Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Sep 1917, p. 11

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\ e-- ---- ---- From The | Countryside | Frontenac SANGSTER Sept. 5 Born to Mr. and Mrs. T. Babcock a daughter, on Aug. 28rd. Thomas Barrett bought a number of gheep and lambs from T, Coalter, Hinchenbrooke, Joseph Turner, Sy- racuse, N.Y. was a visitor at T. Bar-}- rett's recently, James Leeman, Bed- ford Mills, at James Murphy's. Mrs. T. Barrett, J. Turner and J. Hickey at T. Young's. Mise Minnie and Lena Young at Mrs. J, O'Connor's, F. Johnston, Kingston, at N. Mur- phy"s. T. Young and J. Goodharte spent Saturday in the Limestone city, LAKE OPINICOON, Sept. 4. ~The weather continues very" cold with plenty of rain. School has reopened with Miss Jack- son of Vennachar as teacher. Born to Mr. and Mrs. O. Cumpson, a daugh- fer. Mrs, C. Tolgon is gaining slow- ly I'. Nolan, cheese inspector, vis- ited the factory on Monday. D, J. Hughson is able to be out again af- ter a severe illness. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. H. Sharp, Odessa, at A. N, Sharp's; W. Darling, Sydenham, at K. Darling's Mr. and Mrs, Hibbard, Kingston, spent the week-end at A. Teeple's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Linklater visited at R. Lyon's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Ennis made a trip to Westport yesterday. ECHO LAKE, Sept, 4.--The men are busy cut- ting marsh hay. Lorenzo Switzer met with quite a loss yesterday morning when his team got frightened up at fhe cheese fattory and ran away, up- setting the milk cans and spilling nearly all the milk, Mrs. John Cronk and little daughter, Mildred, spent a few days with relatives in Enterprise. Mrs. William Tacy, Wa- tertown, N.Y. is visiting relatives here. Mrs. Frank Topah and sons, William, John and Thomas, spent a few. days at her brother's, John Cronk. Miss Ella McCleod has gone to Toronto to the Exhibition. A few of the lads from here went to Deser- } onto to see the airplanes fly, N-------- JOYURVILLE Sept. 5.--The school teacher, Miss McQuitty, has returned to resume her duty, Many are looking forward for the rural school fair which win be held here Sept. 18th. Miss Mary Keyes was removed to the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, and ynderwent an operation for appendicitis, She is improving. The sale at R. Shor-, tell's on Muesday last was largely attended. Mrs. L. Woods and chil- dren have returned * home after spending a few days with friends in the city. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Joyce rnd daughter, Cora, Kingston, wis~ ited with friends here. Mrs. D. Me- Carey is spending a few weeks the guest of her daughters in Toronto, A mumber from here intend taking in the Ogdensburg fair. . ARDEN Sept. 4 The past week has been Ideal weather for harvesting and the farmers speaks of a good yield. School has opened with Miss Jeffrey i§ téacher, H. Green was taken to the General Hospital to undergo an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Snider, also Mr. and Mrs. Detlor have gone west. Miss Agnes Mea 'has returned to Toronto, after spending her holidays with J. Glendron. Miss Ethel Hughes has gone to Toronto, after spending lier holidays at her home. Dr, Lock- ridge is at the Pringle House. Miss Muriel Detlor, Kingston, is spending a few days at her home here, Mre. Hayward, Brantford, is at her sis- ter's, Mrs. TL. Gendron, The Green boys, Poterboro, are visiting at their home. Miss Hazel Green hias accept- ed North Brook school, Corn roasts are being enjoyed by the young peo- ple, M-- KEELERVILLE. Sept. 6.--Farmers are finishing . their harvesting during this fine} weather. School reopened to-day, 'with Miss Annie Glenn, of Stella, as teacher. Miss Mildred Anglin, left Monday, to take up her duties as teacher at Burridge. Pauline Ang- lin and Clifford Robb left Monday for Sydenham High School. Bartha Sleeth left to attend the Collegiate Institute, Kingston, Monday, © Clark and family motored to Pitts burg and spent Labor day among friends. Mrs. George Huntback is -in_ Kingston. J. B. Anglin and Misses Mildred and Pauline an- glin atended Toronto Exhibition last ' Week. Miss Susie Sleeth and Master Kings Willie. Sleeth are visit in ton. Mr. and Mrs. Ross To , Of Kingston, spent a few days at John Robb's recently. John Sleeth is ating a threshing machine at bury. Many from here attended the harvest dinner and garden party at Battersea last Thursday, and were délighted with the 'given in the afternoon. Inverary Fate will . be the next big event. 