Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Sep 1917, p. 4

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» PAGE FOUR THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, - The British Nua SATH YRAR, SRL a sang URLS RING TED. A . @, President 'Managing Director and gec.-Treas. A. Outid"] SUBsORIPTION RATES on) One year, de ed in city ..... $6.00 One year, if paid in advance .... $5.00 One year, by mall to rural offices $2.50 Ome year, to United States 2.50 (Be ni- ~ Weekly Edition) One year, b: cash ® year, | -- o joer. & to United States and three months pro rata. TREAL RE RENAE 123 St TORONTO {EE PRESENTATIVE Itoy 05 Traders Bank Blag ONFTED STATES RETPRESENTATIV F.R.Northrup, 225 Fifth Ave. New York ¥.R.Northrup, 1510 Ass'n Blds., Chicago Attached is printing offices one of the best job in Canada. The cirewdation of THE BRITISH WHIG i» suthsuticuten by the B Audit Bureau of Olrculations. --~------ = THE PLANS ARE CORRECT. The property owners on blocks of University avenue, as dis- tinct from the occupants of houses who were asked to sign a previous petition, have signed a request and sent it to the City Council, It is to the effect that, fully, they are agreed that plans and specifications cf the en- gineer with regard to the pavement, and the filling in of the space he. tween the curb and the sidewalk, are correct, and should be carried out. - Some of the signers lave read the repert of the De- puty Minister of Highways, have ex- amined the views which he gives of streets in several cities in his annual report to the legislature, and realize how modern the engineer has aimed to be in his improvements on Uni- versity avenue. The Deputy Minister of Highways, & most competent engineer, says that for residential streets, or streets in the business section, a design which meets with a great deal of favor consists of a roadway 24 ft. wide, bordered on each side by a conerete curb. Between the curb and the walk is a strip of sod, then the sidewalk, and then the remaind. er of the allowance Is sod and In appearance adds to the depth of the lawns. When the streets have heen grad ed and boulevarded the Deputy Minister says the usual effect 18 to induce the owners of private pro perty to move their fences, improve their lawns, plant flowers, and make free use of paint. Many residential Streets in towns and cities are only 18 to 20 feet wide from curb to curb and traffic is not inconvenienced. "With a narrow roadway, the cost of construction,' says Mr. MeLean "is less, maintenance is less, and the appearance of the street is improved - by sodded boulevards." The wider the boulevard and the wider the space between the curb the enemy. And yet he maight have 8nd the sidewalk, the better, and the hafl, in his later experience, different In views about those who, settling in any case any sodding that can be 'Canada, becoming citizens of it, in- done adds to the outlook and to the! | vesting their all in its soil and busi- more attractive its appearance. value of the adjoining property. Of that there can be no doubt, and the | property owners are to be congratu- settlers of alien origin who live Tated on at last appealing to the |across the border. council to let the engineer's speeifi- cations and plans prevail so far as! velt, and the thirty-eight others .of University avenue is concerned. Lt te one imagine that becaus: the American. distilleries are idle for the time being there is a scarcity of whiskey in. the land. The ware houses and vaults are full of it, snd the older the article the mére like- Iy It Is to tick) (ha palates of the men who drink it. A CHARGE AND A DENIAL. Ottawa has a diversion from its "strife over the Franchise Bill. Mem- bers of parliament are now discuss. ing the question of veracity which Dr. Neely has raised. At Chatham he charged Sir Clifford Sifton with subterfuge. The ex-minister had posed as & conscriptionist, and, when national government was under con- sideration, toured the country in its behalf. He presumed to advise or dictate to-the members of the north. west as to how they should act or vote. It was while dealing with the vagaries of the government on this subject that Dr. Neely sprang his sensation. He charged that Sir Clitford Sifton, at at Ottawa, early in June, urged him i [to rally "the boys" behind the old | leader, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, on the | ground. that Sir Robert Borden had! lost his hold in Quebec, had bedevil- led the province with his hasty legis. lation, (after assuring the that Canada would not have con} scription), and that his was a gambler"s throw in the hope of win- | ning the support in the west that | would offset his loss in the east. | Sir Clifford Sifton has denied that | he put the matter in this way. He sald he discussed a possible split of | the members on the subject of con.