By Washing It When you wash your hair, be care ful what you use. Don't use prepar ed shampoos or anything else that eontains too much alkali, for this is very injurious as it dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. The best thing to use i# just plain mulsi- | fied cocoanut oil, for this is pure and entirely greaseless It's very cheap and beats anything else all to pleces. You can get this at any drug store, and a few ounces will last the whole family for months, Simply moisten the hair with wa- ter and rub it in, about a teaspoon- ful is all \hat is required. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out easily. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and is soft, fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to han- dle. Besides, it loosens and takes out every particle of dust, dirt and dand- ruff, nn gra USING WILSON'S "FLY PADS AD \ | | 4 Far more effective than Sticky Fly Catchers. Clean to handle. 'Sold by Druggists and Grocers everywhere a COAL Customers Take Notice We will take your order for delivery this month. All sales for cash. Phone orders GC. 0. D. The James Sowards Coal Co. Phone 155, For Picnics and Lunch Pails Boiled England Bologna, Beet Corned Beef, Tongue; Potted Ham, Ham, Roast Pork, New Ham Loaf, Ham Bologna, Cooked Paris Pate, Deviled Ham, Potted Beef, Potted Veal, Choice Ripe Tomatoes arriving daily, J.R.B.Gage, Montreal Strect PHONE 340. aL iddies! Would you like a scribbler fréoe?. We have a bunch of fine big ones we wish to give away. Listen -- just buy something for .at least ten cents and we will give yon one. See them at: both stores. You will say they are dandies, Don't forget. Get them at the Branch or Main Store, Best's Popular Drug Store. Where people are best served. Phone 59 X Branch 2018 Prompt Delivery, Don't Spoil Your Bair YOICE EAR AGAINST TESTING WORD AS SCRAP OF PAPER, A Western Liberal Comscriptionist | Borden | Vigorously Assails the CANADA'S | Feels SNIDER SUFFERED Better Since Tanlac Overcame Trouble Than He Has in Thirty-five Years "I'm feeling better today than I } re hirty- years and it's all Franchise Bill, Which is "Bop |12Ve in thirty-five year Rogers' Voice, Ott Sept. 11 bill 1 feel more deeply than I can Since war has waged I cpeatedly appealed to my ern constituents of alien origin. I e urged service. I have plead- ed f There has been I have told told . them that Canada Empire were fighting for | AWA, | express have | west patriotic causes. 'nerous response, them again and again with Canadian pride jand the { freedom, for liberty, for justice, and, | highest of all, for national and the pledged word. "I cannot go to them now. 1 pub lis} a newspaper in the west. Through my" paper and with all my endeavors I have tried to serve these great ends My ambition has heen to create a national sentiment. 1 broke with my party and voted for conscription. I had confidence'that the position I took was right, and that I could appeal with,assurance upon that issue to.those whom I re. present, and for such a noble cause. "I cannot do that now. This Gov- ernment has repudiated the pledged word 'of Canada. It has brushed it aside as a scrap of paper. It has re- pudiated the Independence of con. scription Liberalism. Those of us who left our party because we be lieved it our duty to support the Government in a war measure for the national advantage, find now [that this Government is not so con- cerned in war measures for national advantage as it is in election mea sures for party advantage." honor Conscriptionist Liberals' Protest. In one of the most impressive short speeches heard during the pre- sent momentous session of Canada's Parliament, 'W, A. Buclianan, con scriptionist Liberal member for Medicine Hat, Alberta, thus voiced his earnest opposition to the "war time election act," sponsored by Premier Borden and drafted by Hon. Arthur Meighen on the man date of Hon, Robert Rogers Mr. Buchanan's impressive pro- test gave the Premier, who was back in the House, and his colleagues an uncomfortable fifteen minutes. For days past the Conservative press nas been eulogizing his position, both in Parliament and at the Winnipeg convention, with relation te con- scription, and repeatedly has men tioned the young westerner as a "union Cabinet" possibility. TIDINGS FROM W ESTPORT. The Bate Abram Lynn Aged Forty- Seven Years, Westport, Sept. 10.