Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Sep 1917, p. 10

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__ PAGE FOURTEEN RULES AND RECEIPTS FOR CAN ING VE S. Methods of Sterilization, nn-day Method --By the one-day wetuvd of sterilizing we mean plac ing the jars in the canner and heat- ing them continuously at the boil ing point or above it, for several hours, usually if this heating is con tinued long enough the will keep. Intermittent or Three-day thod--The jar is taken out of canner as the end of an hour' ing. The clamp or rim is tightened and the jar is set aside to cool until the following day. Do not jet the vegetables cool off in the canner as this results .in over.cooking. On the second day, the clamp is loos ened or the rim unscrewed, the jars are placed in warm water deep en ough to reach within an inch of the tops, and they are left until the) have been boiled an hour, at the end of whieh time they are again re moved. On the third day the hour's | boiling is repeated in the same way There is reason.for.believing that the three-day method is advisable when peas, beans, corn and greens are canned. Sometimes certain or- ganisms on these vegetables go in to a restive or spore form in which they are not easily killed by boil ing. "If, for example, there are spores in a jar of peas, they will probably not be killed by one hour or even by three hours of sterilizing. So after an hour's cooking, we set the jar aside until the next day, and 8 it gradually cools, conditions be come just right for these spores to rerminate. Most of them quickly change to an active or vegetable form in which it is possible to kill t by boiling. The second day, t a vegetable forms dre killed. It narely possible, however, that ue of the spores may not have eached the vegetable stage during the first cooling, and so have not been killed by the second boiling mg Lesson in Scientific Complexion Renewing ---------------------------- BEveryome has a beautiful skin under- neath the one exposed to view, Bear that fn mind and 1t will be easier to un- derstand the correct principle in acqulr- ing a lovely complexion. Nature is con- stantly shedding the lup skin in flaky . partidies ke dandruff, only muh smaller In size, In abnormal cond tions, or In advancing age, these parti. cles are not shed as rapidly as in ro- bust youth, The longer they remain the more soiled or faded they become that's the Immediate cause of a "bad complexion." It has been discovered that ordinary mercolized 'wax, to be had at any drug wtore, will absorb these worn-out par- ticles, The absorption, while hasten ng mature's work, goes on gradually enough to cause no inconvenience In # Week or two the transformntion is camplete, Phe fresh, healthy-hued, youthful underskin is then wholly In evidence, You who re not satisfied with your complexions should get an ounce of mercolized wax and try th'y treatment. Use the wax nightly, like cold cream, washing it off mornings. The Crown of Womanhood "Uncared for hair cannot be beau- tiful. There is no part of the human 80 revengeful as the hair. ¢ out: at me, care for me, or I will you! Treat me with consideration and I will be 8 glory.Jo you," ~~ ° as a asset. Unkempt, uncared for not cannot be attractive a i 5 : : iE £ > »E p i ; H 4 4d r ; | Hebi! T 1 THE PRESERVATION OF FOOD. As Approved by the Women's Institutes of Ontario. vegetables | { two-quart size ler. Cut in pieces conveniear for i ®t {from 2 to 5 minutes. Remove | plunge quickly into i Pack in jars. Add b : fil] crevices ful .sait to each quart ers and tops in position seal, but not tight (Cag [tin cans Use the intermittent | sterilization process,' or i Sterilize 120 minutes in hot wat- er bath Sterilize 90 minutes in ; eutfit, Stertlize 60 minutes in steam ure outfit under fi poundg of : For this reason we take the addad precaution of sterilizing the thirg | Pres day A longer cooking period for a | Steam, single day is less trouble and per Sterilize 40 minutes aps it 1 res less fuel n ihe cooker under 20 pounds of three- lay hod. but the intermit Remove jars Fight tent method is absolutely safe. It, Invert to cool and tes is for the housekeeper to . decide ID paper to prevent bl method she wishes to use | Store, 'hen to follow explicitly the directions for that method Nots (1) The ter "*blancing.' : "cold-dipping," "cold pack,' used in | loosen skins Plunge quick) the following recipes have already | cold water Peel and remove hi beer wplained in the section "Why | cores Pack woiole in -jars. ii Fruits and Vegetables Spo,' in this | Jars with tomatoes only. Add bulletin I teaspoonful =alt to earch quart (2) The length of tims allowed | Place rubber and