Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Aug 1917, p. 7

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It Bavings save what 11 Dranghes in Toronto, ESTABLISHED THE 1885. # easier to make money Account at Podcion Increased effort ar nd elpt- clency in labor, . ofiy and less waste building up capital or work and greatér savings will enrich you and Your country The men and WwWo- men at home must produce more to cover war's waste. A help than to sive it The Bank of Toronto will ir Increased effost provides. 119 Branches In Canada, BANK IK or TORONTO FOR SALE We have a row of four brick houses, town, to the south of Princess street. down If you are interested in a good revenue producing property, "you had better give us a call and we will be pleased | 25° to give you all information. "THE J.K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 Closely Related There's a closer relationship be- tween feed, poultry and dollars than you may suspect. Right feed means better birds, quicker returns and more money. For biggér dividends on your poultry, let us supply your feed. The kind you need is here, and our advice is free for the asking. W. F. McBROOM 42-44 Princess Street. "The Average Housewife Is deeply Interested in where she|[| can procure Preserving and Pickling || Requisites at moderate prices and at the same time. procure the best that money can buy. A giimpas at our "UPPER WIN- " will suflice. Hoag' 3 brug Store Mane + Extra Choicest Japan (Green) Tea, in'5 Ib Boxes, $1.50 Lipton's Plantation Brand Black Tea, In 2) I Tus $1.40, When you require Tes - GORDON'S. " ia the place to get it. Cor. and Montreal Btreets. ind Phone 88. Flowers Dall | Desi ns and Wedding quets to Order. FOR SALE Three Used Cars Ford, McLaughlin and Studebaker. BOYD'S GARAGE 129 Brock St. - Phone 201. Special Prices in French Mushrooms and all sgensonable fruits, ii bh s! 210 Division 8t. "Phone 545 FARM STOCK AND MACHINERY There will be sold by Public Auction, at the Residence of Richard T. Shortell, Woodburn Road, Pitts. Wurg, Tuesday, Sept 4th. Commencing at 1 o'clock k Sharp, the following : Twenty tof Vu olstedn cows, 1 pure bred Holst Sul, black mare, 5 year old; cdhestout 6 year old: brown mare, 10 year pr 1 mare 8 shoats, with foal; year old colt, he] 150 Bure bred wiyte and and le nails, hi straw s, s pn io ito der, ns, n a robes. "Flow (98K © TR TI0 P.M. 4 THE DAILY LY BRrfisH OPERA] HOUSE PLACE IN THE CITY! COOLES CONTINUOUS A230 PN. D aily SNNO0LS POLITE VAUDEVILLE A Five Act Photoplay June Caprice, in "Patsy." The Pathe News, Comedy and Other Features. Mon., Tues., and Wed. POLITE VAUDEVILLE A Five-Act Photoplay Emmy Whelen, in "Sowers and Reapers" The Pathe News, Comedy and Other 10 er Evening 10¢; Any Seat JV. Reserved, Sc Extra Sec Extra Viatinee Amy Seat Margaret ilhington, in "The Inner' Shrine" Ruth Roland, in "The Neglected Wife" VAUDEVILLE oo Yrices: Mat. 10e; beh: Mai. 100; Evening Ul 15e. STRAND Thursday, Friday and Satur FEATURE PHOTOPLA Shirley Mason, i in "Light in Darkness." Ford Sterling, in "Her Torpedoed Love" A two-part Keystone Comedy ~~ Other Good Reels. Matinee io Matinee 0c; Evening 1c = Evening 15e¢ P ¥% Lake Ontario ARR Tonight ™ 7 tw at 8.30 HIGH CLASS 'VAUDEVILLE FEATURE PHOTOPLAYS All Next Week Feature Photoplays Comedy and Pathe Gazette. All Seats Free. Baseball Victorias vs. Athletics Saturdas Sept. 1st. CRICKET FIELD. SS. THOUSAND IS- LANDER TRIPS FOR THIS WEEK. Saturday, Sept. 1st, through the Sengs, leaving at 2 p.m. Fare CH a CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. David MoCrow, Catar- aqui, wish to express their thanks and ®ppreciation for the ndness 'shown them since their recent disastrous fire. hs Auction Sale OF FURNITURE Pv drineest Street, Saturday, Sept. Int, No ALLEN, The Telephone ee ashi ser [1 nour nat sar 13 hon he Risin NE, approved. joint LR in- ving 'sold my farm everything ust be sold without reserve. " RICHARD T. SHOWER Griffin'S : CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, 1c 8 word. Each con secutiye insertion thereafter, huif- 1 i { HELP WANTED A HOUSEMAID WITH REFERENCES Apply Mrs, Carson, 72 Barrie St S0c; six $1; one month, $2. HELP WANTED APPLY A GOOD DRIVER. JAMES Redd. TWO BELL HOYS., APPLY FRON- tenac Hotel pmy en WANTED, i's Grocery. APPLY GI A GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. HIGHEST WAGES, | 305 Alfred St. neath Se we CHAMBER MAID AND DINING ROOM girl, Apply Frontenac Hotel SMART BOY P00 DRIVE DELIVERY waggon: also girl for store at Carnovsky"s, "On the Corner" AN EXPERIENCED MAID FOR GEN-| eral housework. Apply Mrs, Jas | R. arl street. MAID GENERAL, Apply Mrs. Conroy, Henderson, 117 good active boy ma Nie Department, Good wages and steady employment. Apply British Whig Office. A TRUSTWORTHY WOMAN TO general housework by the day. ply Box 38¢ Whig Office. AT ONCE, COMPETENT GENERAL | servar highest wages. Apply | Mrs. Third, 12 Wellington st 4 MAN WANTED TO WORK ON COUN erusher, 30 cents per hour. 3 to G. Traves, on the job near Bat- tersea. ' po Ap- Fy TEPTEPETYY 1 Yardman, 1 Fireman, 1 Carrier. James Swift & Co, Limited Boies eed die oes he oe oie oe i oe sie ok TEP PETITIVE PTITRITIIENTT EXPERIENCED GENERAL WITH RE- ferences. Apply between seven and eight, evenings, Mrs. A. W. Brown, 144 Barrie street GIRLS FOR WORK ROOM NICE, vleasant work Apply Miss Mac- Callum, N. A. Polbon Ceo., Ontario street, . ie A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT; PLAIN cook; no washing or lroning; three in family ; highest wages. Apply Box 3808, Whig Office. $5 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS GREETING oard sample bookifree; representa- tives already making five to ten dollars dally. Bradley-Garretson's, Brantford Ontario, WANTED, TWO OR THREE dlass all round machinists; new tools, modern shop; steady job and good pay to right men, C. Wil. son & Co, Belleville, Ont, STEACY'S WANT TWO SMART BOYS,GOOD WAGES. APPLY "SATURDAY BE- TWEEN, 9.00 and 10.00. AMAZING SELLER~-TABLETS THAT wash clothes spotléssly clean I out rubbing. Promise to soliei ders with tem cents will Nine samples for four washings. Make dollar an hour. Bradley's Co. Brantford, Ont. WANTED BY A LARGE RETAIL house, competent lady stenogra- her, must have good handwriting, e quick and accurate at figures and able to assist on books. Good prospects for right party. An' wiiting, stating age, ence, if any, and salar, to Box 307, care Whig Apply experi nabected, | PRAMSTER Apply 320 Eari street. { MESSENGER BOYS WANTED, APPLY G:N.W. Telegraph office, 34 Clar- ence street. | AN EXPERIENCED SALESLADY AND apprentice. Apply Gedye Millinery, 178 Wellington street. GOOD COOK GENERAL, $20.00 PER month. Smal Pam aly Apply at once to Box 48, Napanee, Ontario. (MARRIED MAN) TO city. Stead, Apply R. drive sand to the work the year round Fair, Kingstor Station. MAID FOR GENERAL work. References required. ply to Mes. W. T. street, A Hur: se. Ap Qonne ll, 1 Aron YOUNG WAN AS CLERK IN PLUMB: ing department; must 'heave fair education and be willing te work Apply