Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Sep 1917, p. 10

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PAGE TEN FIGS AND PRUNES Are The Four Fruits Used In Making "Fruit-a-tives "FRUIT-A-TIVES" is the only medicine in the world that is made from the juices of fresh ripe fruits. Thus, it is manifestly unfair to say, "I won't take Fruit-a-tives because I have tried pther remedies and they did me no good", On the other hand, the fact that "Fruit-a-tives" is entirely different Jrom any other preparation in the world, is just why you should give it a fair trial, in any trouble of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys or Skin. "Fruita tives", is composed of the active principle of [ruil and the greatest nerve lonic ever discovered. B0¢. a box, 6 for $2.50, trjal size, 25c. Atall dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Dandruff Germs are very small, but HERPICIDE QQ will find them al 4 A FEW LINES OF HEINZ 57 Pure Olive Oil. Peanut Butter. Prepared Mustard, Pork and Beans. Spaghetti with Tomatoes and Cheese, Mustard Sauce. Kidney Beans (Red). P. H. BAKER cess & Frontenac St. Phone 1016 - X ". H. Pickering, Grocer & Meat Dealer. Headquarters for Good Things 0 eat, Now-Pickling and Special Just Preserving Require nts Phone 5 a, 490-492 Prin Street, - Cor. ot, niversity, is usually re- commended by the doctor. =v It's laxative effective. ness is not spoiled by ising pains, BEY'S is most palatable and gentle acting---a great friend of wemen an children. NE ASK YOUR DRUGGISTE ABBEY'S VITA TABLE TS AFTER SIX YEARS OF SUFFERING Woman Made Well by L. E. Pinkham's VY, - Columbus, Objo.--*'T had almost given' up. Thad been sick for six yeare with ih ih : : \ Xx THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE (By Frances Walter) N J | KENNETH LOSES . HIS FORTUNE 1916, by (Copyright the At was several days before letter cafne it was addressed to my mother. "Read it Roxane," she told me We were seated together on the ing, as usual, seized the opportunity to escape from the house into the solitude of their own apparent one- ness. 1 Tore the letter open listlessly i thought 1 knew what sort of a letter it was, merely a conventional note in of our roof. But after I had read the first few lines I saw that the mis- sive contained startling news. "And now that I have told you how much I appreciated your kind- ness," I read, " you may be interest- ed enough to know that my fortunes were seriously affected by the recent panic in the stock market, It would not interest you to know the details, but the substance of the matter is that one of the men who handles my Business became involved and when I returned to Chicago IT was con- fronted with a most confused situa- tion. It hasn't been untangled yet, but so far as I am able to see and judge, 1 am convinced that I am a very poor man instead of the very rich man that I was a few weeks ago. "I really do not know why I am telling you all this unless it is that this is the first opportunity IT have had to tell anybody about the matter. Besides you were very good to me and it was under your roof that I met the only relative in the world that I have so that I feel as if I were talking to some one who was very near to me. "It appears that I shall have to go to work again after I had thought that I had retired, and I do not like the prospect although I am only 35 years old and consider myself a young man, whatever others may consider me. Of course, there are some compensating features about a working man's life, but the last few -------- -- SP db bdb SB dddb i bbb db bbddbdd Told In . ~ Twilight (Continued from Page 3.) Miss Overend, Peétérboro, has res turned home from a two-weeks' visit in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weeks and Mr, and Mrs. Luther Dusenberrie, who «motored from Kiggston, N.Y, and have ben visiting Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Hoppes, University avenue, turned on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. R. McCann and their grandson, David Gillies, King- ston, are at the Queen's Hotel, To- ronto, for a few days. LJ - - Nursing Sister Gibson, AM.C., Ongwanada Military Hospital, visif- ing for the past ten days with her aunt, Mrs. David Fraser, Hamilton, has returned to Kingston. Mrs, Charles Gfldersleeve is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs, Victor Rivers, Ottawa Mrs. Muir, Paisley, is the guest of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. D. E.