Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Sep 1917, p. 8

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ma aor ee A a EER --. PAGEEIGHT _ A Clothes! These cool days find us ready to serve you with fall outfit- ting. We invite you to come to view the new suits, overcoats, headwear and Toggery. We never entered upon a season bet- ter prepared to suit everybody's ideas and everybody's purse. Correct style and good tailoring are the most important features of our good clothes, Whether you wish to pay us $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, or up to $25.00 For a suit or overcoat you'll get perfect fitting stylish, made garments, eo oo 9 Livingston's Brock Street. If Off Your Route, It Pays To Walk, | IRE OCOO ; wells ' uits and No good style that is popular this autumn has been omitted from our display. Every garment has been carefully chosen from the foremost manufacturers. They are correct in every detail of style, workmanship, Fabric and trimming ~ Many exclusive novelties are shown now that cannot be duplicat- later on. hE 2 ¢ An early selection is advised. e values are exceptional. - Mr a A \ ' ll COATSFROM .. ....$8.75TO $49.50 SUITSFROM . . .. .. $19.75 TO $47.50 DRESSES FROM | Wald 0 en "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1917. ™ Military News Major G. 1. Campbell signed up two recruits on (Monday The undermentioned ommeneced attendance at the School of Infantry on Monday morning. Ptes, I. H Styles, C. Loudwa, S. E. Lear, H. D. Holland, J. P, McCann, E. R. Pierce, C.'G. Dreaver, E. 'F, Hagerman, H, Lucas, M. J. Murphy, J. E. Sweet, ©. S. Thompson, all of the lst Depot Battalion. Lieut. Robert D. Webster 8th Bat- tery, attached to '"C" Battery, R.C. H.A. has been returned to civil du- ties with the Custom department, his attachment to the above unit having been cancelled. Lieut. I. P. Hinds, 110th Regiment and G. H. Murphy, C.AS.C., have been appointed lieutenants to the Railway Construction Battalion. Lieut. F. de H, Cunningham, G.G FG. is to be struck off the strength of the C.E.F. from August 31st Lieut. R, L. C. Meron of the 5th Dragoon Guards is seconded The undermentioned officers of the 16th Prince Edward Regiment are permitted to retire: G. 8 Straw- bridge, L. B, Kerr, &. B. McMullen, B. F. Whitney, T. P. Love, A. J. Cun- dick; also provincial lieutenant L. B, Palmetier S. McColl, S. B! Shorey, L. J, Wark, F. J. Smith and D, Owen. officers of the 40th Northumberland Regiment are permitted to retire, J. H. O. Gouvin, C. E. Belanger, J. A. Groulx and J. J. C. D'Aoust of the 70th regiment are permitted to retire as officers of the Canadian Mil- itia, ° Nursing Sister E. L. Bell, R.RC., Army Medical Corps, whilst perform- ing the duties of matron of Queen's Military Hospital, has been granted the temporary rank of nursing mat- ron. The following men have been granted their discharge for various reasons: Gr. S. W. Lebecu, 75th Battery, Pte. M. L. Smith, A.M.C. Depot, Corpl. G. Paudash, "C" unit, M.H.C.C., Pte. J. Cleary, M.D. No. 3, Pte. €: Deline, AM.C. Depot. The prevailing cool weather does not appear to affect. the sports com- mittee at the camp as that organiza- tion has already arranged a big pro- gramme for Wednesday. There are seven field events--150 yard race, 1 mile relay race, (4 teams) of 4 men each, running tread jump, high jump, shot put, sack rate, loot race, besides bayonet exercises by pla- toons, zig-zig baseball throwing, mus- Kketry competition, and to ¢ap all, a soccer game between teams repre- senting the I.S. of 1. and Eastern De- pot Battalion. If Mister Weather Man will only loosen up a hit, and shed a few warm rays on the "Commons." keen pulsating competition is looked for. The soccer game is expected to be more of a burlgsque affair as neither team has reached the perfec- tion stage, but in any event, it will be a good drawing card, and make a fitting close to a good day's sport. "Punch" Derry and "Attaboy" Stagg, the smooth working battery of the "ration spreaders' make a fine pick and shovel act. Both are in hard training for the big event at the fair on Wednesday the twenty-sixth, Speaking about the ball game at the "Ex," it looks from the interest now being created that both teams will present formidable line-ups. Sergt. Minnhock who is scouting for the Med= decal team, is daily uncovering new material, and alrefdy has signed up three new faces, whom he claims will swing on the pill so hard that Derry and his squad will be hopping over the diamond like flies on a hot griddle. . The Service boys #fe as tight as a steel trap, but secret word their camp leads one to believe that a general shake-up in the team is Hh be available for the game. about due. The fair officials have of- fered silver medals to the winhers and this inducement his keyed the players to such a pitch that many spend sleepless nights contemplating the outcome of the pay. Some of the players are so keen on the base sliding practice that they have al- 'most worn their "pillows" toa fraz- le, Great excitement was caused in e Medical area to-day when it was ledrned that Capt. MoGregor would n . "Mac" is as popular with the boys us an orchestra at a new summer hotel, and some claim that he would | . | clined can hand their "bit" to the "Y" secretary. Recruiting officers will be in at- endance at the Ottawa fair in an endeavor to drum up recruits. Ma- jor G, I. Campbell, chief recruiting officer for the 'third military district stated to-day that an active cam- paign' would 'be conducted at tite fair. Fhe officers who will go up from | Kingston are Lieuts. E. Lussier and !; W. Young and Sergt.