cap in position for sterilization in these recipes ig | Partially seal but. not™tight (Cap required for cans not larger than | and tip tin e oo Gallon cans require Sterilize pnnies hot "water | bath ontfit Sterilize 18 minutes in water seal outfit sterilize 15 nutes in steam outfit, under five pounds Tomatoes. Scald in hot water a longer period. mr | Vegetable Greens--Spanish, leet. | Tops, Asparagus, Swiss Chard, te. | DD and can the same day | picked. Sort and clean Blanch in| I. a steamer for 15 or 20 minutes. te-| Sterilize nutes In pressure move, plunge quickly into eold wat-' cocker under tv pounds steam. Remove jars. Tighten covers. In canning. Pack tightly in jars or |Vert to cool and test joints. Wrap cans. Add boiling water to fill cre |Jjars in paper to prevent bleaching vise, and a teaspoonful of sale to | and store each quart. If using jars, piace | (To be continued) rubber and tops in position, part ally seal; (if using tin cons, tip and seal completely). Use the intermit tent process of sterilization, or, : ' a , : Sterilize 90 minutes in hot water | People with thin blood are much bath outfit | more subject to headaches than full- é . | Sterilize 60 minutes in hot water [ned Detsonn, ald the foie of sb ae i é CLS V Steriliz 5 i g aio {almost always accompanied by head- ! lize 30 Siaytes in Siam) laches, together with disturbance of pressure out under five pounds ot | the digestive organs steam. | > N ad re ; Remove from eanner Whenever yok hve sonstant or > y i hes the covers. Invert to cool and test |CUrring headaches and pallor of the joints. Wrap in paper to prevent |ace, they show that the blood is thin bleaching and store. and your efforts should be directed toward building up your blood, , . | fair treatment with Dr. Williams' Root and Tuber Vegetables.--Car- { Pink Pills will do this effectively. and rots, Parsnips, Beets, Sweet Po- the rich, red blood made by these tatoes. ) | pills will remove the headache. Wash thoroughly Scald in boil- More disturbances to the health ing water sufficiently to lossen are caused by their blood than most skin. Plunge quickly into cold wat people have any idea of. When your er. Scrape or pare to remove skin. |plood is impoverished, the nerves Pack intd jars whole or cut in sec- [gyfer from lack of nourishment, and tions or cubes. Add boiling wate: {you may be troubled with insomnia, and one level teaspoonful of salt to | neuritis, neuralgia or sciatica. Mus- the quart. Place rubbers and tops |gles subject to strain are under-nour in position, Partially seal, but not jshed and you may have muscular tight. (Cap and tip tin cans.) {rheumatism or lumbago. If your Sterilize 90 minutes in hot water |hlood is thin and you begin to show bath. oe |symptoms of any of these disorders. Sterilize 75 minutes in water seal try building up the blood with Dr. outfit. William's' Pink Pills, and as the Sterilizg 60 minutes in steam ylood is restored to its normal con- pressure outfit under five pounds | gition, every symptom of the trou- of aa, 25 t 3} eo |Dle will disappear. There are more vi io i Duis in Jrsseure {people who owe their present state Oye wenty pounds olf fof good health to Dr. Williams' Pink steam. { Pills than to any other medicine, and Remfove jars. Tighten covers. In | ost of them do t hes ) vert to cool and test joints. Wrap jose ¢ Hot Nesitale to. Say Jark In paper to prevent bleaching | "you can get Dr. Williams' Pink 3 SIO coupling beets, IF ioe | Pills through any dealer in medicine 5 JY divi o {or by mail at 50 cepts a box or six gar is added to the water in the boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- proportion of one part vinegar to 2 \ d four of water, the natural bright {Hams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. color will be preserved. | Miss Cdssie Fox, B.A. who has been in attendance at the Ontatio String Beans and Peas. College of Art, Toronto, has been Can same day vegetables are pick- ' successful in obtaining specialists ed. Blanch in boiling hot water and supervisor's certificates in art. mm F requent Headaches seal Tighten Gary & Practical F Home Dress Making Lerrons Prepared Specially for This Newspaper 1 By Pictorial Review Blouses for Autumn Are Charming. although the collar is shown ia high effect, it may be rolled back in op2n oftact. Strgight eufls infsk the one plece sleeves. A jabot which is gath. cred at the neck and the lower ends tisd in graceful effect, trims the front of the blouse: In mediuni gize the waist requires 2% yards 36-fnch material. If made without the jabot, 23% yards will be sufficient. The cutting guide shows the jabot section arranged as illustrated in the naished waist, but if it is