- Mun- dell. - » - Miss Jennie Phillips, Johnson street, left on Monday for Toronto to visit Miss Bessie Spangenburg. Capt, and Mrs. Morton Hall and two little sons have returned from Muskoka, Miss A. E. Vanluvan, Watertown, N. Y., is a foprano soloist of high re- pute, She has many friends in King- ston. Just now she is in Syracuse, N:Y., considering an offer from ome of the largest churches there, Mr, and Mrs. D. J. Millan, Earl street, with their daughter, Katie, and their son, Norman, motored to Montreal on Sunday. Miss Katie Millan will enter a convent there, - R * Mrs. George Cooke and daughter, Miss Marjorie, have returned to St. Catharines after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cooke, Earl street. Lieut. Archibald Gordon left on Monday for Petawawa after spend- ing last week in town. Earle Abbott, Amherstburg, is visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sutherland, Gore street, Mrs. A. Christmas and Miss Mar- garet Christmas, who'have been vis- iting Mrs. Charles McDunnough, in Woodstock, have returned to town. - - Mrs. ames Quirk and | her two daughters, Miss Barbara Quirk and rs, McMurray and little dadghter, ancy, who have been spending the summer here, left on Saturday for their home on Satan Island, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs, James Minnes, Bagot street, returned on Monday from Toronto. Mrs. W. F. Nickle, who has been in Ottawa, returned to town on Sat- Miss Mildred Brereton, Toronto, is the guest of Mes. Clark Wright, Col- borne street. > Lieut. William Smith left on Tuesday for Petawawa after spend- 'ng the week-end with his mother, Mrs. T. G. Smith, Gore street. LE Sir Jobn and Lady Aird announce the engagement of their second da » Phoebe Bthelyn, to 1 | making me a man of leisure that I a McClure | Newsgpaper Syndicate) | we heard from Kenneth and when the|saved from the wreck, and I suppose | removed from the bones. porch, Virginia and Mr. Rowland hav-! acknowledgement of the hospitality | bifid bid tied b bb ad re-| = thoroughly ir years succeeded =o | did not contemplate my future with very much equanimity. the best of it. Something has been it will be sufficient for me to make] 4a new start or to take care of me | until I have become reconciled to | working again You know, before 'my father's death I had accumulated | a small sum on my own account and i T shall return to the business which | proved so profitable to me, although {1 do not' know just now if I shall be {able to. establish a business of my | own.® Possibly I shall work for some- "body else. Perhaps the dis 'ipline will do me good. "I see that I have become very garrulous concerning my affairs, and I shall stop before I bore you. 1 {hope some day to be able to visit | You again, if you will be kind| | enough to invite me, and if you will | | accept my poor hospitality in Chi-! | cago, 1 assure you that the latch| |etring will be on the outside." | Mother's brows were furrowed when she finished reading the letter, Finally she spoke. '""That letter does not sound like | Kenneth," she declared with decis-| |fon, "I cannot imagine him writing | it." { I had been so concerned with the news which the letter conveyed that I had not thought to analyze it, but when my attention was called to it I agreed with her perfectly. It was impossible to imagine Kenneth be- coming so voluble as to tell so much of his affairs. 'We puzzled over the phenomenon for some time before mother hit upon an explanation. 'JY have it!" she exclaimed at tone "He is really glad that he lost his fortune. Can you not read between the lines?" I took the letter and scanned it carefully, but T was compelled to ad- mit that I saw none of the evidence to which mother referred. Neverthe- less, she was _obdurate, "I am convinced," she repeated, "that Kenneth is glad that he is a poor man." (To Be Continued.) 1 | Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Cameron; St. { John, N.B. Their marriage will take | place in November in London, Eng- land. . . » : Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott, Belle- ville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Martha, to H. J. Wad- die, Hamilton, the marriage to take place quietly at the end of the month, PERKINS DEFIES BROWN TO FIGHT IN OPEN [Fires Broadside at Senate | Leader for Obstructing State Food Control. New York, Sept. 11.--George W. Perkins, defeated candidate of Gov- ernor Whitman for President of the State Pood Commission under the new food control law, made public an open letter he sent to Senator Clon R. Brown, Watertown, calling upon him to abandon "innuendo and secret intrigues," to "come out in the open, man-fashion, with any worth.while charge he can bring." "Your real fight was nof against my confirmation, but against giving Governor Whitman a chance to put the law. in force." Fighter Refused Exemption, New Orleans, Sept. 11.