- | scription, the arraying of one party | of the country against another, and | that the English-speaking Liberals should not follow the lead of Sir | Wiltrid Laurier. Mr. Charlton, another member, sustains Dr. Neely in his conten- tion. Sir Clifford Sifton whispered | to him one day, about the same time, that though a conscriptionist, though | he nad two sons in the war and might never see them again, to im- | pose conscription 'at: this time "would be an act of criminal folly." | It would create internal strife and | cause the Germans to criticiza them as a people who themselves. A tempest in a teapot you say? | Perhaps. Yet it is a tempest of | which the last has not been heard. | quarreled among | | 0 | The man who becomes a sort | public f; discovers that he has been rendering | & two! ) | to be dragooned. having had occasion | Lord Northcliffe, when, as a distin- to look into the matter most care- | guished visitor to Ottawa, and the the ! } erican people, is exceedingly foreful. of who runs about | advice to all| sooner or later | counsellor, the country giving | manner of people, a very unappreciated service. Sir | | | Clifford Sifton has tried his best to | serve the premier, and it is to be | hoped has received, at least, Sir Robert Borden's thanks. The New York Times does not | like to use the word "conscript." The men of the day like to be select. ed for honorable positions in the earvice of the country. Every man | likes to be chosen. No one wants | WHAT NORTHCLIFFE SAW. Two things must have impressed guest of the governor-general, he sat in the Commons and witnessed the application of the clousure. It was not a new experience to my lord. He 'had seen the application of it in England, but not in recent years. Away back when a certain faction in the Imperial House became obstruc tive, when it for' reasons that are not as justifiable as those which in- fluenced the Liberals, in. their onpQ..| sition to the Franchise Bill, opposed passing legislation, he knew what it was' to apply the cloture," (as t was then called), and silence the mutin. ous members as effectually as though thy had been muzzled. But Lord Northcliffe, .if he had been free to speak out his thoughts woulll not have approved of any re. striction upon speech. He stands for the absolute freedom of the press, which is analogous to the com- plete freedom of parliament. When the Imperial Government winced un- der the criticisms of his papers, the London Times dnd Mail, and. men talked of closing down the plants as the easier methods of ending their troubles, he became the more insist- ent and the more furious In his at- tacks. The closure! The silencer! These for Lord Northcliffe can have no attraction. It may be that he secretly sym- patfilzed with the prosposal to dis. franchise the aliens who have been naturalized in Canada since 1902. He led in the assaults upon the Ger- mans, who, in London and else- where, in business, in banks, in ho- tels, and even in public offices, men- aced the safety of the empire by eavesdropping and comuning with ness, should be as safely trusted to serve the country as the American The plea of ex-President: Roose- foreign extraction who have issued a kind of roclamation to the Am. Mr. Roosevelt quotes Washington as one who was willing to trust his people, to accept of their co.opera- ten, and to sacrifice thelr means and lives, If necessaly, in defense of national honor" "Al Americans," says Mr. Roosevelt, 'o'f other race origin, 'must act towards the coun. tries from which their ancesters severally sprang as Washington and his associates in their day acted. Otherwise they are traitors to Am- erica." Americans cenerally are the "children of the crucible." So are Canadians generally "the children of the crucible," and the proposal to disfranchise any of them will be found later on to work to the dis- paragement of ' Canada's progress and Canada's integrity. The example of Lieut.