-Major Beall. | They left for the capital to-day. THE TRIBUNAL T0 CHOOSE KINGSTON MEN WHO WILL SERVE UNDER CONSCRIPTION Every Man Between Twenty and | Thirty-five Will Have a Chance to! Explain Why He Should Not Be| Called. : 3 To three Kingston men Judge La-{ vell has granted a responsible task, | Postmaster James Stewart, J. B.| Walkem. and George Y. Chown, have! now the weighty task of choosing! from the eligible young men inthe! city those who are to serve the Em-{ pire's cause in the front line trench-| es in France, z | Their's is not' an easy burden, to! bear. The intention of the Military Service Act is not and was never framed with the intention of tearing| young men from their home ties and flinging them : ruthlessly into the | melting pot of war. Some men will | bear their burdens in the trenches, | some on the harvest fields of Can- ada and some in the grimy factories! of the cities, Every man who has passed his twentieth birthday and | who has not reached his thirty-fifth will be allotted to his task by the tri- bunals, It is upon the men appointed by | Judge Lavell that the work of select-' ing the men from Kingston will de- volve. Postmaster Stewart's two sons havé bravely borne their part in the struggle. Major James Stew-! art is now fighting "Somewhere in! France" and since war was declared | he has been on active service with | the Canadian forces, Lieut. Rodgie | Stewart, the postmaster's youngest | on, lately fetl in action. J. B. Walkem, K.C, is represented, too, among the fighting forces, His | only son, Lieut. Harry Walker, M c.,! has been wounded in action and his bravery won for him the Military | Cross. The young men of Canada are say-| ing nothing against conscription and | will say nothing as long as it is car-| ried out fairly.' Tt behooves those behind the scheme to see that ab- solute fgirness prevails, and that | there is no "wirespulling" at Ottawa. BASEBALL RECORD. i ---- | International League. | Toronto . Montreal .. , 16 Rochester ..~%-0 Buffalo . . 5.13! Providence :5s7 Baltimore . 4-10 Newark .. . 5-2 Richmond .. 2.4 | National League. { Philadelphia §-2 Beston .. . 2-12 St. Louis . i .wud Pittsburg .. . 11 Brooklyn 13-2 New York . . 6-} | American League. | Washington 2.2 Roston . 1-4 New York . 10.5 f Philadelphia 1-1 . appr sets Canadian Casualties, Killed in actim--V. Meharry, G. Joslin, Peterboro. Missing, believed killed--I. Hanip- ' ton, Lakefield. ° i Missing--F. BE Morrissey, Jaspar. | 11l---C, M. Kellart, Minden. | Wounded--W. L. MeCrimmon,' Woodville; H. V. Pickel, Peterboro; W. Bishop, Percy Kane, Gananoque; , P. E. Wright, Westmeath; H. Wat | som, Havelock; T. Gannon, May-| north; E. Raynor, Peterboro; Lieut. | F. M. Pratt, Ottawa; J. O'Brien, Pem- broke. Bowlers SHIT at It. | It takes moré than cool weather | to stop the local bowlers. On Mon- | day night, in the single between H. | W. Newman and George Vanhorn, the former put it over his opponent | by a score of 15 to 9. Messrs, Kelly | and Hatch defeated Campbed and Price in the doubles by a score of 20 | to 7, Pianos to rent. C. W. Lindsay, td. DAILY MEMORANDUM. See top of page 8, right hand corner, for probabilities. 3 The sun rises Widnestny at 5.35 am, and sets at 6.15 ph, BORN, WRIGHT--In. Kingston, on Tuesday, * "Sept. 11h, 1917, to Mr. and Mrs! ~ John R, Wright, Neilson street, a son, Ty -is one conclusion--bG6th teams are out to win, and the lucky one which "brings home the bacon" will know .the joy of a home run. 4 Last night the warmest spot in camp seemed to be the large marque at the "¥Y".- Indeed, it must have| been, as the seating capacity was fully taxed. A comic "Love and Bus- ess' and a five reel drama entitled ty and Faith" kept the aud- &g £ 7 DIED. DOYLE~In Ringston, on. September Oth, 1917, Sada Turcotte, beloved wife of John Doyle. Fincral (private) from her late resi- ry's a solemn requiem repose of her souk KNIGHT--In Kingston, on Sept. 9th, 191 alin Am of Archibald Knight, d 71 years. Funeral (private) from late resi- dence, 346 University Ave. Wed- nesday morni at o'clock to Cataraqui cemetery: y MAKINS--At Lindsay, Ont. on Sept. 11th, 1917, Jobin Makins, : no 6 rival of train. combine humor and pathos om the | surprise of the year. | world over, has proved herself a most |and because the play in which she be sung for the happy |= beloveds wife {3 * At the Theatres | At the Grand. | A thoroughly enoyable programme | was offered at the Grand last night, | and_iaade an-instantaneons hit witn | the large audience present' Lional | Barrymore appeared, in "His Father's Son," a Metro wonderplay of love, mirth and millions. The situation | presented is catchy and unusnal. A millionaire's son is "burning up" his