McKelvey and Birch, Lad. GIRLS! With or without experience, on A PARCEL OF found in our store & Shaw KNITTING Newman FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. -TISED FREE, Anyone finding anything and wighing to reach the owner may do so by reporting the faots to The British Whig. he adver- tisement will be printed in this column free of charge, ' "Found articles" does mot In- clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, «te. These fost, may be ads riley tor in the "Lost" column. --_-- LOST. A BLACK POINTED BAR PIN SET with pearls, valued as a keepsake. Finder return to this office BLACK THORN STICK ON MONDAY afternoon in one of the stores be- tween Montreal and King streets. Finder kindly return to 30 John street. Reward. LOST OR STOLEN. sewing and kaitting Light work; highest wages paid while learning. Apply Kingston Hosiery, WANTED GENERAL A SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE OR flat. Phone 1397 or apply to Box 42, Whig Office. BY SEPTEMBER IST, A SMALL FUR. nished house, central location, Ap- ply Box X.Y.Z, Whig Office. SECOND-HAND UPRIGET PIANOS, for cash or in pant payment of new pianos and Vietrolas. C. W. Lind~ say, Limited, 121 Princess street. COLLEGIATE PUPILS, OR school tel two well heated fur- wished rooms, with use of kitchen for Hght housekeeping, State price. Aply Box 830 Whig office. OFFICER, FURNISHED HOUSE, referably with small grounds or at, furnished or unfurnished, Pos- session about Oct. 15th. State full Ranticwlars. Apply Box RLF, Whig Office. TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER- chants and business men in East- ern Ontario can Saunect with a ocd side LL) A. applying to Box WwW. Whi ce. rictly ecou« fidential WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF hand furniture, heaters, clothes, etc. We alo have mn, the second-hand Sua iro, 45 Prin- cess street. Phone 3 37. WANTBED=-OLD FALSE don't métter if broken. te $15 set. Send Teceive check mall. F. Terl, 403 N. Battimore, Md. FRET 1 i by ol b return olfe Bt, MUSIC GRACE E. CLOUGH, L.T.C.M. GOLD medalist, geacher of pianoforte playing and theory of music. Ad. dress, 23 Pine street, Kingston. PEARL A. NESBITT, LT.CM, CON- tralto, Sree and: divector of Meth. church. Teacher of SB organ and voice produc- tion. Supils prepared To» row Senay 0" Johnson BUSINESS CHANCES INVESTORS WARNING DONS INVEST <ne cent until vou read Successful Finance, and learn how fortunes are mi and lost by lavestors. Free t subne 1.) Finance, 6 tern n. Coons Dearborg St. FURNITURE FINISHING A P. DRISCOV.L, FURNITURE FINISH. ar. uly or drop a card. 2% John street. RT ane street, Kingsto Be WANTED 200 men and women for Canning fry, 0 wee on day and sight shifts, Work: order--feeding the soldiers at A BLACK COLLIE DOG WITH WHITE collar and ohest and white tip to tail; one white fore-leg; legs tan and white, eyes. Auswers to nanre of "Pounce." Anyone having informa- tion ooncerning this dog kindly notify Prof. Ss, F. Kirkpatrick, Kensington Avenue. mm the other tan spots over FOR SALE BSN EFFECTIVE ADVTS. Httle. Snes 8 three tines 6 Soc: one week, $1 ALMOST NEW STEEL RANGE, APPLY 114 Clarence Street. ANTIQUE ROSEWOOD ROOKCASE, Apply J. Reid, 254 Princess street. ONE-TON SANFORD MOTOR Truck in first class condition. Ap- Brag to Vs G. Craig & Co., or Boyd's A AENUING GRAPHONOLA AND TEN selections, Jour own cholce, $27.60, Terms: $5 cash, $1 per week. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St, A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN. clding the famous Athlete, Over- land and Perfect Models; also tires and bicycle accessories. George Muller, 373 King St. Phone 1082, GASOLINE PUMPS AND TANKS, CAT- alogue and prices malled upon re- quest; secure our prices before pur- chasing. Wayne OM Tank and ai Ry Company, Limited, Hamil on GOC™ GENFRAL STORY, AND DWEL. lng, with stable, drive shed, Ice nouse; and other out buildings; al] in first class repsir. Tn village of Battersea. 'wner in poor health; f real bargain for quick buyer, Ap- ply to Mrs, M, Lake, Battersea, Ont LARGE STOCK OF EXTENSION TA. chairs, | LARGE FIVE ROOMED APARTMENT. plete. Apply Box $0, Whig. OFF) IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. . Apply to A. B. Cunningham, 78 Clarence street. UNFURNISHED FOUR-ROOMED FLAT heat and light. Aply Bex' No. 310, Whig Office, A AA A STORAGE FOR | URNITURE OR MER- 'chandise, clean and dry. McCanns Real Estate Agency, 8% Brock St. Phones 326 or 621. T™o FURNISHED AND ONE UNFUR- suitable for lHght Apply' Box 882 CoOM- Viig Of STORAGE FOR FURNITURS, CLEAN dry, any rooms; your own lock and Key. vost'y Clty Storage, Queen Strot Phone 528; res. 989, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE OR MER- chamdise. Dry and clean; also good cartage svstem in connection. FE, Wathen, 442 Albert street. Phone 262. ce, HOUSE, ments, central BRICK HOUSE, HE provenre nts, stable Oot, 1st FURNISHED HOUSB, OCT. April 1st. PRINCIPALS ONLY DEALT WITH IN person. HOUSES FOR SALE, $400 TO $10,000, some bargains, GEO. A, BATEMAN, REAL ESTATE and Insurance Money Agency, 87 Clarence St ALL IMPROVE. NORT H END, 10 roms, ALL with 1ST TO , Kingston FARM FOR SALE. * FARM, NORTH HALF a 1h, 4TH concession, township Pittsburg, 100 acres, more or less, well water ed, well fencéd, good bulldings. convenient to school, church and cheese factory; best farm in town. ship. Poassesston in September. Ap- ply, Thomas Todd, Lockmaster, Brewer's Mills, Ont, ONE HUNDRED ACRE FARM, IN township of Pittsburg," all wopk- able land, convenient to cheese faotory, church and. school; well watered; good buildings and silo, known as the David Rea Farm. For further particelars apply to Thomas McNeely, Owner, Yarker Post Office. FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment Soclety; Pe Wy received dv for at allow: manager, 87 faronoe i LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Fire Inguinnde Company. Aveliebie assets $61,187,216. In addition to which the poleyhold fo security th P old or givin rates from ge & Agents. Phone 33! bles and dining also t We buy . uv H Sabinets, spr mattresses. ail kinds of of second hand furniture, Tn a Princess street, Phone 1600, -- AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE The best of service. Also large quantity of repair parts stock for Saxon SITET SEPP P PP eee 1 DR. H. 8. ANGROVE, PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon, 95 Clergy street (near hy fice Dh Hours 2 to 4; 7 to 9. Of ohe 2163; residence 1783. 1 PERSONAL DR. REEVE, Nerve of experience .enables fcult cases suc- Call, or state case by ter. 18 Curiton Street, Toromto, BOARD AND ROOMS. FIRST OLASS WOARD every Som enlencer Cantal Won tion, Apply 243 & POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. L DENTAL CRT i i ToS HAIN, h NOLES, WARTS, ona THMARKS BIR all growths and skin blem- ut SCAT; i Sears experi 4 or. erien Best, a LL ie Er ' n t, Bt an n Bpecialis 252 ED NEAR TO 42s. PRE._IP SPARKS, AND fon pres @ C wr Devas. "PDs. ad

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