-- The dis- trict exemption board has refused exemption to Peter Gulotta, known lin the sporting warld as Pete Her- Jinan, claimant to the world's ban. tamweight championship. His par- | ents had appealed from the . local board on the ground that their son twas their sole support, and they were #f and infirm. The distriet 1board held that Gulofta had suffi. cient funds to care for his parents. a ---------- Tenders are being invited by the Militia Department for supplies for military forces at Windsor, first de. livery to be not later than October 1, indicating that the new draft law max become effective this month, erbert C. Hoover urged wider use of cornmeal for breadmaking in the United States. How Much Whole | Wheat do you eat? You | have never thought much i about food. You have eaten what you liked regardless of food value--and you continue to eat what you like but you are certain to like the foods that nourish and strengthen if they are pre- learned many palatable ways in which to serve it It is 100 per cent. whole wheat. For any meal with milk or % Canned Chicken No, 1, | Kill the fowl and draw at dnce | 'However, I shall have to make| Wash carefully and cool; Cut into| Blass jars, sections and boil until meat can be| Pack meat | in glass jars, fill jars with the liquid which has been boiled down to one- half its original volume. Add a level teaspoonful of salt per quart of meat. Place rubber and gap in position, not tight. Sterilize 3% hours in hot water bath. Sterilize 3 hours in water seal out- fit. Sterilize 23% hours in steam €ook- | er at five pounds pressure. | Stefilize 2 hours in steam cooker at ten pounds pressure. Seal the same as other canned meats. | Canned Chicken No, 2. | Kill the fowl and draw at once.| Wash carefully and cool. Cut in con-| venient sections removing the bones, | and pack in glass jars. Fill with] boiling water. Add a level tea- spoonful of salt per quart. Put rub-| ber and cap in position and sterilize one half hour longer than time given | in recipe for Canned Chicken No. 1} Canned Chicken No. 3 (Macdonald| Institute), | Clean and draw the chickens as| usual, Peel all the raw meat off the] bones, Pack the bones in a pot, cov- er with water, add a tiny bit of whole mace, 1 clove and 2 allspice berries for each chicken, and boil gently 5 or 6 hours. Wash and scald wide- mouth fruit jars. Spread the raw chicken out, sprinkle it lightly with salt and pepper, and pick it into the jars. Lay the covers on without rings or rubbers. Steam 2 hours and set, aside till next day. When the bones-stock is cooked, strain it off. The following day, remove the fat from the top, melt the jellied stock and use it to fill up the jars. Put on the rubbers and tops, and serew the rings partly down. Steam for one hour longer and eécrew the rings down tightly, Pork Sealed in Dripping. Pork may be canned in the same way as beef. A very easy and sat- isfactory way to preserve fresh fry- ing pork for summer is to slice and fry the meat, cooking it almost as much as you would for immediate usc Place the pieces in layers in a ste e crock poffhing hot fat over each layer making Jo have the top completely covered 'with fat. This makes a seal under which the meat will keep perfectly Bind a cloth over the top of the jar,s.cover and keep in a cool place. Chicken Stock Soup, All bones and trimmings of the chicken should be covered with cold water, salted and slowly simmered until the flesh drops in shreds from the bones andthe liquid is concen- trated to about uhe-half its original DRY UNITED STATES WITHIN FIVE YEARS Is an Economic Prorosition, Says Governor Arthur Cap- per of Kansas. New York, Sept. 11.-- National prohibition will be a reality in less than five years, in'the opinion of Governor Arthur Capper, of Kansas, who addresced the congregation of Grace Methodist Episcopal Church here Sunday oni-%the attitude of hansas toward prohibition, the war, woman suffrage and the Leizue to Enforce Feace. "National prohibition is coming in less than five "years," Governor Capper said, "because the business world 1s rapidly lining wp for it as an economic proposition. In: the west the strongest supporters of prohibition are the large employers of labor, including tha roliways, the Dvacking houses and other industrial concerns. "There has not beem a saloon in Kansas in twenty.fonr years," the Governor declared, 'I ragard pro- hibition as the greatest legislative blessing ever bestowed on the state. It has reduced crime, poverty, and insanity and diseases to the mini. muni. We have 90 state. prisoners for each 100,000 of population, where New York has 137. 7 has 43 paupers per 100,600, where New York has 132; and 172 insane persons in hospitals, where New York has 343. Our percentage of home owners is the largest of any flate, with but one excastion. The consumption of liquor fr eash fam- ily in New York is about $360 an- nuelly. To Kansas it is less than $5 a year. The wage earner has ust that much more to spend for food, clothing and education. Austrians Short of Fuel. 'Copenhagen, Sept. 11.