEWS FROM THE DISTRICT CLIPPED FROM THE WHIGS MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES. {np Brief Form the Events In The | Country About Kingston Are Told --Full of Interest to Many, pairing shop in Trenton | Everything A shoe 1 was burned on Sunday was destroyed. M. D. Denton, Sidney Township, idied on Sunday, aged seventy-two | years. He was a farmer, Nine child ren survive, | { The annual meeting of the East- {ern Ontario Dairymen's Association | { is. scheduled for the second week in i January next at Perty. y At .John Street Church, Belleville, on Sunday, | E. C. Currie, giving up the pastorate, | 'was met by the managers and mem. | bers of the session and presented | with a purse of money. Presbyterian | Rev. | Henry McLean, a former resident - {of Brockville, passed away Saturday | {at the residence of his son-in-law, | Dr. J. B. Fraser, Toronto. The late | Mr. McLean was born in the Town- ship of Augusta and was in his | eightieth year. | Lieut.~Col. A. P. Allen, Capt. B.! L. Hyman and Major Perty K. Kei- | cheson are on their way home to Belleville. Major Ketcheson is be- ing invalided home, having been suf | fering for seme time from a wound- |ed knee and shell shock. { Engineers were in Smith's Falls lon Wednesday for the purpose of preparing plans and estimates for the transmission line from Merrick- ville. It is expected a comstruction | gang will be at work within a couple | of weeks, and the line completed in | sixty days. A double wedding took place at | the residence of Mr, and Mrs, George Ivory, Dalrymple, when theiy eldest daughter, Maie Evelyn, was married to Rev. George D. Campbell, Con- | secon, and their second daughter, Ella Aima, to John W. Bates, Phila- | delphia. | RY The Late J. A. Marshall, On Saturday the death occurred in the Toronto General Hospital of J. A, Marshall, Runneymede Road, and a brother of Mrs. Oliver Chown, Uni- versity avenue. The iate Mr. Marshall had been #1 for about a week, and before the anasthetic could be given him on the operating table he passed away. Two sons, Carl who is overseas with the C.E.F., and Keith at the Whitby «Corvalescent Home, and three daughters, Edna, Nora and Helen, survive, The funeral took place from de- ceased's late residence to Mount Pleasant cemetery on Monday after- noon, BASEBALL RECORDS International League. Toronto. , . 10-3 Montreal . Baltimore .. 7.2. Providence . Rochester 7 Buffalo v Newark .. . 4.7 Richmond .. National League. + «+ 6.5 Cincinnati _, Philadelphia Brooklyn . St. Louis Chicago Boston 3 New. York .. 3- Pittsburg . . 3 1 2 2 2 nderskir imaginable kind. In taffetine, moreen, moire and poplins in pur- s navy, rose, grey, taupe, Paddy, American League. New York, . i-4 Philadelphia 0. Washington 4 Boston .. . Cleveland 1 1 . 3 Detroit 0 vB an Ald. Daniel Couper has been con- fined to his home suffering from blood-poisoning in his foot, which 'was pierced by a nail. The meeting of the separate school hoard to have been held on Tuesday evening was postponed for lack of a quorum, 3 Before = (News From Eastern Ontario 1 , ay A: MAJOR A. W: GRAY' WRITES. { " | -- | Is Directing Operations With Railway Construction Battglion. County Clerk Bradshaw has re jeeived an interesting letter from Z| Major A. W. Gray, who was former- | | a 3 | ding march { ivory {and wore a black hat. | music. was enjoyed after which the | will | We handle the famous Heatherbloom un- haus | displ with wi Don't forget our Opposite Randolph. Kingston 's Ladies' Exclusive Wear Store. ized at St. f (Misg Kahleen t. 8. Anderson, lanmed in n g sweet in white tulle aver white sitk Th 'on thé noon | rn for Toronto and points west, | Kin i 1 eto a aril 2 'o n {ly county engineer. Major Gray, {who is a graduate of Queen's Uni- versity, is now in France with the Oth Railway Construction Jat talion. , Last March he crossed to Franc and' since that time has been ve busy directing the building of rail roads to carry the supplies ag far up as the support trenches, Major Gray remarks that it is no bomb proof job and that sometimes when the shelling is heavy twelve | downe. To tHe strains of the wed-| or fifteen places in a mile of track | the bride entered the| may be torn up. The work of| church leaning on the arm of her| bringing up supplies has to be car- | father and was daiotily gowned inf ried on, however, and as soon as a | duchesse satin, with