<Col. Camp- bell, of the 353rd Regiment, Kings. ton. in reverting to a leutenaney. in order to cross to France and serve at the front, is praise-worthy. How many of the idlers in England will be affected by it? to | been appointed under pebple | | out of it the people will probably | | ness that have been singularly lack. | dash of 'the fellows who go off .at! | fowlers' bags, and come back at dusk | ors, | ed Fsury, by the high prices for muni Labor is not represented. any |tions that 'Britain had to pay at tne extent upon the tribunals that have | Dour cl dire need. Conscription of he . Mil v all the means of producing muni- the - Miltary | tions, and payment for future orders by a tax of 100 per cent. on all war meses | profits - above 7 per cent. on gen- The interest on Canada's public |uinely invested capital, with the tax debt is now about $100,000,000 a made retroactive, would be simply year: How is it going to be met |Making restitution to the Mother. ith ive taxation? land. What is more, conscription of without oppressive taxation? the munitions industry is appareni- : ly a necesity, unless Canada is to be Not 'much use in | talking about | gllowed to withdraw from the muni- thrift and economy while the gov- | tions line of defence. ernment continues its extravagances. ; The reign of waste is, surely near. ing an end. EDITORIAL NOTES. Service Act. Why? ' + osc opin | Russla can only be governed, it would appear, by a dictatorship. ! Whether it can be more safely exer- cised by a Kerensky or Korniloff is j the question. No Excuse (Montreal Herald) If there is any excuse for dear po- tatoes this winter it will have to be the extra exertion demanded in Iift- | ing the biggest erop on record. Russia may be ruined by the civil | | war which is now impending. But | Not Bled White, (Toronto Mail) The big smash at Verdun by the French was another réminder to the Germans that rance is not bled | white, and has fome heavy punches | in "reserve. rise with a power and progressive ing since the revolution. You have noticed, of course, the Hanna's One Act. (St. Thomas Journal) and | Mr. Hanna has put the "can" on canned goods, but food prices have gone up instead of down since the with a single pair of plovers. The | zqvent of the controller, Some peo- Gucks? "They fly too high." | ple are asking that the "can" be { tied to Mr. Hanna. the break of day, with guns War 'Economies, (Toronto Globe) Canada will fix a price for wheat | in conformity with the ruling in the United States. As Sir George Fos- ter says, the two countries are an During to iste of Britain's need, | economic unit in these matiers, The the British treasfiry was forced to | ar he laugy, sume Ioliticans a pay outrageous prices for Canadian | | * munitions. In some of the early or- | ders to Canadian munition contract. | the. British treasury virtnally paid for 200,000 shells when only 100,000 were delivered. In some instances, the privileged contractors (who were also almost the trustees of the British Government) award- themselves and their friends SERIOUS OUTLOOK FOR MUNITIONS aan SE] Ottawa Cltizer Things We Miss. "Montreal Star) You neven, miss some things till | they are taken away from you. In Canada there are crowds of men who | stay away from the polling booths at every election while over in Rus- sia every member of the royal fam- | ily from Nicholas down is protest- | | { | $5.15 for machining the 18-pounder | ing at being deprived of the 'fran- shell when it could have been toe ce | at cost price for $1.15. And mil- lions of shells were made by pri vate contract im Canada at prices where the prospect of war profits ex- Commissioner O'Connor, in his re- tinguished all thought of patriotism. ! port on the fuel situation, speaks of It is now time for the Canadian |the future possibility of bringing Government to undo some of tae| coal from Alaskew by airship. - The consequences of its benevolent neu-| Government, na doubt, found great trality towards the munitions, pro- | relief in tlis suggestion--operhaps, in fiteering in this country. It can be | fact, such a startling fore-view has done by settihg up compulsory na-| been responsible for the recent weak- tional service for the rest of the war | ness in rajlway stocks. in the munitions industry. Maay factories have been pald for, practi cally' bought by the British trea- ~~ Future Possibility. (Fiffancial Post) A good many people are fond of flattery in big doses and often. Sa & 3a 4 . i OAs Gas A strong classified department halos fast friends for any newspaper. Let a man want work. A 2 »e not good salesmen of themselves. This man Boy be good workman in his line, but when it comés ap! laty connecting up with some work fn his own partivhlar line he is usually at sea. Here the "want ads" step-in, Employers know that when they want goed work- map all they have to do is to reach out through, the clas- E Phos --the classified On and there finds tends from employers who want men like himself, He gets work. His friendshiip for that néwspaper "is {straightway cemented. The employer who gets that good workman probably chuckles with satisfaction. Jt is not the first time that newspaper has done something + for him but is merely another sample of what the classi- fled ads will dq, Rippling Rhymes "ONE LITTLE HELP I buy the helpful magazine, and read it by the evening lamp, and 'then attach a stamp that's green, a little sticky one-cent stamp. I hand it to a postal clerk, and to some soldier it will go, and maybe cheer the hours 'that irk, and hearten him to face the foe. And thus, in divers little ays, we all can help the sol- dier lads, who'll spend their ardent, toilsome days. far , from home, in foreign grads. 