desired wichout the tab extension, cut off the extension along small "0" perfora. tions before placing pattern on the marerial. seams are avoided by placing the collar, yoke, back and waistband on the lengthwise fold of material. Be = ' 'The cuff section is laid along the selvage edge, but the large "0" per forations rect on u lengthwise thread. The jabot is placed to the right of the cuff | the front of the walst to the right of the jabot, the back section intervening. The siceve {is latd on the material so that the lirge "0" porforations rest on a length. wise thread. As ornaménts the SE RAE dhl his disgivantages in the matter of Maroy N0I2377 A gathered jabot to trim the front ives this lovely new waist an ex- ceedingly okie effect. It may de made of crepe de chine or Georgette. There is no gainsaying the attrae tiveness of the advance models in Autumn blouses. They are quite the daintiest confections that artistic minds are capable of conceiving. Here is given an example of what may be done with crepe de chine or trepe Georgette: ~The front and back are gathered to a square yoke and ID he) i ds Pictorial Review Blouse No. 7355. 8 'izes, 34 to 44 inches bust. Price, 20 - i i, FEE PREP EEPd SEES SEE She {Continued from mage 7.) Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Henderson and family, who have been summering at Thousand Island Pdrk, have returned to Montreal, Mrs. Raysor, "University avenue, has returned from visiting Mrs. H Mrz. W. B. Skinner and little dauz- ter, Migs Nancy, are the guests of nr E 18, Kinz street were will be another weekly tea at the Yacht Club on Wednesday af- ternoon. . * » Miss Mildred Jones has returned from "Fettercalirn," Chaffey's Locks. Martin returned to this week to resume her the Royal Victoria Hc Qrace of these ingredients, Mrs. R. W. Drigstocke and her children have returned from spending the summer at Prince Edward Island WINNIPEG Mra. W, B. Carey, Brock street, CONTAINS NO ALUM "It is a pure phosphate baking pow- H. Horsey at Cressy . 'der and is guaranteed by us to be the best and purest baking powder possible to produce. The perfect leavening qualities of " Magic" combined with its purity' and wholesomeness make it the ideal "baking powder. The ingredients are plainly printed on the label and our half century reputation should be sufficient guarantee of the high quality E.W.GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO.ONT. who has been visiting Mrs. Patton - A i in Prescott, has returned home. Mrs. Vere Hooper and Miss Doro- thy Hooper of Ottawa are visiting Friends in town Migs M. C. McDowell has returned | to Waterbury, Conn,, after spending ' the summer with relatives at "Hedge| Lawn," Princess street EE THE ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN Interesting jottings concerning the | : Moings of the feminine sex the world | Mrs. J. F. Knapp and Misses Lu-|gyer J ella and Stella Knapp, Johnson Od maids are very treet, have left for an extended va-|j|and cation in Pasadena, California. { Constantinople has a store for| Mr. and Mrs. David H. Price, Ayl-| women only. | mer, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.| It ig claimed that women make the | G. Elliott, Barrie street, this week en | peg sculptors. { route to Toronto and Buffalo Great Britain has over Master David Price, Aylmer, spent| women in the army service. a few days with Capt. C. J. Kane, 3 Earl street, this week. {employed in agriculture in France. | A and Mrs. J. J. Shortell, Flush-| Queen Helena of Italy has a hobby ing, L.1., are the guests of Mrs. James! yf collecting curious footwear. } Murphy and Mrs. Patrick Joyce, The Prussian mines employ over Joyceville, 30,000 women in various capacities. | 2 Women are being employed 'as Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wilson, Gan-|longshoremen in New York city anoque, announce the engagement of A large sawmill located in Kiln | their daughter, Edyth E., to W. H. | Miss., ig run e rely by women, Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A Over 1,600 women are employed in Smith, Kingston. The marriage will municipal positions in Philadelphia. takgsplacé quietly during September, Women workers making uniforms } A | for the Mexican soldiers receive $3 | per day. | ig: sche rirls of 5 yo * The Whig regrets that it is ' Bi a school girls of Loyalton, Cal + unsble to publish to-day the % usual instalment of Roxane. Wom oh ) * This interesting story will be 4 YOIRan are employed as ammuni- + resumed in a few days. + | tion workers in the United States » & naval torpedo plant at Newport, R. I, PPB PBPbd ddd Geddodddd fod Miss Dorotky Jones of Monclair, N -- gate J., has sailed for France, where she