bugle| break occurs it is quickly repaired, trimming and wore white hat to| Major Gray displays an interest | match, The bride was assisted Vy| in the activities of his friends in | Miss Carmel Cooper, Kingston, who| Kingston, and asks that the British | wore a gown of grey georgette crepe | Whig be forwarded to him, as he | The groom | wants all the mews from home. { was assisted by his brother, William After the ceremony the bridal party motored to the home of the bride's parents, where about fifty relatives and guests partook of a sumptuous repast, Afterwards the guests re- paired to the sitting room 'where WEDDED AT GANANOQUE The McDonald-Bolger. Nuptials on] Monday the 3rd. Gananoque, 10 John's church, Gananoque, was the scene of a very pretty wedding Monday morn- | ing last when Nora May, eldest| daughter of Mreand Mrs. John Bol- ger, was united in marriage to Ga-| briel A. McDonald, second son of Mr. | and Mrs. Thomas MeDonald, Lans- Sept St bride donned her travelling gown, which was a smart suit of nigger brown velour with hat to mateh. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald left on the afternoon train for Toronto and Ni- agara Falls. Upon their return they reside near Lansdowne where the groom has a lovely home await- ing his bride. Prince Edward Tribunals. Picton, Sept. 11.--Judge Duncan Morrison, has named the following for the exemption tribunals for] Prince Edward County: { Picton--Andrew F. gentleman, Wellington-- Everett Hubbs, store manager. Ameliasburg Consecon) Wellbanks, |. | EVELYN NESRIT THAW | In "Redemption reel photoplay | at the Grand Thursday, and for | Saturday. siX Friday (substituted Hiram Adams, farmer. | [HAD HIS ARM TORN IN THRESHING MACHINE At Colborne, in an exhibition game of baseball played at the Driving] Park grounds between Cobourg and | Colborne teams, the latter were the| William Ormsby, winners by a score of 21 to 11. | Battersea, Severely Injured on Monday RUSSIAN WITH KNIFE; | THREATENED TO KILL! William Ormsby, a well-known | | farmér residing in Battersea, had his I {arm and hand severely torn while he A Fellow Russian Lodges a was threshingef his farm on Monday | Complaint With the | evening. His #¥m was caught and in | Police. | an ace was uy torn and crush-; -------- | ed. 3 The, place for the Russians, if they | . The injured man was rushed to the want to fight, is at the front, and General Hospital in Dr. Clifford Rob-| not in the back country. | inson's auto, the trip being made in Early Wednesday morning a Rus. | thinty-five minutes, - sian called at police headquarters | 'At the hospital surgical aid was | and stated that he wanted to get out | €iven by Dr. R, J. Gardiner and Dr. | a warrant for the arrest of another | Robinson... The,man's hand-and arm Russian, whom, he claims, threaten- | Was badly lacerated, and he was not | ed to kill him with a knife. _The | able'to return to his home until Tues-| complainant stated that he was | day afternoon. | ied. Evening. | | charge of horse stealing. PTE. C. J. W'KANE : A PRISONER OF WAR He Was Reported Killed--His Brother Receives Card From Him. alms On Wednesday morning Mrs. Wil- liam G. MecKane, Clergy street west, was delightfully surprised at receiv ing a card from her son, Pte. C. J. McKane, who in June had been offi cially reported killed. The family were in mourning for the gallant young soldier, and the news that he was alive came to them as a great shock, and has turned their mourn- ing into joy. Pte. McKase went overseas with the 13th C.M.R., and transferred to the 18th Battalion in France. On the 28th May last he was reported missing, and in June the word came from Ottawa that he was dead. The card received by the family is dated the 20th of June, and has been nearly three months in coming. It is not known in what prison camp | in Germany Pte. Mc¢Kane is intern INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. m---- : Local Notes and Iteies Of General Interest. J. F. Baker and daughter, Mrs. Alexander Silver, Barrie street, are visiting in Ottawa. A. E. Hunt has returned from Ottawa where he played with the Gananoque band at the exhibition. R. J. Reid and family, who have been summering a few miles down the river, returned to the city on Tuesday. John Gallant, father of the young soldier, Clarence Joseph Gallant, who passed away at Mowat Hospital jon Tuesday is speeding from Camp- bellton, N.B., to