'Here is a magazine from home," a soldier cries, and wipes a tear; "some fellow with a thoughtful dome, in God's own country, sent it here. My aunt, whene'er shé has a chance, does Red Cross sewing With a bunch of kindly dames who used to prance to bridge whist, or pink tea lunch, The hands that used to flash the cards, now ply the needle fro and to, and reel off linen, yards and yards, which is a goodly thing to do. We all can help, if bu! try, if pot in large ways, then in small, and comfort soldier boys who sigh where surgeons walk the whitewashed hall, --WALT MASON. THiNGs iL NEVER HAPPE 3 5% -- ST CWAN YOURE NOT SUITS. 34-36. SEE BIBBYS $8.50 ENG- LISH RAINCOATS Param, ta Cloth. SEE BIBBYS SPECIAL $18.50 HAND TAILORED Sizes 34-44. English form- fitting and pinch back style. SEE BIBBYS SPECIAL $22.50 ENGLISH WOR- STED SUITS Plain grey, browns, checks and pencil stripes. Sizes weight. $3. \ Men's and Boys' Wear | The Store That Keeps the Prices Down a SEE BIBBYS SPECIAL $4.50 TROUSERS English hair-line tweed, fall Sizes 31-46 waists. SEE BIBBYS $15.00 FALL OVERCOATS. Plain grays and fancy chevi- ots, Chesterfields, Bal- maroon. E BIBBYS SPECIAL WOOL SWEATER COATS Plain and fancy weaves. Military and shawl collar. Boys' Suits to Suit the Boys ¥ Department Second Floor. Bibbys Limited } CONTEMPORARY opinion) Tampering W ith the Franchise. Toronto Star, The - proposals for disfranchise- ment are not fair. They make no dis- crimination between the traitor and the patriot, between the good citizen and the bad. The mere fact of birth is foibe a cause of disfranchisement witheut regard to the conduct of the voter, It is said an aftempt may be made to mitigate this injustice by enfran- chisement such foreigners.as have relatives at the front. But to dis- franchise those who do' not comply with this condition is to punish one man for the coldness of another. Be- sides, before the Military Service Act was passed it was not a legal offence to refuse to enlist. Those who re- fused to enlist were not disobey- ing the law of the land, and it dis surely unjust to penalise not only them but their relatives. Af this is a good ground for dis- Iranchisement, its logical conclusion would be the disfranchisement of all the people of Canada except volun- tary enlisted soldiers and their rela- tives. Does the Government propose Sunset Soap Dyes Dye anything, amy shade; wilh not wash out or fade; one dye for all fabrics. Do not soil the hands or utensils. They wash the articles while dying them, 15¢ Bar. DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE » to disfranchise to bulk of the peopl of Quebec as a punishment for back- wardness in enlisting? Does it pro- pose to disfranchise all the conscript soldiers, all those who are liable to '| military service under the, present flaw, and all the, members of their familiies? The Senate and th and the C, N. BR. Toronto Globe The Canadian Northern interests are so varied that the bald financial statem@nt given to Parliament calls for a great deal of probing. The country ought at least to know the exact amount of the indebtedness it must assume, apart from the price of the common stock. The C.P.R., if it bought the CN.R., would know the cost to 4 dollar, The country is buying the C.N.R., but it ie denied information which a pri- vate purchaser would demand as the first step in negotiutions, A refusal to answer the reasonable inquiries made in the Senate will give color to the suspicions awakened by the too generous terms of the Bill. we people of Canada, by means or guarantees, loans, subsidies, and land grants, have invested' $35 000,000 in the Canadian North i By a vote of 69 to 5 the war re. venue bill, now carrying an aggre- me od 2 $2 a9e.87, 000, was every day, in fact, wh Peanut Butter for this he ies we have 330 San Row Supply the very you watt. 5 » 'as! zepEn 8 co. Homemade Please Notice ! On and after first of May Coal Sales will be for Cash Only. BOOTH & CO. Phone 133. DAY and NIGHT SERVICE Central Garage 9 a COAL CUSTOMERS A NEW WALKING BOOT In our new fall styles you have at your dis- 'posal an attractive choice of styles which are in ex- act keeping with the fashion trend of the day, anid correct in every de- tail for your early fall re quirements. The Sawyer Shoe Store 212 Princess Street. Phone 159

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