fathers' money. The old gentle- man closes the treasury. He tells | the son to get to work, and hots Lim $6,000 he can't hold a job for thirty days. Then Young Mr. Man gets a job as. butler. He falls in love with a' pretty girl. He prevents a bogus lord from committing a big owe! robbery. And he wins the $6,000 and the girl. It takes a star of Mr. Barrymore's rare ability to fittingly screen. The rest of the bill is varied and excellent, 'and includes a Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew comedy, two- reeler, "Her Great Dilemma," "What a Clue Will Do," and the | Pathe News. The Arthur Guy Trio | have a blackface act that is unique | ~--and a humor. A distinguished | feature is a skeleton dance that is | very clever. | "Redemption." Judging from the praise of press! and public alike, Evelyn Nesbit in| '""Redemption" is the supreme screen | It is a remark-| able drama drawing much of its in-| spiration from the events in her own life, yet in no way capitalizing the noteriety of the case. Evelyn Nes- bit, whose history Is known the versatile screen actress, (Critics of the film were lavish in their praise | not because Evelyn Nesbit is the fea-| tured player, but because Evelyn | Nesbit has proven herself an actress! of remarkable depth and technique, 80 auspiciously makes her screen de-| but is big and mercilessly true. "Re-| demption" is coming to the Grand on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. | "Florabella" Coming. The honor of being the first ad vance agent in the city for the fall and winter attractions at the Grand Opera House fell to the lot of John T. -Pearsal, who is head of the big musical production, '"Florabella," which will be here on Sept. 20th. The production is very highly spok- en of, and promises to make a big hit. At the Strand. The large audience at the Strand | last evening enjoyed to the full the | splendid programme provided for the first three days of this 'week. All were loud in praise of the screen artists, ' Mmse. Pavlowa, celebrated Rus- sian dancer, appears to good advant- age in "The Dumb Girl of Portici," The supporting cast, together with | the splendid scenic and lighting ef- | fects, make this the best vehicle for this noted dancer in whith to dis- play her charm and grace. Little Mary MoAllister, in "Do Children Count?" is "sweet and charming, and wins all hearts by the way she brings together hearts which have been sundered by mis- taken prejudices and happily saves her father from financial ruin. A Musty Suffer comedy, really funny, completes a well-balanced bill for to.night and on Wednesday. The musical accompaniment is well handled and adds much tb the en- joyment. At Griffin's. An unusually large 'audience at- tended Griffin's last evening, and thoroughly enjoyed the high class programme presented. The feature picture "Her Strang Wedding," star- ring the brilliant Lasky stdr, Fanny 'ard, is a powerful story concern- ing an incident of everyday life, which is common to the knowledge or experience of everyone--the win- ning of a girl's affections by the weaker and less worthy of two brothers because he had the more at- tractive personality of the two, Next in order is the tenth episode of that immensely interesting serial "The Mystery of the Dbuble Cross," which continues to sustain its 'popularity. A team of clever sketch artists cone tributed their iota to the entertain- ment, and were well received. This excellent programme will he repeat- YOU'VE ALREADY HAD WARNING OF COOLER NIGHTS AT HAND. And the need of warmer, hea- vier bed coverings has already come to your mind. Now the question of when and where to buy? The answer: Laidlaw's. What we mention in this ad- vertisement is. only a small part of what we have ready. Tomorrow at Silkoline Comforters * Extra well filled, perfectly sanitary. An ideal cotton com- forter at a very low price, $3.25. Silkoline Comforters. Many * pretty néw "designs, $4.25. Pure Down Filled Comforters. A number in pretty sateen coy- erings, $6.00, $8.00, $9.50, $10. A Big Blanket Value. 50 pair pure white blankets, size 72 x 80 inches. This is an extra large size. Pink or blue borders, and well worth the price or more. Tomorrow only $3.49. English Cotton Sheetings. 63 inches, 70 inches 80 inches wide at special prices. Sheets at $1.00 each, and many others. Pillow cottons in a great variety. - Pillow cases, all wanted sizes. 2 OCTOBER DELINEATOR--Call .- for your copy tomorrow. A number of New York styles shown for the first time, and i in- terested in new fall things to wear EES Se Butterick's Patterns for October now ready. " ed this evening, Wednesday after- noon and cvening. : Col. Hunter Laid Up. 'The many friends of Col. George Hunter, justice of the peace, will be sorry to learn that he is on the sick list. He has been suffering with kidney trouble, and went into. the Geners! Hospital on Tuesda {morn | ing. : 'uneral (private) from Ki aT |= R. Statio 'on' Weanosday on ar- showing a e prices, and the QUALITY | Special attention to children's needs. John Laidlaw & Son Hs splendid variety of children's shoes at moder- be relied upon. + : Te]

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