arrange for the in- terment of his son, GIVEN CAT-O'-NINE TAILS | Fifteen Year Old Lad Punished For ! Stealing a Horse. | A fifteen-year-old lad was found { guilty in Juvenile court on Wednes- day morning of stealing a horse and | rig the property of William Bowen, baker. The Magistrate ordered that he be punished with the cat-o'-nine- | tails. Another boy is implicated in the theft, but his case has been ad- | journed. Held For Horse Stealing. Not Tea Leaves intermixed with Dust, Dirt and Stems but all Virgin Leaves. has the reputation of being and most perfect tea sold. BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED, Fall Suits and Overcoats * Fine English Worsted Suits Large stock of Indigo blue serge and wor- sted suitings. New Rain Coats with Belts. JOHN TWEDDELL Civil and Military Tailors 131 Princess St. = ea PASLRURIZED MILK AND OREAM, Visit This Dairy and Decide for Yourself. -- Satisfaction Guaranteed. Official Test by H, B. Smith. Milk test- ed 3.2 Butter Fat, 24 JOHNSON STREET Phone 2083 - _-- A FEW POLAR CUB FANS LEFT. $6.50 EACH. WHILE STOCK LASTS. Halliday Electric Co. Cor. Princess and King Sts. Belleville,, Sept. 12.--W. J. Shoe- maker, alias J. Waters, was brought to this city from Gananoque on a| On Sat- | urday last the accused hired a horse and buggy from a livery firm in this city to drive to Trenton, but instead drove to Gananoque, where he was apprehended. i THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 wanting anvthing done in the carpen- tery line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work; also hard- Wood floors of all kinds. All orders will receive prompt attention. Shop 60 Queén street. afraid of the other fellow, and for: ~~ this reason he had to give up his | job. Both men are employed in| Richardson's mines at Bedford. | The Russian, who claims that his | life is in danger, was sent to County | Magistrate J. W. Bradshaw to take | out the necessary papers for the ar- rest of the party accused. * STOCK MARKETS, Quotations Furnished by Bongard, Ryerson & Co., 44 Clarence St., Howard 8. Folger, Mavager. New York Stocks, Open---2.30 p.m. 96 93% | 9014 955 66% 6614 156 154 21 20% 28% 265 851 7654 79 91 127 128 60 70 Am, Smelters .. Atchis: B, & O. Co P.R... BRIG i ves don 'Marine .. .. Marine, pfd. .. No Yo Ola GRAFONOILA MODEL hogany or golden gquirtered oal size 151" in. square at base, BY high, with 10 Columbia Record ses ligtions n Reading Vo Southern Pac. .. Union Pacific Alcohol Am, Loco . Anaconda .. . Beth, Steel "b" .. Orucible . . Inter. Nickel Kennicott . Mexican Pet .. Rep. Steel U. 8. Steel Utah .. Midvale .. ... Atlantic Gulf .. Am. Sugar 112% Canadian Stocks. in aii fn. Brazilian. 39 XA aah Can. Cement 80% hen "$87.2 Can. Steamship 41% chiens iran Can. Loco .. . . | ; : e Cons. Smelters | 27% = i Dom. Steel 61% Dom. Bridge .. . Nova Scotia Bteel. 94% Steel of Canada . 553% War Loan, 1937 95%. A Pretty Wedding. pretty ding was solemn- Cathedral when derson, daughter of Bagot street, was to Jack Ryder, he bride § B A very Hull, England. anid carried a bouquet of brid quet of pale pink nd on their return will reside in ts and has the sincere wish of many friends for a happy future. Steamer on a Shoal. The steamer Stanstedt ran on a shoal off Swift's wharf this after noon. At three o'clock the tug Ray aaton was endeavoring to pull her ofl. . Elections Act will Frida, Portsmouth, is at- Exhibition.' tending the Ottawa ( Iemma, OUR FALL AND XMAS IVORY IS ON DISPLAY -- BRUSHES, MIRRORS, TRAYS, 7 POWDERS, FILES, CUTICLES, PERFUMES, SOAP BOXES, VOory i: WEL BOXES, STAMP MANKS, @ANDLE STICKS, R. J. Rodger, Jeweler and Optician, 1 Princess Street, "Where the Clock is on the Walk," 182 Princess Street. J) A at Arts --_-- nothing will give so much - pleasure foreso lon as a Beautiful Mode a time Columbia Grafonola and a collection of The Grafonola may Records be had in a variety of lovely Cab- inet finishes to harmonize with the furniture Reception £ - A Good Sugg of the or Living-Room. estion | In many homes instead of each member of the family family Grafonola, and a selection of and present it as a to the Bride, iving a small gift--all members of the ub together and purchase a Columbia . choice Records, hag! Big Gift from the family Go to one of our dealers and look over the stock. You ean purchase Co and Record outfits as follows: lumbia Grafonola