...PAGE TWO ne an WR ah A writers All a a ap. Check Protectors, $10.00 and $27.50. Envelope Sealers, $8.60. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. treet John McKay, Furriers 149-157 Brock Street. [STANDARD PATTERNS 'or Sale it COLLEGE BOOK STORE, $1550 Will Buy a . Five room dwelling, stone foundation, with improvements, Bay Stieet. $1300 « Takes a 6-room divelling, stone foundation, with im- provements and barn. Stephen street, near Moatreal street. McCann's, Real Estate 82 Broik Street. Phone 326 or 621. 4 4 Kingston. | 3 > Arh A Ahhh A ) WeareOptical | Specialists | IS BEST SOLVED BY COMING TO US | You are assured a thorough scientific examination and ac- ill curate glasses at Asselstine's. | Consult 1. ASSELSTINE | King Street. At the Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clover HONEY In one pound sections, 25 cents each, | Fresh California Prunes, nice and |. juley +... 10e, 12% ¢, 15c Ib. {Evaporated Peaches, 2 lhs_for 23c¢. | Evaporated Apricots . + 15e Wn { Bweet Cider 40¢ gal, W. R. McRea & Co. { . | Golden Lion Grocery 2 { 'People are wondering why the { Jail governorship is being kept open {so long. "R. J. Bushel is the popular candidate for the office. . A HANDSOME HALL RUG. . is a distinct addition to the tone of the Every visitor, to be impressed. upon entering, is sure We have rugs of various sizes exactly suited for halls.. We know that if you will look at them you'll have one in your home. . CR, McFaul, i U'alabogie. P.R | yo search, Cartwright, at "The Maples." | also taken along with the boat. TT -- -- - {FREIGHT CAR IS ENTERED INCIDENTS OF THE DAY [THIEF MABE OFF WITH SOME PACKAGES OF CARTRIDGES taining Goods Thief Had Discard-| ed--Goods Shipped by Local Firm | to Calabogie. { Searching along the waterfront] on Wednesday morning 'for a skiff] which had been reported stolen, Con-| stable Samuel Arniel unearthed a! box partially filled with nails, hin- ges and mouse traps, and an investi-| gation made by tue Constable show- ed that a freight car in the local yards, belonging to the Canadian | Pacific Ratlway had been broken into and a box of merchandise stolen. The| railway company management is now | making a further investigation to] what has been taken, ! In the box mentioned there was| i 1 supply eof cartridges and] were are all missing, so it is quite evident that the person or person| who stole the box were in search of ammunition Tae box was shipped | by Dalton & Sons to J. S, Box & Sons, The contents of the box| had been dumped gut on the ground jand after the packages containing the cartridges had been taken out, nails, | Muinges and mouse traps were dump- | od k into the box again. The box| was hen hidden in among some | logs elong the wharf not far from the| foot of Bruck street. | Constable Arniel notified the C and also Dalton & Sons, and then took the box and contents to the police station, and will continue 'his investigation. GT | The skiff reported stolen, and for which Constable Arniel was making| is the property of Lady| It was taken from the boat house during| "Monday night, or early Tuesday | morning. It is a cedar skiff of the Alexandria Bay fishing type, and was | varnished. Some fishing rods were] The | person committing the theft, after | Aeking the skiff out of the boahouse,"] used a board to close the door, 1nd | thus give one the impression that] the skiff was inside. GEN A PIRSE OF MONEY REV. JOHN DAWSON REMEMBER- | ED BY HIS PORTSMOUTH CHARGE At Gathering Held on Monday Even. | ing at the Home of Alexander At-| kins--Warm Words of Praise For Retiring Pastor and His Wife, i On Monday evening, the congreé- | gation of the Presbyterian Church at | Portsmouth, met at the home of Alex-| ander Atkins, and on behalf of the! people of Portsmouth, presented Rey, John Dawson with a purse of money. 'The gift was accompanied by the fol- lowing address: "To the Reverend Mr. and Mrs. Dawson--After sieven years associa- tion as a friend and .pastor, during which time you were ever ready night and day, to do a friendly act to apy one, we are shocked by the sudden call for the severance of those ties, welded by the kind thoughtful- ness of yourself and Mrs. Dawson. We "are pleased to know, however, that your ability has been recognized by" outsiders, who have sent in an appeal for your help to a much lar- ger field of labor. 