4 ; OLARENDON Sept. 6.--Miss M. Campbell ' returned THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11,1917. ot y Vision Your Sons, Vision them at early morning when through rising mists, there bursts a hurricane of fire..- See your valiant boys --- calm, cheerful --- "stand-to-arms" "morning hate" dies away. Picture them at breakfast, the meal that must bring them the ily sustenance to carry them through the strain of another day. Then think of what might happen if, one morning, there was no breakfast---no food to be had, and the word went down the lines that Canada had failed them. Vision all these things, and then--As Women of Canada--Mothers of Men--Answer this Call to Service. Canada must send to Her Own, and to the Allies Fighting Forces, more wheat, more beef, more bacon, and more of such other foods as are nonperishable and easily exported. They Must Statistics show that, everyday, in Canada, sufficient food is thrown into garbage: cans, to feed the entire Canadian Overseas Army. Travellers have often remarked that many a European family would live well upon the Such waste is shameful at any time: But in these times it is criminal, others of Cagadal Canada can do this, without depriving her own population of a fair share of any of these foods if You Women will but help. All we ask of you is, that instead of buying so a white flour (if you go your own baking) you vary your baking by using one- third oatmeal, corn, barley or rye flour. Or, if you buy your bread, that you order a certain proportion of brown bread each day. Second, instead of using as much beef and bacon as formerly, you vary your family's diet, by substituting for beef and bacon such equally nutritious foods as fish, peas, lentils, potatoes, nuts, bananas, etc. fr: Third, and this is most important --positively prevent the waste of a single ounce of food in your house- hold. Be Fed Our only hope is that with these truths before you, and in view of the vital issues at e, we may count upon your earnest co operation in stopping alling waste; Next week a Food Service Pledge and Win. dow Card will be delivered to you. i i 18 | Fifteen 2 success? 'ul._supper and concert In ha eatly 1 'cent vi re: - W. Cor- told of Ren or Ih ve greatly tmuproved ures and yeent visitors were: Mrs. W. Cor late erops. School this week | dukes, Elginburg, fe th Chg cdnesday morning, with Miss Myra Cueran re-engaged | ston's; Mr. Worr ous i tad Miss M. Motion ang Naren [48 yer tals. A. Townsend 'and . 8.-- Harvesting is abdut fia. | lee in ny B= | Mrs. Kenneth Babcock are recover. : marriage. . 'and ing from their r it ti has Greenlee have gone to reside in Cah r. MeCarey's Oshawa. On Sunday 'In St, [2umber from here aft {| James' church Rev. Mr. Crawtord in: gave a lid lecture service | =< on the Porta Bible Soctely and ity | Toronto work, in which he is engaged, and tones ) on far ; Fin the addrew wee such toréciated: ot, Inerehonts Te oh 1 : h ' : nu A : Kirkpatrick: und chutes re. | Edw has | Care ia oat be such 0 Teplace the old as ; | turned from several weeks' visit at atreal. for no Rt Tree =o Boles " her home in Toronto. : alleytiend, Fd i CHEN & co, Props, oledeo, O. Mrs. , * . " : Hall's Fay ils for constipation, Iners boi 8 AS Be Cured dean a local disease; gréatly fu- y constitut conditions, d er to cure it mus 2s an internal remedy. Trails Catren | Cure is taken internelly and ts | Bod of the mucous oe a if Hd 2 i in it 9 Ex HG isd iste g i i 5 i ' = ig | 53 £ A through the faces of the svst Hall's Que, - made a flying visit here this week. 3 KEPLER. Mrs. Ray Bachtel, Canton, Ohio, is ] > Sept. 6.--The recent -showers'at her parents', H. Wartman's. Re it 3 i J; y 5 i

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