--The sudden pdeath occurred in Westport on Sat- urday afternoon, Sept. 1st, of Abram Lynn. The deceased, who was forty- Seven years of age, was born in the township of Bedford, and lived there all his life where he was a prosper- ous farmer, Besides leaves his aged mother, three sisters, and one brother. The funeral took place on Monday morning from the residence of his sister, Miss A. Lynn, Service 'was conducted by Rev. J. B. Howe assisted by Rev. KE. Teskey. J. B. McCann spent last week in Alexandria Bay and Watertown, N. Y., renewing acquaintances, Mrs. Margaret Golden underwent Saturday fu 8t. Vincent de Paul Hos. pital, Brockville. Clifford McEwen left Monday for Toronto .where he has accepted a position. Mrs. Fran- ces Mulville left last week 'to visit Perth friends. H. A, MeNaily, B.Sc., of the Delore Mining Reduction Com- pany, Deloro ig the guest of his moth®r, 'Mrs. H, W. McNally. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Parker and family re- turned on Monday to their home in Montreal after visiting relatives here, 100 Years in Same Name. Brockville, Sept. 8.--For 100 years Mr. Royal Moore's farm at Glen Morris has been in possession of the Moore families. Walsingham 1 Moore came out from County Wex- | ford, Ireland, and took up the land, which was then all forest. Mark Moore, one of his ten children, con- tinued on the farm, and of his fam.) ily of nine, Royal Moore succeeded {to the property. The Moorés have {always had large families, there be. ing eight in the present generation. The farm consists of 180 acres on the Athens Charleston Road. Ad his wife, he! due to the good work of Tanlac," said James A. Snider, of 17 Jackson "Upon this | street, West, Hamilton, recently. Mr. Snider has the distinction of being {one of the fastest coopers in Canada, { but was forced by ill health to give up his trade. He has now returned ito. work, however, and is employed iby the Paardeburg Chapter, 1.0.D.E.. {Mr. Snider is well known both in tHamilton and vicinity and although {sixty-nine years of age he has the |appearance of a man many years younger. Continuing his state- | ment, Mr, Snider said: | "A medicine that will make a per- son my, age gain in weight and re- lieve them of troubles of thirty-five or forty years standing is certainly wonderful. I had been suffering trom" a bad stomach nearly all my life. I had no appetite and just had {to force myself to eat, At times 1 | felt like there was a hundred pounds | weight on my stomach, and I was al- most doubled up with misery. Gas would form from what I ate and make my heart flutter, and I often had dreadful smothering spells. I have had the best treatment both in the United States and Canada, and have taken all kinds of medicines. I would feel a little better for a day or go and then feel as bad or worse than ever. ' "Tanlac did for -me just what others say it has done for them and I want to make this statement be- cause I feel like it may help lots of people who are in the same fix I was. Why, before I took Tanlac I had rheumatism in my knees and the pain was so severe I couldn't straighten up, and now the rheuma- tism is nearly all gone and I can walk as good as anybody. It has put my stomach in good condition, the gas has stopped forming, and I don't have any more of those awful smothering spells. My food agrees with me and I know it is building me up because I have already gained several pounds and have just finished my second bottle of Tanlac. All the pain is gone now and I want to say' I feel better than I have in thirty- five years, 1 can't say enough in praise of Tanlac and I'm going to tell everybody 1 can about the good it has done me." Tanlac is sold in Kingston-by A. P, Chown. --Advt. KILLED BY LIGHTNING Foreigner Found Under Badly Shat- tered Pine Trees. Campbellford; Sept. 11.--Everte Annalo, a foreigner, who was work- ing at Campbellford with a Grand Trunk construction gang, lost his life during an electrical storm. His body was found in a grove beneath a cluster of pines that were badly shattered by lightning. Dr. Louchs, coroner, viewed the remains, but an inquest was not considered neces- sary, An American military regis- tration card issued at Rockport, Mass., was found in his pocket. Inspectors Seize Films. Brockville, Sept. 12.