'We trust that the gain to you and your good wife, will, in a measure, aesurge the hearts of the parting and the many true-heart- ed friends you are leaving behind. As an earnest of this meaning, more than a scrap of paper, and token of the good will, your friends and ad- mirers, we pray you to accept this small sum of money, with our bést wishes for your success in a new and larger field of activity. The address was read by Alexan- der Atkins and the presentation made by Mrs: John Davidson: Rev. Mr. Dawson replied very féel- ingly on behalf of Mrs. Dawson and himself, for the gift and kind words. DISTRICT CASUALTIES, Pte. W. E. G. Russell, Westport, Loses Right Leg. - rte. William E. G. Russell, left Canada with the who 156th Bat- tion of his right leg in an hospital in France as the result of wounds. His left leg was also injured, and the young man _ suffers the addi. tional infliction of the loss of an eye. Pte. Russell is a son of Wil- liam Russell, of Westport, and prior to his enlisting was employed in the office of the Westport Mirror, Mrs. Nellie White, - Broekville, was advised that her husband, Pte. William White, of a famous Can- adian Light Infantry battalion, was admitted on September 1 to No. 22 casualty clearing station, suffering from a gunshot wound in the back and shoulder. Pte. White, who was a farm laborer by occupation, enlist- ed in the 156th Leeds and Grenville Battalion. ". Pte. William Joseph Cale, report- ed to have died of wounds, enlisted in the 156th Battalion shortly after its formation. His next of kin re. sides in Granville, N.Y. A Lively Fight. A lively little "scrap" between a soldier and a civilian occurred on Princess street after four o'clock on Tuesday afternoon. A good sized fe d witnessed u free exhibition in which the civilian was worsted." He had to go to a doctor to have his cuts atténded to. Sale of Shoes. Thursday morning the Lockett Shoe Store will offer some wonderful bargains in Ladies' ay"s Whig. 'Lieut. Clyde A. Malloch, a Queen's graduate and an aviator, reported missing on July 28th, is now a yri- soner of war in Germany. Last week there were reported to the medical health officer one case of diphtheria and one or fever. The executive of the Woman's Aid ing for the annual tag day held October. | King street. talion, had to suffer the amputa.|Q High Button || typhoid, | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1917. LOCAL nln onstable Arniel Unearthed Box Con- | Happenings In the City and Vicinity | --What the Merchants Offer to the | Readers of the Whig. Pianos to reat. . C. W. Ltd. | Remember Brock Street Method-| ist, rummage sale, Friday, Sept. 21st A. F. Roney motored to Ottawa attend the Central Cshada Ex- hibition. Province of Ontario --~dignds for sale yielding 5.90 per cent. Thomas Mills, 79 Clarence street. Capt. Thomas O'Connor, West | street, -is steadily improving after a! very severe illness. : The Cape Vineent, N.Y, fair is in] progress Horse races and baseball] are the chief amusements. { ti. Cuaniugham, piano tuner, 21! Leave orders at McAul- ey"s Book Store. i Canadian Locomotive is ex-divis dend 13 per cent. on the common] stock and 1% per cent on the pre-| ferred. Rev. Father Carey, of Erinsville, | who has been confined to the Hotel Dieu during the past week, is im-| proving. | W. Swaine, plano and pipe organ tuner, 100 Clergy street W. Orders| left at McAuley's or 'phone 564. { Rev, W. T. G. Brown was a speak- | er on Tuesday night at a meeting of | the Pembroke Methodist district at! Westmeath, 3 | Miss Ethel Saunders, Albert street, | returned home on Thursday after spending two weeks with the Misses Harman, Montreal. Many will regret te hear of the serious illness of John Gleeson, who for many years conducted an ice business in this city. Night work in the shell depart- ment at the locomotive works end- ed on Monday. All work hereafter will be done by daylight. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Ciark, Chicago, after a pleasant visit with the Misses Clark, University avenue, will leave for the west on Thurs- d ay. Now is the time to have your piano tuned, we carry twc expert tuners and will assure entire sat- isfaction. C: W. Lindsay. Ltd. | Rev. Fathers Michael McDonald, | Portsmouth, and Rev. A. J. Hanley, | rector of St. Mary's Cathedral, left | on Monday for Rochester to spend a | few days. | The funeral of the late Isaac Al-| len was held from his late residence, | 58 Victoria street on Tuesday after-| noon, to Cataraqul cemetery. Rev.| Dr. Macgillivray conducted the ser- vice which was largely attended. A steamboat official received a shaking-up on Princess street on Wednesday morning when a street | cleaner got in his way. He was | thrown from his bicycle and sprawi- ed in the dirt of the street. We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months, if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al- low the 6 months renal om pur- chase price and arrange easy terms on balance. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. Gunner "Jack" Evans, who went overseas in April with a draft from the 72nd battery, has been wounded in the arm, according to information received by his father, J. 'Evans, chief engineer of the Utilities Com- mission. Joseph Meehan, a soldier on leave, was picked up in Ottawa aceused of stealing whiskey. He was fined $20 and costs or one nionth in jail. He was along with other soldiers who filed their water bottles with whiskey. The late Rev. Dr. Mavety, killed in a railway collision is survived by his 'widow and two daughters, Mics Florence, living at home, and Mrs. Runnels, wife of Rev. A, E. Run- nells, pastor of Douglas Methodist church, Montreal. Now is the time to have your plano tuned, we carry two expert tuners and will assure entire sat- isfaction. C. W. Lindsay. Ltd. Miss Annie Hume, B.A., Seymour East, has been appointed to the staff of Campbellford High School. ' She had to withdraw from New Liskeard to accept it. Miss Hume is a grad- uate of Stirling High School and of ueen's University. ' isplay of fall is one of Lindsay, Allies' Flags FOR KINGSTON'S BIG FALL FAIR. TO EXHIBITORS: We have. just receiveed a shipment of two foot soft cotton bunting FLAGS, of England, United States, Italy and Russia, France, Belgium, mounted with gilt spear head. Just the thing for decorating the booths. Only a limited number obtainable. = Price 25¢ each.' Set of 6 for $1.35. The College Book Store, 160-162 Princess St. Open Nights Air Fall SUITINGS ! That Will Please Shrewd Buyers. Gaberdine Suitings -- 44 and 50 inches wide, navy, Burgundy, Russian green, taupe, nigger brown, purple, beet root, etc. Exceptionally good value at 95¢ and $1.50. En ARRAS Diagonal Suiting -- 42 inches wide, nice firm weave; correct weight for suits, colors as above. 65c a yard. Pure Wool Tweeds --- 45 inches wide, navy, dark grey, mid grey and mixtures. Worth today $1.50. Special 95c. ny. Still Selling All Pure Wool Serge -- Black and navy, 45 inches wide; color guaranteed, 75¢ and $1.00. vy Wide Range of Silk Poplins, Pailette silk, Duchesse silk, in the wanted colors, $1, $1.25, $1.35. 'Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE - ~~---- BUILDERS' SUPPLIES wweey LUMBER 1onNe or MAILS SEES We have a large stock of 2 in. No. 2 Hemlock plank, which we are offer- ing at a very low price. L ALMOST LOST HIS BREATH When Magistrate Imposed a Fine of $200 and costs or Three Months. Pte. Tierney, on remand a week for drunkenness, came up in Police Court, on Wednesday morning. He told the Magistrate where he secur- ed his refreshments and also the place where he consumed it, and af the conclusion of the cross-examina- tion, the court announced that the fine would be $200 and costs or three mouths in jail. ' "What was that the Magistrate said?" asked Tierney, S ANGLIN & CO. Major R. D. Sutherland, who went { of the General Hospital are arrang- | overseas some months ago with thn 253rd Queen's ~Highland- ers Battalion, under Lieut.-Col. P. G. C. Campbell, is returning to Can- Phone 919 MantelClocks We are able to save you money on black enamelled mantel clocks. Our prices, due to opportune buying are practically the same as before the war started, hese prices cannot last and the next shipments will be much higher, Put a clock where you need it --now, Prices from $6.50 up. Smith Bros. clans, Issuers of Marriage licenses. | Furs! All kind of Fox Stoles suitable for Summer Wear. W. F.Gourdier 80 Brock Street Phone 700. --_-- Many are Buying Rather than Renting We have properties listed from $425 up. On Markland street, a nice dwel- ling with extia lot, and new stable for $1900. A stone dwelling on King street west, with two extra lots for $000, A dwelling on Johnson street (near Sydenham) for $4,000, On Johnson street, a large dwel- ling and corner lot at a reasonable "HOUSES TO RENT. Furnished and Unfurnished. E.W Mullin&Son Sellers of Real Estate, Cor. Johnson ¢ and Div Sts. = Phones 330 ana 1456. WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS | ~ $250 UP. J SEE OUR SPECIAL PEN 5 90 ~ We Are Here To Serve You. ceived by his wife, Mrs. R. D. Sutier. land, West street. It is not known the exaet date on which the major |' will arrive. from typhoid fever at the General Hospital is progressing favomably. Jor mother from St. Thomas with a Bo SS RANE