gL, 3 will drive a war ambulance, The Medical Woman's Club of Kan- For the first time in the world's) sas City, is circulating petitions ask-| history Jewish wouen have voted | ing that women Uoctors be admitted! for representation in a Jewish con-| to places on tie medical staffs of the gress, various military branches and that Girls with flat feet are being re- they be given equal pay and 'equal, jeoted as stenographers by the United rank with the men doing ° similar States naval department, work. | . ' { scarce in Kng- | 21,000 | Over 1,000,000 women are now! Sedoods de oloofoodeodesfeadosdosdenfodfodocdesduadeaferte dosfosforfeds * donned "overails and gone to | twork in the harvest fields, {in the United States is the honor laid by Miss Neva McKinna of Tifton, Qa. | Miss Fay Moore of Kansas, Mont., {whose father is a wealthy ranch own- jer, has applied for a job as a farm laborer, | According to statistics a third of {the telephone operators becomé {brides before they have worked five {months. | Mrs. Marion N. Horwitz, widow of |a widely known Philadelphia attor- {ney, has been nominated for mayor of Moorehaven, Fla, 4 | After being married for 50 years, Mrs. Mary D. Erwiz has just discov- jered that she has been illegally mar- {ried all this time. Miss Olga Doriner, Philadelphia's isensational swimmer, dived 48 feet in {an exhibition hel drefently-in Balt:- more. | Mrs. Beatrice Castleton, recently {admitted to practice law in Atlanta, {is the first woman to be allowed to | practice law in Georgia. $ Miss Martha Bell, a high school | &irl, is working as a freight clerk in the Glassboro (N.J.) office of the Pennsylvania railroad. > Three women recently swam across HEROINE OF BRITISH RAID {Storm lake, Iowa. This is tie first Doris Spencer Walton, aged fifteen, | {imo in history that a woman has | Maughtes of miss bas " when being ta- accomplished this feat. by twa Cana an aby pd a ae Miss Florence Wardwell "of New mast kiss you both because you have | YOTK City, has begun a campaign to suffered," % leducate the servants of the wealthy m | The first woman réétuiting officer| | A ig, Help to Save Canadas Fruit Crop %3 "A Practical Thrift Suggestion MONTREAL ewport in the t of saving food » western front that women have } 1 r of Wakefield, bee ssed into service as mechan- , will enter Simmons college this|ie s at the French aviation stations. the age of fifteen, being the Esther B. Darling of Nome, oungest freshman ever admitted to} 2 aska, who sold many racing dogs y institution to the Freneh government, has re- ¢ Ilda G. Br Columbia | ceived the Cross of War won by Al- miversity, a recog authority on |aska dogs on service at the front in atalogueing has been named *y = transporting 9 tons of shell to an temize records of American Red |isolated post under fire." Cross work in France, Countess Sophie Panin, noted in| E. B. Fraleck, Belleville, judge of Russia for her various philanthropic| the County of Hastings for many wetivities, has been tendered the post | Years, has received notice that he is of assistant minister of social tute-|authorized and required to hold any lage, one of the Russian departments| of the courts and to perform any 'f state. { other judical duties of the county French and English, ad well as| court in the County of Prince Rd- American women in France, have | Ward Ws occasion may arise. This Is formed an organization, the object of | owing to the illness of Judge Mor- which is to look after the American | ris soldier boys now on the other side of | the ocean, $ ply sayiny you are a Christian does not prove it So great is the need ror all possible A dude might be called a resem- aid to the Allies' fighting forces on ' blance to a man A ttn. ath. tat Protects Consumers This is the red, white and green package which you have been buying for over eleven years. CORN FLAKES -% The increasing sales, year by year, prove that their good qualities have been kept up to the stand- ard since. the beginning, and are appreciated by Canadians. CE To be sure you get Kellogg's ; Toasted Corn Flakes, insist on this package. It is the original. Refuse all substitutes. The Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Co, Limited. Head Office and Factory: London, Ont. A tn i r------ Tz -- ANA ct tn Nt rt sn --. CE and economical form the daily fruit cessary i wholesome diet. Fruit I u 5 Ep eh ED thay that which go buy, and the slight increase in wr © 0 i 28h, due ighe? peice o sugar, is compar, pR Successful ing and in b: means difficult og are Saw % boi oy -- ok or 5 1 Caras or JO. 2050 or ST. Bh 2 "Let Redpath Sweeten It" 2 LIMITED, " MONTREAL. EE ------

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