--Govern- ment moving plecture censors dis- turbed the quiet of the village of Delta by seizing eleven films which had been shipped to a theatre.there without having passed the inspec- tion of the official censor. The films belonged to a Montreal firm which is operating the theatre in the village. Punctuality and ° persistence are always found in advance of progress. Caused Great Distress and Spread to Neck and Ears--Cure Was Speed- ily Effected When Right Treat. ment Was Recommended. Grand Bend, Ont, Sept. 12. There is no disease of the skin more obstinate than ringworm, and 'the mother who writes this letter does so fully realizing what it will mean to other anxious mothers to know about Dr, Chase's Ointment. This remarkable cure was brought about two years ago, and as there has been no return of the distressing dis- Lease there can be no doubt that the cure is permanent. Mrs. D. Stebbins, Grand Bend, Ont., writes: "I am going to try to tell you of my experience with Dr. Chase's , Ointment. - My litle girl had sores come out on her head which looked like ringworms. They were spread- ing fast and I tried home treatment but nothing helped her. to the doctor, and he opened some the sores, which were as -the yoke of an egg. B ERfREITESY tt! : : ' i fess TIE. Ht g 1 MOST ALL IS wa | | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 191 1. NEST PROTEST { Told In Twilight * Miss Ethel Kent, King street, was hostess at the tea hour on Tuesday afternoon when some of her guests Tree i othea Bidwell, Miss Isabella Wal- dron, Miss Helen Campbell, Miss Rose Rogers, Miss Eleanor Phelan, Miss Hazel and Miss Doris Browne, Miss Gwenneth' Merrick, Miss Alice Goodwin, Miss Mary Stewart, Miss Helen McKay, Miss Marjorie Minnes, Miss 'Ruth Anglin, Miss Marjorie Miss Lucy! Waddell, Miss Margaret Hemming, Miss Elizabeth Cunning- ham, Miss Helen Strange, Miss Edith Carruthers, Miss Marion Ogilvie and Miss Harriet Gardiner. - - - Mrs. Cecil Claire Adams received at the home of her mother, Mrs. A. K. Kirkpatrick, "The Chestnuts,' Monday afternoon for the first time since her marriage, when she was wearing 'a charming and most be- coming gown of white georgette crepe with corsage bouquet of pink roses. Mrs. C. N. Perreau, Mrs, ~ Wother- spoon and Miss Louise Kirkpatrick were in charge of the tea table, which had for its centre a crystal bowl of lovely Killarney roses, and the pret- tily gowned girls, who assisted in the téa room were Miss Mamie Garrett; Miss Rose Rogers, Miss Mary Strange, Miss Edith Carruthers and Miss Sybil Kirkpatrick. . . . Some of the officers of the Army Service Corps entertained at a de lightful dance at Barriefield Camp last evening. -. . Mrs. Cecil Adams asked a few friends to tea on Tuesday afternoon in honor of Miss Blanche Kent, who returned to Montreal to-day. Misses Elizabeth McCarthy Katharine Keelther, Oswego, have returned home after Capt. and Mrs. A. Rochefort. Mr. and Mrs. F. R, Lonergon and family have returned to Montreal af- ter spending the past week the guests of Capt. and Mrs, A. Roche- fort. visiting - - * Miss Madeline Wendling, Brock- ville, has returned to Kingston to re- sume her duties as nurse-in-training. Miss Elizabeth Watson, Livingston avenue, is visiting Mr. Frank Parker, Ottawa, Miss Harriet Gardiner, street, and Miss Marion Ogilvie, Prin- their studies at Havergal College, To- ronto. Rev. Ernest Thomas, Vancouver, B.C., visiting hig. sisters-in-law, the Misses Jack, University avenue, left for Toronto and the west to-day. ces Robinson, who have been attend- ing the meeting of the Victoria Or- ed home. Miss Harriet Donnelly, Earl street, and Miss Phyllis Farrar, Alfred street, left to-day for Toronto to at- tend Havergal College, Miss Eleanor Lyman left to-day for New York after spending the summer with her aunts, the Misses Lyman, King street, Mr. and Mrs, Murray O'Hara, New York, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Craig, Union street, - . . Mrs. Malcolm . Maclean, Regina; who has been visiting in Belleville for the past two months is expected to-morrow to visit Mrs. W. G. Craig. Barrie street. Mrs. G. Y. Chown and Miss Edna Chown left to-day. for Toronto where the latter will attend Branksome all Misses Gertrude and Maretta 0'- Reily, Johnson street, have returned home after a visit of two weeks in Buffalo and