--The Aus. trian Government has just put into effect stringent measures to con- serve the supply of fuel. ' The supply of coal, coke and brie quettes will be distributed on the card system to prevent thé reeur- rence of conditions of last winter, when, according to the text of the announcement, large classes of population were for weeks, without this heating material, exposed to the nclemencies of the weather. The Berne Bundu says that the cream, sliced peaches or other fruits, Made in Canada. Socialist conference will ually be held in Switzerland at THE PRESERATIN OF oD. | cans.) Kansas « a place and time yet to be di that spoonful | Four and often five spoonfuls of ordinary tea do volume. Remove meat and bones | + so 377 Nirther than threes hed and strain the stock. Partially seal | not £0 any i urther than three of Red Rose Tea. (Cap and tip tin cans), | Ta. wm ire ~attep § Pog Bom fis Diya bath | Less Red Rose is required because it consists | chiefly of rich, strong, full-flavored Assem teas. { Use Red Rose Tea and save that 1 extra spoonful. 3 Sterilize outfit, Sterilize 75 minutes in water seal outfit. , Sterilize 60 minutes in steam cook- er at five pounds pressure. Sterilize 45 minutes in pressure cooker at ten pounds pressure. Remove jars, tighten covers, and | invert to test joints. | Chicken Broth With Rice. For each gallon of soup stock use 12 ounces of rice, Boil the rice 20 | minutes. Fill the jars or tin cans two-thirds full of rice and the re- mainder with soup-stock Partially seal glass jars. (Cap and tip tin Sterilize Stock. the same as Chicken Carpet Sweepers Vegetable Soup. | | and Soak 4 pound lima beans and 1| Pound rice for 12 hours. Cook. % pound pearl barley for 2 hours. 50 Sweepers, all steel .. .. .. .. .. . Domestic Vacuum Cleaners, best made Blanch 1 pound carrots, 1 pound on- R. J. REID, ions, 1 medium-sized potato, and red pepper for 3 minutes and cold The Leading Undertaker 230 and 232 Princess Street. Motor Ambulance. Phone 577. dip. Prepare the vegetables and cut into small cubes. Mix thoroughly lima beans, ric barley, carrots, | onions, potatoes, red pepper. Fill] glass jars or the enameled tin cans! three-fourths full of the above mix- | ture of vegetables and cereals, Make | seal glass jars. (Cap and tip tin | - - cans.) Sterilize the same as Chicken | ON FREE TRIAL--NO DEPOSIT Soap, --NO, EXPENSE--we will send you a new Acougticon. This is the small instrument she oy that has positively enabled over without its costing you 1 cent. 300,000 deaf people to hear rite at once for ten v peopie to . days' free home. trial. a smooth paste of 1% pound of wheat | flour and blend in 5 gallons of soup | GENERAL ACOUSTIC COMPANY, 1300 Cawdler Bldg. New York . .$1.75 . . $12.50 stock, Boil 3 minutes and add 4] ounces salt. Pour this stock over vegetables and fill cans. Partially | A a ann You Can Hear With the Acousticon-- ar conversation of your friends, music ~~ every sound -- just as you he wed to. We guarantee it of you can w Additional Canning Notes. | 1. In the case of vegetables, which | do not require long or intermittent | sterilization in canning, it is a good | plan, wlien preparing them for din- ner to cook enough extra to fill a can or two. This method saves time and fuel. 2. Broken or poorly-shaped toma- toes are just as good for soup as the perfect ones. Tomatoes canned for! soup may be strained to get rid of the seeds before canning. 3. To can tomatoes whole, to use for salad during. the winter, select small tomatoes, scald to loosen the! skins, neel and plunge into boiling water for a few minutes. Lift from the boiling water and pack in jars, adding a teaspoonful of salt for each quart of tomatoes, Add a little boiling water to fill the jars if there is not juice enough without crushing the tomatoes, and _ sterilize as ex- plained under "Canning of Vege- tables." 4. In making apple butter, where the recipe calls for cider, it has been found that grape juice may be sub- stituted, and many people consider that this zives a more delicate pro- duct than where cider is used, (To be continued). a a Don't Take Risks If your stomach is strong, your liver active, and bow els regular, take care to keep them so. These organs are important to your health. Keep them in order with eecham's Pills and avoid any risk of serious illness. A dose or two as needed, will help the digestion, stimulate the bile, and regulate the habits. Their timely use will save much needless suffering, fortify the system and Insure Good Health Prepared Beecham, St. Helens, England. 5 pi Canada and U. 5. America. Rib dla --~---- If better ar is ever produced than the present REDPATH Extra Granulated, you may be sure it will be made in the same Refinery thafhas led for over half a century --and sold under the same name--REDPATH. "Let Redpath Sweeten it." 15 of our great, snow-white, sunshine factory, and finally, by the perfect protection of an experts who bake them; by the perfect cleanliness and appliances a Re

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