Toronto. * * * Miss Lillian Sughrue, Detroit, Mich., is visiting ther sister, Mans. John Sherbino, Markland street. William J. Rochefort is visiting relatives in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Muchmore are the guests of friends in Ottawa. Miss E. Thompson, Clergy street, is visiting friends in Richmond, Que. Mrs, E. J. Adams, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs." James Craig, Earl street, returned to Otta- wa on' Saturday. ' Mrs. R Pomeroy and children have returned to Sharbot Lake after visiting friends at Bell Rock. . and Mrs. Nash, Albert street returned Tuesday night from a short motor through York, They' spent Sunday and Mon-, day with Mr, and Mrs. C. H. Bulson, NX. oa s s.-W. G. Jordan, Barrie e is home after an extended visit wi her daughter, Mrs. Leadbeater, Wal- were: Mrs. Jack Meredith, Miss Dor-|§ Uglow, Miss Veta Minunes, Miss Gwen-| | dolyn and Miss Doris Folger, Miss § Beth Small, Miss Marjorie Gamsby, and Mrs. 1 Bagot | f cess street, left to-day to resume] Mrs, H. P. Smith and Mrs. #ran-|{ der of Nurses in Toronto have return-| : n | point-blank denial to charges made mma 'PAGE THREE _-- Probs: Thursday: fine and warmer We are doubly elated over the wonderful and instantaneous success that our showing of fall and winter coats has made; first because of the infinite care taken in selecting models from over fifty different manufacturers, and secondly because of the fact that hundreds of the best dressed women in this community have. without solicitation, expressed their wonderment at the styles, tailoring and ma- terials in our range of over 500 coats. ' Priced from $12.50 to $35.00 and from $39.50 to $125.00 We Invite Comparison. Any coat will be laid aside with a small deposit uritil wanted HOME GROWN POTATOES Fresh Vegetables and Choice Groceries Thompson's Grocery Phone 387. 294 Princess St. daughter, Union street west, who have been visiting friends in Lon. don, Hamilton and Toronto since June, have returned home. . . Ad Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Story, Brock- ville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Shirley Esther, to. Jonn A. Kochler, Granby, Que. The mariage will take piace quietly on Tuesday, September 25th. (Continued on Page 10.) THE WORLD'S NEWS ) IN BRIEF FORM Tidings From All Over Told In a Pithy and Pointed Way. Controller R. H. Cameron has been called to Ottawa to serve upon a food control committee appointed to deal with the slaughtering of young calves, lambs and young hogs. John Mann, a prominent ¢itizen of Brantford, - has' passed away at the age of 80 years. Hohn J. Doran, a real estate brok- er and former oarsman, Toronto, died after an acute illness, The four men accused of conmec- tion with the death of Dr. MacRob. bie in Hamilton were committed for trial. The yleld of vacant lot cultivation under the auspices of the Rotary Club, Toronto, amounted ' to about $50,000, i Rev. Dr. Dobson, Regina, reported the steps taken by the ple of Saskatschewan to bring down the prices of fruit. . Sir Lomer Gouin, it Is reported from Quebec, will succeed Sir Wil- frid Laurier as leader of the Liberal party in Canada. : i 'At Sault Ste. Marie the death took of Rev. B. P. Fuller, principal of the Algoma Indian Homes. 'The injuries sustained by Quar- termaster-General von Ludendorft in a railway acident in Belgium are graver than at first supposed. Traffic on the Canadfan Pacific Railway for the week ending Sept. 7th amounted to $2.§66,000. For the same week last year the figures were $2,679,000. » Col. Fred Lydon, Fenian Raid vet- 'Act in that they 301d a brand of in- valid port without a license. > Sir Clifford 8ifton has entered a by Dr. Neely at Chatham that he had 'once promoted among nn TTT PA A CRC LIN J a LE BB EE EEE PEAS NG al Very large stocks we have been carrying for some time, enable us to offer you values not to be had elsewhere. In a great many cases our prices are less than wholesale today. A fine selection of beautiful W all sizes and prices to fit all purses. Furniture for every room .in the house, iflton. and Brussels Rugs; Linoleums, ofl. cloths, cartains. 'White Sewing Machines," T. F. HARRISON COMPANY Phone 90. HARE AOA - £ Limited. £ . _ Thursday, Sept. 13th And Following Days. | Mrs. O.YV. Hansen, | place of Mrs. Mary A. Fuller, wife : All Are Invited.